Other Health (HLTH)

HLTH 0001  Health Care Environments (WSTC Prep)  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 700226  
Health care environments introduces students to foundation knowledge for health science level subjects in their degree. This includes supporting the independence and well being of clients, regardless of age or disability. Focus in this subject includes working legally and ethically, working with diverse people and following safe work practices. Effective communication is imperative, through written care plans, identifying what has been provided using client centred practice. This subject incorporates most core and elective subjects in the Certificate III in Individual Support. Students can pursue a qualification through the College RTO in one of three specialisations- Disabilities, Ageing, and Home & Community.
Level: Undergraduate Level 0 Preparatory subject  
Equivalent Subjects: HLTH 0002 - Health Care Environments (WSTC)  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 0002  Health Care Environments (WSTC)  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 900106  
Health Care Environments introduces students to foundation knowledge for working in the health sector. This includes supporting the independence and wellbeing of clients, regardless of age or disability. This subject introduces the aged care sector, the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), and hospital care and includes working legally and ethically, following safe work practices and using client centred practice.
Level: Undergraduate Level 0 Preparatory subject  
Equivalent Subjects: HLTH 0001 - Health Care Environments (UWSCFS)  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 0003  Literacy in Health Science (WSTC Prep)  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 700227  
This subject provides an introduction to the provision of health, services and fields associated with the provision of health in Australia. The subject covers a range of health science concepts, including what health literacy is and why it is important and other concepts such as acute care, chronic care, National Health Priority Areas (NHPAs) in Australia, and health education, The subject also introduces examples of terminology used for measuring the distribution and determinants of disease and illness in varied population groups (epidemiology). This includes terms such as health data, morbidity, co-morbidities, mortality, quality of life and disability adjusted life years. This subject aims to give students an understanding of health science practice in Australia both in city and rural settings and identifies minority group issues and challenges in accessing healthcare and services.
Level: Undergraduate Level 0 Preparatory subject  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 0004  Organisation for Tertiary Study (WSTC)  (5 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 900089  
This subject aims to familiarise students with some of the concepts and issues surrounding healthy living, particularly for young people in an environment far from parental support. It introduces students to academic skills and the expectations of learners in a tertiary environment while further developing their language skills. By the end of this subject, the goal is for students to have a better knowledge and understanding of how to improve their health, develop organisational skills and learn to manage their time. The subject also aims to develop their understanding of the effect of drug use on health and lifestyle. There will be a range of teaching and learning strategies used in this subject including working in groups. The aims of this subject are to develop an understanding of the concept of health and wellbeing; develop and maintain organisational skills for various areas of life; create a mindset and learn skills to manage time well.
Level: Undergraduate Level 0 Preparatory subject  
Equivalent Subjects: LGYB 1377 - Living Skills (UWSC)  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 0005  The Health Science Professional (WSTC Prep)  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 700303  
The Health Science Professional is designed to enhance Academic English skills whilst exploring different pathways available in the Bachelor of Health Science degree, and the majors associated with Testamur majors including Clinical Science, Health Promotion, Health Services Management, Public Health and Recreation Therapy. The subject will lead students through the compliance requirements of their intended pathway, and map out the process of meeting these requirements. Students are encouraged to develop their ideas and understanding of health sciences and the areas of specialisation they can pursue.
Level: Undergraduate Level 0 Preparatory subject  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 1001  Foundations of Research and Evidence-Based Practice  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 400863  
This subject considers the reasons and roles for evidence-based practice and research in healthcare, introducing students to core concepts and relevant terminology. Skills are developed for asking clinical or professional healthcare questions and translating these skills into search strategies for finding evidence. To make sense of that evidence, students are introduced to quantitative and qualitative research methods, types of data, how data are described and how biostatistics is used to provide meaning to research data.
Level: Undergraduate Level 1 subject  
Equivalent Subjects: HLTH 1002 - Foundations of Research and Evidence-Based Practice (UWSC)  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 1002  Foundations of Research and Evidence-Based Practice (WSTC)  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 700064  
This subject will consider the reasons and roles of evidence-based practice and research, and introduce students to their language and core concepts. Skills will be developed for asking clinical or professional healthcare questions and to translate these into search strategies for finding evidence. To make sense of that evidence, students will be introduced to quantitative and qualitative research methods, types of data, how data is described and how biostatistics is used to provide meaning to research data.
Level: Undergraduate Level 1 subject  
Equivalent Subjects: HLTH 1001 - Foundations of Research and Evidence-Based Practice  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 1003  Introduction to Paramedicine  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 401066  
This subject introduces students to the paramedic profession and its scope of practice in Australia. It includes exploration of the roles and responsibilities of paramedics in the context of the changing health environment. Ethical issues and relevant legal and regulatory requirements will also be discussed. Students will be introduced to the key concepts of paramedicine and to the complexity of normal development and its relationship to the processes of health science.
Level: Undergraduate Level 1 subject  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 1006  Movement and Skill Development  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 400891  
This subject examines the scientific basis for movement and sports skill development. An understanding of the principles of movement and motor skill and how they apply to performance is examined through a range of movement tasks required for track and field athletics and some team sports. Laboratory activities will focus upon the basic movement tasks of throwing, jumping, balancing, striking, running and rotary activities. An examination of the instruments used in efficient movement analysis is undertaken.
Level: Undergraduate Level 1 subject  
Incompatible Subjects: HLTH 1008 - PDHPE Exploring Movement Skills HLTH 3013 - PDHPE Efficient Movement Principles  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 1009  Paramedic Practice 1  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 401067  
This subject allows the student to develop professional and clinical skills and techniques in preparation for paramedic practice. Students will be exposed to manual handling techniques to enable safe lifting and movement of patients and equipment, and discuss principles of infection control and scene safety. Students will learn how to undertake a holistic patient assessment and perform basic diagnostic tests. Students will have the opportunity to practice new skills and become oriented to the prehospital setting during clinical placements on non-emergency transport ambulances, preparing them for an extended emergency ambulance clinical placement in the following semester.
Level: Undergraduate Level 1 subject  
Pre-requisite(s): HLTH 1003  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 1010  Professional Health Competencies  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 400871  
This subject introduces skills for studying and working in health science. Students will gain an understanding of the interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary nature of health science practice in the 21st century, and how this interacts with the specialty health professions, client and community expectations of health care and employment opportunities in health science. Students will learn foundation competencies that will underpin their academic development and their safe, responsible and ethical practice in health science service environments.
Level: Undergraduate Level 1 subject  
Equivalent Subjects: HLTH 1011 - Professional Health Competencies (WSTC)  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 1011  Professional Health Competencies (WSTC)  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 700067  
This subject introduces skills for studying and working in health science. Students will gain an understanding of the interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary nature of health science practice in the 21st century, and how this interacts with the specialty health professions, client and community expectations of health care and employment opportunities in health science. Students will learn foundation competencies that will underpin their academic development and their safe, responsible and ethical practice in health science service environments.
Level: Undergraduate Level 1 subject  
Equivalent Subjects: HLTH 1010 - Professional Health Competencies  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 1012  Evidence in Health  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 401383  
This subject will introduce skills for finding and using the best available evidence in health. This begins with understanding thinking systems, biases and why we often don't accept, or respond, to facts, science and evidence. Students will learn the evidence-based practice process to formulate questions and find appropriate and relevant evidence from the unending amount of information available. The subject covers key concepts in how to read and understand a research paper. Students will develop skills for communicating evidence to strengthen arguments in academic writing and professional practice.
