HUMN 3081 The International Relations of the Middle East Since 1945
Credit Points 10
Legacy Code 101783
Coordinator James Trapani Opens in new window
Description This subject offers a historical study of the international relations of the Middle East from 1945 to the present. It examines the relations of Middle Eastern states to global structures of power; the pattern of relations between regional states; the causes of regional wars and international co-operation; the impact of domestic factors on the foreign policy of states; the importance of oil to international politics and the global economy; and the role of ideologies and non-state forces in international relations and between states in the Middle East.
School Humanities & Comm Arts
Discipline History
Student Contribution Band HECS Band 4 10cp
Check your fees via the Fees page.
Level Undergraduate Level 3 subject
Successful completion of 60 credit points of study in currently enrolled program.
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this subject, students should be able to:
- Demonstrate ability to develop and expound an argument in written form
- Skills in oral expression refined by discussing and debating key issues, episodes and themes relevant to the history of the Middle East since 1945
- Ability to conduct research and demonstrate a depth of knowledge and analysis of particular themes, issues or aspects of post-1945 Middle Eastern history
- Ability to demonstrate a broad understanding and knowledge of the content of the subject
- Demonstrate ability to discuss and critically analyse primary texts and other literature related to the subject
- Develop both written and oral expression, essential skills for students at the upper-level and beyond.
Subject Content
Historical perspectives on the Middle East
The formation of the modern Middle East
The interplay of domestic, regional and international rivalries
The Cold War and the Middle East
The enduring Arab/Israeli conflict
Crises and conflict in the Middle East after the Cold War
Modern and religious ideologies and challenges to the Middle East states: transnational movements
Oil and the Middle East: regional and international political and economic implications
The modern Middle East in historical perspective
The following table summarises the standard assessment tasks for this subject. Please note this is a guide only. Assessment tasks are regularly updated, where there is a difference your Learning Guide takes precedence.
Type | Length | Percent | Threshold | Individual/Group Task | Mandatory |
Essay | 2,000 words | 35 | N | Individual | N |
Tutorial Presentation and Paper | 1,000 words | 20 | N | Individual | N |
Take home Exam | 72 hour period to submit short essay responses to turnitin | 45 | N | Individual | N |
Prescribed Texts
- Fred Halliday, The Middle East in International Relations, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2nd edition, 2008
Teaching Periods
Spring (2024)
Bankstown City
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Penrith (Kingswood)
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Parramatta - Victoria Rd
Subject Contact James Trapani Opens in new window