NURS 7060 Optimising Contribution of Older People

Credit Points 10

Legacy Code 401418

Coordinator Rita Chang Opens in new window

Description This subject addresses issues related gerontocracy (a society whereby elders have power and influence), versus ageism (age-related prejudice or discrimination based on a person's age). Stages of ageing and risk will also be covered, including ethical issues related to the aged communities and the aged care sector. Importantly, this subject will address strategies that need consideration to optimise integration of aged communities, including: active adult retirement communities, poverty safety net and governmental policies, housing, the use of technology, strategies to slow and reverse age-related decline including emerging developments. Issues related to optimising self-determination and 'dignity of risk' among aged communities will also be covered.

School Nursing & Midwifery

Discipline General Nursing

Student Contribution Band HECS Band 1 10cp

Check your fees via the Fees page.

Level Postgraduate Coursework Level 7 subject

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this subject, students should be able to:

  1. Critically reflect on the emergence of gerontocracy and ageism in societies, applying these concepts to Indigenous peoples and culturally and linguistically diverse communities
  2. Analyse the antecedents of ageing stereotypes and stigma; strategies to challenge current mindset that hinders the inclusiveness of aged communities
  3. Critically reflect and discuss the range of factors related to ageing and risk
  4. Critique selected current legislations, and ethical issues related to the aged care sector
  5. Articulate and apply current evidence that impact on optimising integration of aged communities

Subject Content

Gerontocracy and ageism ? structure of eldership among Indigenous peoples, filial piety, familial obligations and elder orphans, including those in culturally and linguistically diverse communities
Third and fourth stages of ageing
Ageing and risk: Physical decline; retirement and precarity; increasing lifespan, and compression of morbidity; poverty; social isolation; perception of unsafety; burden of care-giving; neglect, exploitation and abuse
Ethical issues in aged communities, including the aged care sector. Solicit stakeholder input on issues related to: (e.g. flexible retirement, training and retaining of employees in later life, volunteer opportunities, independent living, housing in urban and rural environments)
Optimising integration of aged communities: a) active adult retirement communities; b) poverty safety net and governmental policies; c) technology enhancement in the digital age; d) slowing and reversing age-related decline, including emerging developments; e) optimising self-determination, including ?edignity of risk?f


The following table summarises the standard assessment tasks for this subject. Please note this is a guide only. Assessment tasks are regularly updated, where there is a difference your Learning Guide takes precedence.

Type Length Percent Threshold Individual/Group Task Mandatory
Portfolio 200 word x 2 submissions 20 N Individual N
Case Study 1000- word equivalent 40 N Individual N
Critical Review 1000- word equivalent 40 N Individual N