Level: Undergraduate Level 1 subject  
Equivalent Subjects: HLTH 1001 - Foundations of Research and Evidence-Based Practice HLTH 1002 - Foundations of Research and Evidence-Based Practice (UWSC)  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 1013  Professional Competencies in Health  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 401396  
This subject, taken in the first session for commencing students in health science courses, offers an introduction to foundation knowledge and skills required for future practice in the health workforce. Students will gain an understanding of their roles and will develop skills required for safe, responsible and ethical practice required as health professionals. There is a specific focus on developing students' understanding of the roles of others in the interprofessional health care team as a way of establishing -professional identity. The International Classification of Functioning provides a framework within which client centred and community focussed approaches to practice is discussed. The subject also uses a 'student capital' framework to facilitate reflection of academic capability and development of skills required for success at university.
Level: Undergraduate Level 1 subject  
Equivalent Subjects: HLTH 1011 - Professional Health Competencies HLTH 1010 - Professional Health Competencies  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 1014  Evidence in Health (WSTC)  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 700315  
This subject will introduce skills for finding and using the best available evidence in health. This begins with understanding thinking systems, biases and why we often don't accept, or respond, to facts, science and evidence. Students will learn the evidence-based practice process to formulate questions and find appropriate and relevant evidence from the unending amount of information available. The subject covers key concepts in how to read and understand a research paper. Students will develop skills for communicating evidence to strengthen arguments in academic writing and professional practice.
Level: Undergraduate Level 1 subject  
Equivalent Subjects: HLTH 1002 Foundations of Research and Evidence-Based Practice (UWSC)
HLTH 1001 Foundations of Research and Evidence-Based Practice
HLTH 1012 Evidence in Health
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 1015  Professional Competencies in Health (WSTC)  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 700313  
This subject, taken in the first session for commencing students in health science courses, offers an introduction to foundation knowledge and skills required for future practice in the health workforce. Students will gain an understanding of their roles and will develop skills required for safe, responsible and ethical practice required as health professionals. There is a specific focus on developing students' understanding of the roles of others in the inter-professional health care team as a way of establishing professional identity. The International Classification of Functioning provides a framework within which client centred and community focussed approaches to practice is discussed. The subject also uses a 'student capital' framework to facilitate reflection of academic capability and development of skills required for success at university.
Level: Undergraduate Level 1 subject  
Co-requisite(s): Students in programs 6000 or 6001 must
- have passed or be registered in 1 subject from HLTH 0005 or LANG 0003
- have passed or be registered in NATS 0006
Equivalent Subjects: HLTH 1011 Professional Health Competencies (WSTC)
HLTH 1010 Professional Health Competencies
HLTH 1013 Professional Health Competencies in Health
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 1016  Professional Competencies in Health (UG Cert)  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 500054  
This subject offers an introduction to foundation knowledge and skills required for future practice in the health workforce. Students will gain an understanding of their roles and will develop skills required for safe, responsible and ethical practice required as health professionals. There is a specific focus on developing students' understanding of the roles of others in the interprofessional health care team as a way of establishing -professional identity. The International Classification of Functioning provides a framework within which client centred and community focussed approaches to practice is discussed. The subject also uses a 'student capital' framework to facilitate reflection of academic capability and development of skills required for success at university.
Level: Undergraduate Level 1 subject  
Equivalent Subjects: HLTH 1011 Professional Health Competencies HLTH 1010 Professional Health Competencies HLTH 1013 Professional Competencies in Health  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 1018  Paramedicine Foundations 1  (10 Credit Points)  
This subject introduces students to the theoretical and practical aspects of modern paramedicine throughout Australia and internationally. It includes exploration of the roles and responsibilities of paramedics within healthcare systems considering relevant regulatory, ethical, and legal issues. Students will gain foundational practical knowledge in key concepts of paramedicine, in line with standards such as the National Safety and Quality Health Services Standards (NSQHS). Students will also begin to analyse typical out of hospital case scenarios to introduce the application of theory to practical contexts.
Level: Undergraduate Level 1 subject  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 1019  Paramedicine Foundations 2  (10 Credit Points)  
In this Subject, students develop additional skills around patient assessment and the management of basic medical and trauma conditions. Students also learn to work in clinical teams in a range of environments and focus on the provision of person-centred care. Students continue to explore the role and context of paramedicine within the health system including existing and emerging paramedic practice environments. Students will have the opportunity to practice new and existing skills. Students become oriented to the out of hospital setting during clinical placements in the community preparing them for an emergency ambulance clinical placement in the following semester
Level: Undergraduate Level 1 subject  
Pre-requisite(s): 401481 Paramedicine Foundations 1  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 1020  Foundations of HPE  (10 Credit Points)  
This subject introduces foundational disciplinary knowledge and elementary principles of practice within sport, health, and physical education across a variety of contexts. It aims to commence the development of the key professional practices of the field, where students will learn the basic processes of design, implementation, and evaluation inherent in the teaching and learning cycle. This will require students to engage in a variety of practical activities such that they begin to understand the essential requirements for creating learning experiences in HPE and sport settings.
Level: Undergraduate Level 1 subject  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 1021  Effective Communication in Health (WSTC)  (10 Credit Points)  
Effective communication in health is fundamental to establishing professional connections, whether it involves one-on-one interactions with clients, educating the community about health-related topics, or collaborating with fellow health professionals within a multidisciplinary framework. This subject is designed to enhance communication competencies essential for future roles in the healthcare sector, spanning various contexts. These communication abilities encompass establishing therapeutic rapport with both individual clients and groups, as well as conveying health-related information to clients, groups, and the broader community. Moreover, students will cultivate the proficiency needed to establish suitable collaborative relationships with their professional peers.
Level: Undergraduate Level 1 subject  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 1022  Evidence in Health Practice (WSTC)  (10 Credit Points)  
This subject will introduce skills for finding and using the best available evidence in health. This begins with understanding thinking systems, biases and why we often don’t accept, or respond to facts, science and evidence. Students will learn the evidence-based practice process to formulate questions and find appropriate and relevant evidence from the unending amount of information available. The subject covers key concepts in how to read and understand a research paper. Students will develop skills for communicating evidence to strengthen arguments in academic writing and professional practice.
Level: Undergraduate Level 1 subject  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 1023  Diversity in Health (WSTC)  (10 Credit Points)  
This subject prepares health science students with the foundational abilities to comprehend and interact proficiently within our culturally and socially varied society, both in our daily lives and professional endeavours. A significant emphasis will be placed on exploring Indigenous Australia, allowing students to develop a deep understanding of the accomplishments and requirements of Indigenous Australians. The subject will also delve into the concept of cultural safety on a broader scale, placing these topics within the framework of healthcare professionals operating in diverse cultural environments and managing distinct health beliefs and practices. An understanding of cultural diversity plays a crucial role in healthcare delivery and cultural competence significantly influences the health of Indigenous and other minority populations.
Level: Undergraduate Level 1 subject  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 2001  A Field Study: Comparative Studies of Health Care Delivery  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 400958  
In Summer 2024, This subject replaced by NURS3045 - Cultural Immersion Experience (UG). Australia has strict border measures in place to protect the health of the Australian community. Travel restrictions between Australian states and territories and in some remote areas of Australia are in place to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Further to this, there is a ban on overseas travel from Australia. You can't leave Australia unless you get an exemption from the Department of Home Affairs (source - https://covid19.homeaffairs.gov.au/leaving-australia). Due to this ban on international travel, this subject will not be offered 2021 Summer A. The focus of this subject is to provide nursing students with the problem-solving skills required in assessing and caring for people who are living in poverty in remote or rural areas in Australia and/or internationally. This subject is designed to enable students to develop cultural awareness and understanding of health care delivery and contemporary issues confronting health care for people who are living in remote or rural areas in Australia and/or internationally. Students will be eligible for up to 80 hours of approved clinical hours following successful completion of the clinical assessment tool by an accredited registered nurse.
Level: Undergraduate Level 2 subject  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 2003  Biomechanics  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 401140  
The study of biomechanics, the science that examines the forces acting upon a structure and the effects of these forces, is essential for understanding how the human body moves during daily activities, exercise and sport. It is also important when considering where problems may arise with human movement, such as with disease processes, over exercising and injury and postural pathology. This subject is designed to introduce the student to biomechanics by studying: the mechanical principles of human movement: balance and equilibrium: mechanical factors involved in tissue type and motion; and the analysis of human movement.
