NURS 7026 Healthy Families and Communities

Credit Points 10

Legacy Code 400831

Coordinator Jann Foster Opens in new window

Description This subject explores the diversity and complexity of families and communities by examining differing cultural and social values, beliefs and practices relating to family structure, functioning and parenting practices. Students will be encouraged to reflect on their own cultural values and beliefs and how these influence practice when working with children and families. The subject will provide an introduction to community needs, assessment and principles of community development. Focusing on contemporary issues, content includes transition to parenthood, father-inclusive practice, parenting children with disabilities, the changing role of grandparents and carers in Australian society and how neighbourhood and communities influence outcomes for children. This subject will provide students with foundational knowledge in identifying and supporting families with vulnerabilities and fostering resilience. Child protection issues will be addressed.

School Nursing & Midwifery

Discipline Mothercraft Nursing and Family and Child Health Nursing

Student Contribution Band HECS Band 1 10cp

Check your fees via the Fees page.

Level Postgraduate Coursework Level 7 subject


Students must be enrolled in program 4713 Master of Child and Family Health (Karitane) or 4714 Graduate Diploma in Child and Family Health (Karitane)

Assumed Knowledge

Knowledge of Primary Health Care and families in Australian society at an undergraduate level, augmented with clinical experience at a general Registered Nurse or Registered Midwife level.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this subject, students should be able to:

1. Critically analyse the characteristics and diversity of families in Australia and contributing factors such as key social movements (Neoliberalism, feminism, reconciliation and migration)
2. Analyse the key influences on family structure and functioning including neighbourhood and community resources and the impact of contemporary state and federal government policies using a socio-ecological model
3. Identify the key components of a community needs assessment and related community development and integrate local community and web-based resources to support families
4. Critically discuss the factors that impact outcomes for child and family health & wellbeing in the transition to parenthood including factors of vulnerability and resilience of the child and family health
5. Apply communication and other technologies effectively in personal and professional learning
6. Demonstrate highly developed skills as a self-reliant learner to effectively work in groups and teams

Subject Content

• Module 1: Historical perspective on social movements and social change shaping Australian Society through the lens of the ecological systems theory 
• Module 2: Early years research on the social and health policy and government agenda for early childhood health and education, nationally and globally.  
• Module 3: Media and social influences on family life and child wellbeing.  
• Module 4: Identifying and understanding the needs of vulnerable child and family populations in Australia  
• Module 5: The role of child and family health professionals working with diversity
• Module 6: Role of Child and family health professionals in Community Capacity Building  
• Module 7: What is good enough parenting                
• Module 8: Culturally diverse communities    
• Module 9: The primary health care approach.  
• Module 10: Developing community resources and support services for parents.   
• Module 11: Group facilitation 
• Module 12: Working in teams
• Module 13: Revision


The following table summarises the standard assessment tasks for this subject. Please note this is a guide only. Assessment tasks are regularly updated, where there is a difference your Learning Guide takes precedence.

Type Length Percent Threshold Individual/Group Task Mandatory
Participation 250 words each post 10 N Individual Y
Essay 2,000 words 40 N Individual N
Applied Project 2,000 words 50 N Individual N

Prescribed Texts

Grace, R., Hodge, K., & McMahon, C. (Ed). (2017)_ Children Families and Communities  (5th edition). Oxford Press. 

Teaching Periods

Autumn (2025)



Subject Contact Jann Foster Opens in new window

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