AGRI 1011 Introduction to Agrifood

Credit Points 10

Coordinator Ryan Mcquinn Opens in new window

Description This subject introduces the concepts driving current food production science in terms of universal life cycles, constraints to production and societal issues. Throughout the subject, key questions will be addressed: What are the major health benefits and potential concerns regarding the intensification of production and consumption of food? How does agricultural production affect the efficient use of resources and impact our environment? Can costs of production be reduced to meet the growing demand for food products around the globe while maintaining health and safety for consumers? What are the different types of food production systems? The subject is geared towards learners who seek a greater understanding of food systems and have a desire to learn more about issues surrounding sustainability.

School Science

Discipline Agricultural Science

Student Contribution Band HECS Band 1 10cp

Check your fees via the Fees page.

Level Undergraduate Level 1 subject

Equivalent Subjects AGRI 1004



Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this subject, students should be able to:

  1. Identify agricultural production systems and sustainable agriculture practices.
  2. Explain key principles and contemporary issues in sustainable agriculture.
  3. Apply problem-solving skills to sustainable agricultural issues through the process of scientific inquiry.
  4. Describe ethical considerations affecting both scientific and professional activities within sustainable agriculture.

Subject Content

1. Sustainable Agriculture principles, challenges and goals.
2. Agricultural systems and sectors (agronomy, agricultural enterprises and digital technologies).
3. Sustainable management of natural resources.
4. Sustainable Agrifood systems.


The following table summarises the standard assessment tasks for this subject. Please note this is a guide only. Assessment tasks are regularly updated, where there is a difference your Learning Guide takes precedence.

Type Length Percent Threshold Individual/Group Task Mandatory
Numerical Problem Solving Exercise equivalent to 120 minutes of problem solving 30 N Individual N
Quiz 6 quizzes of equal weighting (5% each) held in class sessions 30 N Individual N
Viva Voce 2 hours 40 N Individual N

Prescribed Texts

  • Conway G 2012. One Billion hungry: Can we feed the world, Cornell University Press, Ithaca & London

Teaching Periods

Autumn (2025)



Subject Contact Ryan Mcquinn Opens in new window

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