RADI 7023 Applied Obstetric and Gynecological (O&G) Sonography

Credit Points 10

Coordinator Catherine Robinson Opens in new window

Description This subject aims to provide students with discipline-specific knowledge and skills to practice as a proficient confident O&G sonographer. Within this subject, students will be provided with opportunities to interact with experts in the field to promote a deep appreciation for the broad application of O&G sonography. Students will explore O&G procedures and imaging technologies complementary to clinical decision making. They will learn to enhance clinical practice by considering paediatric and general ultrasound applications relevant to fetal and maternal complications and disease.

School Medicine

Discipline Radiography

Student Contribution Band

Check your fees via the Fees page.

Level Postgraduate Coursework Level 7 subject

Pre-requisite(s) RADI 6002 - Research Foundations for Sonography
RADI 7021 - Practice of OG Sonography 3

Co-requisite(s) RADI 7022 - Practice of OG Sonography 4

Assumed Knowledge

Basic human anatomy, physiology and mathematics.

Learning Outcomes

After successful completion of this subject, students will be able to:

1. Explain the role of human genetics in enhancing practice of O&G sonography
2. Synthesise knowledge of clinical symptoms and sonographic imaging to aid clinical diagnosis of female infertility and disease
3. Examine general and paediatric sonographic applications for ensuring optimal patient outcomes
4. Critique new and emerging technologies and their application in the practice of O&G sonography to ensure that currency of knowledge is maintained
5. Collaborate with other health professionals, including specialist O&G sonographers and sonologists, to advance practice and development
6. Reflect on conventions and perspectives that best enhance professional practice

Subject Content

Module 1: Genetic Applications
1. Foundations of genetics
2. Genetic inheritance
3. Common fetal aneuploidies
4. First trimester screening
5. Clinical diagnosis of aneuploidy
Module 2: Gynecological Applications
1. Causes of infertility
2. Assisted reproductive technologies
3. Gynecology oncology
Module 3: General Sonography Applications
1. General sonography relative to obstetric complications and diseases
2. Paediatric sonography
Module 3: Advanced and complementary imaging technologies
1. 3D and 4D volume imaging
2. Complementary Imaging modalities
3. Uses of artificial intelligence in ultrasound

Special Requirements

Legislative pre-requisites

Legislative requirements (such as a criminal record check) are not deemed necessary for students in the O&G ultrasonography course. For students who complete their clinical training in a NSW public hospital, the necessary legislative requirements will be part of their employment conditions. Clinical training for many of the students will be in a private setting, where the necessary requirements (which are likely to differ from public institutions) will be addressed as needed. Training for some students will occur in states other than NSW (where legislative requirements can be competed if, and when required). 

Special Requirements - NSW Health Legislative Prerequisites Pre-requisites

Student Compliance Information for all Health-Related Placements

Prior to enrolling in this subject, students must have submitted a Student Undertaking Form and undertake to apply for a National Police Check, which is required to be submitted before placement, and a Working with Children Check Student Declaration. Use the link to the Special Requirements webpage below for more information.

To be eligible to enrol in this subject and complete any required health-related placements or experiences, students must meet Western Sydney University program requirements as well as any special, legislated, or policy-mandated requirements.

Western Program Requirements

Visit the Special Requirements webpage for details about your program.

Special Requirements

Mandatory NSW Health student placement policy requirements

To be able to undertake placement in any NSW Health facility you must be assessed as compliant with NSW Health student placement policy in the first year of your program, regardless of when you expect to go on your first placement. Access and read the NSW Student Compliance Information Booklet.

NSW Student Compliance Information Booklet

Please ensure that you

  1.  Find your existing National Police Check or apply for one
  2.  Gather documentary evidence of your vaccination history
  3.  Print and compete all relevant NSW Health forms relevant to the campus you are enrolled at or online enrolment requirements
  4.  Follow booklet instructions on how to have your compliance documents assessed by NSW health staff.

International students have additional requirements; the link to the booklet will inform you of these requirements.

School Requirements

Contact your School for further details regarding your School’s requirements, if any, such as

  • If you live outside of NSW or Australia and need to meet your state, territory or country’s compliance requirements
  • If you need to meet different state, territory or country compliance requirements.
  • NSW Working with Children Check (WWCC) or other state equivalent, valid for your entire program.
  • Current approved first aid certificate valid for your entire program - approved program providers can be found at the Government Training website
  • http://training.gov.au
  • Other non-health related requirements.

Student Compliance Resources are also available on the Placements Hub web page (NSW students only)


Essential equipment

Students will need a computer and internet access to use the e-learning platform.


The following table summarises the standard assessment tasks for this subject. Please note this is a guide only. Assessment tasks are regularly updated, where there is a difference your Learning Guide takes precedence.

Type Length Percent Threshold Individual/Group Task Mandatory
Annotated Bibliography 1500 words 30 N Individual N
Quiz 90 minutes 30 N Individual N
Applied Project Poster + 10-minute presentation 40 N Individual Y

Prescribed Texts

  • Woodward PJ, Kennedy A, Sohaey R. Diagnostic Imaging: Obstetrics. 4th ed. Elsevier US; 2021.

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