TEAC 3040 Professional Experience 3

Credit Points 10

Legacy Code 102750

Coordinator Jacqueline Humphries Opens in new window

Description The subject is only offered to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Education (Primary) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education program. This subject is a 10 credit point subject. The subject is designed to enable students to have direct experience of teaching in schools, building towards a final professional experience. The Professional Experience stream integrates with the curriculum content and pedagogy delivered in other course subjects. The rationale behind this Professional Experience subject is to give students the opportunity to synthesise and apply their knowledge and skills from all previous subjects for a total of 20 days. The teaching block will enable students to build or cement relationships with a school community. Teacher Education students will be able to consolidate their teaching through the integration of theory and practice as their final preparation as beginning teachers.

School Education

Student Contribution Band HECS Band 1 10cp

Check your fees via the Fees page.

Level Undergraduate Level 3 subject

Pre-requisite(s) TEAC 1029 AND
TEAC 2049

Incompatible Subjects TEAC 3022 - Professional Experience 3 Engaging with the Profession


Students must be enrolled in the 1717 Bachelor of Education (Primary) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this subject, students should be able to:

  1. Explain the characteristics and elements of classrooms, teaching, learning and curriculum responding to the learning strengths and needs of students from diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds;
  2. Utilise outcomes-based planning in all subject areas and demonstrate aspects of professional teaching standards;
  3. Communicate effectively with students in classrooms;
  4. Implement and reflect upon various teaching approaches;
  5. Implement and reflect upon various assessment and classroom management strategies;
  6. Initiate and guide learning by using specific teaching strategies;
  7. Apply and demonstrate their continuing understanding of curriculum through appropriate professional experience;
  8. Demonstrate a reflexive understanding of their role in the teaching profession and the need to continually improve their professional knowledge and practice;
  9. Demonstrate an understanding of how to develop strategies for the establishment of partnerships with parents and the community.

Subject Content

  • Professional Standards for graduate teachers
  • Evidence-based practice and reflection? observing, Analysing, reflecting and Evaluating personal professional practice
  • Classroom management
  • Community contexts
  • Lesson planning, implementation and assessment for effective learning
  • Programming and Teaching A unit of work
  • Individual, group and whole class Teaching
  • Looking at Classroom data and assessment

Special Requirements

Legislative pre-requisites

1. Students are required to complete the two components of the Working with Children Check (WWCC) process leading to (a) the issuance of a clearance number under the category of volunteer and (b) verification of the clearance number with the NSW Department of Education.

a) Students will need to:
 i. Access the Commission for Children and Young People website and complete an online application form to generate an application number.
 ii.  Present an application number and identification to a Service NSW office who will issue a Working with Children Check number via mail or email.
 iii. Submit the letter with a valid Working With Children Check number via WesternNow Student Portal. The document is trimmed and recorded as a Special Requirement on your academic record.
WesternNow Student Portal link
b) Students will need to:
 i.  Access the NSW Department of Education WWCC Verification declaration form  https://online.education.nsw.gov.au/jecpc/crc/wwcc.jsf
 ii. Carefully read the information about Identity Documents and obtain a copy of the relevant ID documents.
 iii. Complete and submit the verification declaration form.
iv. Once your WWCC verification is complete you will receive an email reply from the DoE Probity Unit confirming your WWCC number has been verified.
v.  Submit the verification confirmation email via WesternNow Student Portal. The document is trimmed and recorded as a Special Requirement on your academic record.

2. Students must complete the NSW Department of Education’s Child Protection Awareness Training (CPAT)
Students will need to:
i. Access the NSW Department of Education’s MyPL website https://mypl.education.nsw.gov.au/
ii. Complete the online Child Protection Awareness Training: Induction
iii.  Save certificate of completion
iv. Submit certificate via WesternNow Student Portal
The certificate will be recorded on your student record as Special Requirements. Students who have not completed the Child Protection Awareness Training will need to withdraw from the subject.

3. Students must complete the ASCIA anaphylaxis e-training  and submit their certificate to Submit certificate via WesternNow Student Portal.

4. Students must meet the Inherent Requirements for the Bachelor of Education (Primary) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education.


The following table summarises the standard assessment tasks for this subject. Please note this is a guide only. Assessment tasks are regularly updated, where there is a difference your Learning Guide takes precedence.

Type Length Percent Threshold Individual/Group Task Mandatory
Professional Placement Performance 20 days S/U Y Individual Y
Professional Placement Performance 20 days S/U Y Individual Y
Portfolio 12 pages S/U Y Individual Y