CIVL 2016 Civil and Substructure

Credit Points 10

Legacy Code 301220

Coordinator Mark Crowley Opens in new window

Description This subject provides an overview of civil construction and associated sub-structure works comprising footings, pilings and slabs and the high costs associated with these elements. Through site surveys, site assessments and design proposals students will apply their developing understanding of bulk excavation, site drainage, service mains (electricity, gas, water, sewerage, data), roads and retaining walls to real world examples. Students will also examine public infrastructure such as ports, tunnels, bridges and highways to deepen their knowledge base. Additionally, in order to further understand the high costs involved in sub structure works, students will learn to identify problems faced on sites including rock, chemically-aggressive soils and water-logged sites.

School Eng, Design & Built Env

Discipline Construction Engineering

Student Contribution Band HECS Band 2 10cp

Check your fees via the Fees page.

Level Undergraduate Level 2 subject

Pre-requisite(s) BLDG 1017 OR
BLDG 1014

Co-requisite(s) BLDG 1018 OR
BLDG 1015

Equivalent Subjects CIVL 2001 Construction Technology 1 (Civil)

BLDG 2007 Construction Technology 2 (Sub-structure)

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this subject, students should be able to:

  1. Undertake preliminary surveys of a project site
  2. Conduct assessments of site conditions relating to foundation condition, gradient and drainage
  3. Design the road pavement requirements, site drainage and services installation for a proposed building project
  4. Select appropriate footing and substructure systems for different construction sites

Subject Content

1.Properties of rock and soil
2.Site establishment (construction sheds and storage, signage, hoardings and barricades, traffic control)
3.Understanding the principles of subdivision siteworks (surveying, bulk excavation and fill, site drainage and stormwater detention, retaining walls)
4.Road construction
5.Service mains (stormwater, potable & grey water, sewerage, electricity, gas & data)
6.Conventional sub-structures (shallow footings, slabs, piling)
7.Specialised sub-structures (basements, tunnels, marine and riverine sub-structures)


The following table summarises the standard assessment tasks for this subject. Please note this is a guide only. Assessment tasks are regularly updated, where there is a difference your Learning Guide takes precedence.

Type Length Percent Threshold Individual/Group Task Mandatory
Quiz 60 minutes each (in 3 separate weeks) 45 N Individual Y
Applied Project 2,000 words (for the group with designated individual components) 55 N Group/Individual Y

Teaching Periods

Autumn (2025)

Penrith (Kingswood)


Subject Contact Mark Crowley Opens in new window

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Parramatta - Victoria Rd


Subject Contact Mark Crowley Opens in new window

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