Electrical Engineering, Testamur Major (T102)

  • Western Sydney University Major Code: T102

Previous Code:  KT3172, MT3053

Available to students in other Western Sydney University programs?  No

Handbook Summary

Summary 2022-2023

The Electrical Engineering major includes core subjects from all branches of electrical engineering.  Graduates will work in the fields of electronic components, computers, electro-magnetics, power generation and distribution systems, power and control in public utilities, telecommunications, manufacturing, and electrical systems. This major includes a mandatory 12-week industrial placement as a completion requirement.

Summary 2024

The Electrical Engineering major includes core subjects from all branches of electrical engineering.  Graduates will work in the fields of electronic components, computers, electro-magnetics, power generation and distribution systems, power and control in public utilities, telecommunications, manufacturing, and electrical systems. All students complete a mandatory 300 to 450 hour industrial placement.


Campus Mode Advice
Parramatta Campus - Victoria Road Internal Major Advice
Parramatta City Campus-Macquarie Street Internal Major advice
Penrith Campus Internal Major Advice
Sydney City Campus* Internal Major Advice
Surabaya Campus - Indonesia Internal Major Advice

Curriculum delivered through an agreement with another party

Major Sequence Current

This major sequence applies to students who commenced in 2024 or later. If you commenced prior to 2024 please refer to the Sequence 2022-23 tab for details.

This major is included in Bachelor of Engineering Science, Bachelor of Engineering (Honours), Bachelor of Engineering Advanced (Honours) and Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Business.

Please follow the recommended sequence for your program as noted below.

Bachelor of Engineering Science (3691)

This major will be offered at Parramatta South, Penrith, Sydney City and Surabaya Indonesia campuses.

Qualification for this award requires the successful completion of 240 credit points, which include the subjects listed in the recommended sequence below.

* All students undertaking the Bachelor of Engineering Science are required to enrol in MATH 1021 Mathematics for Engineers Preliminary and undertake a readiness test at the beginning of their study.

The readiness test will be conducted at the beginning of the first semester of enrolment and the result will be used to determine whether a student will remain in MATH 1021 Mathematics for Engineers Preliminary or be transferred by the School to MATH 1016 Mathematics for Engineers 1.

Students remaining in MATH 1021 Mathematics for Engineers Preliminary will be required to complete MATH 1016 Mathematics for Engineers 1 during second semester and will be encouraged to complete MATH 1019 Mathematics for Engineers 2 during the Summer session.

Students who finish MATH 1021 Mathematics for Engineers Preliminary will then use this subject as an elective.

Start-year intake

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Autumn sessionCredit Points
ELEC 1006 Engineering Computing 10
ENGR 1011 Engineering Physics 10
ENGR 1024 Introduction to Engineering Practice 10
Select one of the following: 10
Mathematics for Engineers Preliminary  
Mathematics for Engineers 1  
 Credit Points40
Spring session
ELEC 1003 Electrical Fundamentals 10
ENGR 1018 Fundamentals of Mechanics 10
PROC 1008 Introduction to Materials Engineering 10
Select one of the following: 10
Mathematics for Engineers 2  
Mathematics for Engineers 1  
 Credit Points40
Year 2
Autumn session
ENGR 3029 Specialisation Workshop 1 10
ELEC 2001 Circuit Theory 10
ELEC 2011 Signals and Systems 10
ELEC 1001 Digital Systems 1 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
ENGR 3030 Specialisation Workshop 2 10
ELEC 2009 Microprocessor Systems 10
ELEC 3011 Power and Machines 10
ENGR 3006 Control Systems 10
 Credit Points40
Year 3
Autumn session
ENGR 3013 Engineering Science Project 1 10
ELEC 3001 Communication Systems 10
ELEC 3006 Electrical Machines 1 10
ELEC 2004 Electronics 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
ENGR 3014 Engineering Science Project 2 10
ELEC 3003 Digital Signal Processing 10
Select two electives (Level 2 or higher) 20
Industrial Experience  
ENGR 2033 Industrial Experience (Engineering Technologist) 0
 Credit Points40
 Total Credit Points240

Mid-year intake

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Spring sessionCredit Points
ELEC 1003 Electrical Fundamentals 10
ENGR 1018 Fundamentals of Mechanics 10
PROC 1008 Introduction to Materials Engineering 10
Select one of the following: 10
Mathematics for Engineers Preliminary  
Mathematics for Engineers 1  
 Credit Points40
Autumn session
ELEC 1006 Engineering Computing 10
ENGR 1011 Engineering Physics 10
ENGR 1024 Introduction to Engineering Practice 10
Select one of the following: 10
Mathematics for Engineers 2  
Mathematics for Engineers 1  
 Credit Points40
Year 2
Spring session
ENGR 3029 Specialisation Workshop 1 10
ELEC 2009 Microprocessor Systems 10
ELEC 3011 Power and Machines 10
ENGR 3006 Control Systems 10
 Credit Points40
Autumn session
ENGR 3030 Specialisation Workshop 2 10
ELEC 2001 Circuit Theory 10
ELEC 2011 Signals and Systems 10
ELEC 1001 Digital Systems 1 10
 Credit Points40
Year 3
Spring session
ENGR 3013 Engineering Science Project 1 10
ELEC 3003 Digital Signal Processing 10
Select two electives (Level 2 or higher) 20
 Credit Points40
Autumn session
ENGR 3014 Engineering Science Project 2 10
ELEC 3001 Communication Systems 10
ELEC 3006 Electrical Machines 1 10
ELEC 2004 Electronics 10
Industrial Experience  
ENGR 2033 Industrial Experience (Engineering Technologist) 0
 Credit Points40
 Total Credit Points240

