Other information Technology (INFO)
INFO 0001 Academic Skills for Information Communications Technology (WSTC Prep) (10 Credit Points)
Subject Details Legacy Code: 700205
This subject is designed to assist students to become successful independent reflective learners. It introduces students to a range of theories and concepts to facilitate the development of practical skills and personal attitudes necessary for success in tertiary study. Emphasis is placed on developing the key competencies of scientific inquiry - collecting, analysing, organising and communicating information as well as solving problems, particularly when related to using mathematical ideas and techniques.
Level: Undergraduate Level 0 Preparatory subject
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 0002 Academic Skills for Information Communications Technology (WSTC) (10 Credit Points)
Subject Details Legacy Code: 900100
This subject is designed to assist students to become successful independent reflective learners. It introduces students to a range of theories and concepts to facilitate the development of practical skills and personal attitudes necessary for success in tertiary study. Emphasis is placed on developing the key competencies required to be successful in an Information Communications Tschnology course- research, analysis, problem solving, communication and team work.
Level: Undergraduate Level 0 Preparatory subject
Equivalent Subjects: INFO 0001 - Academic Skills for ICT (UWSCFS)
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 0003 Advanced Computer Studies (WSTC Prep) (10 Credit Points)
Subject Details Legacy Code: 700259
This subject has been developed to enhance a student's problem solving skills in the context of software development. Students are introduced to more advanced material in computer studies, including advanced features of Microsoft Access, web page development using HTML and CSS, the fundamentals of Systems Analysis and Design, programming and object-oriented analysis.
Level: Undergraduate Level 0 Preparatory subject
Pre-requisite(s): INFO 0008
Equivalent Subjects: INFO 0004 - Advanced Computer Studies (UWSC)
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 0004 Advanced Computer Studies (WSTC) (10 Credit Points)
Subject Details Legacy Code: 900076
Level: Undergraduate Level 0 Preparatory subject
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 0005 Computer Competency (WSTC) (5 Credit Points)
Subject Details Legacy Code: 900027
Computer Competency aims to provide students with the computing skills necessary to research information on the Internet and produce documents and presentations at a level suitable for their academic studies.
Level: Undergraduate Level 0 Preparatory subject
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 0006 Computer Fundamentals (WSTC Prep) (10 Credit Points)
Subject Details Legacy Code: 700277
The Computer Fundamentals subject aims to develop a solid theoretical foundation to help students prepare for further study in Information and Communications Technology while developing/enhancing students' practical skills in Business Processing Applications. Topics in the subject include the underpinning concepts of Information Technology, Software and Hardware, Computer Networking, Internet, Security of Information Systems, Privacy and Ethics, Use of MS Office applications and HTML.
Level: Undergraduate Level 0 Preparatory subject
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 0007 Computer Literacy (WSTC) (5 Credit Points)
Subject Details Legacy Code: 900051
This subject is intended to familiarise the University Foundation Studies students with the basic functions of computers and the skills necessary to use the common applications such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint and the Internet. These skills are introduced to students through structured activities that will assist students to complete the research and document preparation requirements of their other subjects.
Level: Undergraduate Level 0 Preparatory subject
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 0008 Computer Studies (WSTC Prep) (10 Credit Points)
Subject Details Legacy Code: 700201
This subject introduces and develops basic competencies in using computers and application software for the Building Design Management and Construction Management industries. The ability to use computers and application software for creating word-processed documents, spreadsheets, as well as understanding the processes involved with creating and analysing designs and managing projects has become an integral part of the required skill set for these industries. This subject has been developed to enhance students' practical ability as well as build a theoretical foundation for further study.
Level: Undergraduate Level 0 Preparatory subject
Equivalent Subjects: INFO 0009 - Computer Studies (UWSC)
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 0009 Computer Studies (WSTC) (10 Credit Points)
Subject Details Legacy Code: 900028
Computer Studies introduces to the students the new age of information, where computers and communication play an integral part in our lives. The course has been developed to enhance a student's practical ability as well as build a solid theoretical foundation for further study.
Level: Undergraduate Level 0 Preparatory subject
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 0010 Information Technology in Business (WSTC Prep) (10 Credit Points)
Subject Details Legacy Code: 700278
This subject introduces basic business concepts and how Information Systems can be used in Business. It also deals with Systems Analysis and Design, and Database Design and Development concepts. These concepts are introduced using a variety of case studies to provide authentic learning opportunities.
Level: Undergraduate Level 0 Preparatory subject
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 1001 Introduction to Information Technology (10 Credit Points)
Subject Details Legacy Code: 300134
This introductory subject gives students an insight into the history, structure, operations and uses of computers, and their impact on society. This will be complemented by hands-on use of computers and popular application software packages in a graphical user interface environment. Students gain a basic understanding of the uses of computers, and the skills necessary to use popular applications software, including word processing, spreadsheet and database packages, and Internet tools and services.
Level: Undergraduate Level 1 subject
Equivalent Subjects: LGYB 4133 - Introduction to Computers LGYB 9621 - Computer Fundamentals LGYA 9786 - Information Technology
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 1002 PC Workshop (10 Credit Points)
Subject Details Legacy Code: 300150
This subject introduces students to the hardware and software components of a stand-alone personal computer (PC). Students become familiar with the CPU, memory, secondary storage, IO peripherals and communications devices commonly found in a PC. They learn to assemble and disassemble a PC and to install hardware and software components according to supplier specifications. Students also learn to use and customise the PC operating system to maintain and optimise PC performance.
