HLTH 2004 Exercise Bioenergetics
Credit Points 10
Legacy Code 400883
Coordinator Shona Papalia Opens in new window
Description This subject investigates exercise metabolism and related genomics and proteomics in an integrated fashion. Covering: energy pathways; metabolic control; metabolism, oxygen consumption and respiratory quotient relationships; metabolic responses to acute and chronic exercise; pathway contributions to exercise; metabolic limitations to exercise; metabolic contributions to fatigue; metabolic acidosis, cellular and systemic implications of metabolic thresholds, conditions that can alter cellular metabolism. Whilst skeletal muscle metabolism is the primary focus, liver and adipose tissue metabolism are also considered as are anabolic pathways. Students will be exposed to basic biochemical assays of interest to the exercise physiologist.
School Health Sciences
Discipline Human Movement
Student Contribution Band HECS Band 4 10cp
Check your fees via the Fees page.
Level Undergraduate Level 2 subject
Pre-requisite(s) NATS 1009 AND
HLTH 1001
Equivalent Subjects BIOS 2003 - Bioenergetics of Exercise
Restrictions Students must be enrolled in 4658 Bachelor of Health Science (Sport and Exercise Science).
Assumed Knowledge
The knowledge and skills covered in the pre-requisite subjects. In addition students are expected to have a mathematical ability equal to a passing level in the BOSTES (NSW) numeracy test. See http://www.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au/rosa/literacy-and-numeracy-tests.html . Students whose mathematical ability is not at this level or who have not used such mathematics recently are encouraged to seek assistance early through the Mathematics Educational resource Hub (MESH). http://www.westernsydney.edu.au/mesh/mesh
Learning Outcomes
- Interpret the information in chemical equations, formulae, structures, as well as understand the general concepts involved in biological applications of thermodynamics, genomics, proteomics and metabolomics.
- Explain the mechanism of action of enzymes and factors that affect rate of enzyme-controlled reactions.
- Describe the structure and functions of DNA and RNA, the processes of replication, translation and transcription along with how rates of these to processes can be altered by exercise.
- Detail the major concepts of aerobic, alactic and lactic energy production including regulation and integration of the metabolic pathways, as well as understand the different terminology for these energy systems.
- Detail the factors that influence the contribution of carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabolism to the supply of energy for a range of exercise and conditions.
- Explain the relationships between metabolism, oxygen consumption and respiratory quotient, metabolic rate, blood lactate, pH and metabolic thresholds.
- Explain the biochemistry of metabolic acidosis and its implication for exercise performance.
- Proficiently use basic biochemical testing equipment and understand the basis for protocol, objectivity, reliability and validity.
- Explain the relevance of and interpret an array of biochemical assays used as part of integrated exercise and fitness testing and physiological research.
- Calibrate equipment used in exercise biochemistry including gas analysers, blood lactate analysers.
Subject Content
1. Introduction to Chemistry, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
a. Chemical symbols, formulae, structure representation, bonding, formula mass, moles, pH, ions, solubility, reaction equations, equilibrium vs steady state vs completion.
b. Terminology in context metabolism, catabolic, anabolic, genomics, proteomics, metabolomics
c. High Energy phosphate and High Energy Carriers.
d. Chemical thermodynamics
- Free energy
- Enthalpy
- Entropy
- spontaneous reactions
- Catalysts effect on
- energy and bonds
e. Oxidation reduction reactions
f. Energy substrates, their structures and storage in humans: CHO, Fat, protein.
g. Enzyme structure function and factors influencing rate of enzyme controlled reactions.
h. Nucleic acids and gene expression
- structure and function
- replication, translation and transcription
- The basics of The processes
- Altering rates of
- Importance in energy metabolism
- impact of Exercise on current status of research
i. The work energy relationship at a cellular level
- mechanical work
- muscle contraction energy metabolism link
- Electrical work.
2. Skeletal Muscle Energy Production Pathways and exercise
a. ATP/PC (Alactic) system
b. Anaerobic Glycolysis
c. Aerobic pathways
- Aerobic glycolysis
- Tricarboxylic acid cycle
- Oxidative Phosphorylation and The Electron transport system
- Lipolysis and Beta-oxidation of Fats
- protein and Amino acid metabolism
d. Bioenergetic shuttle systems and the adenylate kinase & deaminase reactions
e. Measuring contributions of pathways to energy of exercise
- Oxygen Consumption, Respiratory quotient, metabolic rate, blood lactate, pH and metabolic thresholds (including calculations)
- Equipment calibration and protocols - Accuracy, Objectivity, reliability, validity; Limitations
- interpretation of results
f. Metabolic responses to exercise
- Acute Exercise - The sprinter, The marathon runner and ultra-marathon runner
- chronic Exercise - sprint and Endurance running training
- Factors influencing substrate usage in Exercise
- metabolic acidosis
- The fate of lactate
- Metabolisms Contributions to central and peripheral fatigue
g. Energy metabolism integration and control
3. Differences in energy metabolism between tissues and Overview of other processes related to energy metabolism and exercise.
a. Muscle and liver
- Gluconeogenesis
- glycogen Synthesis
b. Adipose tissue and Fatty Acid synthesis
c. Amino acid and pro
The following table summarises the standard assessment tasks for this subject. Please note this is a guide only. Assessment tasks are regularly updated, where there is a difference your Learning Guide takes precedence.
Type | Length | Percent | Threshold | Individual/Group Task | Mandatory |
Practical | Varied - From 5 to 20 minutes each | S/U | Y | Individual | Y |
Quiz | 30 minutes maximum allowed time each. | 30 | N | Individual | Y |
Report | minimum 3-4 pages, 10 point Arial font single spaced | 20 | N | Individual | Y |
Final Exam | 3 hours | 50 | N | Individual | Y |
Prescribed Texts
- Mougios, V., Exercise Biochemistry, Human Kinetics, 2nd Edition, 2020
Teaching Periods
Autumn (2025)
Subject Contact Shona Papalia Opens in new window