Surabaya Campus Indonesia

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1Credit Points
Semester 1  
MATH 1016 Mathematics for Engineers 1 10
ELEC 1003 Electrical Fundamentals 10
ENGR 1018 Fundamentals of Mechanics 10
ENGR 1011 Engineering Physics 10
CULT 1030 Pancasila 5
Semester 2  
MATH 1019 Mathematics for Engineers 2 10
ELEC 1006 Engineering Computing 10
ENGR 1024 Introduction to Engineering Practice 10
ELEC 1001 Digital Systems 1 10
CULT 1031 Civic Education 5
 Credit Points90
Year 2
Semester 3  
ENGR 3029 Specialisation Workshop 1 10
PROC 1008 Introduction to Materials Engineering 10
ELEC 2009 Microprocessor Systems 10
TBAIndonesian Language 5
Semester 4  
ENGR 3030 Specialisation Workshop 2 10
ELEC 2001 Circuit Theory 10
ELEC 2011 Signals and Systems 10
TBAReligion 5
 Credit Points70
Year 3
Semester 5  
ENGR 3013 Engineering Science Project 1 10
ELEC 3011 Power and Machines 10
ELEC 3003 Digital Signal Processing 10
ENGR 3006 Control Systems 10
Semester 6  
ENGR 3014 Engineering Science Project 2 10
ELEC 3001 Communication Systems 10
ELEC 3006 Electrical Machines 1 10
ELEC 2004 Electronics 10
Industrial Experience  
ENGR 2033 Industrial Experience (Engineering Technologist) 0
 Credit Points80
 Total Credit Points240

Bachelor of Engineering Advanced (Honours) (3771)

Qualification for this award requires the successful completion of 320 credit points, which include the subjects listed in the recommended sequence below.

** Electives must be Level 2 or higher 

Start-year intake

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Autumn sessionCredit Points
MATH 1034 Mathematics for Engineers 1 (Advanced) 10
ENGR 1024 Introduction to Engineering Practice 10
ENGR 1047 Advanced Engineering Physics 1 10
ELEC 1006 Engineering Computing 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
ELEC 1003 Electrical Fundamentals 10
MATH 1035 Mathematics for Engineers 2 (Advanced) 10
ENGR 2023 Advanced Engineering Physics 2 10
ENGR 1018 Fundamentals of Mechanics 10
 Credit Points40
Year 2
Autumn session
ELEC 2001 Circuit Theory 10
ELEC 1001 Digital Systems 1 10
ELEC 2004 Electronics 10
ELEC 2011 Signals and Systems 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
ELEC 2009 Microprocessor Systems 10
ELEC 3011 Power and Machines 10
COMP 2008 Computer Organisation 10
Select one elective** or Minor subject 10
Students who fail to maintain a minimum GPA of 5.0 at the end of completion of 160 Credit Points, and again at the completion of 200 Credit points will be automatically transferred to the B. Engineering (Honours) (3740) program.  
 Credit Points40
Year 3
Autumn session
ELEC 3001 Communication Systems 10
ELEC 3006 Electrical Machines 1 10
BUSM 2049 Creative and Innovative Thinkers 10
Select one elective** or Minor subjects 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
ELEC 3009 Power Systems 10
ELEC 3003 Digital Signal Processing 10
ELEC 3005 Electrical Drives 10
From Spring 2022 ELEC 3005 is replaced with ELEC 4008 Electrical Drives  
ELEC 3004 Digital Systems 2 10
Industrial Experience  
ENGR 3017 Industrial Experience (Engineering) 0
 Credit Points40
Year 4
Autumn session
ELEC 4002 Power Electronics 10
ENGR 4043Advanced Engineering Thesis 1: Preliminary Investigations 20
Select one elective** or Minor subject 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
ELEC 4009 Instrumentation and Measurement 10
ENGR 4044Advanced Engineering Thesis 2: Detailed Investigations 20
Select one elective** or Minor subject 10
 Credit Points40
 Total Credit Points320

Optional Elective

The following subject is an optional elective subject, offered to students who are engaged in a School approved project. This subject can be taken during the third year of this program, however, permission is required to enrol in the subject.

ENGR 3022 Special Technical Project 

Equivalent Subjects  

The subjects listed below count towards completion of this program for students who passed these subjects in 2023 or earlier. 

