NURS 3045 Cultural Immersion Experience (UG)
Credit Points 10
Coordinator Jane Frost Opens in new window
Description The focus of this subject is to provide nursing students with an immersive cultural experience when providing health care for people in rural or remote areas of Australia and/or in an international country. This subject is designed to enable students to develop cultural awareness and understanding of health care delivery and contemporary issues for people living in rural or remote areas of Australia and/or internationally. Students will examine the social determinants of health and observe factors that influence health outcomes in these communities. The subject will focus on the impact of health care provision on the macro, meso and micro level in diverse populations and allow students to explore the sustainable development goals in different contexts.
School Nursing & Midwifery
Discipline General Nursing
Student Contribution Band HECS Band 1 10cp
Check your fees via the Fees page.
Level Undergraduate Level 3 subject
Co-requisite(s) NURS 2028 - Professional Practice Experience 3
Students must be enrolled in 4691 - Bachelor of Nursing or 4780 - Bachelor of Nursing (WSU Online).
Permission is required to enrol in this subject.
Learning Outcomes
After successful completion of this subject, students will be able to:
1. Compare health care in Western Sydney to rural or remote areas of Australia or in developing countries.
2. Identify the social determinants of health for the region/country of study and challenges associated with health care delivery.
3. Reflect on activities supporting nursing and health care delivery in the region/country of study.
4. Demonstrate an awareness of own culture and the culture of others and the importance of providing culturally safe nursing practice.
5. Examine health care provision on the macro, meso and micro level in diverse populations.
6. Explore the impact of sustainable development goals on nursing practice in different contexts.
Subject Content
1. Health care delivery components: Access to affordable health services of acceptable quality, health care providers, health care consumers, health care institutions and organisations.
2. Social determinants of health: Income and social protection, education. unemployment and job insecurity, working life conditions, food insecurity, housing, basic amenities and the environment, early childhood development, social inclusion and non-discrimination, structural conflict.
3. Environmental conditions, demography of the population, cultural factors, political system.
4. Common challenges: accessibility, affordability, ageing population, changing ethnic composition of populations, chronic disease and increasing morbidity/mortality, commercialised health care, consumer demands, cost control, ethical limits (e.g. technological growth and innovation), health care quality, health care workforce (e.g. training, regulation, shortage), overspecialisation and focus on tertiary care (“hospital-centrism”), urbanisation and migration.
5. Health status outcomes: life expectancy at birth, infant and maternal mortality rates, crude birth and death rates, cause-specific death rates, health behaviours (e.g. smoking, alcohol consumption, exercise).
6. Culturally sensitive health care: cultural values and practices.
7. Sustainable Development goals.
8. Provision of nursing care in diverse settings.
Special Requirements
Legislative pre-requisites
To be eligible to enrol in a subject and attend a health-related placement in your program, students must meet Western Sydney University program requirements AND Special Legislative Requirements to be assessed in their first year of study against the following:
1. National Criminal History Check: Students must have a current (expiring 3 years from date of issue) check valid for their entire program. A valid National Criminal history check must be an Australia wide check, include the student's full name matching their Student ID card and date of birth and not have any offences listed. If a student has a criminal history identified on their check, they must provide a Clinical Placement Authority Card (CPAC) or conditional letter from the NSW HealthShare Employment Screening and Review Unit
International students must additionally have a translated International Police Check or statutory declaration.
2. A NSW Working with Children Check (WWCC) clearance letter issued under the category of volunteer valid for their entire program.
3. A current approved first aid certificate valid for their entire program, approved provider courses can be found at
4. A completed vaccination/immunisation card with all serology results containing expiry dates and currency must be maintained by the student to ensure compliance for their entire program
5. NSW Undertaking/Declaration form
6. Completed any additional health forms required (such as NSW Health Code of Conduct, Health Student Undertaking/Declaration and Tuberculosis (TB) Assessment Tool)
7. Relevant Local Health District or location specific documentation as requested.
Contact your School for further details. Resources are also available on the Placement Hub website
Additional requirements for this subject
1. A valid passport not due to expire 6 months before international departure date.
2. Visa to travel to a nominated international country of study.
3. Signed and submitted Student Acknowledgement Form to Subject Coordinator.
4. Additional vaccinations as recommended for nominated country of study.
5. A health care plan is required if the student has a health care condition including, but not limited to, allergies and/or asthma.
Special Requirements - NSW Health Legislative Prerequisites Pre-requisites
Student Compliance Information for all Health-Related Placements
Prior to enrolling in this subject, students must have submitted a Student Undertaking Form and undertake to apply for a National Police Check, which is required to be submitted before placement, and a Working with Children Check Student Declaration. Use the link to the Special Requirements webpage below for more information.
To be eligible to enrol in this subject and complete any required health-related placements or experiences, students must meet Western Sydney University program requirements as well as any special, legislated, or policy-mandated requirements.
Western Program Requirements
Visit the Special Requirements webpage for details about your program.
Mandatory NSW Health student placement policy requirements
To be able to undertake placement in any NSW Health facility you must be assessed as compliant with NSW Health student placement policy in the first year of your program, regardless of when you expect to go on your first placement. Access and read the NSW Student Compliance Information Booklet.
NSW Student Compliance Information Booklet
Please ensure that you
- Find your existing National Police Check or apply for one
- Gather documentary evidence of your vaccination history
- Print and compete all relevant NSW Health forms relevant to the campus you are enrolled at or online enrolment requirements
- Follow booklet instructions on how to have your compliance documents assessed by NSW health staff.
International students have additional requirements; the link to the booklet will inform you of these requirements.
School Requirements
Contact your School for further details regarding your School’s requirements, if any, such as
- If you live outside of NSW or Australia and need to meet your state, territory or country’s compliance requirements
- If you need to meet different state, territory or country compliance requirements.
- NSW Working with Children Check (WWCC) or other state equivalent, valid for your entire program.
- Current approved first aid certificate valid for your entire program - approved program providers can be found at the Government Training website
- Other non-health related requirements.
Student Compliance Resources are also available on the Placements Hub web page (NSW students only)
Essential equipment
Access to an internet enabled device is essential in order to be able to: access program materials; to participate in discussion groups; and to access additional resources provided by the lecturer during the session. See for further information.
The following table summarises the standard assessment tasks for this subject. Please note this is a guide only. Assessment tasks are regularly updated, where there is a difference your Learning Guide takes precedence.
Type | Length | Percent | Threshold | Individual/Group Task | Mandatory |
Participation | S/U | Y | Individual | Y | |
Report | 1,200 words | 30 | N | Individual | Y |
Presentation | 10 minute presentation | 40 | N | Individual | Y |
Reflection | 1000 words | 30 | N | Individual | Y |
Teaching Periods
Summer (2024)
Parramatta - Victoria Rd
Subject Contact Jane Frost Opens in new window
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WSU Online TRI-1 (2025)
Wsu Online
Subject Contact Jane Frost Opens in new window