CHEM 1006 Essential Chemistry 2 (WSTC)

Credit Points 10

Legacy Code 700122

Coordinator Phillip Newman Opens in new window

Description This subject introduces an investigation of the reactivity of covalent molecules, in particular, of carbon-based compounds. Focussing on introductory chemical dynamics and thermodynamics, students will develop an in-depth understanding of the structure, nomenclature and reactivity of the principal organic functional groups, extending their basic principles of chemistry. They will also understand how molecules are synthesised and the ways they react being important in the function and role of chemistry in biological systems in our domestic and industrial worlds.

School Science

Student Contribution Band HECS Band 2 10cp

Check your fees via the Fees page.

Level Undergraduate Level 1 subject

Equivalent Subjects CHEM 1002 - Chemistry 2 CHEM 1010 - Medicinal Chemistry LGYB 0462 - Chemistry 2 (UWSC) CHEM 1005 - Essentials of Chemistry 2


Students must be enrolled at The College.

Students enrolled in Extended Diploma programs must have passed 40 credit points of preparatory subjects in order to enrol in this subject

Assumed Knowledge

An understanding and competence with basic chemical principles including SI units, chemical symbols, formulas and equations, nomenclature, stoichiometry, the mole concept, bonding, molecular shape and polarity, states and properties of matter, thermodynamics, equilibria, acids and bases, pH and electrochemistry. General Mathematics  Bands 5 and 6 or Mathematics Band 4 or equivalent.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Explain the structure and function relationship between organic molecules and their physical and chemical properties
  2. Recognise and predict the product of the following organic reactions
    1. Elimination reaction of alcohols and alkyl halides
    2. Addition reactions of alkenes, alkynes, aldehydes and ketones
    3. Substitution reactions of alcohols, alkyl halides and carboxylic acid derivatives
    4. Redox reactions of alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids and esters
  3. Use experimental data to find the rate law and propose a mechanism for a chemical reaction
  4. Explain the basic thermodynamic principles that govern chemical systems.
  5. Demonstrate competence in the manipulative laboratory skills and deductive skills involved in organic synthesis and reaction kinetics.
  6. Record the results of their investigations demonstrating awareness of the conventions of scientific writing and graphical presentations.
  7. Apply and transfer chemical principles to other contexts such as biological systems.

Subject Content

  1. Introduction to Chemical Dynamics: reactions kinetics - 1st order chemical reactions; rate law and mechanisms of reaction; 
  2. Introduction to Chemical Thermodynamics; Spontaneity of reaction; Entropy; Enthalpy; Hess’ Law
  3. Organic chemistry: structure of principal organic functional groups, nomenclature, physical properties and structure; reaction types – addition, substitution, elimination, redox;
  4. Scientific method(s)
  5. Setup and performance of a chemical synthesis, including setup and conducting a reflux, and distillation, use of separating funnel and re-crystallisation, measurement of melting point, refractive index
  6. Measurement, graphing and analysis of data.


The following table summarises the standard assessment tasks for this subject. Please note this is a guide only. Assessment tasks are regularly updated, where there is a difference your Learning Guide takes precedence.

Type Length Percent Threshold Individual/Group Task Mandatory
Log/workbook 3 hours x 5 weeks 20 Y Individual
Quiz 6 short (10 minutes) online practice quizzes 25 N Individual
Essay 1,000 words 10 N Individual
Short Answer 1 hour 10 N Individual
End-of-session Exam 2 hours and 20 minutes 35 N Individual