BUSM 2047 Venture Makers Foundations, replaced by BUSM 2049 Creative and Innovative Thinkers


Mid-year intake

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Spring sessionCredit Points
MATH 1034 Mathematics for Engineers 1 (Advanced) 10
ELEC 1003 Electrical Fundamentals 10
ENGR 2023 Advanced Engineering Physics 2 10
ENGR 1018 Fundamentals of Mechanics 10
 Credit Points40
Autumn session
MATH 1035 Mathematics for Engineers 2 (Advanced) 10
ELEC 1001 Digital Systems 1 10
ENGR 1047 Advanced Engineering Physics 1 10
ELEC 1006 Engineering Computing 10
 Credit Points40
Year 2
Spring session
ELEC 2011 Signals and Systems 10
ELEC 2009 Microprocessor Systems 10
COMP 2008 Computer Organisation 10
ENGR 1024 Introduction to Engineering Practice 10
 Credit Points40
Autumn session
ELEC 2001 Circuit Theory 10
ELEC 2004 Electronics 10
Select two electives** or Minor subjects 20
Students who fail to maintain a minimum GPA of 5.0 at the end of completion of 160 Credit Points, and again at the completion of 200 Credit points will be automatically transferred to the B. Engineering (Honours) (3740) program.  
 Credit Points40
Year 3
Spring session
ELEC 3009 Power Systems 10
ELEC 3003 Digital Signal Processing 10
ELEC 3011 Power and Machines 10
ELEC 3004 Digital Systems 2 10
 Credit Points40
Autumn session
ELEC 3001 Communication Systems 10
ELEC 3006 Electrical Machines 1 10
BUSM 2049 Creative and Innovative Thinkers 10
Select one elective** or Minor subject 10
Industrial Experience  
ENGR 3017 Industrial Experience (Engineering) 0
 Credit Points40
Year 4
Spring session
ENGR 4043Advanced Engineering Thesis 1: Preliminary Investigations 20
ELEC 4009 Instrumentation and Measurement 10
ELEC 3005 Electrical Drives 10
From Spring 2022 ELEC 3005 is replaced with ELEC 4008 Electrical Drives  
 Credit Points40
Autumn session
ENGR 4044Advanced Engineering Thesis 2: Detailed Investigations 20
ELEC 4002 Power Electronics 10
Select one elective** or minor subject 10
 Credit Points40
 Total Credit Points320

Optional Elective

The following subject is an optional elective unit offered to students who are engaged in a School approved project. This subject can be taken during the third year of this program, however, permission is required to enrol in the subject.

ENGR 3022 Special Technical Project 

Equivalent Subjects  

The subjects listed below count towards completion of this program for students who passed these subjects in 2023 or earlier. 

BUSM 2047 Venture Makers Foundations, replaced by BUSM 2049 Creative and Innovative Thinkers

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (3740)

Qualification for this award requires the successful completion of 320 credit points which include the subjects listed in the recommended sequences below.

* All students undertaking the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) are required to enrol in MATH 1021 Mathematics for Engineers Preliminary and undertake a readiness test at the beginning of their study.

The readiness test will be conducted at the beginning of the first semester of enrolment and the result will be used to determine whether a student will remain in MATH 1021 Mathematics for Engineers Preliminary or be transferred by the School to MATH 1016 Mathematics for Engineers 1.

Students remaining in MATH 1021 Mathematics for Engineers Preliminary will be required to complete MATH 1016 Mathematics for Engineers 1 during second semester and will be encouraged to complete MATH 1019 Mathematics for Engineers 2 during the Summer session.

** Electives must be Level 2 or higher (An exception applies for students completing MATH 1021 Mathematics for Engineers Preliminary. This subject will then count as one of the elective subjects)

Start-year intake

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Autumn sessionCredit Points
ENGR 1011 Engineering Physics 10
ENGR 1024 Introduction to Engineering Practice 10
ELEC 1006 Engineering Computing 10
Select one of the following: 10
Mathematics for Engineers Preliminary  
Mathematics for Engineers 1  
 Credit Points40
Spring session
ENGR 1018 Fundamentals of Mechanics 10
ELEC 1003 Electrical Fundamentals 10
PROC 1008 Introduction to Materials Engineering 10
Select one of the following: 10
Mathematics for Engineers 2  
Mathematics for Engineers 1  
 Credit Points40
Year 2
Autumn session
ELEC 2001 Circuit Theory 10
ELEC 2004 Electronics 10
ELEC 2011 Signals and Systems 10
ELEC 1001 Digital Systems 1 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
ELEC 2009 Microprocessor Systems 10
ELEC 2006 Engineering Electromagnetics 10
ELEC 3011 Power and Machines 10
ENGR 3006 Control Systems 10
 Credit Points40
Year 3
Autumn session
ELEC 3001 Communication Systems 10
ELEC 3006 Electrical Machines 1 10
ELEC 2007 Engineering Visualization 10
Select one elective** or major subject 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
ELEC 3002 Data Communications 10
ELEC 3003 Digital Signal Processing 10
ELEC 3004 Digital Systems 2 10
Select one elective** or major subject 10
Industrial Experience  
ENGR 3017 Industrial Experience (Engineering) 0
 Credit Points40
Year 4
Autumn session
ELEC 4002 Power Electronics 10
ENGR 4041Final Year Project 1 (UG Engineering) 20
Select one elective** or major subject 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
ELEC 4009 Instrumentation and Measurement 10
ENGR 4042Final Year Project 2 (UG Engineering) 20
Select one elective** or major subject 10
 Credit Points40
 Total Credit Points320