Level: Undergraduate Level 2 subject  
Equivalent Subjects: BIOS 2004 - Biomehanics and Kinesiology HLTH 2008 - Introduction to Biomechanics  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 2004  Exercise Bioenergetics  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 400883  
This subject investigates exercise metabolism and related genomics and proteomics in an integrated fashion. Covering: energy pathways; metabolic control; metabolism, oxygen consumption and respiratory quotient relationships; metabolic responses to acute and chronic exercise; pathway contributions to exercise; metabolic limitations to exercise; metabolic contributions to fatigue; metabolic acidosis, cellular and systemic implications of metabolic thresholds, conditions that can alter cellular metabolism. Whilst skeletal muscle metabolism is the primary focus, liver and adipose tissue metabolism are also considered as are anabolic pathways. Students will be exposed to basic biochemical assays of interest to the exercise physiologist.
Level: Undergraduate Level 2 subject  
Pre-requisite(s): NATS 1009 AND
HLTH 1001
Equivalent Subjects: BIOS 2003 - Bioenergetics of Exercise  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 2005  Exercise Prescription I  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 401143  
This subject is designed to give students an understanding of and experience in exercise prescription and fitness program construction for the general population (apparently healthy) across all ages and genders. It will focus on the development of general health-related exercise programs, which improve aerobic and anaerobic fitness, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility and body composition. Students will design, implement, supervise and evaluate a self-prescribed exercise program, and instruct training sessions for fellow students.
Level: Undergraduate Level 2 subject  
Pre-requisite(s): HLTH 2003 AND
SPRT 2002
Equivalent Subjects: HLTH 2006 - Exercise Prescription for General Populations  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 2006  Exercise Prescription for General Populations  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 400326  
In 2016, this subject is replaced by 401143 - Exercise Prescription I. The exercise prescription area is designed to give students an understanding of and experience in exercise prescription and fitness program construction for the general population of all ages and both genders, including pre exercise screening and fitness testing. It will focus on the development of general health related fitness programs, which improve aerobic and anaerobic fitness, flexibility, muscular strength and endurance, including resistance training. Students will design, implement and evaluate a self-prescribed exercise program as well as provide one-to-one training sessions for fellow students.
Level: Undergraduate Level 2 subject  
Pre-requisite(s): HLTH 2008 AND
BIOS 2037
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 2007  Fundamentals of Medical Concepts and Terminology  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 300950  
This subject is designed to provide the student with the knowledge necessary to understand the information contained in the health record, to function in a medical environment through an understanding of the fundamentals of medicine and to effectively use disease classification systems. Within each body system, the student will study anatomy and physiology, disease processes and their treatment, and medical terminology (disease titles, symptomatic terms, surgical terms and investigations). The subject will also focus on specialist topics such as mental health, obstetrics, paediatrics, infectious diseases, oncology, radiotherapy, nuclear medicine, diagnostic and surgical interventions.
Level: Undergraduate Level 2 subject  
Pre-requisite(s): INFS 2004  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 2009  Mental Health and Substance Abuse  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 401095  
This subject introduces students to mental health and behavioural presentations, and emergencies arising from legal and illegal substance use. Students will explore the epidemiology, pathophysiology, manifestation, recognition, assessment and management of common mental health problems, behavioural presentations, and cases involving legal and illegal drug use in the context of paramedicine. Students will practice techniques for managing these presentations from an interpersonal communication perspective and a clinical management perspective. Acute and sub-acute presentations will be discussed, with specific attention given to the role of the paramedic regarding risk assessment, counselling, and health promotion. Legalities associated with management of behaviourally disturbed or cognitively impaired patients will be discussed, and issues relating to multi-agency care, collaboration and co-operation will be examined.
Level: Undergraduate Level 2 subject  
Pre-requisite(s): HLTH 1009  
Co-requisite(s): HLTH 2017  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 2013  Nutrition and Health 2  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 300934  
This subject explores the basic concepts of human nutrition in relation to various stages of the lifespan from infants to late adulthood. It also explores nutrition in relation to chronic health conditions such as obesity, cardiovascular disease and eating disorders. Students will learn about the development of the Australian Dietary Guidelines and Nutrient Reference Values. Students will also learn to make informed decisions with regard to nutritionally critical moments of the life span, emerging nutrition opinions or contemporary uses of nutrition in physical activity, sports and chronic health conditions.
Level: Undergraduate Level 2 subject  
Pre-requisite(s): HLTH 2012  
Equivalent Subjects: HLTH 2014 - Nutrition and Health 2  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 2015  Out-of-hospital Medical Care 1  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 401074  
The aim of this subject is to extend knowledge and clinical skills required for the assessment and management of cardiovascular, respiratory and neurological medical emergencies. The subject combines pathophysiological principles development of skills and interpretation of diagnostic technology with clinical decision-making to implement advanced life support.
Level: Undergraduate Level 2 subject  
Pre-requisite(s): BIOS 2029 or
NATS 2038
Co-requisite(s): HLTH 2018  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 2017  Paramedic Practice 2  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 401068  
This subject focuses on the core competencies for paramedic practice in real world situations. These competencies will be developed through on-campus simulation learning, clinical placements with an emergency ambulance crew over a period of 3 weeks, and through an evidence-based exploration of paramedic practice. The core competencies include communication, documentation, reflections and professional ethical behaviour. In addition, students will practice patient assessment and supervised procedures appropriate to their level.
Level: Undergraduate Level 2 subject  
Pre-requisite(s): HLTH 1009 AND
NATS 1009
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 2018  Paramedic Practice 3  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 401073  
This subject introduces students to advanced elements of paramedic practice including advanced life support (ALS) resuscitation, and systematic examination of the cardiorespiratory and neurological systems. Core psychomotor procedures will be explored including advanced airway management and intravenous access. The subject has a strong practical component, during which students can apply theoretical learning to simulated cases of moderate complexity. The unit is underpinned by a strong focus on reasoning and decision making.
Level: Undergraduate Level 2 subject  
Pre-requisite(s): HLTH 2017  
Co-requisite(s): HLTH 2015  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 2021  Research Methods (Quantitative and Qualitative)  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 400864  
This subject further explores research methods used to acquire knowledge in healthcare. This includes research designs, international standards, key statistics, and interpretation of results. The range of health research methods will be presented, and studies about treatment effectiveness (clinical trials and systematic reviews), diagnostic effectiveness and qualitative approaches will be explored in detail. Pathways for early-career research are also introduced.
Level: Undergraduate Level 2 subject  
Pre-requisite(s): HLTH 1001  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 2022  Biostatistics in Health  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 401381  
This subject introduces concepts and practice of biostatistics related to public health, healthcare policy and practice, and health science generally. Evidence-based health professionals must be able to interpret and act upon quantitative data from research about the health of individuals, communities and populations; and factors affecting health including determinants of health, and the effects of policies and interventions on the health of individuals and groups. The subject covers essential principles of statistical reasoning, assumptions and methods applied to health scenarios. Learning is achieved by students exploring available statistical information and through analysis of numerical data sets.
Level: Undergraduate Level 2 subject  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 2023  Introduction to Physical Cultural Studies  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 401413  
From 2020 this subject replaces 401239 - Introduction to Physical Cultural Studies. The subject explores the interconnection between physical movement, culture, and society. Students will investigate the relationships among physical culture in its various forms (including health, physical activity, sport, dance, leisure, and movement related practices) and broader contexts (pedagogical, social, cultural, political, economic, and technological). The subject will equip students with knowledge and skills in becoming active, reflective and critical learners in physical culture thereby enacting meaningful changes in sites of inequality.
