LANG 7005 Bilingualism and Education

Credit Points 10

Legacy Code 102525

Coordinator Ruying Qi Opens in new window

Description Bilingualism and Biculturalism are important aspects of life in Australia. Throughout much of the world, bi-multilingualism is the norm for both children and adults. This subject aims to give students an understanding and appreciation of the most important facets and manifestations of bi-multilingualism and bi-multiculturalism, in the linguistic, cognitive, personal, societal and educational spheres. It also aims to show students how this subject relates to broader studies in education, humanities, linguistics, and social sciences. This subject equips students with current research theories and methods in working effectively in early childhood and primary education, language teaching and other workplaces in bi-multilingual and bi-multicultural contexts.

School Humanities & Comm Arts

Discipline Linguistics

Student Contribution Band HECS Band 1 10cp

Check your fees via the Fees page.

Level Postgraduate Coursework Level 7 subject


Students must be enrolled in a postgraduate program.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this subject, students should be able to:

  1. demonstrate knowledge about raising children bilingually and biculturally;
  2. explain language choice, language maintenance and language shift in multilingual societies as well as code-switching and language mixing in bilingual speaker;
  3. identify relationships between bilingualism and cognitive development;
  4. evaluate the effectiveness of bilingual education programs and aspects of cross-cultural and/or inter-cultural communication;
  5. demonstrate understanding of the complex issues and different dimensions of individual and social bilingualism;
  6. critically analyse a range of attitudes toward bilingualism and their relationships with multi-identity;
  7. apply current research in bilingualism to teaching and professional contexts.

Subject Content

Main concepts of bi-multilingualism and bi-multiculturalism.
Language in contact - language maintenance, shift and change; language attitudes; multi-identity.
The nature of language interaction and code-switching, e.g. language choice.
Bilingualism and cognitive development.
Bilingual language acquisition; raising children bilingually and biculturally.
Bilingual education in Australia and overseas; bilingual programs.
Bilingualism and communication.
Bilingual children and families: Multiliteracies


The following table summarises the standard assessment tasks for this subject. Please note this is a guide only. Assessment tasks are regularly updated, where there is a difference your Learning Guide takes precedence.

Type Length Percent Threshold Individual/Group Task Mandatory
Critical Review 2 x 500 words 30 N Individual Y
Presentation 10 minutes 20 N Individual Y
Report 2,000 to 2500 words 50 N Individual Y

Prescribed Texts

  • A collection of readings will be provided either on vUWS or in a print format.

Teaching Periods

Autumn (2025)

Bankstown City


Subject Contact Ruying Qi Opens in new window

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Parramatta City - Macquarie St


Subject Contact Ruying Qi Opens in new window

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