Mid-year intake

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Spring sessionCredit Points
ENGR 1018 Fundamentals of Mechanics 10
ELEC 1003 Electrical Fundamentals 10
PROC 1008 Introduction to Materials Engineering 10
Select one of the following: 10
Mathematics for Engineers Preliminary  
Mathematics for Engineers 1  
 Credit Points40
Autumn session
ENGR 1011 Engineering Physics 10
ELEC 1006 Engineering Computing 10
ELEC 1001 Digital Systems 1 10
Select one of the following: 10
Mathematics for Engineers 2  
Mathematics for Engineers 1  
 Credit Points40
Year 2
Spring session
ELEC 2009 Microprocessor Systems 10
ELEC 2006 Engineering Electromagnetics 10
ELEC 3004 Digital Systems 2 10
Select one elective** or major subject 10
 Credit Points40
Autumn session
ELEC 2011 Signals and Systems 10
ELEC 2004 Electronics 10
ELEC 2001 Circuit Theory 10
ENGR 1024 Introduction to Engineering Practice 10
 Credit Points40
Year 3
Spring session
ELEC 3002 Data Communications 10
ELEC 3003 Digital Signal Processing 10
ELEC 3011 Power and Machines 10
ENGR 3006 Control Systems 10
 Credit Points40
Autumn session
ELEC 3001 Communication Systems 10
ELEC 3006 Electrical Machines 1 10
ELEC 2007 Engineering Visualization 10
Select one elective** or major subject 10
Industrial Experience  
ENGR 3017 Industrial Experience (Engineering) 0
 Credit Points40
Year 4
Spring session
ELEC 4009 Instrumentation and Measurement 10
ENGR 4041Final Year Project 1 (UG Engineering) 20
Select one elective** or major subject 10
 Credit Points40
Autumn session
ELEC 4002 Power Electronics 10
ENGR 4042Final Year Project 2 (UG Engineering) 20
Select one elective** or major subject 10
 Credit Points40
 Total Credit Points320

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Business (3800)

Qualification for this award requires the successful completion of 440 credit points, which include the subjects listed in the recommended sequence below.

Start-year intake

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Autumn sessionCredit Points
MATH 1016 Mathematics for Engineers 1 10
ENGR 1011 Engineering Physics 10
BBus Core Subject 1 10
BBus Core Subject 2 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
MATH 1019 Mathematics for Engineers 2 10
PROC 1008 Introduction to Materials Engineering 10
BBus Core Subject 3 10
BBus Core Subject 4 10
 Credit Points40
Year 2
Autumn session
ELEC 1006 Engineering Computing 10
ENGR 1024 Introduction to Engineering Practice 10
ELEC 1001 Digital Systems 1 10
BBus Major Subject 1 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
ELEC 1003 Electrical Fundamentals 10
ENGR 1018 Fundamentals of Mechanics 10
BBus Major Subject 2 10
BBus Major Subject 3 10
 Credit Points40
Year 3
Autumn session
ELEC 2004 Electronics 10
ELEC 2001 Circuit Theory 10
ELEC 2011 Signals and Systems 10
BBus Professional Subject 1 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
ELEC 2009 Microprocessor Systems 10
ELEC 3011 Power and Machines 10
ELEC 3002 Data Communications 10
BBus Major Subject 4 10
 Credit Points40
Year 4
Autumn session
ELEC 3001 Communication Systems 10
ELEC 2007 Engineering Visualization 10
BBus Professional Subject 2 10
BBus Major Subject 5 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
ELEC 2006 Engineering Electromagnetics 10
ENGR 3006 Control Systems 10
ELEC 3003 Digital Signal Processing 10
BBus Major Subject 6 10
Industrial Experience  
ENGR 3017 Industrial Experience (Engineering) 0
 Credit Points40
Year 5
Autumn session
ELEC 3006 Electrical Machines 1 10
BBus Professional Subject 3 10
BBus Major Subject 7 10
BBus Major Subject 8 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
ELEC 4009 Instrumentation and Measurement 10
ENGR 4041 Final Year Project 1 (UG Engineering) 20
BBus Professional Subject 4 10
 Credit Points40
Year 6
Autumn session
ELEC 4002 Power Electronics 10
ELEC 3004 Digital Systems 2 10
ENGR 4042Final Year Project 2 (UG Engineering) 20
 Credit Points40
 Total Credit Points440

Major Sequence 2022-23

If you commenced in 2024 or later please refer to the Sequence 2024 tab for details.

This major is included in Bachelor of Engineering Science, Bachelor of Engineering (Honours), Bachelor of Engineering Advanced (Honours) and Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Business.

Please follow the recommended sequence for your program as noted below.

3691 Bachelor of Engineering Science

This major will be offered at Parramatta South, Penrith and Sydney City campuses

Qualification for this award requires the successful completion of 240 credit points, which include the subjects listed in the recommended sequence below.

* All students undertaking the Bachelor of Engineering Science are required to enrol in MATH 1021 Mathematics for Engineers Preliminary and undertake a readiness test at the beginning of their study.