Level: Undergraduate Level 1 subject
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 1003 Professional Practice, Communication and Ethics (10 Credit Points)
Working in ICT business environments requires awareness of how individuals can collaborate to achieve project goals in an ethical and professional way. This subject introduces students to concepts of professional behaviour, including ethics and professional conduct and associated industry behavioural codes, as well as legal aspects related to ICT. Students learn about various types of written and oral communication, professional behaviour when working in teams, and personal project management. In addition, the subject also introduces students to academic integrity and how to practice this during their degree. Students with professional practice skills combined with technical abilities are in high demand.
Level: Undergraduate Level 1 subject
Equivalent Subjects: COMM 1026 Principles of Professional Communication 1
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 1004 Data Analysis and Storytelling (10 Credit Points)
This subject will introduce students to the fundamentals of data analysis and data storytelling skills for the communication industries. Students will gain practical experience finding data sets, cleaning and analysing data, developing insights and communicating findings in visual, oral and written formats for various audiences in contexts including advertising, journalism and public relations. Students will use industry standard analysis and visualisation tools to effectively answer research problems and communicate the impact of data, ethically and mindfully. Skills learned are transferable, for example, to audience analysis, market research, product development and other research contexts.This subject will introduce students to the fundamentals of data analysis and data storytelling skills for the communication industries. Students will gain practical experience finding data sets, cleaning and analysing data, developing insights and communicating findings in visual, oral and written formats for various audiences in contexts including advertising, journalism and public relations. Students will use industry standard analysis and visualisation tools to effectively answer research problems and communicate the impact of data, ethically and mindfully. Skills learned are transferable, for example, to audience analysis, market research, product development and other research contexts.
Level: Undergraduate Level 1 subject
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 1005 Website Design(WSTC) (10 Credit Points)
The interactive digital media industry requires professionals whose knowledge extends across a wide range of visual communication skills and web technologies. With a focus on both creative and technical aspects, the web design subject will address how to apply principles of visual design, usability, accessibility, and information architecture to web design.
Web Design is a practical subject that involves hands-on exploration of the processes involved in the creation, design, and development of web content. Emphasis will be placed on understanding the roles, functions and features of key screen-based technologies, design production context for online delivery, current industry best practices, and a working understanding of the responsibilities inherent in the digital design and production process.
By the end of this subject, you will understand web design principles, from concept to execution, and how you can create web design outcomes that align with client and user expectations.
Level: Undergraduate Level 1 subject
Incompatible Subjects: DESN 1022
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 2002 Tangible Interaction Design (10 Credit Points)
Subject Details Legacy Code: 301088
This subject will provide students with the capacity to create interactive products that can sense environmental stimuli and exhibit an appropriate yet intelligent response. Students will be expected to write script based programs to control hardware circuits connecting various Input/Output peripherals (sensors, actuators). The range of interactive products studied and built by the students will be diverse; ranging from household everyday products to artifacts that can be used in public spaces.
Level: Undergraduate Level 2 subject
Pre-requisite(s): INFO 3003
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 2003 Technologies for Mobile Applications (10 Credit Points)
Subject Details Legacy Code: 300976
This subject introduces students to the technologies used to develop and deploy mobile applications. The subject covers evaluating organisational needs in the mobile space, responsive web design, web technologies, interface challenges, location awareness, cloud services and data storage.
Level: Undergraduate Level 2 subject
Pre-requisite(s): COMP 1005
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 2004 Cyber Crime and Social Engineering (10 Credit Points)
Subject Details Legacy Code: 102700
This subject focuses on both the theory and application of cyber crime and cybersecurity. More specifically, it focuses on the intersection between human behaviour, cyber crime, and cyber security with topics ranging from social engineering to organisational security infrastructure. It asks - What outcomes do cyber criminals seek? How can you protect yourself and your business from cyber crime? What methods do cyber criminals typically use to gain their desired outcomes? In this subject, cyber crime and cyber security is covered from both a theory-based and applied understanding of how to reduce the likelihood of or harm caused by cyber crime.
Level: Undergraduate Level 2 subject
Pre-requisite(s): -
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 2005 Cyber Security and Behaviour Research Project (40 Credit Points)
Subject Details Legacy Code: 102704
This is a 40 credit point year-long subject taken over two terms (20 credit points in each term). This subject comprises the research pathway of the Bachelor of Cyber Security and Behaviour. Students will undertake a major research project in the field of behavioural cyber security. The specifics of the project will be coordinated between the student and the research supervisor at Western, which is undertaken over two semesters. Students should firstly discuss their proposed research project with the research supervisor, as it may require prior approval by the University's Ethics Committee depending on the research topic chosen. In the first semester, students plan their research, complete a literature review and propose the project plan to a panel of experts. By the end of the second semester students will have completed their thesis by research and will defend that thesis to a panel of experts. As such, students will have contributed to research in the field of cyber security and behaviour which prepares them for further studies towards a Masters or PhD qualification.
