BEHV 3026 Service Learning
Credit Points 10
Legacy Code 102740
Coordinator Bridget Brooklyn Opens in new window
Description In this subject, the learning experience combines civic engagement with training, and personal and scholarly reflection. Service learning focuses on the application and development of a broad range of knowledges, capacities and skills in the context of voluntary effort to benefit the community. For example, depending on the site selected, students may: extend their capacity to communicate and work effectively in culturally diverse contexts; gain a better understanding of social inclusion and exclusion in Australia or overseas, or; become more confident about their personal and professional capacity to contribute to the well-being of others or protection of the natural environment. The subject may be taken in Australia or overseas through one of Western’s Partners such as CISaustralia, completed individually or as part of a group and in any term of study. For further information please contact the subject coordinator or browse the Engaged Learning Subjects vUWS Companion site.
School Humanities & Comm Arts
Discipline Public Health, Not Elsewhere Classified.
Student Contribution Band HECS Band 2 10cp
Check your fees via the Fees page.
Level Undergraduate Level 3 subject
Successful completion of 60 credit points in currently enrolled program
Students must obtain permission from the subject coordinator before enrolling in this subject.
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this subject, students should be able to:
- Identify the personal and professional skills required in volunteering.
- Discuss the historical and contemporary significance of volunteering as a form of civic engagement.
- Reflect on the personal and organizational challenges and benefits of volunteering.
- Discuss the contribution of civic engagement to a diverse, sustainable and inclusive society.
- Explain how your experience as a volunteer has enhanced your personal development and professional profile.
Subject Content
- Determination of an appropriate placement in conjunction with an Subject Coordinator.
- Participation in training either at the placement organisation or, if not provided there, through the NSW Centre of Volunteering (2 hours, run weekly)
- Completion of a placement: minimum of 20 hours, maximum of 50 hours. Maximum hours may be extended at student’s request
The following table summarises the standard assessment tasks for this subject. Please note this is a guide only. Assessment tasks are regularly updated, where there is a difference your Learning Guide takes precedence.
Type | Length | Percent | Threshold | Individual/Group Task | Mandatory |
Presentation | 5 minutes plus 1000 words | 30 | N | Individual | Y |
Practical | Variable. Minimum 2 hours | S/U | Y | Individual | Y |
Reflection | 2,000 words | 30 | N | Individual | Y |
Essay | 2,000 words | 40 | N | Individual | N |
Teaching Periods
Spring (2024)
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Autumn (2025)
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Spring (2025)
Bankstown City
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Penrith (Kingswood)
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Parramatta - Victoria Rd
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