ECON 3003 Derivatives

Credit Points 10

Legacy Code 200079

Coordinator Mark Thomas Opens in new window

Description This subject provides an introduction to the major classes of derivatives: forwards, futures, swaps and options. It examines how these instruments can be used by companies for the purposes of hedging, speculation and arbitrage. Each of these categories of derivatives is examined in some detail. Considerable attention is also given to various models used to price derivative products. The historical background to contemporary risk management is also considered.

School Business

Discipline Economics

Student Contribution Band HECS Band 4 10cp

Check your fees via the Fees page.

Level Undergraduate Level 3 subject

Pre-requisite(s) ECON 1006 AND
ECON 2002

Equivalent Subjects LGYA 9824 - Risk Management LGYB 9004 - Options Futures and Derivitive Products

Assumed Knowledge

Knowledge of mathematics and statistics equivalent to that required for 200052, Introduction to Economic Methods.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this subject, students should be able to:
  1. Describe the operational mechanics of derivatives trading;
  2. Identify and explain the role of key participants in derivatives markets;
  3. Evaluate the institutional and organisational structure of key derivatives markets;
  4. Examine the theoretical background to the pricing of various types of derivatives;
  5. Illustrate the historical development of derivatives.

Subject Content

- options, futures and forwards Overview
- mechanics of futures and forward markets
- interest rate mathematics and analysis
- forward and futures price analysis
- Hedging strategies
- interest rate derivatives
- FRAs and swaps
- option market structure and mechanics
- option strategies
- option pricing Models


The following table summarises the standard assessment tasks for this subject. Please note this is a guide only. Assessment tasks are regularly updated, where there is a difference your Learning Guide takes precedence.

Type Length Percent Threshold Individual/Group Task Mandatory
Quiz 40 minutes 10 N Individual Y
Presentation 10 minutes 15 N Group Y
Intra-session Exam 1 hour 25 N Individual Y
Final Exam 2 hours 50 N Individual Y

Prescribed Texts

  • Hull, J 2014, Fundamentals of futures and options markets, 8th edn, Pearson, Harlow, Essex. [Available online].

Teaching Periods

Sydney City Campus - Term 3 (2024)

Sydney City


Subject Contact Neelam Goela Opens in new window

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Vietnam Session 1 (2025)



Subject Contact Mark Thomas Opens in new window

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Autumn (2025)

Parramatta City - Macquarie St


Subject Contact Mark Thomas Opens in new window

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Sydney City Campus - Term 1 (2025)

Sydney City


Subject Contact Neelam Goela Opens in new window

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Vietnam Session 2 (2025)



Subject Contact Heath Spong Opens in new window

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Vietnam Session 3 (2025)



Subject Contact Mark Thomas Opens in new window

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Sydney City Campus - Term 3 (2025)

Sydney City


Subject Contact Neelam Goela Opens in new window

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