TEAC 7092 Primary Human Society and its Environment
Credit Points 10
Legacy Code 101582
Coordinator Phil Devitt Opens in new window
Description Human Society and Its Environment focuses on History, Geography and three cross-curriculum priority areas in: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures; Asia and Australia's engagement with Asia; and Sustainability. As a key learning area in the K-6 curriculum HSIE provides opportunities for students to develop knowledge, understanding and skills in the subject matter, as well as proficiency in teaching inquiry learning approaches. In History, key concepts of changes in family history and local history are explored and Australia's history and understanding Australia as a Nation are explored through the relationships between the individual and the state, and the values and mutual responsibilities, and obligations for civil, political and social participation in Australian society. In Geography, concepts that develop a sense of curiosity about environments, peoples, cultures and place, in both Australia and the world are a priority. The subject emphasises pedagogy and lesson design for high possibility classrooms that specifically address the literacy and technology general capabilities. The subject also focuses on inquiry, place and project based learning which engages diverse groups of learners, develops their understanding about local and global communities, and prepares them to become informed and active citizens who contribute to the quality of Australian society. This subject is included in the Foundation Phase of the Master of Teaching program.
School Education
Discipline Teacher Education: Primary
Student Contribution Band HECS Band 1 10cp
Check your fees via the Fees page.
Level Postgraduate Coursework Level 7 subject
Note that only students enrolled at WSU Online may register in the WSU Online subjects offered at that location.
Students must be enrolled in 1651 Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Primary), 1781 Master of Teaching (Primary), 1822 Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Primary) Dean’s Scholars, 3756 Bachelor of Science (Pathway to Teaching Primary/Secondary) or 6019 Diploma in Arts/ Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Primary).
Students enrolled in 1651, 1822 or 3756 must have successfully completed 160 credit points to enrol in this subject.
Students enrolled in 6019 must have completed 190 credit points (160 at Level 1 or higher) to enrol in this subject.
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this subject, students should be able to:
- Apply knowledge of the disciplines, theories and pedagogies that underpin the learning area of Human Society and its Environment (HSIE) to learning design.
- Implement the aim, outcomes, stage statements, subject matter, skills, attitudes and values, perspectives and experiences defined in the NSW HSIE K-6 syllabus, and History, and Geography syllabus documents in designing learning experiences for diverse learners in primary classrooms.
- Design an inquiry and outcome-based unit of work, and whole-school plan that develops a connected set of deep HSIE understandings, and concepts and dispositions of citizenship, and employs pedagogies that promote the development of skills in acquiring information, using inquiry processes and social and civic participation.
- Design assessment tasks that assess the learning achievements and needs of diverse learners in primary classrooms.
- Present a personal exploration of HSIE content, and the deep understandings about people, times, places and events related to the Syllabus strands of change and continuity, environments, social systems and structures and cultures.
- Demonstrate competencies in, teaching with a variety of appropriate resources, including TPACK theory and by integration of information and communication technologies, field visits and site studies.
- Explain the role and value of HSIE in the broader school curriculum and the relationships with literacy and numeracy.
- Appreciate the role of an ecological approach to school organisation, events and programs in enhancing HSIE and civics and citizenship.
Subject Content
1. The discipline, epistemological and pedagogical theories that underpin HSIE in terms of History and Geography.
2. The content of HSIE and its expression through the rationale, place of the subject in K-10 syllabus documents, aims, objectives, outcomes, stage statements and organisation of content, including assessment.
3. History including integration of technology and assessment strategies.
4. Geography including integration of technology and assessment strategies.
5. Inquiry Learning approaches and their relationship with methods and processes in History and Geography.
6. Using project-based learning for HSIE in the primary classroom.
7. Civics and Citizenship including digital citizenship.
8. Cross curriculum priority areas including integration of technology and working with local communities.
9. Engaging with, learning from and critiquing innovative practitioners from the field in HSIE classrooms.
The following table summarises the standard assessment tasks for this subject. Please note this is a guide only. Assessment tasks are regularly updated, where there is a difference your Learning Guide takes precedence.
Type | Length | Percent | Threshold | Individual/Group Task | Mandatory |
Portfolio | 800 words & a 3-minute presentation | 50 | N | Individual | Y |
Professional Task | 2,000 words | 50 | N | Individual | Y |
Prescribed Texts
- Green, D., & Price, D. (Eds.). (2019). Making Humanities and Social Sciences Come Alive. Early Years and Primary Education. eBook available at: https://www.cambridge.org/au/academic/subjects/education/education-history-theory/making-humanities-and-social-sciences-come-alive-early-years-and-primary-education?format=PB
- Board of Studies (2012) History K-10 Syllabus. Sydney, Australia: Board of Studies NSW
- Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards (2015) Geography K-10 Geography Syllabus. Sydney, Australia: Board of Studies Teaching and Educational Standards NSW
Teaching Periods
Spring (2024)
Bankstown City
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Penrith (Kingswood)
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WSU Online TRI-3 (2024)
Wsu Online
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Autumn (2025)
Bankstown City
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WSU Online TRI-2 (2025)
Wsu Online
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Spring (2025)
Bankstown City
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Penrith (Kingswood)
Subject Contact Phil Devitt Opens in new window