HLTH 2026 Paramedicine Care 1

Credit Points 10

Coordinator Sooaad Dahoud Opens in new window

Description This subject develops core competencies for paramedic practice in real-world situations by facilitation of an emergency ambulance placement. These core competencies include communication, documentation, reflections, and professional behaviour. In addition, this unit aims to build foundational skills and knowledge relating to the assessment and management of neurological, musculoskeletal, and integumentary patient presentations. The subject also deals with the assessment and management of pain in the out-of-hospital setting. The subject combines theoretical and practical aspects to develop knowledge, skills, interpretation, and application of diagnostics and clinical decision-making to implement appropriate patient care.

School Health Sciences

Discipline Paramedical Studies

Student Contribution Band HECS Band 2 10cp

Check your fees via the Fees page.

Level Undergraduate Level 2 subject

Pre-requisite(s) NATS 1009
NATS 1010
HLTH 1019


Students must be enrolled in 4790 Bachelor of Paramedicine or 4669 Bachelor of Health Science (Paramedicine).

Assumed Knowledge

First-year knowledge of the Bachelor of Paramedicine 

Learning Outcomes

  1. Display a high level of professionalism, effective communication skills, ethics, and consistent safe work practices in a real-world environment.
  2. Reflect on the out-of-hospital environment, the patient’s experiences, and their own learning needs.
  3. Evaluate appropriate, evidence-based out-of-hospital management strategies.
  4. Describe the epidemiology, pathophysiology, pathogenesis and sequalae of select neurological, musculoskeletal, and integumentary patient presentations.
  5. Describe the epidemiology, physiology, pathophysiology, and sequalae of pain
  6. Integrate patient history and assessment to develop and apply evidence-based out-of-hospital treatment plans for patients across the lifespan with select neurological, musculoskeletal and integumentary disorders.
  7. Integrate patient history and assessment to develop and apply evidence-based out-of-hospital treatment plans for patients experiencing pain.

Subject Content

  1. Intra- and inter-professional communication, ethics and professionalism
  2. Safe work practices
  3. Observation and assessment of real-world patients under the supervision of health professionals
  4. Basic skills and protocols associated with patient assessment and management
  5. Supervised interpretation of patient findings, and implementation of appropriate interventions
  6. Reflection on clinical placement experience and evidence-based out-of-hospital practice
  7. Pathophysiology, pathogenesis and sequalae of neurological, musculoskeletal, and integumentary patient presentations 
  8. Assessment, treatment, and evidence-based clinical decision-making in relation to neurological, musculoskeletal and integumentary presentations throughout the lifespan
  9. Assessment, treatment, and evidence-based clinical decision-making in relation to pain throughout the lifespan

Work integrated learning

There is a mandatory work component required for completion of this program.  Please contact the Program Advisor listed above for information.

International students should also refer to the link below for more information and a link to the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS).

Work Integrated Learning (WIL) for international students

Special Requirements

Legislative pre-requisites

Prior to enrolling in this unit, students must have submitted a Student Undertaking Form and undertake to apply for a National Police Check, which is required to be submitted before placement, and a Working with Children Check Student Declaration. Students must hold a valid and current First Aid Certificate from a Registered Training Organisation. Use the link to the Special Requirements webpage below for more information.

Student Compliance Information for all Health-Related Placements
Students must meet Western Sydney University course requirements as well as any special, legislated, or policy-mandated requirements.

Western Course Requirements
Visit the Special Requirements webpage for details about your course.
Special Requirements: https://www.westernsydney.edu.au/currentstudents/current_students/enrolment/special_requirements

Mandatory NSW Health student placement policy requirements
To be able to undertake placement in any NSW Health facility you must be assessed as compliant with NSW Health student placement policy in the first year of your course, regardless of when you expect to go on your first placement. Access and read the NSW Student Compliance Information Booklet.

NSW Student Compliance Information Booklet: https://issuu.com/uwspublications/docs/wsu_student_compliance_booklet_2020_v6

Please ensure that you
1. Find your existing National Police Check or apply for one
2. Gather documentary evidence of your vaccination history
3. Print and compete all relevant NSW Health forms relevant to the campus you are enrolled at or online enrolment requirements
4. Follow booklet instructions on how to have your compliance documents assessed by NSW health staff.
International students have additional requirements: the link to the booklet will inform you of these requirements.

School Requirements

Contact your School for further details regarding your School’s requirements, if any, such as
If you live outside of NSW or Australia and need to meet your state, territory or country’s compliance requirements
If you need to meet different state, territory or country compliance requirements.
NSW Working with Children Check (WWCC) or other state equivalent, valid for your entire course.
Current approved first aid certificate valid for your entire course - approved course providers can be found at the Government Training website
Other non-health related requirements.
Student Compliance Resources are also available on the Placements Hub web page.



The following table summarises the standard assessment tasks for this subject. Please note this is a guide only. Assessment tasks are regularly updated, where there is a difference your Learning Guide takes precedence.

Type Length Percent Threshold Individual/Group Task Mandatory
Professional Placement Performance Approx. 8-12 12-hour shifts over a 3-week period S/U N Individual N
Reflection 1000 words 30 N Individual N
Quiz 60 min 30 N Individual N
Practical Exam up to 60 minutes 40 N Individual N

Teaching Periods

1st Half (2025)



Subject Contact Sooaad Dahoud Opens in new window

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