CULT 3023 Global Citizenship and Engagement

Credit Points 10

Legacy Code 301218

Coordinator Liz Thyer Opens in new window

Description This is a 10 credit point year-long subject taken over two terms (5 credit point in each term). The subject claims to engage students with current global contexts to integrate professional knowledge and develop skills, attitudes and behaviours that support them to be global citizens with inter-cultural competence. As part of the subject students will be required to undertake an global learning experience relevant to their studies. This experience may involve travel to an overseas organisation and/or community, or participation with a local or online globally focused organisation. The subject is completed across a year of study, with the first semester a preparatory experience, mid-semester the opportunity to complete an global short program, and the final semester a time to reflect. Students will immerse themselves in their new global environment, make sense of the organisation's or a community's modes of action and meaning, and negotiate their ways of acting and being in the process of becoming a member and contributing to the organisation and/or community with which they engage. Students in this subject will reflect on global engagement experiences to discuss self-learning and how this learning informs personal and professional development.

School Health Sciences

Student Contribution Band HECS Band 4 5cp

Check your fees via the Fees page.

Level Undergraduate Level 3 subject

Pre-requisite(s) Students must have completed 120cp in their currently enrolled course prior to enrolling in this unit

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this subject, students should be able to:

  1. Analyse the sociocultural practice of a community and evaluate its impact on the people working in that environment, including self.
  2. Identify social, cultural or technical challenges associated with international travel and engagement, and implement strategies to address them either collaboratively in a team or as an individual.
  3. Contribute to the productivity of an international community.
  4. Analyse the contribution of global engagement for an organisation and community
  5. Evaluate the impact of global connections on the outcomes for the community, your team and one�fs professional development.
  6. Critically reflect on global engagement experiences to discuss self-learning and how this learning has supported personal and professional de

Subject Content

1. Cultural responsive behaviours, attitudes and actions, including communication skills will be explored for development of cultural competency.
2. Ethical challenges related to international travel and aid, and to student?fs profession when applied to different cultural/global contexts


The following table summarises the standard assessment tasks for this subject. Please note this is a guide only. Assessment tasks are regularly updated, where there is a difference your Learning Guide takes precedence.

Type Length Percent Threshold Individual/Group Task Mandatory
Learning Contract 1,000 words 20 Y Individual Y
Essay 1,000 words 30 N Individual N
Portfolio 1,000 words 30 N Individual N
Participation 500 words across at least four discussion forum posts 20 N Individual N