TEAC 7103 Professional Experience 3 - 5 Years

Credit Points 10

Legacy Code 102110

Coordinator Jane Athota Opens in new window

Description This subject incorporates theoretical aspects of teaching with a compulsory 30 day placement with children aged 3-5 years, to provide students with opportunities to reflect on their teaching skills and build capacity as emerging educational leaders. In this capstone early childhood professional experience, students build their professional capacity to take the day to day responsibility for the learning, development, health and wellbeing of a group of children, in collaboration with supervising staff. Students will work collegially with staff and families to design, implement and evaluate an inclusive curriculum that engages children with investigative and critical thinking that connects to children’s social worlds. The subject requires students to apply the principles, practices and outcomes of Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years’ Learning Framework for Australia together with understanding of curriculum content (in the areas of Language, Literacy and Communication, Mathematics, Science and Technology, Creative Arts, Human Society and Physical Development, Health and Wellbeing). Students will complete an early childhood focused Teaching Performance Assessment in this subject. This subject is included in the Transition Phase of the Master of Teaching program.

School Education

Discipline Teacher Education: Early Childhood

Student Contribution Band HECS Band 1 10cp

Check your fees via the Fees page.

Level Postgraduate Coursework Level 7 subject

Pre-requisite(s) TEAC 7104

Co-requisite(s) TEAC 7087

Equivalent Subjects TEAC 7035 - Early Childhood Professional Experience 2 TEAC 2051 - Professional Portfolio


Students must be enrolled in 1783 Master of Teaching (Birth-5 Years/Birth-12 Years), 1784 Master of Teaching (Birth – 5 years), 1773 Master of Teaching (Early Childhood and Primary) or 1774 Master of Teaching (Early Childhood).

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this subject, students should be able to:

  1. Engage in ethical and reflective practice for professional learning.
  2. Assess children’s play, development, learning, dispositions, relationships and backgrounds to plan practice.
  3. Apply knowledge and understanding of research about children’s development and learning to inform practice.
  4. Evaluate interest-based experiences and projects that extend on children’s strengths and interests, support children’s learning needs, foster relationships and support partnerships with children’s families.
  5. Apply curriculum approaches and pedagogies that are contextually responsive and promote children’s investigation, problem-solving, critical thinking and the development of deep knowledge.
  6. Apply the principles, practices and learning outcomes of The Early Years Learning Framework in the areas of science and technology, mathematics, human society, physical education health and wellbeing, creative arts and literacy to engage in interactions with children that extend their learning.
  7. Design resources that encourage children to use a range of media and technologies to investigate their ideas and values and represent their thinking.
  8. Demonstrate pedagogical leadership by collaboratively planning, implementing and evaluating a total learning environment that is inclusive and engaging for diverse learners, including learners from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds which includes a range of grouping strategies, promotes positive interactions, extends learning and strengthens relationships.
  9. Demonstrate the oral and written literacies expected of a graduate teacher.

Subject Content

  • Module 1 Pedagogical leadership
    • Understanding professional, ethical and legal responsibilities: – WHS, Child protection, code of conduct, ethical practice
    • Professional development and learning: – professional goals, seeking and acting on feedback
    • Reflection and reflective practice
  • Module 2 Curriculum approaches
    • The Early Years Learning Framework & the Australian Curriculum 
    • Linking theory to philosophy and practice: learning theory, developmental theory, brain development Culturally responsive curriculum - Connecting to children’s funds of knowledge that demonstrate respect for diversity, inclusivity and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives
    • Exploration of approaches including Child centred, emergent curriculum, integrated curriculum, Reggio Emilia 
  • Module 3 The Learning Environment
    • Planning, implementing and evaluating the learning environment to support safety, wellbeing and positive behaviours 
    • Setting high expectations, consistency, routines, reinforcement and feedback
    • Incorporating appropriate resources and provocations, including ICT
  • Module 4 Content and pedagogy
    • Pedagogies for learning: - play, projects, learning centres,  
    • The planning cycle,
    • Assessment processes & practices– formative, summative,  
    • Documentation of children’s learning: - Individual, small groups and projects 
    • Use of the Early Years Learning Framework principles, practices and learning outcomes to document, assess and plan for learning in the key concept areas eg literacy, mathematics, science and technology: 
    • Sequences of learning 
    • Challenging but achievable learning intentions 
    • Teaching strategies and techniques that facilitate children’s investigation, problem-solving and critical thinking eg modelling, questioning, co-constructing, deconstructing, hypothesising, explicit teaching

Special Requirements

Legislative pre-requisites

1. Students are required to complete the two components of the Working with Children Check (WWCC) process leading to (a) the issuance of a clearance number under the category of either volunteer or paid and (b) verification of the clearance number with the NSW Department of Education.

a) Students will need to:

i. Access the Commission for Children and Young People website and complete an online application form to generate an application number.

ii.  Present an application number and identification to a Service NSW office who will issue a Working with Children Check number via mail or email.

iii. Submit the letter with a valid Working With Children Check number via WesternNow Student Portal. The document is trimmed and recorded as a Special Requirement on your academic record.
WesternNow Student Portal link

b) Students will need to:

i.  Access the NSW Department of Education WWCC Verification declaration form  https://online.education.nsw.gov.au/jecpc/crc/wwcc.jsf

ii. Carefully read the information about Identity Documents and obtain a copy of the relevant ID documents.

iii. Complete and submit the verification declaration form.

iv. Once your WWCC verification is complete you will receive an email reply from the DoE Probity Unit confirming your WWCC number has been verified.

v.  Submit the verification confirmation email via WesternNow Student Portal. The document is trimmed and recorded as a Special Requirement on your academic record.

2. Students must complete the NSW Department of Education’s Child Protection Awareness Training (CPAT)
Students will need to:
i. Access the NSW Department of Education’s MyPL website https://mypl.education.nsw.gov.au/
ii. Complete the online Child Protection Awareness Training: Induction
iii.  Save certificate of completion
iv. Submit certificate via WesternNow Student Portal
The certificate will be recorded on your student record as Special Requirements. Students who have not completed the Child Protection Awareness Training will need to withdraw from the subject.

3. Students must complete the ASCIA anaphylaxis e-training and submit their certificate to Submit certificate via WesternNow Student Portal.

Essential equipment

Access to the internet.


The following table summarises the standard assessment tasks for this subject. Please note this is a guide only. Assessment tasks are regularly updated, where there is a difference your Learning Guide takes precedence.

Type Length Percent Threshold Individual/Group Task Mandatory
Professional Placement Performance 30 days placement S/U Y Individual Y
Portfolio 15 minutes S/U Y Individual Y

Prescribed Texts

  • McLachlan, C., Fleer, M. & Edwards, S. (2018). Early childhood curriculum: Planning, assessment and implementation (3rd): Port Melbourne, Victoria. Cambridge University Press.

Teaching Periods

Spring (2024)

Bankstown City


Subject Contact Jane Athota Opens in new window

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Autumn (2025)

Bankstown City


Subject Contact Jane Athota Opens in new window

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Spring (2025)

Bankstown City


Subject Contact Jane Athota Opens in new window

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