Graduate Diploma in Artificial Intelligence (exit only) (3766)

  • Approved Abbreviation: GDArtifIntel
  • Western Sydney University Program Code: 3766
  • AQF Level: 8

CRICOS Code: 0101784

The program is an early exit point from Master of Artificial Intelligence

Study Mode

One year full-time, two years part-time

Program Advice

Associate Professor Dongmo Zhang

Prospective students should visit the following websites for general enquiries about this program.

Enquire about this program| Local Admission | International Admission |


Campus Attendance Mode Advice
Parramatta Campus - Victoria Road Full Time Internal See above
Parramatta Campus - Victoria Road Part Time Internal See above


This program is an early exit point only.

Students enrol in Master of Artificial Intelligence and exit with the Graduate Diploma in Artificial Intelligence.

Sequence Current

This sequence applies to students who commenced in Spring 2023 or later. If you commenced prior to Spring 2023 please refer to the Sequence to Autumn 2023 tab for details.

Qualification for this award requires the successful completion of 80 credit points which include the subjects listed in the recommended sequence below.

Autumn Intake

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Autumn sessionCredit Points
COMP 7016 Visualisation 10
COMP 7022 Natural Language Processing 10
COMP 7019 Applied Machine Learning 10
COMP 7013 Network Technologies 10
At this point, students can exit with a Graduate Certificate in Artificial Intelligence  
 Credit Points40
Spring session
COMP 6003 Computer Vision 10
INFO 7002 Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence 10
COMP 7020 Artificial Intelligence Ethics and Organisations 10
Select one alternate subject 10
 Credit Points40
 Total Credit Points80

Spring Intake 

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Spring sessionCredit Points
COMP 7013 Network Technologies 10
COMP 7020 Artificial Intelligence Ethics and Organisations 10
INFO 7002 Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence 10
Select one Alternate subject 10
 Credit Points40
Autumn session
COMP 7016 Visualisation 10
COMP 6003 Computer Vision 10
COMP 7019 Applied Machine Learning 10
COMP 7022 Natural Language Processing 10
 Credit Points40
 Total Credit Points80

Alternate Subjects 

Please note: subjects will be offered subject to demand and availability

Subject Title Credit Points
INFO 7014Advanced Topics in Cybersecurity10
COMP 7002Advanced Topics in Networking10
INFO 7003Advanced Topics in User System Interaction10
COMP 7004Cloud Computing10
INFO 7018Cloud Systems Development10
HUMN 7012Cyber Justice (PG)10
COMP 7006Data Science10
COMM 7003Foundations of Media Arts Production (PG)10
CULT 7004Global Digital Futures10
COMP 7028Hands-on Quantum Computing10
COMM 7013Ideate, Develop: Makerspace 110
COMP 7008Internet of Things10
COMP 7009Mobile Computing10
COMM 7009Mobile Media10
COMP 7011Multimedia Communication Systems10
COMP 7024Programming for Data Science10
COMM 7011Researching Convergent Media10
COMP 7025Social Media Intelligence10
INFS 7006Software Testing and Automation10
INFS 7008Systems and Network Security10
MATH 7016The Nature of Data10
INFS 7009Web Technologies10
INFO 7013Web Engineering10
COMP 7017Wireless Networking10

Exit Awards

Note: Students may exit with Graduate Certificate in Artificial Intelligence (40 credit points) on completion of the relevant subjects as specified in the program structure. 

Recommended Sequence to Autumn 2023

If you commenced in Spring 2023 or later please refer to the Spring 2023 tabs for details.

Qualification for this award requires the successful completion of 80 credit points which include the subjects listed in the recommended sequence below.

Autumn Intake

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Autumn sessionCredit Points
COMP 7016 Visualisation 10
COMP 7022 Natural Language Processing 10
COMP 7019 Applied Machine Learning 10
COMP 7003 Big Data 10
At this point, students can exit with a Graduate Certificate in Artificial Intelligence  
 Credit Points40
Spring session
COMP 7013 Network Technologies 10
INFO 7002 Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence 10
COMP 7020 Artificial Intelligence Ethics and Organisations 10
Select one alternate subject 10
 Credit Points40
 Total Credit Points80

Spring Intake

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Spring sessionCredit Points
COMP 7013 Network Technologies 10
COMP 7020 Artificial Intelligence Ethics and Organisations 10
INFO 7002 Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence 10
Select one Alternate subject 10
 Credit Points40
Autumn session
COMP 7016 Visualisation 10
COMP 7003 Big Data 10
COMP 7019 Applied Machine Learning 10
COMP 7022 Natural Language Processing 10
 Credit Points40
 Total Credit Points80

Alternate Subjects

Subject Title Credit Points
INFO 7014Advanced Topics in Cybersecurity10
COMP 7002Advanced Topics in Networking10
INFO 7003Advanced Topics in User System Interaction10
COMP 7004Cloud Computing10
INFO 7018Cloud Systems Development10
HUMN 7012Cyber Justice (PG)10
COMP 7006Data Science10
COMM 7003Foundations of Media Arts Production (PG)10
CULT 7004Global Digital Futures10
COMP 7028Hands-on Quantum Computing10
COMM 7013Ideate, Develop: Makerspace 110
COMP 7008Internet of Things10
COMP 7009Mobile Computing10
COMM 7009Mobile Media10
COMP 7011Multimedia Communication Systems10
COMP 7024Programming for Data Science10
COMM 7011Researching Convergent Media10
COMP 7025Social Media Intelligence10
INFS 7006Software Testing and Automation10
INFS 7008Systems and Network Security10
MATH 7016The Nature of Data10
INFS 7009Web Technologies10
INFO 7013Web Engineering10
COMP 7017Wireless Networking10

Exit Awards

Note: Students may exit with Graduate Certificate in Artificial Intelligence (40 credit points) on completion of the relevant subjects as specified in the program structure. 

Replaced Subjects

The subjects listed below count towards completion of this program for students who passed these subjects in 2020 or earlier. 

INFO 7008 - Modern Software Architectures, replaced by INFO 7018 Cloud Systems Development

The subjects listed below count towards completion of this program for students who passed these subjects in 2021 or earlier.  

MATH 7011 Predictive Analytics, replaced by  COMP 7023 Predictive Analytics