Greenhouse Horticulture, Testamur Major (T107)

  • Western Sydney University Major Code: T107

Previous Code:  ST3078.1

Available to students in other Western Sydney University Programs:  Yes.  Check that your program has the available credit points required to complete the subjects in this field of study. Any requisite requirements must also be met. Consult your Program Advisor for further advice.

This postgraduate major is designed for science graduates interested in a career in horticulture, protected cropping, greenhouse technology, postharvest technology, and agricultural biotechnology, working in a variety of settings such as food production, research and development, technical and senior management. This unique opportunity in greenhouse horticulture offers students exciting learning opportunities to develop expertise to meet future challenges to food supply, crop management, greenhouse control systems, and integrated pest management in a world-class greenhouse facility. Students will meet with industry experts and growers in becoming professional horticultural researchers with the technical and critical thinking skills to solve complex real-world problems and articulate appropriate solutions. A capstone subject involving either a research or professional industry project allows students to integrate their knowledge and skills developed from the whole program.


Campus Mode Advice
Hawkesbury Campus Internal

Major Structure

Qualification for the award of Master of Science (Greenhouse Horticulture) requires the successful completion of 160 credit points comprising:

  • 20 credit points of core subjects,
  • 20 credit points of research capstone subjects,
  • 40 credit points of major subjects as follows
Subject Title Credit Points
HORT 7001Advanced Greenhouse Technology10
HORT 7002Greenhouse Control Systems10
HORT 7003Greenhouse Crop Production10
HORT 7006Plant-Climate Interactions in Controlled Environments10
Total Credit Points40
  • and at least 40 credit points from Alternate Pool 1 and up to 40 credit points from Alternate Pool 2.

Students should note that the subjects available in Alternate Pool 1 and Alternate Pool 2 are listed under the Structure tab of the Master of Science page.

Recommended Sequence Current

Master of Science full-time start-year intake

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Autumn sessionCredit Points
HORT 7002 Greenhouse Control Systems 10
HORT 7003 Greenhouse Crop Production 10
Select two alternate subjects 20
 Credit Points40
Spring session
HORT 7006 Plant-Climate Interactions in Controlled Environments 10
HORT 7001 Advanced Greenhouse Technology 10
MATH 7016 The Nature of Data 10
Select one alternate subject 10
 Credit Points40
Year 2
Autumn session
NATS 7055 Experiment Design and Project Management 10
Select three alternate subjects 30
 Credit Points40
Spring session
Select 20 credit points from the following (note that MSc Research Project is a 20 credit point subject): 20
MSc Research Project  
Professional Topic  
Research Preparation in Post Graduate Studies  
Select two alternate subjects 20
 Credit Points40
 Total Credit Points160

Master of Science full-time mid-year intake

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Spring sessionCredit Points
HORT 7006 Plant-Climate Interactions in Controlled Environments 10
HORT 7001 Advanced Greenhouse Technology 10
Select two alternate subjects 20
 Credit Points40
Autumn session
HORT 7002 Greenhouse Control Systems 10
HORT 7003 Greenhouse Crop Production 10
Select two alternate subjects 20
 Credit Points40
Year 2
Spring session
MATH 7016 The Nature of Data 10
Select 20 credit points from the following (note that MSc Research Project is a 20 credit point subject): 20
MSc Research Project  
Professional Topic  
Research Preparation in Post Graduate Studies  
Select one alternate subject 10
 Credit Points40
Autumn session
NATS 7055 Experiment Design and Project Management 10
Select three alternate subjects 30
 Credit Points40
 Total Credit Points160

Major in other postgraduate programs, full-time start-year intake

Students undertaking the major as part of a postgraduate program other than the Master of Science must complete 40 credit points of specialisation subjects.