The readiness test will be conducted at the beginning of the first semester of enrolment and the result will be used to determine whether a student will remain in MATH 1021 Mathematics for Engineers Preliminary or be transferred by the School to MATH 1016 Mathematics for Engineers 1.

Students remaining in MATH 1021 Mathematics for Engineers Preliminary will be required to complete MATH 1016 Mathematics for Engineers 1 during second semester and will be encouraged to complete MATH 1019 Mathematics for Engineers 2 during the Summer session.

Students who finish MATH 1021 Mathematics for Engineers Preliminary will then use this subject as an elective.

Start-year intake

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Autumn sessionCredit Points
Select one of the following: 10
Mathematics for Engineers Preliminary  
Mathematics for Engineers 1  
ELEC 1006 Engineering Computing 10
ENGR 1011 Engineering Physics 10
ENGR 1024 Introduction to Engineering Practice 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
Select one of the following: 10
Mathematics for Engineers 2  
Mathematics for Engineers 1  
ELEC 1003 Electrical Fundamentals 10
ENGR 1018 Fundamentals of Mechanics 10
Select one elective 10
 Credit Points40
Year 2
Autumn session
ENGR 3029 Specialisation Workshop 1 10
ELEC 2001 Circuit Theory 10
ELEC 2011 Signals and Systems 10
ELEC 1001 Digital Systems 1 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
ENGR 3030 Specialisation Workshop 2 10
ELEC 2009 Microprocessor Systems 10
ELEC 3011 Power and Machines 10
ENGR 3006 Control Systems 10
 Credit Points40
Year 3
Autumn session
ENGR 3013 Engineering Science Project 1 10
ELEC 3001 Communication Systems 10
ELEC 3006 Electrical Machines 1 10
ELEC 2004 Electronics 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
ENGR 3014 Engineering Science Project 2 10
ELEC 3009 Power Systems 10
ELEC 3003 Digital Signal Processing 10
Select one elective (Level 2 or higher) 10
Industrial Experience  
ENGR 2033 Industrial Experience (Engineering Technologist) 0
 Credit Points40
 Total Credit Points240

Mid-year intake

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Spring sessionCredit Points
Select one of the following: 10
Mathematics for Engineers Preliminary  
Mathematics for Engineers 1  
ELEC 1003 Electrical Fundamentals 10
ENGR 1018 Fundamentals of Mechanics 10
ENGR 1024 Introduction to Engineering Practice 10
 Credit Points40
Autumn session
Select one of the following: 10
Mathematics for Engineers 2  
Mathematics for Engineers 1  
ELEC 1006 Engineering Computing 10
ENGR 1011 Engineering Physics 10
Select one elective 10
  • Elective unit must be Level 1 or higher
 Credit Points40
Year 2
Spring session
ENGR 3029 Specialisation Workshop 1 10
ELEC 2009 Microprocessor Systems 10
ELEC 3011 Power and Machines 10
ENGR 3006 Control Systems 10
 Credit Points40
Autumn session
ENGR 3030 Specialisation Workshop 2 10
ELEC 2001 Circuit Theory 10
ELEC 2011 Signals and Systems 10
ELEC 1001 Digital Systems 1 10
 Credit Points40
Year 3
Spring session
ENGR 3013 Engineering Science Project 1 10
ELEC 3009 Power Systems 10
ELEC 3003 Digital Signal Processing 10
Select one elective (Level 2 or higher) 10
 Credit Points40
Autumn session
ENGR 3014 Engineering Science Project 2 10
ELEC 3001 Communication Systems 10
ELEC 3006 Electrical Machines 1 10
ELEC 2004 Electronics 10
Industrial Experience  
ENGR 2033 Industrial Experience (Engineering Technologist) 0
 Credit Points40
 Total Credit Points240

3771 Bachelor of Engineering Advanced (Honours)

This major will be offered at Engineering Innovation Hub which is part of Parramatta City campus.

Qualification for this award requires the successful completion of 320 credit points, which include the subjects listed in the recommended sequence below.

Start-year intake

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Autumn sessionCredit Points
MATH 1034 Mathematics for Engineers 1 (Advanced) 10
ENGR 1024 Introduction to Engineering Practice 10
ENGR 1047 Advanced Engineering Physics 1 10
ENGR 1045 Engineering Programming Fundamentals 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
ELEC 1009 Electrical Circuit Fundamentals 10
MATH 1035 Mathematics for Engineers 2 (Advanced) 10
ENGR 2023 Advanced Engineering Physics 2 10
COMP 2008 Computer Organisation 10
 Credit Points40
Year 2
Autumn session
ELEC 2013 Circuits and Signals 10
ELEC 1001 Digital Systems 1 10
ELEC 2004 Electronics 10
ELEC 2014 Mathematics for Electrical Engineers 1 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
ELEC 2009 Microprocessor Systems 10
ELEC 2015 Mathematics for Electrical Engineers 2 10
ELEC 3011 Power and Machines 10
Select one elective 10
Students who fail to maintain a minimum GPA of 5.0 at the end of completion of 160 Credit Points, and again at the completion of 200 Credit points will be automatically transferred to the B. Engineering (Honours) (3740) program.  
 Credit Points40
Year 3
Autumn session
ELEC 3001 Communication Systems 10
ELEC 3006 Electrical Machines 1 10
Select one alternate subject 10
Select one elective 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
ELEC 3009 Power Systems 10
ELEC 3003 Digital Signal Processing 10
ELEC 4008 Electrical Drives 10
Select one elective 10
Industrial Experience  
ENGR 3017 Industrial Experience (Engineering) 0
 Credit Points40
Year 4
Autumn session
ELEC 4002 Power Electronics 10
ENGR 4037 Advanced Engineering Thesis 1: Preliminary Investigations 10
Select one alternate subject 10
Select one elective 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
ELEC 4009 Instrumentation and Measurement 10
ENGR 4036 Advanced Engineering Thesis 2: Detailed Investigations 10
Select two alternate subjects 20
 Credit Points40
 Total Credit Points320

