TEAC 7167 Primary English and Literacy 3

Credit Points 10

Coordinator Pauline Baker Opens in new window

Description The focus on this subject is the exploration and critical evaluation of the teaching of English and Literacy across K-6 classrooms. This subject recognises that language, discourses, and text shape students’ interactions with our complex world and how we can teach students in K-6 to understand how meaning is shaped, conveyed, interpreted, and reflected. Contemporary pedagogical practices of teaching English with reference to National Literacy Progressions will be explored. There is strong emphasis on critical and creative understanding of approaches to develop literacy in K-6 with attention to understanding, interpreting, and creating texts with a wide range of diverse learners. A wide range of children’s literature will be used with particular focus given to the selection and use of rich Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander literature in teaching English. The subject provides opportunities for pre-service teachers to understand, critique and apply current literacy approaches that deliver successful outcomes for students. This subject is in the transition stage of program.

School Education

Discipline Teacher Education: Primary

Student Contribution Band HECS Band 1 10cp

Check your fees via the Fees page.

Level Postgraduate Coursework Level 7 subject


Students must be enrolled in program 1781 Master of Teaching (Primary).

Learning Outcomes

After successful completion of this subject, students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the value, purpose and opportunities of teaching English to students in our contemporary world. 
2. Apply textual concepts effectively in curriculum planning, instruction and assessment with reference to the K-10 English Syllabus (2022).
3. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of culturally and linguistically responsive approaches to teaching English 
4. Demonstrates cultural responsiveness and deep engagement with quality children’s literature with an emphasis on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander literature. 
5. Critically analyse critical, creative, dialogic and other pedagogies of teaching English

Subject Content

• K-10 English Syllabus (2022) and National Literacy Progression
• Understanding and critiquing, approaches to literacy and English teaching
• Pedagogies for teaching English and literacy (emphasis on creative, dialogic and critical uses of language and literacy)
• Understanding, interpreting, and creating multimodal and digital texts 
• Engaging with and responding to children’s literature including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander literature 
• Analysing a range of Textual Concepts 
• Planning, programming, and assessing English K-6


The following table summarises the standard assessment tasks for this subject. Please note this is a guide only. Assessment tasks are regularly updated, where there is a difference your Learning Guide takes precedence.

Type Length Percent Threshold Individual/Group Task Mandatory
Presentation 15 minutes 30 N Group Y
Critical Review 1000 20 N Individual Y
Professional Task Equivalent to 2000 50 N Individual Y

Prescribed Texts

Tompkins, G., Margaret Smith, Carol Campbell, R., Green, D 3rd Edition (2019). Literacy for the 21st century : a balanced approach. Pearson 

Bearne, E., Reedy, D., Gardner, P., & Sawers, Y. (2024). Teaching Primary English in Australia: Subject Knowledge and Classroom Practice. Routledge.

Teaching Periods

Autumn (2025)

Bankstown City


Subject Contact Pauline Baker Opens in new window

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Spring (2025)

Bankstown City


Subject Contact Pauline Baker Opens in new window

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