LAWS 7064 Legal Research Project 2

Credit Points 10

Legacy Code 201076

Coordinator Tony Nehme Opens in new window

Description This subject provides students with a capstone research experience in relation to a structured research project. Students will develop and refine their legal research and communication skills by exploring and analysing a legal topic chosen by the Law School. Students will compose a research paper of 5,000 words on an approved topic in law and will provide a 20-minute presentation based upon the completed project. The research project areas will principally focus upon those areas identified by the School of Law in its Research Strategy. This subject can be delivered either in a combination of onshore in Australia and offshore in a host country, or solely onshore in Australia. Students enrolled in the subject with an offshore component must be available to travel for two weeks to the host country. When no host country is available, this subject may be delivered wholly onshore (in Australia) only. Students will be advised whether there is an offshore component of study and the availability of a host country in advance of opportunities to enrol. When delivered offshore in a host country the teaching materials will incorporate host country-specific issues and activities relevant to the topics covered in the subject. Offshore delivery integrated with host country specific delivery provides the students with an immersive international and comparative experience to help them develop their research project.

School Law

Discipline Law, Not Elsewhere Classified.

Student Contribution Band HECS Band 4 10cp

Check your fees via the Fees page.

Level Postgraduate Coursework Level 7 subject

Pre-requisite(s) LAWS 7027

Equivalent Subjects LAWS 7024 - International Independent Study Law 2


Students must be enrolled in program 2824 Master of Laws or 2826 Juris Doctor. 

In addition, when the subject is delivered offshore, the subject will not be available for self-select enrolment. Intake in the subject will be restricted to expressions of interest. GPA and progression in the program will be considered, and the pre-requisites must be met. Students must be able to travel to the offshore destination for a specified period of 2 weeks (The dates for the term of offer will be made available to students through the School of Law's regular communication channels).

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this subject, students should be able to:

  1. Present a sustained evidence based research paper.
  2. Demonstrate a high level of comprehension of the selected topic.
  3. Undertake legal research to locate up to date and accurate information from a variety of both primary and secondary sources.
  4. Engage in analytical, critical and reflective evaluation of issues and materials.
  5. Develop reasoned, coherent and persuasive arguments that lead to a logical conclusion.
  6. Demonstrate excellent academic method and originality in research and writing.

Subject Content

Students will undertake the following key elements of their research project on an agreed research question under the guidance of their respective supervisors:

  1. Reflection on research experiences
  2. Research methodology
  3. Literature review
  4. Topic proposal
  5. Submission of paper
  6. Class presentation

Note: the area of research may extend, but must not duplicate research done in previous subjects.

Special Requirements

Legislative pre-requisites

Students must meet any visa and medical requirements relevant for host country when subject is delivered offshore. 


The following table summarises the standard assessment tasks for this subject. Please note this is a guide only. Assessment tasks are regularly updated, where there is a difference your Learning Guide takes precedence.

Type Length Percent Threshold Individual/Group Task Mandatory
Proposal 750 words S/U Y Individual Y
Presentation 20 minutes S/U Y Individual Y
Essay 5,000 words 100 N Individual N

Teaching Periods

Spring (2024)



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Summer (2024)

Parramatta - Victoria Rd


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Autumn (2025)



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Spring (2025)

Parramatta - Victoria Rd


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