Level: Undergraduate Level 2 subject  
Equivalent Subjects: PUBH 1005 - Foundations of Wellbeing PUBH 2014 - Introduction to Physical Cultural Studies  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 2024  Research Methods in Health  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 401403  
This subject explores quantitative and qualitative research methods used to generate and expand knowledge in healthcare. The principal practice and policy questions in healthcare are identified, along with the research paradigms, methodologies, rationales, designs, sampling, data collection and measurement methods, analysis, controls over bias and validity, reporting methods and ethical standards applied to answer these questions and inform evidence-based practice. Practical experience is gained with tools for the appraisal of research evidence guiding practice. Workplace research and organisation research for quality assurance are included. Pathways to a professional career in research are explained.
Level: Undergraduate Level 2 subject  
Pre-requisite(s): HLTH 1012 OR
HLTH 1001
Equivalent Subjects: HLTH 2021 Research Methods (Quantitative and Qualitative)  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 2025  Exercise Nutrition  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 401436  
This subject provides students with an understanding of the interdependent areas of nutrition within the context of sport, physical activity, and exercise. Nutritional needs and recommendations for all levels and types of physical activity are covered along with the links between nutrition and health, sport performance, body composition and control of body weight. Students will develop skills in nutritional analysis and program development, measurement of energy expenditure and body composition assessment. Students will use these skills and knowledge in the individualisation of advice on exercise nutrition for health and sport performance.
Level: Undergraduate Level 2 subject  
Pre-requisite(s): NATS 1009 AND
SPRT 1001
Equivalent Subjects: BIOS 2010 - Exercise Nutrition BIOS 2011 - Exercise Nutrition Body Composition and Weight Control  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 2026  Paramedicine Care 1  (10 Credit Points)  
This subject develops core competencies for paramedic practice in real-world situations by facilitation of an emergency ambulance placement. These core competencies include communication, documentation, reflections, and professional behaviour. In addition, this unit aims to build foundational skills and knowledge relating to the assessment and management of neurological, musculoskeletal, and integumentary patient presentations. The subject also deals with the assessment and management of pain in the out-of-hospital setting. The subject combines theoretical and practical aspects to develop knowledge, skills, interpretation, and application of diagnostics and clinical decision-making to implement appropriate patient care.
Level: Undergraduate Level 2 subject  
Pre-requisite(s): NATS 1009
NATS 1010
HLTH 1019
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 2027  Paramedicine Care of Diverse Patients 1  (10 Credit Points)  
This subject introduces students to diverse populations including those with mental illness, substance dependence issues including drugs and alcohol, and those who engage in recreational drug use. Students will explore health behaviour and contemporary models of care including recovery-focussed care, underpinned by a biopsychosocial framework. The nature of contemporary paramedicine will be examined, with a focus on concepts including motivational interviewing, opportunistic counselling, and brief interventions.
Level: Undergraduate Level 2 subject  
Pre-requisite(s): HLTH 1019  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 2028  Paramedicine Care 2  (10 Credit Points)  
The aim of this subject is to extend the foundational knowledge relating to the assessment and management of cardiovascular and respiratory patient presentations. The unit combines theoretical and practical aspects to develop knowledge, skills, interpretation and application of diagnostics and clinical decision-making to implement appropriate patient care.
Level: Undergraduate Level 2 subject  
Pre-requisite(s): HLTH 2026  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 2029  Paramedicine Care 3  (10 Credit Points)  
The aim of this subject is to extend the foundational knowledge relating to the assessment and management of renal, urinary, gastrointestinal, and endocrinological presentations. The subject combines theoretical and practical aspects to develop knowledge, skills, interpretation and application of diagnostics and clinical decision-making to implement appropriate patient care. This subject will provide the opportunity to develop skills in interprofessional practice, through work-integrated learning in a variety of non-paramedic settings.
Level: Undergraduate Level 2 subject  
Pre-requisite(s): HLTH 2026  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 2030  Paramedicine Care of Diverse Patients 2  (10 Credit Points)  
Paramedics encounter a diverse range of patients. Many of these patients are vulnerable because of their social, clinical or cultural situation. Vulnerable and diverse populations are often overrepresented in paramedic caseload. Paramedics also encounter patients with a wide range of physical and cognitive disabilities. Paramedics are increasingly a key profession in helping diverse and vulnerable patients navigate the health system. This subject explores how paramedics can provide culturally safe and appropriate patient-centred care to these populations.
Level: Undergraduate Level 2 subject  
Pre-requisite(s): HLTH 2026  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 2031  Motor Behaviour  (10 Credit Points)  
Motor Behaviour is an investigation of the physiological and psychological processes involved in both the control and the learning of movement. As such, it considers the control mechanisms which are innate to the learner, how these mechanisms change by virtue of both maturation and experience, and how the latter type of changes may be facilitated by manipulation of the learning environment.
Level: Undergraduate Level 2 subject  
Equivalent Subjects: BEHV 3015 Motor Control and Skill Acquisition  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 3001  Applied Nutrition  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 300908  
This subject builds on basic concepts in human nutrition and facilitates the study of nutrition needs across the lifecycle and for specific lifestyle and nutrition related diseases. This study will incorporate how to assess nutritional status (incorporating anthropometric, biochemical, clinical, dietary and physical activity assessment) of individuals and groups, understand the strengths and limitations of various methods, how to manipulate diets to ensure nutritional sufficiency and how to provide nutrition education regarding lifestyle related diseases and sports nutrition.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject  
Equivalent Subjects: HLTH 3002 - Applied Nutrition  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 3003  Clinical Leadership and Patient Safety  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 401097  
This subject introduces students to clinical leadership, supervision and patient safety in the context of paramedicine. Students will undertake a 4 week clinical placement block with an emergency ambulance crew, which will in part be used as a basis for reflective learning activities and critical analysis. Students will explore and discuss concepts of clinical leadership and supervision, drawing from their clinical placement experiences. Students will learn about leadership styles, principles of clinical education, mentoring and supervision in the field, clinical governance and patient safety.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject  
Pre-requisite(s): HLTH 3014  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 3004  Emergency Care for Special Populations  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 401070  
This subject explores the issues in caring for special populations in the emergency situation - multicultural and Indigenous settings, the elderly, people with disabilities and people experiencing mental illness. Current trends underlying policies and services and determinants of wellbeing in these contexts are discussed. Particular attention is given to issues, principles and practices relating to ageing, and to the assessment, treatment, rehabilitation strategies and crisis counselling for people experiencing mental illness.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject  
Pre-requisite(s): HLTH 3014  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 3005  Evidence-Based Practice  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 400865  
In this subject, students incorporate previous research and biostatistics knowledge to develop new skills for using evidence to inform all aspects of their professional practice. Evidence-based practice uses an enquiry led approach to manage expanding and uncertain knowledge by formulating answerable questions, effectively searching literature, critically appraising evidence validity and results, and to assess its significance in clinical practice and healthcare decision-making. Students will incorporate evidence in communication and shared decision making processes for patient scenarios relevant to their program.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject  
Pre-requisite(s): Students need to have done HLTH2024 Research Methods in Health PLUS ONE clinical subject from their specific program This will be one of four possible subjects
Students enrolled in Program Code 4661 (Continuing) or 4708 (Current) must have completed REHA 2007
Students enrolled in Program Code 4663 (Continuing) or 4711 (Current) must have completed REHA 2004
Students enrolled in Program Code 4662 (Continuing) or 4706 (Current) must have completed REHA 3003 AND
REHA 3049 - Speech Pathology Practice 3 for students enrolled in 4763 - Bachelor of Speech Pathology (First clinical practice subject)
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 3008  Gymnastics and Dance  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 400896  
Students actively engage in a variety of gymnastics activities to develop skill competencies on vault, bars, beam, and floor. Students will also learn about a variety of dance styles and apply movement composition principles. Students will consider safety principles and learn teaching strategies that will enable them to teach gymnastics and dance accurately and safely in line with the Health and Physical Education curriculum. Students will also design their own original teaching and learning ideas that are active, enjoyable, and educational, to ensure they can implement quality gymnastics and dance learning experiences in PE.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject  
Incompatible Subjects: LGYA 0700 - Human Movement 5 PERF 3008 - Introduction to Dance  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 3009  Major Incident Management  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 401075  