Alternate Subjects

Subject Title Credit Points
HLTH 2003Biomechanics10
ENGR 3003Biomedical Electronics10
ENGR 3004Biomedical Signals and Data Analysis10
ELEC 3002Data Communications10
ELEC 3004Digital Systems 210
ELEC 2007Engineering Visualization10
BIOS 1022Introduction to Human Biology10
ELEC 4003Power Quality10
ELEC 4004Radio and Satellite Communication10
ELEC 4005Smart Grids and Distributed Generation10
ELEC 4006Sustainable Energy Systems10
ELEC 4007Wireless Communications10

Mid-year intake

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Spring sessionCredit Points
MATH 1034 Mathematics for Engineers 1 (Advanced) 10
ELEC 1009 Electrical Circuit Fundamentals 10
ENGR 2023 Advanced Engineering Physics 2 10
ENGR 1024 Introduction to Engineering Practice 10
 Credit Points40
Autumn session
MATH 1035 Mathematics for Engineers 2 (Advanced) 10
ELEC 1001 Digital Systems 1 10
ENGR 1047 Advanced Engineering Physics 1 10
ENGR 1045 Engineering Programming Fundamentals 10
 Credit Points40
Year 2
Spring session
ELEC 2014 Mathematics for Electrical Engineers 1 10
ELEC 2009 Microprocessor Systems 10
COMP 2008 Computer Organisation 10
Select one elective 10
 Credit Points40
Autumn session
ELEC 2015 Mathematics for Electrical Engineers 2 10
ELEC 2013 Circuits and Signals 10
ELEC 2004 Electronics 10
select one elective  
Students who fail to maintain a minimum GPA of 5.0 at the end of completion of 160 Credit Points, and again at the completion of 200 Credit points will be automatically transferred to the B. Engineering (Honours) (3740) program.  
 Credit Points30
Year 3
Spring session
ELEC 3009 Power Systems 10
ELEC 3003 Digital Signal Processing 10
ELEC 3011 Power and Machines 10
Select one alternate subject 10
 Credit Points40
Autumn session
ELEC 3001 Communication Systems 10
ELEC 3006 Electrical Machines 1 10
Select one alternate subject 10
Select one elective 10
Industrial Experience  
ENGR 3017 Industrial Experience (Engineering) 0
 Credit Points40
Year 4
Spring session
ENGR 4037 Advanced Engineering Thesis 1: Preliminary Investigations 10
ELEC 4009 Instrumentation and Measurement 10
ELEC 4008 Electrical Drives 10
Select one alternate subject 10
 Credit Points40
Autumn session
ENGR 4036 Advanced Engineering Thesis 2: Detailed Investigations 10
ELEC 4002 Power Electronics 10
Select one elective 10
Select one alternate subject 10
 Credit Points40
 Total Credit Points310

Alternate Subjects

Subject Title Credit Points
HLTH 2003Biomechanics10
ENGR 3003Biomedical Electronics10
ENGR 3004Biomedical Signals and Data Analysis10
ELEC 3002Data Communications10
ELEC 3004Digital Systems 210
ELEC 2007Engineering Visualization10
BIOS 1022Introduction to Human Biology10
ELEC 4003Power Quality10
ELEC 4004Radio and Satellite Communication10
ELEC 4005Smart Grids and Distributed Generation10
ELEC 4006Sustainable Energy Systems10
ELEC 4007Wireless Communications10

3740 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)

Qualification for this award requires the successful completion of 320 credit points which include the subjects listed in the recommended sequences below.

* All students undertaking the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) are required to enrol in MATH 1021 Mathematics for Engineers Preliminary and undertake a readiness test at the beginning of their study.

The readiness test will be conducted at the beginning of the first semester of enrolment and the result will be used to determine whether a student will remain in MATH 1021 Mathematics for Engineers Preliminary or be transferred by the School to MATH 1016 Mathematics for Engineers 1.

Students remaining in MATH 1021 Mathematics for Engineers Preliminary will be required to complete MATH 1016 Mathematics for Engineers 1 during second semester and will be encouraged to complete MATH 1019 Mathematics for Engineers 2 during the Summer session.