Level: Undergraduate Level 2 subject
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 2006 Usable Security (10 Credit Points)
Subject Details Legacy Code: 102757
This subject will cover the human factors of security and privacy, as well as address emerging issues, challenges and regulations which underpin the need for usable security and privacy. After introducing the fundamental principles of security and privacy, these will be explored while considering how these principles shape the experience of users who are interacting with the designed product. Humans are an essential part of security and privacy, and they also inherently pose significant challenges. Students will be introduced to some of the fundamental security and privacy standards and regulations. They will learn about cognitive and perceptual approaches to usable security as well as how to create systems that are usable and trusted alongside fulfilling the requirements of remaining secure and private. Research topics such as how to design user studies to critically evaluate security, privacy, trust and usability interfaces will be addressed to provide students with an informed view on emerging best practices.
Level: Undergraduate Level 2 subject
Pre-requisite(s): Students enrolled in program 1837 Bachelor of Cyber Security and Behaviour or Testamur major T154 User Experience must have successfully completed both pre-requisite subjects BEHV 1025 Usable Design AND COMP 1005 Programming Fundamentals
Students enrolled in Testamur major T153 Cybersecurity Management must have successfully completed either one of the pre-requisite subjects BEHV 1025 Usable Design OR COMP 1005 Programming Fundamentals
Students enrolled in Testamur major T153 Cybersecurity Management must have successfully completed either one of the pre-requisite subjects BEHV 1025 Usable Design OR COMP 1005 Programming Fundamentals
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 2007 Cyber Crime and Social Engineering (Block) (10 Credit Points)
Subject Details Legacy Code: 500075
This subject focuses on both the theory and application of cyber crime and cybersecurity. More specifically, it focuses on the intersection between human behaviour, cyber crime, and cyber security with topics ranging from social engineering to organisational security infrastructure. It asks - What outcomes do cyber criminals seek? How can you protect yourself and your business from cyber crime? What methods do cyber criminals typically use to gain their desired outcomes? In this subject, cyber crime and cyber security is covered from both a theory-based and applied understanding of how to reduce the likelihood of or harm caused by cyber crime.
Level: Undergraduate Level 2 subject
Pre-requisite(s): INFS 1013
Equivalent Subjects: INFO 2001 - Cyber Crime and Cyber Safety INFO 2004 - Cyber Crime and Social Engineering
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 2008 Cyber Incident Response and Risk Management (10 Credit Points)
Cyber risk management is the process of identifying, analysing, and evaluating how to handle an organisations’ cyber security threats. This subject will introduce the fundamental tenets of risk management, and explore cybersecurity risk management frameworks. Cyber incident response is an organised approach to addressing and managing a major security breach, threat or attack. The goal is to handle the incident in a way that limits damage, reduces recovery time and losses, and take pro-active measures in the follow up and recovery phase to prevent future attacks. Students will explore common cyber attacks requiring incident response such as payment diversion fraud (business email compromise), ransomware, data breach, and advanced persistent threats. They will learn about each of these threats and how to manage such threats through the development of incident response plans including people, process, technology and information. This subject is taught with industry partners through case studies and simulations. Due to the sensitive nature of the subject and the requirement of hands on training, it cannot be taught online and is not on offer to WSU Online students. Online students will take an additional elective.
Level: Undergraduate Level 2 subject
Co-requisite(s): COMP 2027 - Cyber Security
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 2009 Multiliteracies (10 Credit Points)
This subject develops students’ skills, knowledge and competencies to address a wide range of literacies across multiple technologies, platforms and contexts. In any society there are a range of literacies, and contexts in which those literacies might be deployed. These include the digital, written, visual, aural, spatial, gestural, and tactile dimensions of meaning production. Multiliteracies go beyond the traditional textual models of literacy to describe the rich variety of cognitive and cultural tools we use to make sense of the everyday. Multiliteracy is key to our professional and personal effectiveness, as well as to our functioning as individuals and citizens in a world characterised by increasing dependency on information technologies.
Level: Undergraduate Level 2 subject
Equivalent Subjects: COMM2050 Multiliteracies
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 2010 AI and Society (10 Credit Points)
AI is no longer only a topic of science fiction fantasy. It now answers questions, writes essays and code, manages customer service inquiries, and generates images, music and film. Its arrival poses new and critical questions about how technology impacts society. What does the effortless production of media mean for the future of education, work, culture, and governance? Does AI hold promise for key global challenges, from climate change to geopolitical instability? Or will it lead to rising inequality, alienation and corporate control? Trained on accumulations of media on the Internet, what are its effects on forms of social difference – gender, class, race, indigeneity, sexuality, disability? Students will develop critical literacy skills through introductions to the history, technical foundations, and current debates surrounding AI. The subject will involve a practice-based generative AI project, exploring issues of bias, plagiarism, copyright, ethics, misinformation and decision-making.
