COMM 3045 Advertising: Campaigns

Credit Points 10

Legacy Code 102730

Coordinator John Greig Opens in new window

Description In this capstone subject students will learn to professionalise key aspects of the advertising management process. The subject provides the opportunity to link and apply theoretical understanding with research, writing, planning, creative development and media, and presentation skills in response to a live client brief provided by a multi-national advertising agency. The 'real world' situation allows students to demonstrate their capacity for problem analysis and to develop appropriate and timely solutions. Students will work within an allocated budget and to realistic industry deadlines to produce a campaign they can include in their portfolio. Assessment tasks will enable students to demonstrate emerging professional capacity and prepare themselves for a communication position, either in an advertising agency, media agency or consultancy.

School Humanities & Comm Arts

Discipline Communication And Media Studies

Student Contribution Band HECS Band 4 10cp

Check your fees via the Fees page.

Level Undergraduate Level 3 subject

Pre-requisite(s) COMM 2011 OR MKTG 2013 AND
COMM 2006

Equivalent Subjects LGYA 1057 - Advertising Campaigns COMM 3007 - Communication Campaigns

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this subject, students should be able to:

  1. Explain the importance of strategy and research in successful advertising campaigns across a range of different approaches and methodologies.
  2. Critique advertising campaigns and describe best practice.
  3. Undertake relevant research to develop and leverage strategies for campaigns and to develop relevant and strategic insights.
  4. Create and present an advertising campaign based on a live agency brief for a real world client.
  5. Apply a theoretical grounding in campaign development.

Subject Content

(1) Campaign Practice
Components include
- Research
- Formulating objectives
- Identifying and understanding the target audiences
- Planning strategies and tactics
- Creative development
- Writing and design
- Media planning
- Budgeting
- Meeting timelines and evaluation
(2) Campaign Theory
- Reading and research on campaigns
- Role of digital and traditional media
- Examination of best practice
- Reviewing others?f work
- Self-reflection
- Developing a portfolio
- Application of digital and traditional media
- Planning advertising campaigns in a multidisciplinary, multicultural and multimodal context
Components include


The following table summarises the standard assessment tasks for this subject. Please note this is a guide only. Assessment tasks are regularly updated, where there is a difference your Learning Guide takes precedence.

Type Length Percent Threshold Individual/Group Task Mandatory
Critical Review 3 minutes per presentation 30 N Individual Y
Critical Review 2,500 words 30 N Group Y
Portfolio 1,000 words and concepts 40 N Group Y

Prescribed Texts

  • Felton, George. Advertising Concept & Copy (2013) W.W. Norton & Company Inc., New York
  • Foster, Jack. How To Get Ideas, (2007) Berrett-Keohler New York

Teaching Periods

Sydney City Campus - Term 2 (2024)

Sydney City


Subject Contact Ming Diao Opens in new window

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Spring (2024)

Penrith (Kingswood)


Subject Contact John Greig Opens in new window

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Subject Contact John Greig Opens in new window

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Parramatta - Victoria Rd


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Vietnam Session 3 (2024)



Subject Contact John Greig Opens in new window

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Sydney City Campus - Term 3 (2024)

Sydney City


Subject Contact Ming Diao Opens in new window

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Vietnam Session 1 (2025)



Subject Contact John Greig Opens in new window

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Sydney City Campus - Term 2 (2025)

Sydney City


Subject Contact Ming Diao Opens in new window

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Spring (2025)

Penrith (Kingswood)


Subject Contact John Greig Opens in new window

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Subject Contact John Greig Opens in new window

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Parramatta - Victoria Rd


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Vietnam Session 3 (2025)



Subject Contact John Greig Opens in new window

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