This subject examines the tactical and strategic issues facing a health response team in a major incident. Students will practice team responses to critical incidents and evaluate the effectiveness of different approaches to response and recovery.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject  
Pre-requisite(s): HLTH 3014  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 3011  Obstetrics and Paediatrics  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 401072  
The aim of this subject is to prepare the student for out-of-hospital care and management of obstetric, neo-natal and paediatric emergencies. It focuses on understanding human birth and development, normal and complicated delivery and the changes that occur in the pregnant woman. Developmental changes throughout childhood and the skills required to manage a broad range of clinical paediatric emergencies are explored.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject  
Pre-requisite(s): HLTH 2018 AND
HLTH 2015
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 3012  Out-of-hospital Medical Care 2  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 401096  
The aim of this subject is to extend the foundational knowledge relating to the assessment and management of medical presentations across the spectrum of acuity, including, gastrointestinal, renal, genitourinary, gynaecological and endocrine medical emergencies, sepsis, ear/nose/throat presentations and complex co-morbid conditions. The unit combines pathophysiological principles with development of skills in the use and interpretation of diagnostic technology with clinical decision-making to implement advanced life support. Students will investigate fundamental elements of paramedic practice relating to medicolegal documentation, risk assessment and clinical reasoning relating to determination of patient disposition.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject  
Pre-requisite(s): NATS 1009 AND
HLTH 2015
Co-requisite(s): HLTH 3014  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 3014  Paramedic Practice 4  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 401069  
This subject focuses on the core competencies for paramedic practice in real world situations. Students will review high fidelity simulation scenarios to facilitate simulation debrief sessions exploring scene management, interpersonal communication, decision making, inter-professional cooperation and clinical management, Students will then consolidate and extend these skills through supervised clinical placements with an emergency ambulance crew over a period of 5 weeks. Experiences and exposure gained during the placement will form the basis for analysis of case studies and reflective learning.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject  
Pre-requisite(s): HLTH 2018  
Co-requisite(s): HLTH 3012  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 3015  Resistance Training and Physiology  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 400890  
In 2016, this subject is replaced by 401148 - Strength and Conditioning. Resistance Training and Physiology presents the growing body of research evidence supporting specific methods of resistance exercise and training, as well as the role of resistance exercise in disease prevention and health promotion. Students gain an increased understanding of the energetics and physiology of resistance exercise by also completing laboratories focussed on the research of important applied concepts in resistance exercise and training. Students also experience resistance training.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject  
Pre-requisite(s): HLTH 2004 AND
BIOS 3003
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 3016  Strength and Conditioning  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 401148  
Strength and Conditioning presents the growing body of research evidence supporting specific methods of resistance exercise and training, as well as the role of resistance exercise in disease prevention and health promotion. Students gain an understanding of the energetics and physiology of resistance exercise by also completing and experiencing laboratories focussed on the important applied concepts in resistance exercise and training.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject  
Pre-requisite(s): HLTH 2003 AND
SPRT 2002
Equivalent Subjects: HLTH 3015 - Resistance Training and Physiology  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 3017  Traumatic and Environmental Emergencies  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 401071  
This subject deals with pathophysiology and pathogenesis of traumatic injuries and environmental emergencies as well as safe and effective out-of-hospital management of these patients. Best patient outcomes are achieved when out-of-hospital care forms part of a trauma system. Paramedics are required to make decisions to achieve the provision of the right care and transfer to the right hospital in the right time. This applies to both, the single-patient incident and the mass casualty situation. This subject aims to develop the knowledge and skills to safely and effectively manage the patient(s) suffering traumatic injury or an environmental emergency. Furthermore, the subject aims to prepare the paramedic student to be part of a major incident response.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject  
Pre-requisite(s): HLTH 3014  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 3018  Ethical and Legal Issues in Health Care  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 401408  
From 2020 this subject replaces 400249 - Ethical and Legal Issues in Health Care. This subject enables students to explore and develop an understanding of the ethical and legal issues important within contemporary health care. Through the use of case studies students will analyse profound ethical and legal challenges facing current health care that are equally important to health professionals, patients/clients and society generally. Critical thinking about these issues will be encouraged. Students will also be encouraged to consider differing theoretical perspectives in their examination of ethical issues. Additionally, students studying to work within health care, including complementary medicine, will develop a comprehensive understanding of the requirements for ensuring that their practice conforms to legal doctrines and ethical standards.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject  
Equivalent Subjects: JUST 3005 - Ethical and Legal Issues in Health Care  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 3019  Nutrition, Health and Disease  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 301457  
In this subject you will explore the basic concepts of human nutrition in relation to various stages of the lifespan from infants to late adulthood. It also explores nutrition in relation to chronic health conditions such as obesity, cardiovascular disease and eating disorders. You will learn about the development of the Australian Dietary Guidelines and Nutrient Reference Values. You will also learn to make informed decisions with regard to nutritionally critical moments of the life span, emerging nutrition opinions or contemporary uses of nutrition in physical activity, sports and chronic health conditions.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject  
Equivalent Subjects: HLTH 2014 - Nutrition and Health 2 HLTH 2013 - Nutrition and Health 2  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 3020  Global Nutrition and Food  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 301458  
This subject aims to develop an understanding of the inter relationship between nutrition and health in Australian and Global contexts. The aim is to provide you with a sound foundation in nutritional anthropology, public health nutrition and health promotion in order that they can systematically analyse nutritional problems associated with world food issues; including those affecting minority and culturally and linguistically diverse groups within Australia; diseases of affluence and current health and nutrition issues in the community. An important objective of the subject is that you will learn the principles of health promotion and how to apply effective nutrition promotion strategies in community and population settings in order to reduce the burdens of various nutritional and lifestyle related disorders and diseases like: obesity, some cancers, diabetes and cardiovascular disease and malnourishment.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject  
Equivalent Subjects: HLTH 3007 Global Nutrition Food and Community HLTH 3006 Global Nutrition Food and Community HLTH 3010 Nutrition and Community Health  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 3021  Paramedicine Care 4  (10 Credit Points)  
The aim of this subject is to prepare the student for out-of-hospital care of mens’ health, sexual health, gynaecological, obstetric, and neonatal patient presentations. It focuses on understanding the theoretical and practical requirements to assess and manage patients of different sexes throughout the lifespan including management of the foetus and neonate.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject  
Pre-requisite(s): HLTH 2028 AND
HLTH 2029
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 3022  Paramedicine Leadership  (10 Credit Points)  
This subject introduces students to Paramedicine leadership in the context of an emerging profession. Students will undertake a 4-week clinical placement block with an emergency ambulance crew, which will, in part, be used as a basis for reflective learning activities and critical analysis. Students will explore and discuss concepts of organisational and clinical leadership and supervision, drawing from their clinical placement and other experiences. Students will learn about leadership styles, principles of clinical education, mentoring and supervision strategy, as well as risk assessment, mass casualty and organisational behaviour. Staff wellness, organisational efficiency and sustainable practices will be common goals to aspire to. This ground-up leadership is intended to contribute to organisational success and mitigates the risk of victimology among new entrants to the field.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 3023  Integrated Paramedicine  (20 Credit Points)  
In this capstone subject students will extend their learning to include evidence-based health care and translation of knowledge to clinical practice. Students will respond, within a team, to emergency calls in the community (through 4-5 weeks of clinical placement) or in simulated laboratory contexts and facilitate the provision of out-of-hospital care within the limitations of the regulator or health care organisations. Students will develop the capacity to critically analyse clinical practice and provide constructive feedback to improve quality of emergency care and patient safety. Students will have the opportunity to implement clinical decision making, use judicious treatments and provide trauma-informed care.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject  
Pre-requisite(s): HLTH 2028 AND
HLTH 2029
