HUMN 1059 When Worlds Collide: European Empires and the World, c.1600-1950 (WSTC)

Credit Points 10

Legacy Code 700299

Coordinator Ariadna Kiehn Opens in new window

Description This subject provides an historical investigation of the interaction between European empires-specifically the British and the Dutch-and the Americas and Asia-Pacific region, from 1600-1950. It examines the combination of domination and cultural negotiation between colonisers and colonised, which included, among other processes, the trans-Atlantic slave trade. It examines both how peoples were managed as imperial subjects, and how they responded to this management. The subject explores both the effect of imperial rule on the colonised, and of empire upon the colonisers. It draws upon historical literature from a variety of sources and perspectives, and from European and Asian history.

School Humanities & Comm Arts

Discipline History

Student Contribution Band HECS Band 4 10cp

Check your fees via the Fees page.

Level Undergraduate Level 1 subject

Equivalent Subjects CULT 1014 - The First Globalisation HUMN 1022 - Global History HUMN 1054 - When Worlds Collide European Empires and the World c1600-1950 HUMN 1023 - Global History (WSTC)


Students must be enrolled at The College to enrol in this subject. Students enrolled in Extended College programs must have passed 40 credit points of the preparatory subjects in these programs in order to enrol in this subject.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this subject, students should be able to:

  1. Discuss the historical experience of European colonialism, for both colonisers and colonised, with reference the British and Dutch Empires.
  2. Describe processes for studying different cultures, Western and non-Western, in contact and collision.
  3. Apply selected historiographic and ethnographic skills to the study of historical cultures.
  4. Produce compelling arguments with primary and secondary sources.

Subject Content

NB This content is modular and therefore: the content will be taught according to the available teaching staff's areas of expertise; not all topics will be included each term; content will not necessarily be taught in the order it is listed below.
1. The origins of modern European empires: the British and the Dutch in context.
2. The early British Empire in the Atlantic and Caribbean
3. The British Empire and property: the case of John Locke
4. The Mughal Empire and its first contact with the British
5. The British and India: 1600-1700
6. Liberal Critics of Empire: Adam Smith and Edmund Burke
7. America revolts against empire: the American Revolution
8. Religion and Liberalism: Raja Rammohun Roy
9. Africa and the trans-Atlantic Slave Trade
10. The Abolition of slavery in the British Empire
11. Gandhi and the Indian independence movement
12. The Dutch Empire in Asia: overview
13. The Dutch in Indonesia
14. British and Dutch colonial policy in SE Asia.
15. A survey of colonial policies and practices re marriage and sex in Asia.
16. A survey of colonial policies on Islam in Asia
17. The battle for ownership in settler colonial Australia
18. The emergence of Australian settler nationalism
19. Issues in the colonial Dutch East Indies
20. The rise of Indonesian nationalism


The following table summarises the standard assessment tasks for this subject. Please note this is a guide only. Assessment tasks are regularly updated, where there is a difference your Learning Guide takes precedence.

Type Length Percent Threshold Individual/Group Task Mandatory
Portfolio 900 words 30 N Individual N
Report 750 words 30 N Individual N
Essay 1500 words 40 N Individual N

Teaching Periods

Term 2 (2024)

Bankstown City


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Nirimba Education Precinct


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Term 3 (2024)

Bankstown City


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Nirimba Education Precinct


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Term 2 (2025)

Bankstown City


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Nirimba Education Precinct


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