Level: Undergraduate Level 2 subject
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 3001 Computer Security (10 Credit Points)
Subject Details Legacy Code: 300569
This subject aims in particular at, but is not limited to, the implementation and management of security and privacy policies of organisations within the standards and legal framework that is also applicable to the Australian standards.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 3002 Ethical Hacking Principles and Practice (10 Credit Points)
Subject Details Legacy Code: 301124
This subject teaches students ethical hacking principles and skills with the ultimate goal of defence. It covers practical skills in different stages of ethical hacking, including reconnaissance on public information, port and vulnerability scanning, exploitation of vulnerabilities, post exploitation, and writing a comprehensive report to document detected vulnerabilities and proposed solutions. Students will not only practise with major tools in ethical hacking, but also learn the principles of how these tools work and hence how to defend against them. Students completing this subject can pursue careers such as ethical hackers, security architects or security analysts.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 3003 Human-Computer Interaction (10 Credit Points)
Subject Details Legacy Code: 300570
A key component to the discipline of Information Systems is the understanding and the advocacy of the user in the development of IT applications and systems. IT graduates must develop a mind-set that recognizes the importance of users and organisational contexts. They must employ user centered methodologies in the development, evaluation, and deployment of IT applications and systems. This subject examines human-computer interaction in order to develop and evaluate software, websites and information systems that not only look professional but are usable, functional and accessible.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject
Equivalent Subjects: INFS 3015 - Software Interface Design
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 3004 Human-Computer Interaction (Advanced) (10 Credit Points)
Subject Details Legacy Code: 300901
IT graduates must be able to develop and evaluate software, websites and mobile apps that not only look professional but are usable, functional and accessible. However, the study of HCI is often restricted to its use as a tool in the software development process. This advanced subject also examines HCI as a field of research and how to conduct research into human user factors. Students in this advanced subject will be required to complete a research project and produce a final research report, which is of a standard capable of being considered for publication in a HCI conference or journal.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject
Incompatible Subjects: INFO 3003 - Human-Computer Interaction INFS 3015 - Software Interface Design
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 3005 I.T. Support Practicum (10 Credit Points)
Subject Details Legacy Code: 300136
This subject provides students real-world experience in the area of Information Technology (IT) support. Students are located with industry partners in the Greater Western Sydney region in IT support positions for 10 hours per week over a 12 week period. In addition, students receive instruction and tuition in aspects of professional practice such as code of ethics.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 3006 Information Security (10 Credit Points)
Subject Details Legacy Code: 300128
Information Security is concerned with the protection and privacy of information in computer systems. The focus is primarily on introducing cryptography concepts, algorithms and protocols in information security and applying such knowledge in the design and implementation of secure computer and network systems. The subject also addresses conventional and public key encryption, number theory and algebra and their application in public key encryption and signatures. Students will learn the application of cryptography algorithms in current computer systems and information security management. This subject also provides students with the practical experience around security programming.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 3007 Network Security (10 Credit Points)
Subject Details Legacy Code: 300143
This subject is concerned with the protection of information transferred over computer networks. It includes discussion of techniques for securing data transported over local and wide area networks. At the conclusion of the subject students will have a good understanding of the practical aspects of securing a computer network against internal and external attacks.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 3008 Professional Development (10 Credit Points)
Subject Details Legacy Code: 300578
This is a final year subject that builds on foundation and intermediate computing subjects to prepare students for professional experience. The subject covers the content in three modules as 1) Ethics and Professional Code of Conduct, 2) Project Management, and 3) Legal, Social, Environmental issues, Quality Assurance and IT Compliance. The content covered in these three modules are carefully designed to fill in the gaps in knowledge that is not so far covered in previous subjects in preparing students for the challenging projects subjects and professional working life ahead. This subject is a pre-requisite to the capstone project, covered in Professional Experience Project subject.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject
Equivalent Subjects: LGYA 5983 - Professional Preparation and Project Management
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 3011 Social Computing (10 Credit Points)
Subject Details Legacy Code: 300961
Rapid growth of computational devices connected to the internet such as mobile phones, tablets, personal computers have made us into a digitally connected society. This has enabled us to develop a new computing paradigm: Social Computing to enhance ways we can fulfil a range of primary and secondary human needs. Already many new businesses have evolved making use of these possibilities surpassing the number of users in corresponding conventional businesses such as retail, transportation and hotel chains. In this subject students will learn the fundamental concepts of Social Computing, how Social Computing is evolving, explore interaction models of social networks, analyse a few reported cases that relate to social computing in detail to understand the impact on society and businesses and explore ways to enhance a range of livelihood activities and future possibilities. This subject will also cover underpinning technologies related to social computing such as Web 2.0, knowledge management and related ethical, security and privacy issues.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 3012 Cyber Security and Behaviour Placement 1 (20 Credit Points)
Subject Details Legacy Code: 102702