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 3024  Safety and Quality in Paramedicine  (10 Credit Points)  
This subject develops core competencies for paramedic practice in real-world situations by facilitation of an emergency ambulance placement. This unit introduces students to patient safety and quality in paramedicine. Students are taught about the principles of patient safety and how these are applied in the out-of-hospital setting and paramedicine context. Besides ensuring patient safety, healthcare organisations need to monitor, analyse, and improve the care they provide. This unit will teach students about quality in healthcare and more specifically in paramedicine. Students will learn about the science of improvement and how it can be applied to continuously improve the care for patients. The role and responsibilities of the individual frontline paramedic within an organisation’s patient safety and quality framework will be explored.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 3025  Paramedicine Trauma Care  (10 Credit Points)  
This subject deals with pathophysiology and pathogenesis of traumatic injuries, conditions arising from uncompensated environmental exposures, and toxicological emergencies. Students are taught how to care for these patients in the out-of-hospital setting. Best patient outcomes are achieved when out-of-hospital care forms part of a trauma system. Therefore, paramedics are required to make decisions to achieve the provision of the right care and transfer to the right hospital in the right time. This unit aims to develop the knowledge and skills to safely and effectively care, treat and manage adult and paediatric patients who have sustained traumatic injury or injuries, conditions arising from uncompensated environmental exposures, and toxicological emergencies.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 3026  Movement and Skill Analysis  (10 Credit Points)  
This subject examines the scientific basis for movement and sports skill development. An understanding of the principles of movement and motor skill and how they apply to performance is examined through a range of movement tasks required for track and field athletics and some team sports. Laboratory activities will focus upon the basic movement tasks of throwing, jumping, balancing, striking, running and rotary activities. An examination of the instruments used in efficient movement analysis is undertaken.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 4001  Professional Reasoning  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 401125  
This final year subject focuses on the transition from student to practitioner. The aim of this subject is to provide students with learning opportunities that will consolidate and enhance their competence in professional practice throughout their career. Professional competencies of central concern include advanced professional reasoning skills, evidence based-practice, reflective practice, personal and career management strategies, self-directed and life-long learning. These competencies contribute positively to the effective management of graduates’ professional practice in various work contexts, and their future career paths. Acquisition of such skills will allow the graduate to direct and adapt to change in these areas.
Level: Undergraduate Level 4 subject  
Incompatible Subjects: HLTH 7013 - Professional Reasoning  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 4002  Evidence-Based Practice (Advanced)  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 400944  
In this subject, students incorporate previous research and biostatistics knowledge to develop new skills for using evidence to inform all aspects of their professional practice. Evidence-based practice uses an enquiry led approach to manage expanding and uncertain knowledge by formulating answerable questions, effectively searching literature, critically appraising evidence validity and results, and to assess its significance in clinical practice and healthcare decision-making. Students will incorporate evidence in communication and shared decision-making processes for patient scenarios relevant to their program. Students will embark on research training through studying the theory and application of research methods to honours research in their chosen field and practising the skills to analyse evidence in the health sciences.
Level: Undergraduate Level 4 subject  
Pre-requisite(s): Students need to have done HLTH2024 Research Methods in Health PLUS students in Occupational Therapy Physiotherapy and Podiatric Medicine must have done ONE clinical subject from their specific program These are outlined below
Students enrolled in Program Code 4663 (Continuing) or 4711 (Current) must have completed REHA 2007
Students enrolled in Program Code 4663 (Continuing) or 4711 (Current) must have completed REHA 2004
Students enrolled in Program Code 4663 (Continuing) or 4711 (Current) must have completed REHA 3004 AND
HLTH 2024 - Research Methods in Health AND
REHA 3049 - Speech Pathology Practice 3 for students enrolled in 4788 - Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours)
Incompatible Subjects: HLTH 3005 - Evidence-Based Practice  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 7001  A Global Perspective on Social Determinants of Health  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 400841  
Evidence is mounting that the health of individuals, groups and whole populations is significantly determined by social factors - the social determinants. The related research has its origins in concern for the growing inequalities in health both within and between countries. This subject examines the framework of the social determinants of health in a global perspective and includes a reflection on the phenomenon of globalisation and its impact, both positive and negative on people's health. Students will critically reflect on this relatively new and emerging body of knowledge and research which clearly situates the maintenance of health and healthy societies within their socioeconomic and socio-cultural contexts. They will also examine implications for policy, health systems and different groups within society.
Level: Postgraduate Coursework Level 7 subject  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 7002  Building Organisational Capacity in Health Care  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 400846  
The concept, form and structure of health care organisations are explored. Organisational theory is used to analyse contemporary health care structures. Factors which influence organisational design, function and effectiveness are discussed including: organisational behaviour, strategy, culture, power and politics, technology, sustainability and effectiveness. A major focus is planning for strategic organisational development to meet the challenges of rapid change and the need for performance improvements in patient care delivery. Concepts related to the strategic development of workforce capacity in the health care arena considered through the application of theories including the learning organisation. Leadership is examined with emphasis on change management.
Level: Postgraduate Coursework Level 7 subject  
Equivalent Subjects: PUBH 7017 - Leadership and the Development of Organisational Capacity in Health Care  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 7003  Community and Public Health Nutrition  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 301186  
This subject examines the principles of public health nutrition and a systems approach, and enables students to use them to identify and analyse nutrition issues and outcomes. Students will learn about the food and nutrition system and its drivers, and examine their impact on current food, nutrition and nutrition-related health issues. They will explore public health nutrition priorities in Australia and 'at risk' groups such as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, culturally and linguistically diverse groups, and other vulnerable groups. They will learn to interrogate nutrition-related policies in relation to public health nutrition priorities and contemporary topics in Australia and similar contexts. Students will learn about the role of advocacy in promoting a sustainable and equitable food supply system, and improving food and nutrition outcomes for populations.
Level: Postgraduate Coursework Level 7 subject  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 7004  Dissertation  (40 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 401079  
This subject requires students to complete a substantial piece of independent research. Dissertations will involve the in-depth examination of a particular topic/question, and should demonstrate evidence of ability to undertake sustained critical analysis. The dissertation provides an opportunity for students to demonstrate that they can consolidate knowledge acquired throughout their course of study, understand how existing evidence/information relates to research topics, and how their own work adds to this body of knowledge. Independent thinking is required, including the ability to critique one's own work and that of others, as well as articulating the implications of their own research and support their findings through their written dissertation. Students will have the opportunity to participate in workshops where they will gain skills in defining a clear research question, preparing a formal research proposal, conducting a literature review, ethics and research, and formal writing at a professional standard. Findings of student work with be presented at an end of semester research seminar. This subject can also be taken over two semesters (see 401282 Dissertation (Part-Time)).
Level: Postgraduate Coursework Level 7 subject  
Co-requisite(s): For students enrolled in 4702 Master of Public Health or 4698 Master of Health Science courses only
AGEN 7005 Research Protocol Design and Practice
HLTH 7008 Introduction to Biostatistics
HLTH 7025 Healthcare Data for Decision making
HLTH 7015 Qualitative Research Methodology in Health
For students enrolled in 3749 Master of Science and 4738 Master of Epidemiology courses only
HLTH 7008 Introduction to Biostatistics
For all students
PUBH 7016 Introduction to Epidemiology
Equivalent Subjects: The two units below are equivalent to each other

HLTH 7004 Dissertation (Full-time)
HLTH 7020 Dissertation (Part-time)
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 7005  Health Financial Management  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 400845  
This subject provides health leaders with an introduction to financial management in health and aged care settings as a basis for understanding the impact of leadership decision-making on financial outcomes and how financial decision-making impacts on clinical service delivery. Content includes an overview of health economics and economic evaluation, health care funding models, the principles, practices and tools for financial planning and management, basic accounting principles and financial terminology and using financial information and reporting for negotiating financial plans, tracking and evaluating financial performance and using financial information in decision-making within the clinical environment.
