Biological Sciences (BIOS)

BIOS 0001  Biology (WSTC)  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 900022  
Biology is the study of the cellular processes that occur within organisms and the interactions that occur between organisms within the biosphere. The subject is therefore seen to have relevance to the lives of students. It is important for students to develop an understanding of the biological principles that will enable them to make informed decisions about the advances that are occurring in biotechnology and biomedical science. Undergraduate study in the life sciences requires the student to have acquired a basic body of knowledge that focuses on the diversity and the unity of living things as well as skills in collecting and analysing information and writing concise and coherent explanations.
Level: Undergraduate Level 0 Preparatory subject  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 0002  Focus on Biology (WSTC Prep)  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 700232  
Biology is the study of integrated living systems, from the level of molecular systems that constitute cells to the interactions that occur within and between organisms that together make up the biosphere. This subject will equip students to undertake tertiary level biological subejcts that emphasise both the unity (cell biology) and diversity (evolution) of living organisms. Students will learn about the basic molecular biological underpinnings of cellular structure and function within an integrated framework that proceeds through major themes of bioenergetics, gas exchange and transport systems within multicellular organisms, inheritance and evolution. Students will develop a fundamental body of essential biological concepts, as well as build skills in collecting and analysing information, and writing coherent explanations.
Level: Undergraduate Level 0 Preparatory subject  
Equivalent Subjects: BIOS 0003 - Focus on Biology (WSTC) BIOS 0001 - Biology  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 0003  Focus on Biology (WSTC)  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 900104  
Biology is the study of integrated living systems, from the level of molecular systems that constitute cells to the interactions that occur within and between organisms that together make up the biosphere. This subject will equip students to undertake tertiary level biological subjects that emphasise both the unity (cell biology) and diversity (evolution) of living organisms. Students will learn about the basic molecular biological underpinnings of cellular structure and function within an integrated framework that proceeds through major themes of bioenergetics, gas exchange and transport systems within multicellular organisms, inheritance and evolution. Students will develop a fundamental body of essential biological concepts, as well as build skills in collecting and analysing information, and writing coherent explanations.
Level: Undergraduate Level 0 Preparatory subject  
Equivalent Subjects: BIOS 0002 - Focus on Biology (UWSCFS)  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 1001  Biodiversity  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 300802  
How many species walk, fly, swim or slither, crawl, hop, wriggle or just float, hitchhike or move so slowly that they appear not to move at all? No one knows and new species appear almost every day. This subject focuses on this spectacular diversity of living things and the process of evolution. Students explore and classify biodiversity and how organisms function, acquire and assimilate resources and co-ordinate growth and reproduction. Organisms interact with one another and their environment forming a complex set of interactions in ecosystems. It is these interactions that have driven evolution. Ultimately human survival depends on the sustainable use of this biodiversity and ecosystems.
Level: Undergraduate Level 1 subject  
Equivalent Subjects: BIOS 1006 - Biology A – The Diversity of Life BIOS 1002 - Biodiversity BIOS 1005 - Biology 2 BIOS 1003 - Biodiversity  
Incompatible Subjects: LGYA 3841 - Foundation Biology 2 LGYB 5438 - Biological Sciences 12 LGYB 9635 - General Biology  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 1003  Biodiversity (WSTC)  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 700095  
How many species walk, fly, swim or slither, crawl, hop, wriggle or just float, hitchhike or move so slowly that they appear not to move at all? No one knows and new species appear almost every day. This subject focuses on this spectacular diversity of living things and the process of evolution. Students explore and classify biodiversity and how organisms function, acquire and assimilate resources and co-ordinate growth and reproduction. Organisms interact with one another and their environment forming a complex set of interactions in ecosystems. It is these interactions that have driven evolution. Ultimately human survival depends on the sustainable use of this biodiversity and ecosystems.
Level: Undergraduate Level 1 subject  
Equivalent Subjects: BIOS 1002 - Biodiversity LGYB 0458 - Biodiversity (UWSC) BIOS 1001 - Biodiversity  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 1010  Bioscience 1  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 401002  
This subject will be replaced from Autumn 2022 by 401469 Bioscience 1. This subject introduces nursing and midwifery students to the terminology and major introductory concepts related to normal structure and function of the human body and its relationship to performances of activities of living and healthy lifestyle practices.
Level: Undergraduate Level 1 subject  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 1011  Bioscience 2  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 401006  
This subject will be replaced from Autumn 2022 by 401470 Bioscience 2. This subject extends knowledge gained in Bioscience 1 and introduces nursing students to concepts associated with alterations in health and wellness as a consequence of life transition. It includes an introduction to pathophysiology, pharmacology, immunology and microbiology. The subject also focuses on the impact of microorganisms on the health of people and the body's natural defences, as well as pharmacological interventions, in dealing with infections and injuries and its significance for nursing.