In 2022, this subject replaced by subject INFO3016 - Cyber Security and Behaviour Community Placement. This subject is the initial placement for the work integrated learning embedded in the Bachelor of Cyber Security and Behaviour degree. There are three options: 1. WSU-brokered industry placement on a competitive basis; 2. an approved placement at the student's place of work, or via the student's networks and contacts; 3. an industry project report based on industry-generated case studies and problems. In addition, workshops will be conducted throughout the semester to aid in your learning and to support your professional development during this placement or project. Contact the subject coordinator well in advance to elect your own industry placement (such as your current employer). Only options 2 and 3 are available to WSU Online students.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 3013 Cyber Security and Behaviour Placement 2 (20 Credit Points)
Subject Details Legacy Code: 102703
In 2022, this subject replaced by subject INFO3017 - Cyber Security and Behaviour Industry Placement. This subject is the second placement for the work integrated learning embedded in the Bachelor of Cyber Security and Behaviour degree. There are three options: 1. WSU-brokered industry placement on a competitive basis; 2. an approved placement at the student's place of work, or via the student's networks and contacts; 3. an industry project report based on industry-generated case studies and problems. Students may continue the option chosen for Cyber Security and Behaviour Placement 1, or choose another available option. Workshops will be conducted throughout the semester to aid in your learning and to support your professional development during this placement or project. Contact the subject coordinator well in advance to elect your own industry placement (such as your current employer). Only options 2 and 3 are available to WSU Online students.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject
Pre-requisite(s): INFO 3012
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 3014 Digital Investigations and Forensics (10 Credit Points)
Subject Details Legacy Code: 102701
This subject focuses on the concepts, theories, and practice of digital investigations and forensics. More specifically, it focuses on using a detailed hands-on approach to the use of computer technology in investigating and demonstrating that particular digital media contains incriminating evidence. With topics ranging from data acquisition, file systems examination, social media, email and network investigations, mobile and cloud forensics, a working knowledge of how to approach digital investigations and utilise various forensic tools to collect, analyse and present digital evidence will be gained. In this subject, digital investigations and forensics is covered from both a theory-based and applied understanding of how to recover admissible legal evidence after an incident, or proactively as a key defence to reduce the likelihood of cyber attacks.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 3015 Internet of Things and Smart Environments (10 Credit Points)
Subject Details Legacy Code: 301436
This subject covers the essential components and the dominant and emerging applications of the Internet of Things (IoT) and smart environments. These include the functions of sensors, actuators, and relevant communication networks in collecting, analysing, and acting on smart environment data. The role of machine learning in developing smart environment solutions, such as smart cities, smart transportation, smart healthcare, and other leading applications, are also discussed. The subject additionally covers critical IoT cybersecurity and privacy issues and examines approaches for addressing them. It presents the relevant principles and current practices and explores the trends in IoT and smart environments.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 3016 Cyber Security and Behaviour Community Placement (20 Credit Points)
Subject Details Legacy Code: 102905
This subject is the first placement for the work integrated learning embedded in the Bachelor of Cyber Security and Behaviour degree. Students will do an internal cyber security placement with the new live security operations centre known as the Western centre for Cybersecurity Aid and Community Engagement (Western CACE). Western CACE will provide training for students as well as members of the small business communities with cyber preparedness training. Students will be guided through handling real cyber attacks and assisting small business respond to these attacks. There are a paucity of government services that address and aid small business with live cyber attacks. Western CACE fills this necessary gap where students will exit knowing how to deal with ransomware, payment diversion fraud, data breach, emerging threats, and the security control implementations post-incident. The placement with Western CACE acts as a stepping stone to their next placement which is their external industry placement (INFO 3017 Cyber Security and Behaviour Industry Placement). A two day induction/workshops will be conducted in the week prior to commencing with Western CACE with ongoing professional development onsite within the Centre as directed by the Centre Manager, Director and industry leaders. WSU Online students will not do a face to face placement at Western CACE unless they are able to attend face to face sessions in Sydney for both INFO 2008 Cyber Incident Response and Risk Management and this unit. WSU Online students will have the following options: an approved placement at the student's place of work, or via the student's networks and contacts OR an industry project report based on industry-generated case studies and problems.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject
Equivalent Subjects: INFO 3012 - Cyber Security and Behaviour Placement 1
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 3017 Cyber Security and Behaviour Industry Placement (20 Credit Points)
Subject Details Legacy Code: 102904
This subject is the industry placement for the work integrated learning embedded in the Bachelor of Cyber Security and Behaviour degree. Students will work with an industry placement or its equivalent. There are four options for industry placement: 1. WSU-brokered industry placement on a competitive basis; 2. an approved placement at the student's place of work, or via the student's networks and contacts; 3. an industry project report based on industry-generated case studies and problems; 4. continuing at WCACE. In addition, workshops will be conducted throughout the semester to aid in your learning and to support your professional development during this placement or project. Contact the subject coordinator well in advance to elect your own industry placement (such as your current employer). Only options 2 and 3 are available to WSU Online students.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject
Equivalent Subjects: INFO 3013 - Cyber Security and Behaviour Placement 2
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 3018 Computing Practicum (10 Credit Points)
Students are immersed in real-world experience in the Computing industry whilst undertaking 140 hours of full-time or part-time equivalent industry placement as a Work Integrated Learning (WIL) component. During their placement students carry out computing related tasks and receive instruction and tuition in aspects of professional practice.