Level: Postgraduate Coursework Level 7 subject  
Equivalent Subjects: LGYA 7322 - Health Economics and Comparative Health Systems LGYA 7489 - Resources management in Aged Care  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 7006  Health Services and Facilities Planning  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 400844  
Planning occurs at all levels within all health organisations, government, non-government and in the private sector. There is a hierarchy in planning health services with some global overarching policy documents, national agreed priorities which affect corporate and regional plans as well as local services and projects. Planning focuses on future directions for health, is value based and resource allocation driven. The process of health planning will be outlined including how to conduct a needs analysis, develop an evidence based approach, consult with stakeholders including the community, document an implementation plan and evaluate outcomes.
Level: Postgraduate Coursework Level 7 subject  
Equivalent Subjects: BUSM 7104 - Strategic Analysis and Decision Making  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 7007  Health Workforce Planning  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 400843  
This is a flexible learning subject looking at Human Resource Management as a strategic activity of health organisations especially as workforce shortages pose significant challenges to the health, welfare and aged care sectors. The workforce, with appropriate knowledge and expertise, is essential to the efficient and effective delivery of quality health services. Successful organisations shape their workforce to anticipate current and future business directions and goals. Workforce planning is a crucial element of this approach and its success.
Level: Postgraduate Coursework Level 7 subject  
Equivalent Subjects: LGYA 8572 - Human Resources Management LGYA 7490 - Workforce Planning and HR Issues in Aged Care LGYA 4898 - Human Resource Management  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 7008  Introduction to Biostatistics  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 401077  
Most professions in the health sciences need to read and interpret statistics relating to individual health status, interpret health risks in communities, and engage in the evaluation of interventions, or impact of health policies or programs. Many public health practitioners are actively involved in surveillance, quantitative research and/or evaluation. This subject provides students with the fundamental skills they need to analyse and interpret results from quantitative data collections. Content includes descriptive statistics, undertaking comparisons between groups, quantifying associations between variables, and statistical power. The subject is highly applied with the main focus being on interpretation and appraisal of statistical results and conducting analyses using statistical software.
Level: Postgraduate Coursework Level 7 subject  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 7009  Leadership and Change  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 400414  
Within the context of a society where change is ongoing, leadership is required in order to achieve optimum outcomes. Students in this subject will be encouraged to critically explore leadership styles, leadership and change theories, leadership in learning organisations and the community within a primary health care framework. This subject will enable students to assess both the internal and external environments of organisations, communities and individuals as the need for change is identified, planned and implemented. The subject identifies the central strategies necessary for the development of leaders who are able to achieve sustainable change outcomes.
Level: Postgraduate Coursework Level 7 subject  
Equivalent Subjects: LGYC 0566 - Processes of Change  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 7010  Nutrition Promotion  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 301185  
This subject aims to introduce students to the principles and practices of nutrition and health promotion, for use in primary and secondary prevention. Students will learn and critically appraise all aspects of the program planning cycle, from needs assessment to evaluation. Students will develop their capabilities to design initiatives that are responsive to, and contribute to, the community and public health nutrition evidence base. Students will acquire knowledge related to communication, food and social marketing, nutrition education, and nutrition and behaviour change theories; and learn how to translate this into effective nutrition promotion initiatives that aim to influence food choice, intake, supply and/or access. Lastly, students will learn to work in, and/or manage, multi-disciplinary teams and work with key stakeholders. Negotiation and influencing skills, together with capacity building skills, to guide and upskill individuals and groups, will be developed for the purpose of improving the nutritional status of groups.
Level: Postgraduate Coursework Level 7 subject  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 7011  Nutritional Assessment Methods  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 301184  
This subject aims to introduce students to methodologies that incorporate anthropometric, biochemical, clinical, dietary and physical activity assessment to assess the nutritional status of individuals and groups. Students will critically explore the strengths and limitations of various methods. Students will also learn to make professional judgement regarding when and how to use methods, including validating nutritional status assessment methods to achieve valid and reliable nutritional assessment outcomes.
Level: Postgraduate Coursework Level 7 subject  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 7013  Professional Reasoning  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 400925  
This final year subject focuses on the transition from student to practitioner. The aim of this subject is to provide students with learning opportunities that will consolidate and enhance their competence in professional practice throughout their career. Professional competencies of central concern include advanced clinical reasoning skills, evidence based-practice, reflective practice, personal and career management strategies, self-directed and life long learning. These competencies contribute positively to the effective management of graduates clinical practice in various work contexts, and their future career paths. Acquisition of such skills will allow the graduate to direct and adapt to change in these areas.
Level: Postgraduate Coursework Level 7 subject  
Co-requisite(s): REHA 7011 OR
REHA 7013
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 7014  Professional Topic  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 400850  
This subject is designed to allow high achieving students to comprehensively explore a relevant topic of interest to them, either through a minor supervised research project or industry-based project. This unit's flexible delivery offers a unique experience specific to each project and student. Students in this subject will develop extensive skills through project-based learning essential for employment and/or higher degree studies.
Level: Postgraduate Coursework Level 7 subject  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 7015  Qualitative Research Methodology in Health  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 401238  
This subject prepares students to conduct qualitative research. The subject covers ontologies, epistemologies, methodologies, and research methods, particularly those that involve the collection, management and analysis of qualitative data, and how findings are communicated. It also addresses the ethics of research.
Level: Postgraduate Coursework Level 7 subject  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 7016  Quality and Safety in Health Care  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 400842  
Health care managers and clinicians are responsible for the quality and safety of patient care within their subjects. To introduce a culture of safety they must understand and work within current policy, surveillance and governance strategies. In this subject students will study the cultural and governance environments within which quality and safety systems are introduced in health care. Students will also develop skills required to effectively use the tools available for managing and monitoring quality and safety issues within their workplace.
Level: Postgraduate Coursework Level 7 subject  
Equivalent Subjects: PUBH 7018 - Leadership in Quality and Safety in Health Care  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 7020  Dissertation (Part Time)  (40 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 401282  
This is a 40 credit point year-long subject taken over two terms (20 credit points in each term). This subject requires students to complete a substantial piece of independent research. Dissertations will involve the in-depth examination of a particular topic/question, and should demonstrate evidence of ability to undertake sustained critical analysis. The dissertation provides an opportunity for students to demonstrate that they can consolidate knowledge acquired throughout their program of study and understand how existing evidence/information relates to research topics, and how their own work adds to this body of knowledge. Independent thinking is required, including the ability to critique one's own work and that of others, as well as articulating the implications of their own research and support their findings through their written dissertation. Students will have the opportunity to participate in workshops where they will gain skills in defining a clear research question, preparing a formal research proposal, conducting a literature review, ethics and research, and formal writing at a professional standard. Findings of student work with be presented at an end of semester research seminar. This subject can also be taken over one semester (see HLTH 7004 Dissertation (Full Time)).
