Project Management (Generic Program), Major (0063)

  • Western Sydney University Major Code: 0063

Previous Code:  SP3007.1

Available to students in other Western Sydney University programs?  No


Campus Mode Advice
Parramatta City Campus - Macquarie Street Internal Xiaohua (Sean) Jin

Major Structure Current

Alternate Subjects

Students in the Master of Project Management should complete the required number of credit points from the following subject list, as noted in their Pathway structure.

Students in the Graduate Diploma in Project Management should complete 50 credit points from the following list (40cps to complete the Generic program plus an extra 10cps selected from the pool to complete the program).

Subject Title Credit Points
ACCT 7015Financial Reports for Decision Making10
BUSM 7092Supply Chain Management10
BUSM 7018Contemporary People Management10
BUSM 7086Strategic Business Management10
BUSM 7040Governance, Ethics and Social Entrepreneurship10
BUSM 7065Managing in the Global Context10
BUSM 7105Business Analytics in Practice10
BUSM 7014Compliance Management10
ARCH 7001Developing Sustainable Places10
BUSM 7025Diversity, Labour Markets and Workforce Planning10
HUMN 7019International Disaster Management10
BUSM 7027Employment Relations Professional Practice10
BLDG 7006Financing Cities in the Global Economy10
HLTH 7005Health Financial Management10
HLTH 7006Health Services and Facilities Planning10
ARCH 7002Heritage and Planning10
BUSM 7043Industrial Relations and Workplace Change10
BUSM 7047Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship10
NURS 7028Leadership in Clinical Practice10
TEAC 7063Leadership, Mentoring and Professional Growth10
ARCH 7003Managing Cities: History and Theory10
ENVL 7002Planning and Environmental Regulation10
HUMN 7031Political Economy of Development10
HUMN 7032Public Health in Complex Emergencies10
BUSM 7081Reward Management10
PUBH 7027Supporting Individuals and Communities in Crisis10
PUBH 7028Surveillance and Disaster Planning10
ARCH 7005Urban Management Practice: Governance and Power in the City10
PUBH 7034Workplace Safety and Risk Management10

Major Structure to 2024

Students must complete three 10 credit point Management alternate subjects and three 10 credit point generic alternate subjects.

Subject Title Credit Points
Management subjects - offered in Quarter 2 and Quarter 4 sessons
Select 30 credit points from the following:30
Contemporary People Management
Financial Reports for Decision Making
Governance, Ethics and Social Entrepreneurship
Managing in the Global Context
Strategic Business Management
Supply Chain Management
Project Management - Generic Program subjects - offered in Autumn and Spring sessions
Select 30 credit points from the following:30
Advanced Health Service Management
Business Analytics in Practice
Compliance Management
Developing Sustainable Places
Digital Health Management
Diversity, Labour Markets and Workforce Planning
International Disaster Management
Employment Relations Professional Practice
Financing Cities in the Global Economy
Health Advancement and Health Promotion
Health Financial Management
Health Services and Facilities Planning
Health Services Financing
Health Systems Planning and Evaluation
Healthcare Data for Decision-Making
Heritage and Planning
Industrial Relations and Workplace Change
Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship
Introduction to Epidemiology
Leadership in Clinical Practice
Leadership, Mentoring and Professional Growth
Managing Cities: History and Theory
Patient-centred digital healthcare
Planning and Environmental Regulation
Political Economy of Development
Public Health in Complex Emergencies
Quality and Safety
Reward Management
Supporting Individuals and Communities in Crisis
Surveillance and Disaster Planning
Urban Management Practice: Governance and Power in the City
Workplace Safety and Risk Management
Total Credit Points60

Replaced Subjects

The subjects listed below count towards completion of this major for students who passed these subjects in 2020 or earlier.

HUMN 7014 - Development for Equality
HLTH 7012 -  Organisational Governance and Performance Management
PUBH 7024 - Safety and Risk Management