TEAC 4012 Teaching EAL/D Students in the Primary Years

Credit Points 10

Legacy Code 102799

Coordinator Glen Patterson Opens in new window

Description The 2016 ABS Census reveals that Australia is a 'fast changing, ever expanding culturally diverse nation'. One in four Australian children come from language backgrounds other than English including children born in Australia and immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers arriving in Australia each year. Many of these students will require English language learning support in the classroom. This support will vary depending on learner needs and language proficiency. The focus of this subject is to provide initial education teachers with a foundation of theoretical principles related to teaching and learning English. The emphasis will be on developing an understanding of appropriate classroom strategies within a mainstream, cross-curricula program, for learners of English as a second language including appropriate pedagogies for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. This subject is included in the Transition Phase of the Bachelor of Education.

School Education

Discipline Teacher Education: Primary

Student Contribution Band HECS Band 1 10cp

Check your fees via the Fees page.

Level Undergraduate Level 4 subject


Must be enrolled in the 1876 Bachelor of Education (Primary) and have successfully completed 80 credit points.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this subject, students should be able to:

  1. Explain the importance and role of the home language in second language learning development including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander dialects;
  2. Demonstrate understanding of research based pedagogies for teaching EAL/D students;
  3. Create and assess resources, including ICT, that engage EAL/D students in their learning;
  4. Use research based pedagogies and develop strategies for teaching English as an Additional Language across the curriculum;
  5. Apply knowledge of quality teaching resources to cater for learners from a diverse range of backgrounds including refugee, migrant, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island students;
  6. Apply appropriate methods of assessing second language learning;
  7. Plan, refine and reflect upon teaching and learning activities designed to meet the needs of English as Second Language learners.

Subject Content

1. Multicultural Education
Setting the context: immigration and multicultural policies and practices in Australia
- history of migration
- current policies?migration and education
Theoretical concepts of the nature, scope and meaning of culture
- elements of culture ? cultural inclusivity
- effects of change and time on culture
- culturally and linguistically diverse communities
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural factors
Multicultural Education: curriculum, policy and perspectives
- examination, analysis and evaluation of various policy and support materials
- advocacy for EAL/D students
- Australian Professional Teaching Standards - relevant Standard Descriptors
2. Teaching of English as a second language
Language and language learning
- similarities and differences between language one and language two learning
- importance of bilingualism/multilingualism (maintaining first language)
Factors influencing second language development
- first language proficiency, age, prior educational and life experiences, cultural and linguistic background
- context and environment of second language learning in mainstream classes
- whole school organisation and timetable arrangements for EAL/D and mainstream teachers
- Quality Teaching CESE - High Expectations, Explicit Teaching, Effective Feedback, Use of Data, Classroom Management, Wellbeing, Collaboration (https://www.cese.nsw.gov.au//images/stories/PDF/What_Works_Best_Reflection_Guide_202016_AA.pdf)
- Quality Teaching Framework ? Intellectual Quality, Quality learning environment, Significance (https://theelements.schools.nsw.gov.au/introduction-to-the-elements/policy-reforms-and-focus-areas/quality-teaching-framework.html)
3. Assessment and evaluation
- identifying English language proficiency: ACARA EAL/D Learning Progression
- planning and programming for language learning support based on data
- collecting student assessment data
- EAL/D school evaluation framework
4. English language learning pedagogy
- language and literacy across all Key Learning Areas (Curriculum Documents)
- Mode Continuum ? moving from ?espoken like?f to written like?f
- teaching and learning in the four modes; speaking, listening, reading and writing
- communicative teaching and learning principles
5. Teaching and learning resources for second language development in the Primary classroom
- culturally laden/anti bias materials
- online, software, human and paper resources to support teaching/learning programs
- Deadly Ways to Learn (http://www.whatworks.edu.au/dbAction.do?cmd'displaySitePage1&subcmd'select&id'154)
6. Parent-teacher communication
- using an interpreter
- communicating without an interpreter
- reporting student progress to parents using the ACARA EAL/D Learning Progression
- engaging culturally and linguistically diverse communities


The following table summarises the standard assessment tasks for this subject. Please note this is a guide only. Assessment tasks are regularly updated, where there is a difference your Learning Guide takes precedence.

Type Length Percent Threshold Individual/Group Task Mandatory
Report 1,500 words 30 N Individual N
Applied Project 800 words, 10 minutes presentation 30 N Group N
Professional Task 2,000 words 40 N Individual N

Prescribed Texts

  • Hertzberg, M. (2012). Teaching English language learners in mainstream classes. Marrickville Metro, Australia: Primary Teaching Association Australia

Teaching Periods

Autumn (2025)

Bankstown City


Subject Contact Glen Patterson Opens in new window

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Spring (2025)

Bankstown City


Subject Contact Glen Patterson Opens in new window

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