Level: Undergraduate Level 1 subject  
Co-requisite(s): BIOS 1010  
Equivalent Subjects: BIOS 1021 - Introduction to Health Breakdown  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 1012  Cell Biology  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 300816  
Cells are the most basic form of all life, and underlying normal cell function are the molecules used to build complex cellular structures, generate energy, and propagate dynamic life. The subject will study the fundamental processes through which key biomolecules, including lipids, carbohydrates, amino acids and nucleic acids are manipulated to generate and store energy, and build a broad array of important biological macromolecules including DNA, membranes and proteins. To sustain life, cells respire for energy and replicate for growth and sexual reproduction. Accordingly the subject will examine cellular respiration, transcription, translation, mitosis, meiosis, transmission and how genes are inherited and modified providing insight into the phenomena of life. The role of DNA technologies in the fields of medicine, biotechnology and environmental science will provide students with real world applications.
Level: Undergraduate Level 1 subject  
Equivalent Subjects: BIOS 1013 - Cell Biology BIOS 1007 - Biology B - Cellular Processes BIOS 1004 - Biology 1 BIOS 1014 - Cell Biology (WSTC)  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 1014  Cell Biology (WSTC)  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 700125  
Cells are the most basic form of all life, and underlying normal cell function are the molecules used to build complex cellular structures, generate energy, and propagate dynamic life. The subject will study the fundamental processes through which key biomolecules, including lipids, carbohydrates, amino acids and nucleic acids, are manipulated to generate and store energy, and build a broad array of important biological macromolecules including DNA, membranes and proteins. To sustain life, cells respire for energy and replicate for growth and sexual reproduction. Accordingly the subject will examine cellular respiration, transcription, translation, mitosis, meiosis, transmission and how the genetic code is inherited and modified providing students insights into the phenomena of life. The role of DNA technology in the fields of medicine, biomolecular plant and animal science, food, forensic and environmental science will provide students with real world applications.
Level: Undergraduate Level 1 subject  
Equivalent Subjects: BIOS 1013 - Cell Biology BIOS 1007 - Biology B – Cellular Processes LGYB 0459 - Cell Biology (UWSC) BIOS 1012 - Cell Biology  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 1022  Introduction to Human Biology  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 300361  
This subject gives a basic understanding of the human body and introduces the scientific and medical terminology used for anatomy, physiology and biochemistry. It deals with gross structure and microscopic structure of the human body. It also examines microbial organisms, their classification, how they differ from eukaryotic cells and how our body defends against them. Where appropriate, examples of functional diseases will be discussed.
Level: Undergraduate Level 1 subject  
Equivalent Subjects: LGYA 7033 - Human Medical Sciences 1 LGYA 5170 - Physical and Biological Sciences 1 LGYB 7586 - Human Biology 1 BIOS 1023 - Introduction to Human Biology (WSTC)  
Incompatible Subjects: NATS 1013 - Introduction to Anatomy BIOS 1025 - Introduction to Physiology  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 1023  Introduction to Human Biology (WSTC)  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 700061  
This subject gives a basic understanding of the human body and introduces the scientific and medical terminology used for anatomy, physiology and biochemistry. It deals with gross structure and microscopic structure of the human body. It also examines microbial organisms, their classification, how they differ from eukaryotic cells and how our body defends against them. Where appropriate, examples of functional diseases will be discussed.
Level: Undergraduate Level 1 subject  
Pre-requisite(s): Students must pass NATS 0006 - Fundamentals of Health Science (WSTC Prep) prior to enrolling in this unit (except for those enrolled in 7019 - Diploma in Health Science Fast Track as NATS 0006 is not in the Fast Track course structure)  
Equivalent Subjects: BIOS 1022 - Introduction to Human Biology  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 1027  Management of Aquatic Environments  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 300824  
This subject introduces students to the physical, chemical and biological nature of water systems and the linkages to human activity. These linkages include a development of an appreciation of the essential services and broad uses and values of water in modern human society, and the natural environment. Students are challenged to examine the causes and effects of water pollution and environmental degradation. Students are introduced to scientific water sampling, analysis and reporting of water quality and pollution.
Level: Undergraduate Level 1 subject  
Equivalent Subjects: BIOS 1028 - Management of Aquatic Environments  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 1031  Resource Sustainability (WSTC)  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 700099  
Resource sustainability deals with the local, national, and global sustainability issues concerning human interactions with the environment. The subject uses current resource issues and scientific concepts to provide the practical and theoretical information needed for students to think critically about environmental issues and to contribute to the sustainable management of natural and built environments. Students will also learn how science and society interact in the management of resources. Using the concept of ecologically sustainable development as a foundation, students will use critical thinking skills to research a resource issue of their choice at the local, national and/or international level. Students will communicate their research using new mediaexploring the issue and make recommendations for improving sustainability.
Level: Undergraduate Level 1 subject  
Equivalent Subjects: BIOS 1029 - Resource Sustainability BIOS 1030 - Resource Sustainability  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 1034  Management of Aquatic Environments (WSTC)  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 700297  
This subject introduces students to the physical, chemical and biological nature of water systems and the linkages to human activity. These linkages include a development of an appreciation of the essential services and broad uses and values of water in modern human society, and the natural environment. Students are challenged to examine the causes and effects of water pollution and environmental degradation. Students are introduced to scientific water sampling, analysis and reporting of water quality and pollution.
Level: Undergraduate Level 1 subject  
Equivalent Subjects: BIOS 1027 Management of Aquatic Environments
BIOS 1028 Management of Aquatic Environments
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 1035  Anatomy and Physiology in Health  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 301350  
This subject introduces the levels of structural organisation of the human body together with scientific and medical terminology used in anatomy and physiology. It deals with gross structure and function of the major organ systems of the human body and where appropriate, a brief outline of environmental factors and personal health practices that affect optimal human body function will be introduced. It also deals with basic biomechanics of musculoskeletal system.
Level: Undergraduate Level 1 subject  
Equivalent Subjects: LGYA 7033 - Human Medical Sciences 1 LGYA 5170 - Physical and Biological Sciences 1 LGYB 7586 - Human Biology 1 BIOS 1023 - Introduction to Human Biology (WSTC) BIOS 1022 - Introduction to Human Biology BIOS 1038 - Anatomy and Physiology in Health (WSTC)  
Incompatible Subjects: NATS 1013 - Introduction to Anatomy BIOS 1025 - Introduction to Physiology  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 1036  Human Development and Disease across the lifespan  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 401394  
This subject builds on fundamental assumed knowledge of anatomy and physiology and introduces the study of human disease processes or pathophysiology through the framework of human development as a way of examining growth, health and disease at different stages of the lifespan. General concepts underlying human diseases as well as disorders relating to the lifespan will be studied. Developmental changes in physical, cognitive, social, intellectual, perceptual, personality and emotional growth are discussed. Common communicable and non-communicable, acute, chronic and degenerative health conditions are discussed from a pathophysiological, psychosocial and epidemiological perspective, and their impact on the day to day function of individuals and populations is explored. Risk factors for conditions and disease trajectory are explored at individual and society level, as well as the impact of these conditions on individuals, the health system and wider society.
Level: Undergraduate Level 1 subject  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 1037  Human Development and Disease across the Lifespan (WSTC)  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 700314  
This subject builds on fundamental assumed knowledge of anatomy and physiology and introduces the study of human disease processes or pathophysiology through the framework of human development as a way of examining growth, health and disease at different stages of the lifespan. General concepts underlying human diseases as well as disorders relating to the lifespan will be studied. Developmental changes in physical, cognitive, social, intellectual, perceptual, personality and emotional growth are discussed. Common communicable and non-communicable, acute, chronic and degenerative health conditions are discussed from a pathophysiological, psychosocial and epidemiological perspective, and their impact on the day to day function of individuals and populations is explored. Risk factors for conditions and disease trajectory are explored at individual and society level, as well as the impact of these conditions on individuals, the health system and wider society.
Level: Undergraduate Level 1 subject  
Equivalent Subjects: BIOS 1036 Human Development and Disease across the lifespan  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 1038  Anatomy and Physiology in Health (WSTC)  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 700316  
This subject introduces the levels of structural organisation of the human body together with scientific and medical terminology used in anatomy and physiology. It deals with gross structure and function of the major organ systems of the human body and where appropriate, a brief outline of environmental factors and personal health practices that affect optimal human body function will be introduced. It also deals with basic biomechanics of musculoskeletal system.
Level: Undergraduate Level 1 subject  
Equivalent Subjects: BIOS 1035 Anatomy and Physiology in Health (WSTC)
LGYA 7033 Human Medical Sciences 1
BIOS 1022 Introduction to Human Biology
BIOS 1023 Introduction to Human Biology (WSTC)
Incompatible Subjects: NATS 1013 Introduction to Anatomy
NATS 1014 Introduction to Anatomy (WSTC)
BIOS 1025 Introduction to Physiology
BIOS 1026 Introduction to Physiology (WSTC)
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 1039  Biodiversity (UG Cert)  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 500050  
How many species walk, fly, swim or slither, crawl, hop, wriggle or just float, hitchhike or move so slowly that they appear not to move at all? No one knows and new species appear almost every day. This subject focuses on this spectacular diversity of living things and the process of evolution. Students explore and classify biodiversity and how organisms' function, acquire and assimilate resources and co-ordinate growth and reproduction. Organisms interact with one another and their environment forming a complex set of interactions in ecosystems. It is these interactions that have driven evolution. Ultimately human survival depends on the sustainable use of this biodiversity and ecosystems.
Level: Undergraduate Level 1 subject  
Equivalent Subjects: BIOS 1003 Biodiversity BIOS 1002 Biodiversity LGYB 0458 Biodiversity (UWSC) BIOS 1001 Biodiversity  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 1040  Natural Science (WSTC)  (10 Credit Points)  
This subject delves into the rich tapestry of biodiversity, uncovering the myriad of living organisms that inhabit our planet and their intricate roles within ecosystems. In this subject, you will explore and classify biodiversity and the mechanisms through which organisms grow, reproduce, and utilise resources. You will learn about the process of evolution and how evolution has given rise to the diversity of organisms in the biosphere. You will also observe the natural interactions between living organisms and Earth’s ecosystems, recognising that these very interactions have been pivotal in driving evolutionary changes. As you progress, you will gain insights into the importance of sustainable engagement with biodiversity, upon which the future of human survival depends.
Level: Undergraduate Level 1 subject  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 1041  Fundamentals of Biotechnology (WSTC)  (10 Credit Points)  
In this subject you will explore the intricate world of cell and molecular biology, uncovering the foundational concepts crucial to biotechnology. You will explore the molecular building blocks of life and understand how they interact to form functional cells. You will investigate the roles played by proteins, nucleic acids, and other macromolecules in processes vital for life, like energy production, cell division, and reproduction. You will explore the realm of genetics to grasp the concepts of inheritance, genetic modification, and the pivotal roles nucleic acids and proteins have in the storage and flow of information. With a special emphasis on DNA technologies, you will discover how we can harness the biochemical processes of life for diverse applications. You will also gain insights into the transformative power of DNA technology across areas such as medicine, agriculture, food production, forensics, and environmental science, equipping yourself with knowledge of its real-world implications and innovations.
Level: Undergraduate Level 1 subject  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 2006  Comparative Physiology  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 300838  
Building on the underlying physical and chemical principals/laws that define physiology, this subject from both a systems (e.g. Respiratory) and environmental (e.g. Marine) perspective, seeks to compare the functional physiology of organisms at all levels of organisation. Particular attention will be paid to respiration, temperature tolerance & regulation, living in water, sensory and neurophysiology. Students will have the opportunity to carry out a defined research project.
Level: Undergraduate Level 2 subject  
Pre-requisite(s): BIOS 1012 Cell Biology  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 2008  Ecology  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 300839  
We live in a society where environmental problems dominate public debate. Ecology is one of the sciences required to find solutions to such problems; terms and ideas that came originally from ecology are used in public discussions, and in legislation. This subject will introduce students to ecology: what is studied, how it is studied, what are the strengths and limitations of ecology. Current ecological thinking will be covered, from the scale of individual organisms, through populations, and up to communities and ecosystems. Methods of study will be highlighted using evidence from molecular ecology through to field investigations.
Level: Undergraduate Level 2 subject  
Equivalent Subjects: LGYB 8458 - Ecology 21 BIOS 2007 - Ecology LGYB 8449 - Ecology 21 (V1)  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 2011  Exercise Nutrition, Body Composition and Weight Control  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 400884  
In 2016, this subject is replaced by 401141 - Exercise Nutrition. This subject provides students with an understanding of the interdependent areas of nutrition, body composition and body weight control within the context of sport, physical activity, and exercise. Nutritional needs and recommendations for all levels and types of physical activity are covered along with the links between nutrition and health, body composition, control of body weight and composition. Students will develop skills in nutritional analysis, body composition assessment and the development of exercise programs for weight control. Students will use these skills and knowledge in the individualisation of advice on exercise nutrition and body composition control.
Level: Undergraduate Level 2 subject  
Pre-requisite(s): NATS 1009 AND
BIOS 1015
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 2012  Exercise Physiology  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 401142  
This subject covers the essential physiology that helps us understand how we control our exercise behaviour. In lectures there is a focus on physiological control, with emphasis on neuromuscular, cardiovascular, respiratory and thermoregulatory responses during exercise, as well as adaptation of these responses in response to ageing, disease and exercise training. In laboratory classes, there is a focus on the acquisition and interpretation of physiological responses during exercise.
Level: Undergraduate Level 2 subject  
Pre-requisite(s): NATS 1009 AND
NATS 1023
Equivalent Subjects: -  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 2018  Genetics  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 300845  
Our ability to rapidly and cheaply sequence a genome, ranging from humans, to native and domesticated plants and animals, and infectious bacteria and viruses, has revolutionised the field of genetics. More than ever, we understand our genetic relationship to life on earth, uncovering surprising similarities between our genome and the genomes of small worms and fruit flies. This subject will compare the genomes of different organisms and apply the methodology and theory of modern genetics to understand how the diversity of genetic variability impacts the structure and evolution of genomes, the expression of genes, and ultimately on the health and form of an organism.
Level: Undergraduate Level 2 subject  
Equivalent Subjects: LGYB 5446 - Genetics 22 BIOS 2019 - Human Genetics BIOS 2017 - Genetics  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 2021  Metabolism  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 300848  
Organisms degrade food molecules to generate energy and converts excess food molecules into internal fuel stores. This subject will cover topics including: bioenergetics; the structures of key molecules; glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, glycogen synthesis and breakdown; fatty acid oxidation and synthesis; amino acid catabolism; urea synthesis; citric acid cycle; electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation. Emphasis will be on the regulation and integration of these pathways, including their responses to hormonal regulation. The effects of altered dietary and hormonal status on metabolic pathways and their consequences for the organism will be discussed.
Level: Undergraduate Level 2 subject  
Equivalent Subjects: BIOS 2002 - Biochemistry 2 CHEM 2005 - Human Metabolism Disease  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 2022  Microbiology 1  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 300833  
In this subject students will use an inquiry-based approach to explore the origin and diversity of microorganisms and their significance in the environment, in foods and industry as well as in health and disease. Students will be introduced to the structure, reproduction, classification, cultivation and enumeration of bacteria, viruses, fungi and protists. The conditions required for growth and survival of microorganisms will be studied as well as physical and chemical methods of control. In laboratory classes students will develop skills in culturing and observing microorganisms and in designing experiments to test microbiological concepts. This subject is a pre-requisite for Microbiology 2 and Level 3 Microbiology subjects.
Level: Undergraduate Level 2 subject  
Equivalent Subjects: BIOS 2023 - Microbiology 1  
Incompatible Subjects: BIOS 2015 - General Microbiology  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 2024  Microbiology 2  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 300896  
The subject focuses on the origins of genetic variation and the process of gene regulation in prokaryotes and explores the metabolic diversity of microorganisms from a variety of habitats and their application in industry and biotechnology. Using published scientific literature, students will learn how scientists research functional microbial physiology in the postgenomic era. The principles and applications of recombinant DNA techniques are discussed. Laboratory classes introduce students to techniques used to study microbial physiology and biotechnology based on microbial metabolism, such as examining the activity of antimicrobials and biotechnology such as microbial fuel cells.
Level: Undergraduate Level 2 subject  
Pre-requisite(s): BIOS 2022  
Equivalent Subjects: BIOS 2025 - Microbiology 2  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 2040  Invertebrate Zoology  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 301256  
More than 99% of animals are invertebrates and due to their key role in all ecosystems, renowned biologist E. O. Wilson famously described them as the 'little things that run the world'. Besides their ecological importance, many invertebrates are useful to humans, whereas others are harmful to agriculture, human and veterinary health. This subject introduces invertebrate diversity in the context of their ecological and economic importance. It also develops skills necessary to classify and distinguish between the major invertebrate taxa. This subject includes fundamental hands-on laboratory and field studies skills for students with broad career pathways in science (e.g. animal, environmental, forensic and medical sciences) as well as agriculture, environmental management, and education.
Level: Undergraduate Level 2 subject  
Equivalent Subjects: NATS 3026 Forensic Biology BIOS 2035 Principles of Zoology  
Incompatible Subjects: BIOS 3017 Invertebrate Biology  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 2041  Vertebrate Zoology  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 301257  
This subject examines the functional ecology and diversity of vertebrate animals (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals). It combines anatomy, physiology, ecology and behaviour, to explain how vertebrates survive and reproduce in relation to their environment. We will uncover the evolutionary relationships among vertebrate groups, and examine their adaptations to different environmental challenges. The subject also explores patterns in vertebrate diversity, with a focus on Australian ecosystems. Students further develop their knowledge of the scientific method to conduct their own project to investigate how environmental factors influence vertebrate animal abundance and diversity. Students may be required to travel to another campus to undertake this subject.
Level: Undergraduate Level 2 subject  
Pre-requisite(s): BIOS 1001  
Incompatible Subjects: BIOS 3023 Vertebrate Biodiversity  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 2042  Biochemistry  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 301460  
Biochemistry is the study of the chemistry of life. By understanding the structure and roles of biological macromolecules found in cells students will develop the concept of self assembly of these molecules to form life. Topics include the structure of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids and how they function in the lipid and aqueous environments of the cell. Basic metabolism is introduced with an overview of the major pathways in cells, mechanisms of regulation, and an introduction into important cofactors and intermediatory molecules. These concepts will be reinforced through practical classes that teach critical skills in experimental design, analysis and interpretation.
Level: Undergraduate Level 2 subject  
Pre-requisite(s): CHEM 1012 - Essential Chemistry  
Equivalent Subjects: BIOS 2001 - Biochemistry 1
BIOS 2036 - Proteins and Genes
BIOS 2014 - Functional Proteins and Genes
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 3003  Advanced Sports Physiology  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 400888  
In 2017, this subject is replaced by 401146 - Applied Physiology. This subject presents the knowledge and laboratory skills essential to understanding the physiological demands on the sports participant, as well as to develop, implement and evaluate sports-specific training programs. Students will develop the knowledge and skills necessary to perform and interpret results for a number of standard laboratory and field-based physiological tests used in talent identification and the assessment of high performance athletes. Prescription focuses on the development and implementation of sport specific fitness programs. Also covered are the physiology of ergogenic aids, overtraining, muscle fatigue and soreness; physiological factors limiting performance; and physiological responses to exercise in challenging environments.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject  
Pre-requisite(s): HLTH 2006 AND
BIOS 2037
Equivalent Subjects: BIOS 3022 - Sports Physiology  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 3004  Analytical Microbiology  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 300866  
The subject provides a theoretical and practical introduction to wide range of microbiological techniques that are commonly used in medical science, industrial and food microbiology, environmental science, and research. Building on a basic understanding of microbiology the subject shows how microorganisms can be isolated, identified, and enumerated using traditional microbiological methods, modern variations on traditional methods, and more recent immunological and molecular methods. The laboratory component is an integral component of the subject as the students use a variety of techniques, methods and commercial systems that are applied in microbiological laboratories, and incorporates problem solving and inquiry based exercises.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject  
Pre-requisite(s): BIOS 2022  
Equivalent Subjects: BIOS 3031 - Analytical Microbiology  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 3005  Applied Biomechanics  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 401147  
To fully understand the science underlying the optimisation of human movement, students require a comprehensive working knowledge of Biomechanics. This subject represents a theoretical and applied study of selected topics in Biomechanics. It builds on the basic principles of Biomechanics that are presented in the subject Biomechanics and applies this knowledge to the analysis of sporting and human exercise performance. To achieve this, advanced methods and concepts in the biomechanical analysis of human performance are identified and explored.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject  
Pre-requisite(s): HLTH 2003  
Equivalent Subjects: BIOS 3006 - Applied Biomechanics of Exercise BIOS 3007 - Applied Biomechanics of Sport and Exercise  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 3007  Applied Biomechanics of Sport and Exercise  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 400889  
To fully understand the science underlying the optimisation of human movement, students require a comprehensive working knowledge of Biomechanics. This subject represents a theoretical and applied study of selected topics in Biomechanics. It builds on the basic principles of Biomechanics that are presented in the subject Introduction to Biomechanics and applies this knowledge to the analysis of sporting and human exercise performance. To achieve this, advanced methods and concepts in the biomechanical analysis of human performance are identified and explored.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject  
Pre-requisite(s): HLTH 2008  
Equivalent Subjects: BIOS 3006 - Applied Biomechanics of Exercise  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 3012  Conservation Biology  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 300855  
Most species disappearances have occurred in major extinction events spread over geological time. Are we in the midst of and the cause of another mass extinction event? This subject will explore this idea by examining the processes that have led to, and are leading to species extinction and the current biodiversity crisis. Many of the methods and issues used in and associated with conservation will be covered in a variety of case studies, field and laboratory activities.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject  
Equivalent Subjects: LGYA 6073 - Environmental Biology LGYA 6182 - Conservation Biology  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 3014  Genes, Genomics and Human Health  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 300820  
A genome is all of the genetic information that makes us who we are. Beginning with an overview of the evolution of the human genome, this subject will introduce you to current concepts in gene regulation and how genetic variability is correlated with susceptibility to rare and common disease in individuals and populations. You will also gain practical experience in key methods and analyses of genetic variation and understand how such techniques are delivering new insights into the origins and treatment of human disease.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject  
Pre-requisite(s): BIOS 2018 Genetics  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 3023  Vertebrate Biodiversity  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 300861  
This subject examines the functional ecology and diversity of vertebrate animals (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals). It takes an integrative approach, combining anatomy, physiology, ecology and behaviour, to explain how vertebrates survive and reproduce in relation to their environment. We will uncover the evolutionary relationships among vertebrate groups, and examine their adaptations to different environmental challenges. The subject also explores patterns in vertebrate diversity, with a focus on Australian ecosystems. Students will apply their knowledge of the scientific method to design and conduct their own research project to investigate how environmental factors influence vertebrate animal abundance and diversity.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject  
Pre-requisite(s): BIOS 1001  
Equivalent Subjects: LGYA 5856 - Animal Form Function BIOS 3024 - Vertebrate Biodiversity  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 3026  Evolution and Genetics  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 301253  
This subject will ensure students are able to understand the core concepts in modern evolutionary theory and the central position that evolution plays in unifying all sub-disciplines of biology. It will also enable students to distinguish the major genetic mechanisms that underpin these theories and critically assess the general importance of genetics in the evolutionary process. In particular, students will gain an in depth knowledge on speciation and population divergence, origin of genetic variation, genetic drift and founder effects, natural and sexual selection, migration, mutation and coevolution, with a major emphasis on genetic mechanisms and the analytical techniques used to assess them. Students may be required to travel to a different campus to undertake this subject.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject  
Incompatible Subjects: BIOS 2034 Principles of Evolution  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 3027  Molecular Biology of the Cell  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 301251  
Molecular biology is central to many fields of the biomedical and natural sciences, and includes genetics, immunology, cell biology, biochemistry, and forensics. Through comparative studies of different organisms, this subject will explain fundamental concepts and methods in the study of DNA and RNA, extending to the application of molecular biology in more advanced fields such as genomics. Subjects will include DNA replication; transcriptional, post-transcriptional and epigenetic regulation of gene expression; microarrays, and an introduction to bioinformatics. Practical work will provide opportunities to become familiar with the methods of molecular biology, with an emphasis on the development of problem solving and analytical skills.Students may be required to travel to a different campus to undertake this subject.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject  
Incompatible Subjects: BIOS 3015 Human Molecular Biology  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 3028  Pathological Basis of Human Disease  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 301260  
Pathology is the study of disease. Students will gain an understanding of human pathogenesis, general and systems pathological processes, and the scientific basis of diagnostic and treatment options. The subject builds upon the students' fundamental knowledge of physiological processes and knowledge of normal human tissue and organ histology, and examines histopathological changes evident in disease states. Students may be required to travel to another campus to undertake this subject.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject  
Pre-requisite(s): BIOS 2029 OR
BIOS 2030 OR
NATS 2035
Incompatible Subjects: BIOS 2027
NATS 2037
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 3030  Global Change Ecology  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 301268  
Students in Global Change Ecology synthesize and apply their knowledge about how ecological systems are responding to human impacts occurring in the Anthropocene, and how adaptation and mitigation can moderate these impacts. Students will demonstrate attributes expected of Ecology graduates, including skills in oral and written communication, quantitative analysis, and critical thinking. Guest speakers from the research community and industry will be invited to represent potential career paths related to ecological sustainability and the broader career destinations of science graduates.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject  
Pre-requisite(s): BIOS 2008 AND
EART 2001
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 3032  Plant Science  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 301272  
Plants are the primary producers of terrestrial ecosystems and moderators of climate change. This subject introduces students to how plants grow and interact with their environment. Students will learn how leaves turn sunlight energy into sugars; stems transport water, solutes and organic compounds; roots acquire water and mineral nutrients by themselves or in association with soil microbes; and hormones regulate plant development and responses to the environment. This knowledge set is crucial for managing our Century's key challenges of food security and climate change. Students will be required to travel to the Hawkesbury campus where the practicals take place.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 3033  Applied Bioinformatics  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 301406  
The ability to perform computational experiments and analyse data is a key component for a successful career in the biological sciences. This subject focuses on how biology has been enhanced through advances in technology, genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics in the development of cell phenotype. Using model systems, this subject shows how research biologists use computational cell biology to form hypotheses, mine data, analyse experiments, and synthesise information. Students will apply bioinformatics and engage with next-generation DNA sequencing data. Students will apply web-based bioinformatics toolkits to construct and compare model genomes, transcriptome, proteome and metabolome information to profile cell genotype and phenotype. Students will undertake a project that interprets and communicates research findings in the context of real world applications, legal and ethical frameworks.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 3034  Molecular Biotechnology  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 301405  
Molecular techniques in cell biology are rapidly developing and offer new solutions to disease mitigation, as well as sustainable solutions to environmental and industrial imperatives. The fundamental cellular processes along with stem cell development, transformation, transfection, cell engineering and re-programming are some of the advanced applications covered in this unit. Students will conduct guided projects investigating the action of hormones, growth factors, morphogens and bio-actives; their receptors and signalling pathways and the cellular responses they trigger. Molecular Biotechnology covers modern techniques in cell screening, cell culture, advanced characterization and experimental approaches enabling dynamic understanding of live microbial, animal and plant cells.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject  
Equivalent Subjects: BIOS 3001 - Advanced Cell Biology  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 3035  Sustainable Environments  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 301409  
As a student in Sustainable Environments you will synthesize and apply your knowledge about how ecological systems are responding to human impacts in the Anthropocene and how adaptation and mitigation can moderate these impacts. You will demonstrate knowledge of the role of biological and physical processes in provision of ecosystem services. You will apply analytical skills to identify sustainable solutions in social-ecological systems. You will incorporate social and cultural contexts, including relevant Aboriginal perspectives, in communicating science-based knowledge related to the United Nations sustainable development goals in an independent, problem-based sustainability project.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject  
Pre-requisite(s): BIOS 2008  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 3036  Agricultural Biosecurity  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 301450  
Students will be exposed to current and emerging biosecurity issues world food production systems are expected to comply with and develop to ensure sustainable and safe animal and plant products. This subject will enable you to recognise, monitor and control animal and plant pests (invertebrates, microorganisms and weeds) and their impact on human society and food security. Major areas of study include strategies and procedures to identify, record and assess damage to animal and plant products. Included in this subject are key issues related to legislative, physical, biological, genetic and chemical control methods, along their benefits and limitations. Theory and practice of integrated pest and disease management systems and issues associated with quarantine and biosecurity are contextually embedded in subject content and activity.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject  
Equivalent Subjects: LGYA 6250 Plant Microbiology and Protection BIOS 3021 Plant Health and Biodiversity  
Incompatible Subjects: LGYA 5948 Plant Microbiology Interactions LGYA 6200 Plant Protection  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 3037  Climate change and biodiversity conservation  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 301480  
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject  
Equivalent Subjects: EART 3001 Biological Adaptation to Climate Change  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 3038  Metabolism  (10 Credit Points)  
Humans ingest amino acids, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals to generate cells and tissue for growth, maintenance and defence, along with energy. This subject will cover topics including: bioenergetics; the structures of key molecules; metabolic pathways in health and disease along with disease remediation by contextualising glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, glycogen synthesis and breakdown; fatty acid oxidation and synthesis; amino acid catabolism; urea synthesis; citric acid cycle, oxidative phosphorylation with the role of vitamins and minerals in metabolic pathways. Emphasis will be on the regulation and integration of these pathways, including their responses to hormonal regulation. The effects of metabolic disease altered dietary and hormonal status on metabolic pathways and their consequences will be addressed in the context of clinical case studies.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject  
Equivalent Subjects: BIOS 2021  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 3039  Ecology  (10 Credit Points)  
Humans have long been fascinated by Earth’s astounding diversity of species and ecosystems. Ecology is the science that study the distribution of these species, the controls on population dynamics, and what structures communities and ecosystems. The resulting knowledge is critical to inform land management and policy decision-making to conserve biodiversity, sustainably manage ecosystems, while supporting a growing human population through provision of ecosystem services including food production and adaptation to climate change. In this subject, you will learn current ecological theory from the scale of individual organisms, through populations, to communities and ecosystems; how to conduct ecological research; and, how to apply ecological knowledge to solve real world problems.
Level: Undergraduate Level 3 subject  
Equivalent Subjects: BIOS2007
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 7001  Emerging Technologies for Biological Science  (10 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 800186  
This subject serves to enhance the technological education and training for students undertaking research in biological, agricultural and medical sciences. The subject will teach current and emerging technologies utilised in biological investigations with a focus on model species of animals, plants, insects and microorganisms. The subject is structured around emerging technologies in research fields of: 1) whole organism physiology, 2) cell molecular biology and biochemistry, and 3) genomic and epigenomic processes encoded by the nucleus. Students will be exposed to a systems approach in order to investigate complex interactions with a view towards understanding the impacts of the environment on biological interactions. Teaching will be undertaken by Western Sydney University-HIE staff who are world leaders in their respective research fields.
Level: Postgraduate Coursework Level 7 subject  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 9001  Higher Degree Research Thesis - Animal Science  (80 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 800164  
Level: PhD and Research Masters Level 9 subject  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 9002  Higher Degree Research Thesis - Biological Sciences  (80 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 800081  
Level: PhD and Research Masters Level 9 subject  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject  
BIOS 9003  Higher Degree Research Thesis - Microbiology  (80 Credit Points)  
Subject Details  Legacy Code: 800083  
Level: PhD and Research Masters Level 9 subject  
Restrictions: Please see the Subject Details page for any restrictions for this subject