Students may nominate an organisation of their choice which must be approved prior to commencement of their placement. Organisations nominated may be located in Australia, or within Western Sydney University or globally. Students who do not hold Australian residency are not permitted to nominate an organisation in their home country.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject
Pre-requisite(s): Students in 3687 Bachelor of Information Systems and 3688 Bachelor of Information Systems (Advanced) - INFO 1003 AND (INFS 2013 OR INFS 2014)
Students in 3506 Bachelor of Computer Science and 3634 Bachelor of Computer Science (Advanced) if the subject is picked up as elective - INFO 1003 AND COMP 2014
Students in 3506 Bachelor of Computer Science and 3634 Bachelor of Computer Science (Advanced) if the subject is picked up as elective - INFO 1003 AND COMP 2014
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 3019 Project Management (10 Credit Points)
This subject is designed to provide students with the fundamental project management skills, theories and methods required in today's complex business environment with a focus on project conception, initiation, planning, monitoring and control in ICT. Students explore developing project solutions in various ICT areas, project management methodologies, time management, team management, and different knowledge areas contributing to the successful delivery of a project life cycle. Students work in teams under the supervision of a staff member, to plan and investigate their projects using a range of project management tools and techniques and integrate ethical principles into project planning, execution, and stakeholder interactions. Skills in project management and working with others on projects in the ICT context are in demand by employers.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject
Pre-requisite(s): Students who are NOT in 3769 Bachelor of Data Science must complete
INFO 1003 - Professional Practice Communication and Ethics -OR- COMM 1044 Professional Communication -OR- COMM 1026 Principles of Professional Communication 1
INFO 1003 - Professional Practice Communication and Ethics -OR- COMM 1044 Professional Communication -OR- COMM 1026 Principles of Professional Communication 1
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 3020 Cyber Security and Behaviour Research Project (40 Credit Points)
This is a 40 credit point year-long subject taken over two terms (20 credit points in each term). This subject comprises the research pathway of the Bachelor of Cyber Security and Behaviour. Students will undertake a major research project in the field of behavioural cyber security. The specifics of the project will be coordinated between the student and the research supervisor at Western, which is undertaken over two semesters. Students should firstly discuss their proposed research project with the research supervisor, as it may require prior approval by the University's Ethics Committee depending on the research topic chosen. In the first semester, students plan their research, complete a literature review and propose the project plan to a panel of experts. By the end of the second semester students will have completed their thesis by research and will defend that thesis to a panel of experts. As such, students will have contributed to research in the field of cyber security and behaviour which prepares them for further studies towards a Masters or PhD qualification.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 3021 Information Security (Advanced) (10 Credit Points)
This subject introduces cryptography theory and application. It teaches cryptography algorithms and protocols in information security and the application of such knowledge in the design and implementation of secure computer and network systems. The contents include symmetric and asymmetric encryptions, signature, matrix, number theory, algebra, and security protocols. Students will learn the application of cryptography algorithm in current computer systems and information security management. This subject also provides practical exercises by security programming.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject
Pre-requisite(s): MATH1006
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 5001 Workflow Management for Business Solutions (10 Credit Points)
Through project-based learning, students will learn how to configure digital workflows applications and build custom applications with a strong emphasis on human centered design and end-to-end process re/engineering. Mentoring and coaching is provided by the industrial-academic team to allow students to develop real world, work ready skills to fulfil various organisational roles implementing the digital workflows platform. Teaching and learning activities focus on ServiceNow which is a cloud-based platform that delivers cross-enterprise digital workflows, connecting people, functions and systems. At the conclusion of this subject, you will have completed certifications for both the ServiceNow Fundamentals and Application Development Fundamentals, both highly sought after in the current job market.
Level: Postgraduate Coursework Level 5 subject
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 6001 IT Project Management (10 Credit Points)
This subject is designed to provide students with an opportunity to learn and apply the knowledge, values and skills of consultancy, project management, and research by undertaking an IT project. The subject prepares students on presenting project proposals in various ICT areas, project management, time management, communication skills, and the evolving legal, ethical, and social responsibilities of IT professionals. Students will work in teams under the supervision of a staff member, to plan and investigate their project.
Level: Postgraduate Coursework Level 6 subject
Pre-requisite(s): ENGR 7017 - Professional Practice and Communication
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 6002 Postgraduate Capstone Project (10 Credit Points)
This capstone subject organises students in groups to work on industry-based projects. It provides students with opportunities to gain substantial practice in the development of information systems or software projects including requirements analysis, data gathering and synthesising, system design, implementation, data processing and testing, in a real-world context. Suitable projects are featured with complex computing problems and are sourced from external organisations or within the university. Students work in groups. Each group is guided by an academic supervisor or an industry mentor to achieve the goals set by a client who provides the project. The subject aims to develop students’ project management skills, effective teamwork, analytical problem-solving, computational and big data thinking, as well as valuable experience in self-directed learning and reflective practice within a professional setting.
Level: Postgraduate Coursework Level 6 subject
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 6003 Postgraduate Research Project (10 Credit Points)
This project-based subject provides students with opportunities to develop comprehensive research and project management skills. Students are matched with a supervisor to explore an area of research interest. Working closely with their supervisor, each student will identify their individual research topic then engage in theoretical and practical research investigations. Each student is expected to develop their skills to work independently as a researcher to manage their research project as
well as produce and deliver a comprehensive research report on their findings. This subject provides students with the skills necessary to move on to higher academic research levels or pursue career opportunities in industry-based research.
Level: Postgraduate Coursework Level 6 subject
Equivalent Subjects: INFO 7017
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 7001 Advanced Machine Learning (10 Credit Points)
Subject Details Legacy Code: 301119
Advanced Machine Learning explores modern methods of classification, clustering and regression to make predictions and analyse different forms of data. Issues that face all machine learning methods, such as model evaluation, assessment and generalisation will also be analysed.
