AGEN 7004 Perspectives of Sustainable Development

Legacy Code 300397

Coordinator Richard Thomas Opens in new window

Student Contribution Band

Check your fees via the Fees page.


Students must be enrolled in the following programs: 3602 - Master of Environmental Management, 3605 - Master of Occupational Safety, Health and Environmental Management, 3606 - Graduate Diploma in Occupational Safety, Health and Environmental Management, 3607 - Graduate Certificate in Occupational Safety, Health and Environmental Management

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this subject, students should be able to:

  1. Understand the philosophy influencing current environmental management policy and practice.
  2. Acquire knowledge of environmental values and �eworldviews�f and how they influence the policy development process.
  3. Understand the political, social and ecological components of environmental management and their interaction in environmental management.

Subject Content

Definition of 'environment', 'management' and 'environmental management', ?esustainable development?f and understanding of the need for effective management to address environmental issues.
The history of environmental philosophy and the significance of epistemology in shaping policy.
The way ?eparadigms?f and ?evalues?f influence people's reaction to environmental issues.
Contemporary concepts in environmental management (Ecologically Sustainable Development, environmental health, precautionary principle, stewardship, social capital and environmental justice).
The Social, Economic and Ecological Issues associated with Sustainable Development.

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