Level: Postgraduate Coursework Level 7 subject  
Co-requisite(s): For students enrolled in the 4702 Master of Public Health or 4698 Master of Health Science courses only
AGEN 7005 Research Protocol Design and Practice
HLTH 7008 Introduction to Biostatistics
HLTH 7025 Healthcare Data for Decision making
HLTH 7015 Qualitative Research Methodology in Health
For students enrolled in 3749 Master of Science and 4738 Master of Epidemiology courses only
HLTH 7008 Introduction to Biostatistics
For all students
PUBH 7016 Introduction to Epidemiology
Equivalent Subjects: The two units below are equivalent to each other
HLTH 7004 Dissertation (Full-time)
HLTH 7020 Dissertation (Part-time)
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 7022  Advanced Health Service Management  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 401361  
This subject focuses on the principles and practice of health service management. The subject draws on material from different settings to consider governance, policy, and strategic planning. Students will critique health system reforms, including those that aim to address healthcare inequity. The role of politics and policy will be discussed to clarify the impact on health service management. The subject will explore how health service operations are managed and how performance and outcomes are measured. Students will also explore how patients, carers, and other stakeholders shape health service management.
Level: Postgraduate Coursework Level 7 subject  
Co-requisite(s): PUBH 7031  
Equivalent Subjects: HLTH 7007 Health Workforce Planning  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 7023  Advanced Sport and Exercise Science  (20 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 401414  
Please note, subject 401291.1 Advanced Sport and Exercise Science replaced by 401414.1 Advanced Sport and Exercise Science from 2020.This subject provides Bachelor of Research Studies/Masters of Research candidates with an interest in Sport & Exercise Science with an opportunity to further their knowledge and skill-sets in the field. Working closely with their assigned supervisor(s), students will prepare a work-plan to further enhance their theoretical knowledge through a combination of independent and guided-study. The subject will provide students with an opportunity to strengthen their knowledge and expertise in their selected field of Sport & Exercise Science. The subject is focused on the development of discipline-specific knowledge (theoretical and practical) to prepare students for their research thesis and future career in a Sport & Exercise Science related field.
Level: Postgraduate Coursework Level 7 subject  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 7024  Health Services Financing  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 401362  
This subject provides health leaders with an introduction to financial management in both public and private sector health services. The learning from this subject forms a basis for understanding the impact of leadership decision-making on financial outcomes and how financial decision-making impacts on clinical service delivery. The development of different approaches to funding to address issues of effectiveness, efficiency and acceptability (including equity) are examined. Pressures for reform are linked to developments at various levels of management and organisation type to enable analysis of potential impacts on clinical delivery. Students will critically analyse the relationship between performance and principles of governance, focusing on developing an improvement in the quality of service delivery. Reflective practice will be used to facilitate the application of resource management and clinical governance to a self-identified workplace issue warranting a clinical governance business case.
Level: Postgraduate Coursework Level 7 subject  
Co-requisite(s): PUBH 7031  
Equivalent Subjects: HLTH 7005 Health Financial Management  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 7025  Healthcare Data for Decision-Making  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 401365  
Most professions in the health sciences need to read and interpret data relating to individual health status, interpret health risks in communities, and engage in the evaluation of interventions, or impact of health policies or programs. Many public health practitioners are actively involved in surveillance, quantitative research and/or evaluation. This subject provides an opportunity to learn about making health service decisions using appropriate data. Students learn how to explore and use data that are assembled to replicate real patient data to both generate and answer questions. The focus may be managerial or clinical, or an integration of these. Students analyse the assembled patient dataset to generate and interpret health statistics, and translate them into health information and knowledge for decision-making. Students completing this subject develop the ability to explore health data and provide recommendations based on the findings.
Level: Postgraduate Coursework Level 7 subject  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 7026  Professional Internship in Health  (40 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 401368  
This subject provides students with the opportunity to translate the content of the postgraduate program to the context of the workplace through an integrated workplace internship. This experience will allow the student to develop the necessary skills and competencies expected of high performing health professionals. The Internship enables a focused opportunity to work in contemporary healthcare settings with leaders and managers from a variety of professions. Students will also engage in coursework with a focus on creating an portfolio that revisits all content learned throughout their courses to critically assess their learning journey and learning outcomes. This process will teach students how to systematically self-reflect in deep and transformative ways, engaging with theory and knowledge acquired and developed through their studies to design and create a portfolio of their skills and competencies through a social capital framework. The subject will culminate in a presentation of the results of their internship project in a research and practice seminar.
Level: Postgraduate Coursework Level 7 subject  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 7027  Professional Project in Health 1  (20 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 401369  
Health professionals, particularly those at managerial positions, are frequently tasked with solving very complex problems in their practice. Some of these problems are so complex that they can be called 'wicked' problems, or problems that are highly resistant to resolution. This subject uses project-based learning to provide students with the opportunity to work collaboratively and inter-disciplinarily to solve an industry-driven 'wicked' problem, using systematic and evidence-based techniques to do so. Students will be challenged to think broadly to take into account the interrelationships among a full range of causal factors underlying the 'wicked' problem at hand, and will be required to use more collaborative and innovative approaches to solve industry challenges. Students will be exposed to a range of industry representatives who will pose the difficult, 'wicked' problems to them and who will return to assess the proposed solutions.
Level: Postgraduate Coursework Level 7 subject  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 7028  Professional Project in Health 2  (20 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 401370  
This capstone subject intends to develop students' work-readiness. Health professionals are recurrently asked to engage in reflective practice as a way to improve clinical and non-clinical reasoning. The ability to reflect on action and in action allows health professionals not only to improve their practice but also to more clearly articulate their strengths and weaknesses to potential employers. In this subject, students will focus on creating an portfolio that will require revisiting all content learned throughout their courses to critically assess their learning journey and learning outcomes. It will teach students how to systematically self-reflect in deep and transformative ways, engaging with theory and knowledge acquired and developed through their studies to design and create a portfolio of their skills and competencies through a social capital framework.
Level: Postgraduate Coursework Level 7 subject  
Incompatible Subjects: HLTH 7026 Professional Internship in Health  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 7029  Quality and Safety  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 401371  
This subject provides an overview of emerging health policy with particular attention to quality and safety. Students develop a critical view on the organisation of healthcare, measurement and delivery of outcomes from the patient and population perspective as well as organisational accountability for quality and safety. The course consists of three components. The first component targets the main constituents of clinical governance, including practice design, analysis and improvement, error reporting and investigation, public accountability and open disclosure, multi-disciplinary teamwork and clinical leadership. The second component introduces the tools of clinical process redesign which help managers make practical improvements to practices in their subjects. The third component targets risk management by providing an overview of the kinds of risks faced by health service managers by outlining perceptions of risk such as adverse effect versus opportunity capital.
Level: Postgraduate Coursework Level 7 subject  
Equivalent Subjects: HLTH 7012 - Organisational Governance and Performance Management  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 7030  Professional Internship in Health (Part-time)  (40 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 401435  
This is a 40 credit point year-long subject taken over two terms (20 credit points in each term). This subject provides students with the opportunity to translate the content of the postgraduate program to the context of the workplace through an integrated workplace internship. This experience will allow the student to develop the necessary skills and competencies expected of high performing health professionals. The Internship enables a focused opportunity to work in contemporary healthcare settings with leaders and managers from a variety of professions. Students will also engage in coursework with a focus on creating a portfolio that revisits all content learned throughout their programs to critically assess their learning journey and learning outcomes. This process will teach students how to systematically self-reflect in deep and transformative ways, engaging with theory and knowledge acquired and developed through their studies to design and create a portfolio of their skills and competencies through a social capital framework. The subject will culminate in a presentation of the results of their internship project. This subject can also be taken over one semester (see HLTH 7026 Professional Internship in Health (Full Time).
Level: Postgraduate Coursework Level 7 subject  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 9001  Higher Degree Research Thesis - Health  (80 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 800204  
Level: PhD and Research Masters Level 9 subject  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 9002  Higher Degree Research Thesis - Health  (80 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 800133  
Level: PhD and Research Masters Level 9 subject  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 9003  Higher Degree Research Thesis - Health  (80 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 800181  
Level: PhD and Research Masters Level 9 subject  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
HLTH 9004  Higher Degree Research Thesis - Nutrition and Dietetics  (80 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 800129  
Level: PhD and Research Masters Level 9 subject  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject