TEAC 7162 Children’s Learning and Development
Credit Points 10
Coordinator Katrina Barker Opens in new window
Description Early and middle childhood represent periods of rapid growth in children’s physical, cognitive, language, social, emotional, and moral development. This subject provides students with a comprehensive understanding of child development as well as a deep knowledge of learning theories and contemporary research evidence to evaluate implications for teaching children birth-12 years. In particular, students will develop an understanding of brain development and cognitive processes for children birth-12 years. Students will examine the critical role that family, culture, and community play in children’s development and evaluate the impact of their personal perspectives on their teaching practices. This subject enables students to understand and critique theory and research evidence about child development and learning theories to plan and implement evidence-based teaching pedagogy that is culturally and developmentally appropriate. This subject is included in the Foundation Phase of the Master of Teaching program.
School Education
Discipline Teacher Education, Not Elsewhere Classified.
Student Contribution Band HECS Band 1 10cp
Check your fees via the Fees page.
Level Postgraduate Coursework Level 7 subject
Students must be enrolled in 1783 Master of Teaching (Birth-5 Years/Birth-12 Years), 1784 Master of Teaching (Birth – 5 years), 1773 Master of Teaching (Early Childhood and Teaching) or 1774 Master of Teaching (Early Childhood).
Learning Outcomes
After successful completion of this subject, students will be able to:
- Apply an understanding of child development from conception to 12 years across physical, cognitive, language, social, emotional, and moral domains
- Analyse the role of family, culture, and community on children’s development and implications for teaching and learning
- Examine the research evidence about brain development and cognitive processes for children birth-12 years including neuromyths and implications for teaching and learning
- Critique key learning theories to implement effective teaching and learning strategies for children birth-12 years
- Appraise the research methodologies adopted to create knowledge about child development and learning theories to inform evidence-based teaching and learning strategies
Subject Content
- The relevance of child development and learning theories to teaching, how theory and evidence is created, and how these theories coalesce
- The role of biology and prenatal growth on the development of children birth-12 years: theoretical perspectives and research evidence
- Students will reflect on the role of family, culture, and community on the development of children birth-12 years, including Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander families, and theoretical perspectives and research evidence.
- Physical, cognitive, language, social, emotional, and moral development of children birth-12 years: theoretical perspectives and research evidence
- Brain development, cognitive processes, neuromyths, and evidence-based teaching strategies to support learning and development of children birth-12 years: theoretical perspectives and research evidence
- Learning theories and implications for teaching children birth-12 years: theoretical perspectives and research evidence
- Critical reflection on one’s personal perspectives and implications for teaching and learning
The following table summarises the standard assessment tasks for this subject. Please note this is a guide only. Assessment tasks are regularly updated, where there is a difference your Learning Guide takes precedence.
Type | Length | Percent | Threshold | Individual/Group Task | Mandatory |
Quiz | 40 minutes x 4 | 50 | N | Individual | N |
Case Study | 2,500 words | 50 | N | Individual | N |
Prescribed Texts
- McDevitt, T.M., Ormrod, J.E., Cupit, G., Chandler, M., Aloa, V. (2020). Child development and education (2nd ed.). Pearson.
Teaching Periods
Spring (2024)
Bankstown City
Subject Contact Katrina Barker Opens in new window
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Autumn (2025)
Bankstown City
Subject Contact Katrina Barker Opens in new window
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Spring (2025)
Bankstown City
Subject Contact Katrina Barker Opens in new window