NATS 7007 Drug Biotransformation and Molecular Mechanisms of Toxicity

Credit Points 10

Legacy Code 301139

Coordinator Ricky Spencer Opens in new window

Description This subject provides a strong conceptual foundation of enzymology and mechanisms of drug biotransformation pathways. As a foundation for learning we will provide examples of drugs and other xenobiotics that exhibit toxicity related to biotransformation. This subject is taught by the University of Florida as part of a collaborative venture between the University of Florida and Western Sydney University. Note: Further information on this subject is available from the University of Florida.

School Science

Discipline Forensic Science

Student Contribution Band HECS Band 2 10cp

Check your fees via the Fees page.

Level Postgraduate Coursework Level 7 subject

Pre-requisite(s) NATS 7030


Students must be enrolled in 3741 Master of Forensic Science, 3742 Graduate Diploma in Forensic Science or 3743 Graduate Certificate in Forensic Science.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this subject, students should be able to:

  1. Predict from the structure of a xenobiotic, the structures of its probable metabolites including intermediates and final products
  2. Predict the enzymes (including isozymes where known) likely to be involved in the biotransformation of a xenobiotic and its primary metabolites
  3. Understand and correctly use the terminology of the field
  4. Understand and be able to predict the effects of prototype inducers of xenobiotic biotransformation on enzymes present in liver and other organs
  5. Understand and be able to predict the effects of prototype inhibitors of various xenobiotic biotransformation reactions
  6. Understand the role of route of administration on the fate of a xenobiotic or the action of a modulator of xenobiotic transformation
  7. Understand the roles of transporter proteins in directing uptake and efflux of xenobiotics and their metabolites
  8. Understand the basis for interaction between reactive metabolites and cellular macromolecules, and be able to predict the potentially reactive metabolites of a particular xenobiotic
  9. Comfortably navigate the WWW and know how to locate and use web based resources for their interest and further education
  10. Use web based tools for communication and for the education of themselves and others

Subject Content

Module 1 Overview of Xenobiotic Metabolism
Module 2 Cytochrome P450
Module 3 Flavin Monooxygenase and Other Oxidative Enzymes
Module 4 Ester/Amide Hydrolysis
Module 5 Epoxide Hydrolases
Module 6 Glucuronosyltransferases and Glucosyltransferase
Module 7 Sulfotransferases
Module 8 Glutathione S-transferases
Module 9 Other Phase II Reactions
Module 10 Transport of Xenobiotics and Their Metabolites
Module 11 Metabolism and Toxicity General Concepts
Module 12 Metabolic Activation of Drugs
Module 13 Metabolic Activation of Industrial Chemicals
Module 14 Metabolic Activation of Pyrolysis Products
Module 15 Metabolic Activation of Natural Products


The following table summarises the standard assessment tasks for this subject. Please note this is a guide only. Assessment tasks are regularly updated, where there is a difference your Learning Guide takes precedence.

Type Length Percent Threshold Individual/Group Task Mandatory
Final Exam Not specified 100 N Individual N

Teaching Periods

Uni of Florida - Term 3 (2024)



Subject Contact Ricky Spencer Opens in new window

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Uni of Florida - Term 1 (2025)



Subject Contact Ricky Spencer Opens in new window

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Uni of Florida - Term 3 (2025)



Subject Contact Ricky Spencer Opens in new window

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