INFO 7004 ICT Practicum

Credit Points 0

Legacy Code 301047

Coordinator Rhys Tague Opens in new window

Description In this subject, students undertake 120 hours of full-time or part-time equivalent industry placement as a Work Integrated Learning (WIL) component required for the successful completion of their course. Students can nominate an organisation of their choice however, they must seek the approval of the Subject Coordinator before the commencement of the industry placement. Students have the option to work in an organisation in Australia, or within a department/division of Western Sydney University carrying out ICT related tasks or globally, with the exception of their home country for non-Australian resident students. This provides an opportunity for real-world experience in the ICT industry in Australia as well as anywhere in the world. Students with substantial post-qualification work experience in Australia or globally (with the exception of their home country for non-Australian residents) may be eligible for advanced standing for this subject.

School Computer, Data & Math Sciences

Discipline Information Technology, Not Elsewhere Classified.

Student Contribution Band

Check your fees via the Fees page.

Level Postgraduate Coursework Level 7 subject

Pre-requisite(s) For students enrolled in 3698 Master of Information and Communications Technology (Advanced) or 3699 Master of Information and Communications Technology - ENGR 7017 Professional Practice in Communication
For students enrolled in 3765 Master of Artificial Intelligence - COMP 7020 Artificial Intelligence Ethics and Organisations


Students must be enrolled in 3698 Master of Information and Communications Technology (Advanced), 3699 Master of Information and Communications Technology or 3765 Master of Artificial Intelligence.

Assumed Knowledge

A broad background knowledge in ICT discipline (i.e. equivalent to that obtained after completing two-three years of ICT/Computing).

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this subject, students should be able to:

  1. Relate academic course material to workplace conditions
  2. Develop experience in various aspects of ICT industry such as planning, organising and managing ICT projects as well as adapting to workplace culture in Australia or globally)
  3. Develop appropriate workplace skills, work habits and professional attitudes by working with professionals
  4. Communicate effectively in a variety of forms to diverse audiences
  5. Work in a team environment

Subject Content

A 120 hrs full time or part-time equivalent of industrial training in the ICT industry performing following tasks:
1. Find details of assigned workplace including relevant work practices and procedures
2. Follow relevant work practices and procedures
3. Perform appropriate workplace tasks as directed
4. Seek feedback on assigned tasks from appropriate person
5. Document evidence of activities carried as required


The following table summarises the standard assessment tasks for this subject. Please note this is a guide only. Assessment tasks are regularly updated, where there is a difference your Learning Guide takes precedence.

Type Length Percent Threshold Individual/Group Task Mandatory
Participation A daily kept diary with the employer’s evaluation at the end of each week S/U Y Individual Y
Log/Workbook A 2-3 pages report detailing the tasks and responsibilities undertaken by the student S/U Y Individual Y
Professional Placement Performance A standard form (approx. 1 page) is provided for Employer to fill in and submit to the subject coordinator as a confidential report. S/U Y Individual Y

Teaching Periods

Sydney City Campus - Term 2 (2024)

Sydney City


Subject Contact Mahsa Razavi Opens in new window

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Spring (2024)



Subject Contact Rhys Tague Opens in new window

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Parramatta - Victoria Rd


Subject Contact Rhys Tague Opens in new window

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Autumn (2025)



Subject Contact Rhys Tague Opens in new window

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Sydney City Campus - Term 1 (2025)

Sydney City


Subject Contact Mahsa Razavi Opens in new window

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Sydney City Campus - Term 2 (2025)

Sydney City


Subject Contact Mahsa Razavi Opens in new window

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Spring (2025)



Subject Contact Rhys Tague Opens in new window

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