Level: Postgraduate Coursework Level 7 subject
Pre-requisite(s): COMP 7024
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 7002 Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence (10 Credit Points)
Subject Details Legacy Code: 301196
This subject introduces the most fundamental techniques of artificial intelligence (AI), including knowledge representation, searching, machine learning and intelligent agents. Students will learn the basic theories and algorithms that are essential in the design and development of intelligent systems. The subject will focus on two typical AI applications: game playing and e-trading. Students will have the chance of using existing multiagent system platforms to design and develop intelligent software for game playing and automated trading in e-markets.
Level: Postgraduate Coursework Level 7 subject
Incompatible Subjects: LGYA 5875 Intelligent Agents LGYA 5991 Automated Negotiation and e-Trading INFO 7006 Intelligent Agents for eMarkets
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 7003 Advanced Topics in User System Interaction (10 Credit Points)
Subject Details Legacy Code: 301045
The domain of User System Interaction or also known as Human Computer Interaction (HCI) dictates that IT graduates must be able to develop and evaluate interfaces that not only look professional but are usable, functional and accessible. This post graduate subject also examines HCI as a field of research and discusses novel areas of research in the area. Students in this subject will be required to complete a research project alongside a literature review document both of which comprise of content that is of a standard of being able to be considered for publication and/or presentation in a HCI conference or journal.
Level: Postgraduate Coursework Level 7 subject
Pre-requisite(s): INFS 7007
Incompatible Subjects: INFO 3003 - Human-Computer Interaction INFO 3004 - Human-Computer Interaction (Advanced)
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 7004 ICT Practicum (0 Credit Points)
Subject Details Legacy Code: 301047
In this subject, students undertake 120 hours of full-time or part-time equivalent industry placement as a Work Integrated Learning (WIL) component required for the successful completion of their course. Students can nominate an organisation of their choice however, they must seek the approval of the Subject Coordinator before the commencement of the industry placement. Students have the option to work in an organisation in Australia, or within a department/division of Western Sydney University carrying out ICT related tasks or globally, with the exception of their home country for non-Australian resident students. This provides an opportunity for real-world experience in the ICT industry in Australia as well as anywhere in the world. Students with substantial post-qualification work experience in Australia or globally (with the exception of their home country for non-Australian residents) may be eligible for advanced standing for this subject.
Level: Postgraduate Coursework Level 7 subject
Pre-requisite(s): For students enrolled in 3698 Master of Information and Communications Technology (Advanced) or 3699 Master of Information and Communications Technology - ENGR 7017 Professional Practice in Communication
For students enrolled in 3765 Master of Artificial Intelligence - COMP 7020 Artificial Intelligence Ethics and Organisations
For students enrolled in 3765 Master of Artificial Intelligence - COMP 7020 Artificial Intelligence Ethics and Organisations
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 7005 IT Project Management (10 Credit Points)
Subject Details Legacy Code: 300260
This subject is designed to provide students with an opportunity to learn and apply the knowledge, values and skills of consultancy, project management, and research by undertaking an IT project. The subject covers preparing and presenting project proposals in various ICT areas, project management, time management, communication skills, and the evolving legal, ethical, and social responsibilities of IT professionals. Students will work in teams under the supervision of a staff member, to plan and investigate their project.
Level: Postgraduate Coursework Level 7 subject
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 7010 Research Project A (20 Credit Points)
Subject Details Legacy Code: 301055
This subject is a problem based research subject. Students are expected to conduct individual studies under supervision by academic staff. Students will acquire the basic skills that are essential for completing a research project. They will learn how to identify research topics in the fields relevant to their courses. They will be required to define research objectives and scope, conduct literature survey, establish research methodology, prepare a research plan and present these contents in a final report and through an oral presentation. This subject is a pre-requisite of subject Research Project B in which the research plan will be carried out.
Level: Postgraduate Coursework Level 7 subject
Pre-requisite(s): Students enrolled in 3716 Master of Mathematics student must have successfully completed MATH 7006 Calculus of Variations and Advanced Calculus MATH 7010 Non-linear Ordinary Differential Equations MATH 7004 Applied Complex Variables and MATH 7005 Approximation Theory
Students enrolled in 3752 Master of Project Management must have successfully completed BUSM 7064 Managing Project Teams and Stakeholders MGMT 7003 Financial Management of Projects BUSM 7097 Time and Quality Management BLDG 7009 Project Procurement Systems BUSM 7082 Risk Management and Decision Making and BUSM 7090 Strategic Project Management
Students enrolled in 3752 Master of Project Management must have successfully completed BUSM 7064 Managing Project Teams and Stakeholders MGMT 7003 Financial Management of Projects BUSM 7097 Time and Quality Management BLDG 7009 Project Procurement Systems BUSM 7082 Risk Management and Decision Making and BUSM 7090 Strategic Project Management
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 7011 Research Project B (20 Credit Points)
Subject Details Legacy Code: 301056
This subject is a continuation of the subject Research Project A and is a problem based project subject. Students are expected to conduct individual studies under supervision by academic staff and deliver the final outcomes/findings on the research topics that are proposed in Research Project A. Students will employ the identified methodologies to carry out the research plans and fulfil the research objectives with the scope defined in the Research Project A. Each individual student is required to produce an oral presentation and a final written report. In this subject, students will acquire research related problem solving skills. Note that students enrolled in the course Master of Project Management (only) must seek permission to enrol in this subject.