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Autumn sessionCredit Points
HORT 7002 Greenhouse Control Systems 10
HORT 7003 Greenhouse Crop Production 10
 Credit Points20
Spring session
HORT 7001 Advanced Greenhouse Technology 10
HORT 7006 Plant-Climate Interactions in Controlled Environments 10
 Credit Points20
 Total Credit Points40

Major in other postgraduate programs, full-time mid-year intake

Students undertaking the major as part of a postgraduate program other than the Master of Science must complete 40 credit points of specialisation subjects.

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Spring sessionCredit Points
HORT 7001 Advanced Greenhouse Technology 10
HORT 7006 Plant-Climate Interactions in Controlled Environments 10
 Credit Points20
Autumn session
HORT 7002 Greenhouse Control Systems 10
HORT 7003 Greenhouse Crop Production 10
 Credit Points20
 Total Credit Points40

Equivalent Subject

The subject listed below counts towards completion of this major for students who passed this subject in 2021 or earlier.

ENGR 7018 - Research Preparation in Post Graduate Studies, replaced by NATS 7057 Research Preparation in Post Graduate Studies

Recommended Sequence 2023

Master of Science full-time start-year intake

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Autumn sessionCredit Points
HORT 7002 Greenhouse Control Systems 10
HORT 7003 Greenhouse Crop Production 10
Select two alternate subjects 20
 Credit Points40
Spring session
HORT 7001 Advanced Greenhouse Technology 10
HORT 7006 Plant-Climate Interactions in Controlled Environments 10
MATH 7016 The Nature of Data 10
Select one alternate subject 10
 Credit Points40
Year 2
Autumn session
NATS 7055 Experiment Design and Project Management 10
Select three alternate subjects 30
 Credit Points40
Spring session
Select 20 credit points from the following (note that MSc Research Project is a 20 credit point subject): 20
MSc Research Project  
Industry Project  
Industry Project (Extended)  
Professional Topic  
Research Preparation in Post Graduate Studies  
Select two alternate subjects 20
 Credit Points40
 Total Credit Points160

Master of Science full-time mid-year intake

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Spring sessionCredit Points
HORT 7001 Advanced Greenhouse Technology 10
HORT 7006 Plant-Climate Interactions in Controlled Environments 10
MATH 7016 The Nature of Data 10
Select one alternate subject 10
 Credit Points40
Autumn session
Select one alternate subjects 10
HORT 7002 Greenhouse Control Systems 10
HORT 7003 Greenhouse Crop Production 10
NATS 7055 Experiment Design and Project Management 10
 Credit Points40
Year 2
Spring session
Select 20 credit points from the following (note that MSc Research Project is a 20 credit point subject): 20
MSc Research Project  
Industry Project  
Industry Project (Extended)  
Professional Topic  
Research Preparation in Post Graduate Studies  
Select two alternate subjects 20
 Credit Points40
Autumn session
Select four alternate subjects 40
 Credit Points40
 Total Credit Points160

Major in other postgraduate programs, full-time start-year intake

Students undertaking the major as part of a postgraduate program other than the Master of Science must complete 40 credit points of specialisation subjects.

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Autumn sessionCredit Points
HORT 7002 Greenhouse Control Systems 10
HORT 7003 Greenhouse Crop Production 10
 Credit Points20
Spring session
HORT 7001 Advanced Greenhouse Technology 10
HORT 7006 Plant-Climate Interactions in Controlled Environments 10
 Credit Points20
 Total Credit Points40

Major in other postgraduate programs, full-time mid-year intake

Students undertaking the major as part of a postgraduate program other than the Master of Science must complete 40 credit points of specialisation subjects.

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Spring sessionCredit Points
HORT 7001 Advanced Greenhouse Technology 10
HORT 7006 Plant-Climate Interactions in Controlled Environments 10
 Credit Points20
Autumn session
HORT 7002 Greenhouse Control Systems 10
HORT 7003 Greenhouse Crop Production 10
 Credit Points20
 Total Credit Points40

Equivalent Subject

The subject listed below counts towards completion of this major for students who passed this subject in 2021 or earlier.

ENGR 7018 - Research Preparation in Post Graduate Studies, replaced by NATS 7057 Research Preparation in Post Graduate Studies

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