Start-year intake

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Autumn sessionCredit Points
Select one of the following: 10
Mathematics for Engineers Preliminary  
Mathematics for Engineers 1  
ENGR 1011 Engineering Physics 10
ENGR 1024 Introduction to Engineering Practice 10
ELEC 1006 Engineering Computing 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
Select one of the following: 10
Mathematics for Engineers 2  
Mathematics for Engineers 1  
ENGR 1018 Fundamentals of Mechanics 10
ELEC 1003 Electrical Fundamentals 10
Select one elective (Level 1 or higher) 10
 Credit Points40
Year 2
Autumn session
ELEC 2001 Circuit Theory 10
ELEC 2004 Electronics 10
ELEC 2011 Signals and Systems 10
ELEC 1001 Digital Systems 1 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
ELEC 2009 Microprocessor Systems 10
ELEC 2006 Engineering Electromagnetics 10
ELEC 3011 Power and Machines 10
ENGR 3006 Control Systems 10
 Credit Points40
Year 3
Autumn session
ELEC 3001 Communication Systems 10
ELEC 3006 Electrical Machines 1 10
Select one alternate subject 10
Select one elective 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
ELEC 3009 Power Systems 10
ELEC 3003 Digital Signal Processing 10
ELEC 4008 Electrical Drives 10
Select one alternate subject 10
Industrial Experience  
ENGR 3017 Industrial Experience (Engineering) 0
 Credit Points40
Year 4
Autumn session
ELEC 4002 Power Electronics 10
ENGR 4025 Final Year Project 1 (UG Engineering) 10
Select one alternate subject 10
Select one elective 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
ELEC 4009 Instrumentation and Measurement 10
ENGR 4026 Final Year Project 2 (UG Engineering) 10
Select one alternate subject 10
Select one elective 10
 Credit Points40
 Total Credit Points320

Mid-year intake

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Spring sessionCredit Points
Select one of the following: 10
Mathematics for Engineers Preliminary  
Mathematics for Engineers 1  
ENGR 1018 Fundamentals of Mechanics 10
ELEC 1003 Electrical Fundamentals 10
ENGR 1024 Introduction to Engineering Practice 10
 Credit Points40
Autumn session
Select one of the following: 10
Mathematics for Engineers 2  
Mathematics for Engineers 1  
ENGR 1011 Engineering Physics 10
ELEC 1006 Engineering Computing 10
Select one elective 10
  • Elective unit must be Level 1 or higher
 Credit Points40
Year 2
Spring session
ELEC 2009 Microprocessor Systems 10
ELEC 2004 Electronics 10
ELEC 3011 Power and Machines 10
ELEC 3006 Electrical Machines 1 10
 Credit Points40
Autumn session
ELEC 2011 Signals and Systems 10
ELEC 1001 Digital Systems 1 10
ELEC 2006 Engineering Electromagnetics 10
ELEC 2001 Circuit Theory 10
 Credit Points40
Year 3
Spring session
ELEC 3009 Power Systems 10
ELEC 3003 Digital Signal Processing 10
ELEC 4008 Electrical Drives 10
Select one alternate subject 10
 Credit Points40
Autumn session
ELEC 3001 Communication Systems 10
ELEC 3006 Electrical Machines 1 10
Select one alternate subject 10
Select one elective 10
Industrial Experience  
ENGR 3017 Industrial Experience (Engineering) 0
 Credit Points40
Year 4
Spring session
ELEC 4009 Instrumentation and Measurement 10
ENGR 4025 Final Year Project 1 (UG Engineering) 10
Select one alternate subject 10
Select one elective 10
 Credit Points40
Autumn session
ELEC 4002 Power Electronics 10
ENGR 4026 Final Year Project 2 (UG Engineering) 10
Select one alternate subject 10
Select one elective 10
 Credit Points40
 Total Credit Points320

3728 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Business (3728)

Qualification for this award requires the successful completion of 400 credit points, which include the subjects listed in the recommended sequence below.

Start-year intake

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Autumn sessionCredit Points
MATH 1016 Mathematics for Engineers 1 10
ENGR 1011 Engineering Physics 10
Business Core Subject 1 10
Business Core Subject 2 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
MATH 1019 Mathematics for Engineers 2 10
PROC 1008 Introduction to Materials Engineering 10
Business Core Subject 3 10
Business Core Subject 4 10
 Credit Points40
Year 2
Autumn session
ELEC 1006 Engineering Computing 10
Business Professional Subject 1 10
Business Professional Subject 2 10
Business Major Subject 1 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
ELEC 1003 Electrical Fundamentals 10
ENGR 1018 Fundamentals of Mechanics 10
Business Major Subject 2 10
Business Major Subject 3 10
 Credit Points40
Year 3
Autumn session
ELEC 2001 Circuit Theory 10
ELEC 2004 Electronics 10
ELEC 2011 Signals and Systems 10
ELEC 1001 Digital Systems 1 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
ELEC 2009 Microprocessor Systems 10
ELEC 2006 Engineering Electromagnetics 10
ELEC 3011 Power and Machines 10
ENGR 3006 Control Systems 10
 Credit Points40
Year 4
Autumn session
ELEC 3001 Communication Systems 10
ELEC 3006 Electrical Machines 1 10
Business Major Subject 4 10
Business Major Subject 5 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
ELEC 3009 Power Systems 10
ELEC 3003 Digital Signal Processing 10
Business Major Subject 6 10
Business Major Subject 7 10
Industrial Experience  
ENGR 3017 Industrial Experience (Engineering) 0
 Credit Points40
Year 5
Autumn session
ELEC 4002 Power Electronics 10
ENGR 4025 Final Year Project 1 (UG Engineering) 10
Business Professional Subject 3 10
Business Major Subject 8 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
ELEC 4008 Electrical Drives 10
ENGR 4026 Final Year Project 2 (UG Engineering) 10
ELEC 4009 Instrumentation and Measurement 10
Business Professional Subject 4 10
 Credit Points40
 Total Credit Points400

Equivalent Subjects

The subjects listed below count towards completion of this program for students who passed these subjects in Autumn 2022 or earlier. 

ENGR 1008 - Engineering Materials, replaced by PROC 1008 - Introduction to Materials Engineering

Mid-year intake

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Spring sessionCredit Points
MATH 1016 Mathematics for Engineers 1 10
PROC 1008 Introduction to Materials Engineering 10
Business Core Subject 1 10
Business Core Subject 2 10
 Credit Points40
Autumn session
MATH 1019 Mathematics for Engineers 2 10
ENGR 1011 Engineering Physics 10
Business Core Subject 3 10
Business Core Subject 4 10
 Credit Points40
Year 2
Spring session
ELEC 1003 Electrical Fundamentals 10
ENGR 1018 Fundamentals of Mechanics 10
Business Major Subject 1 10
Business Major Subject 2 10
 Credit Points40
Autumn session
ELEC 1006 Engineering Computing 10
ELEC 2004 Electronics 10
Business Major Subject 3 10
Business Professional Subject 1 10
 Credit Points40
Year 3
Spring session
ELEC 2009 Microprocessor Systems 10
ELEC 2006 Engineering Electromagnetics 10
ELEC 3011 Power and Machines 10
ENGR 3006 Control Systems 10
 Credit Points40
Autumn session
ELEC 1001 Digital Systems 1 10
ELEC 2001 Circuit Theory 10
ELEC 2011 Signals and Systems 10
Business Professional Subject 2 10
 Credit Points40
Year 4
Spring session
ELEC 3009 Power Systems 10
ELEC 3003 Digital Signal Processing 10
Business Major Subject 4 10
Business Major Subject 5 10
 Credit Points40
Autumn session
ELEC 3001 Communication Systems 10
ELEC 3006 Electrical Machines 1 10
Business Major Subject 6 10
Business Major Subject 7 10
Industrial Experience  
ENGR 3017 Industrial Experience (Engineering) 0
 Credit Points40
Year 5
Spring session
ELEC 4008 Electrical Drives 10
ENGR 4025 Final Year Project 1 (UG Engineering) 10
ELEC 4009 Instrumentation and Measurement 10
Business Professional Subject 3 10
 Credit Points40
Autumn session
ENGR 4026 Final Year Project 2 (UG Engineering) 10
ELEC 4002 Power Electronics 10
Business Professional Subject 4 10
Business Major Subject 8 10
 Credit Points40
 Total Credit Points400

Alternate Subjects

Subject Title Credit Points
ELEC 3004Digital Systems 210
ELEC 4003Power Quality10
ELEC 4006Sustainable Energy Systems10
ELEC 4005Smart Grids and Distributed Generation10
ELEC 4004Radio and Satellite Communication10
ELEC 4007Wireless Communications10
HLTH 2003Biomechanics10
ENGR 3003Biomedical Electronics10
ENGR 3004Biomedical Signals and Data Analysis10
BIOS 1022Introduction to Human Biology10
ELEC 3002Data Communications10
ELEC 2007Engineering Visualization10


Power Engineering, Minor
Telecommunications, Minor
Biomedical Engineering, Minor

Optional Elective

The following subject is an optional elective unit offered to students who are engaged in a School approved project. This subject can be taken during the third year of this program, however, permission is required to enrol in the subject.

ENGR 3022 Special Technical Project 

Equivalent Subjects

The subjects listed below count towards completion of this program for students who passed these subjects in 2021 or earlier. 

MECH 4005 Advanced Engineering Thesis 1: Preliminary Investigations, replaced by ENGR 4037 Advanced Engineering Thesis 1: Preliminary Investigations

MECH 4006 Advanced Engineering Thesis 2: Detailed Investigations, replaced by ENGR 4036 Advanced Engineering Thesis 2: Detailed Investigations

The subjects listed below count towards completion of this program for students who passed these subjects in Autumn 2022 or earlier. 

ENGR 1008 - Engineering Materials, replaced by PROC 1008 - Introduction to Materials Engineering

Replaced Subjects

The subjects listed below count towards completion of this program for students who passed these subjects in 2022 or earlier. 

ELEC 3008 Instrumentation and Measurement, replaced by ELEC 4009 Instrumentation and Measurement

ELEC 3005 Electrical Drives, replaced with ELEC 4008 Electrical Drives

ELEC 2010 Power and Machines, replaced by ELEC 3011 Power and Machines