Level: Postgraduate Coursework Level 7 subject
Pre-requisite(s): INFO 7010
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 7013 Web Engineering (10 Credit Points)
Subject Details Legacy Code: 300443
Today organizations extensively rely on web based information systems to market, sell, manage customer relations, and for most of the internal operations. Users are increasingly using mobile devices to interact with this information. Due to rapidly changing business environment these systems need to be designed in away to accommodate the frequent changes. New technologies and frameworks have been developed to support development of large, complex, mobile based, maintainable and evolutionary web systems. In this subject students will study some of these technologies, design methods and frameworks that can be successfully used to engineer such web systems. They will get hands on experience by developing such a system.
Level: Postgraduate Coursework Level 7 subject
Equivalent Subjects: LGYA 5881 - Web Application Development
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 7014 Advanced Topics in Cybersecurity (10 Credit Points)
Subject Details Legacy Code: 301236
This subject focuses on the advanced features of Cybersecurity, contemporary views on security, and the solutions that aim to protect the emerging services and technologies. The emphasis is on the development of student skills to enable them to do proficient research and development works and studies in the cybersecurity discipline. On successful completion of this subject, students will be equipped with an in-depth understanding of relevant issues, attacks on massively interconnected systems, and the evolving approaches to improve the reliability of advanced services.
Level: Postgraduate Coursework Level 7 subject
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 7015 Applied Cybersecurity (10 Credit Points)
Subject Details Legacy Code: 301235
This subject covers the current approaches, technologies, and applied practices pertinent to cybersecurity and helps the student to understand important related protocols and standards. It describes the features needed for the mitigation of cyber vulnerabilities for improving the reliability of the underlying systems, privacy preservation, and achieving protections against cybercrime and internet fraud. It also examines the basics of ethical hacking, network assurance, cyber risk management, and incident analysis. The subject discusses the trends in applied cybersecurity and introduces some of the relevant current key research issues and features of the field.
Level: Postgraduate Coursework Level 7 subject
Pre-requisite(s): COMP 7013
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 7016 Postgraduate Project A (10 Credit Points)
Subject Details Legacy Code: 301384
This is a project-based subject for the Master studies in Computers, Data and Mathematical Sciences. The purpose of this subject is to develop research skills and learn how to manage a research project. Students will engage in research investigation and practical work on a topic in a field of current research interest that is of value to the candidate's professional and intellectual development. Students are expected to actively pursue their interest in an individual research area and undertake self-studies under guidance of a project supervisor. Students will identify research topics in consultation with supervisors, carry out a literature review, define research objectives, establish research methodology, and prepare a research plan. Eventually each student is required to produce a research report with preliminary findings.
Level: Postgraduate Coursework Level 7 subject
Equivalent Subjects: ENGR 7014 - Master Project 1
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 7017 Postgraduate Project B (10 Credit Points)
Subject Details Legacy Code: 301385
This project based subject is a continuation of subject Postgraduate Project A. Students are expected to work individually under the supervision of academic staff to solve a research problem and deliver the final outcomes on the research topics they selected in Postgraduate Project A. Students will carry out the research plans, employ the identified methodologies, and fulfil the research objectives within the defined scope. Students will acquire problem solving skills and research experience necessary to participate in a future research projects. To complete their project each student is required to deliver an oral presentation and a final written report detailing the outcomes of their research project.
Level: Postgraduate Coursework Level 7 subject
Co-requisite(s): INFO 7016
Equivalent Subjects: ENGR 7015 - Master Project 2
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 7018 Cloud Systems Development (10 Credit Points)
Subject Details Legacy Code: 301386
The majority of backend systems supporting modern mobile applications as well as commercial applications are built to run on the cloud. This requires a shift of design where reliability, scalability, performance, and security are key considerations in every stage of the software development process. This subject incorporates the AWS Academy Cloud Developing curriculum, to support learning in the areas of designing, developing, deploying, and monitoring applications for the cloud. Through the completion of an applied project, students will implement the techniques they have learned to enable communication and coordination between services, options for data persistence in the cloud, and optimisation of applications for, potentially, millions of users. Students completing this subject can pursue careers as Cloud Engineers and Software Developers.
Level: Postgraduate Coursework Level 7 subject
Pre-requisite(s): COMP 7004
Equivalent Subjects: INFO 7008 Modern Software Architectures
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 7019 Smart Construction (10 Credit Points)
Subject Details Legacy Code: 301491
This subject introduces the evolving smart technologies applicable to construction and facilitates critical thinking in how these technologies can be gainfully applied in the construction industry. It builds up understanding of the subject content from baseline principles of management information systems moving towards evolving new technologies such as digital engineering, Building Information Modelling, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence among others. The modern construction enterprises are critically analysed to determine the application of suitable technologies for their advancement.
Level: Postgraduate Coursework Level 7 subject
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 9001 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Information Technology (80 Credit Points)
Subject Details Legacy Code: 800178
Level: PhD and Research Masters Level 9 subject
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 9002 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Information Technology (80 Credit Points)
Subject Details Legacy Code: 800201
This is a 80 credit point year-long subject.
Level: PhD and Research Masters Level 9 subject
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject
INFO 9003 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Mathematics Sciences (80 Credit Points)
Subject Details Legacy Code: 800223
Level: PhD and Research Masters Level 9 subject
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject