Diploma in General Science (exit only) (7185)

  • Western Sydney University Program Code: 7185
  • AQF Level: 5

CRICOS Code: 108483A

This program applies to students who commenced in 2022 or later.

This program is an exit only program.

Program Structure

Students must successfully complete 80 credit point of subjects.  This comprises:
• 30 credit points of specified core subjects
• 40 credit points of Science core and/or any focus subjects from a Science or Medical Science testamur major
• 10 credit points of any other subject offered by Western Sydney University including from the specified core or Science or Medical Science testamur majors.

Students must successfully complete:

Subject Title Credit Points
NATS 1019Scientific Literacy10
CHEM 1008Introductory Chemistry10
Cell Biology

Core subjects Level 1:

Subject Title Credit Points
MATH 1003Biometry10
MATH 1014Mathematics 1A10
BIOS 1001Biodiversity10
CHEM 1008Introductory Chemistry10
NATS 1019Scientific Literacy10
BIOS 1012Cell Biology10
MATH 1026Quantitative Thinking10
CHEM 1012Essential Chemistry10

Core subjects Level 2: 

Subject Title Credit Points
MATH 2001Advanced Calculus10
CHEM 2001Analytical Chemistry10
NATS 2019Forensic and Environmental Analysis10
PUBH 2010Epidemiology10
NATS 2042Science Research Methods10
BIOS 2042Biochemistry10
NATS 2001Advanced Science Project A10
NATS 2002Advanced Science Project B10

Core subjects Level 3: 

Subject Title Credit Points
BIOS 3012Conservation Biology10
NATS 3027Laboratory Quality Management10
NATS 3040Topics in Medical Science10
NATS 3008Complex Forensic Studies10
NATS 3015Field Project 110
NATS 3044Complex Case Studies in Science10
NATS 3043Advanced Science Research Project C20
NATS 3055Practicum 110

Focus subjects Level 1: 

Subject Title Credit Points
MATH 1015Mathematics 1B10
AGRI 1003Animal Science10
NATS 1008Forensic Science10
AGRI 1005Human Animal Interactions10
AGRI 1009Wildlife Studies10
BIOS 1012Cell Biology10
BIOS 1027Management of Aquatic Environments10
PHYS 1002Physics 110
PHYS 1006Physics 210
NATS 1003Digital Forensic Photography10
ENVL 1006Environmental Health Issues and Solutions10
ENVL 1004Introduction to Environmental Science10
AGRI 2007Introduction to Agrifood10
PROC 1005Introduction to Food Science and Nutrition10
NATS 1009Human Anatomy and Physiology 110
NATS 1010Human Anatomy and Physiology 210
NATS 1022Functional Anatomy10

Focus subjects Level 2:

Subject Title Credit Points
BIOS 2022Microbiology 110
AGRI 2004Animal Reproduction10
EART 2001Climate Change Science10
BIOS 2006Comparative Physiology10
BIOS 2018Genetics10
CHEM 2010Physical Chemistry10
CHEM 2008Organic Chemistry10
BIOS 2008Ecology10
BIOS 2021Metabolism10
NATS 2010Crime Scene Investigation10
NATS 2031Toxicology10
NATS 2004Anatomy of the Thorax and Abdomen10
CHEM 2006Inorganic Chemistry10
PHYS 2004The Cosmos in Perspective: Information and Life10
BIOS 2040Invertebrate Zoology10
BIOS 2041Vertebrate Zoology10
NATS 2033Cell Form and Function10
NATS 2034Human Systems Physiology 110
NATS 2035Human Systems Physiology 210
ENVL 2007Environmental Monitoring and Assessment10
EART 2004Soils and Substrates10
HORT 2003Plant Production10
PROC 2002Innovative Foods10
NATS 2021Imaging Science10

Focus subjects level 3:

Subject Title Credit Points
NATS 3037Neuroanatomy10
BIOS 3014Genes, Genomics and Human Health10
AGRI 3002Animal Nutrition and Feeding10
AGRI 3005Animal Production10
NATS 3020Food Microbiology and Safety10
PUBH 3007Disease Prevention and Control10
CHEM 3010Forensic Chemistry10
AGRI 3007Water in the Landscape10
AGEN 3001Animal Behaviour10
NATS 3014Experimental Foods10
PUBH 3005Disaster and Emergency Management10
NATS 3006Anatomy of the Head and Neck10
CHEM 3004Advanced Organic Chemistry10
CHEM 3003Advanced Inorganic Chemistry10
HLTH 3001Applied Nutrition10
NATS 3017Field Project 210
PROC 3003Food Product Development10
PHYS 3001Astroinformatics10
PUBH 3017Occupational Health and Safety10
NATS 3038Quality Assurance and Food Analysis10
NATS 3039Science Research Project10
CHEM 3001Advanced Analytical Chemistry10
CHEM 3005Advanced Physical Chemistry10
NATS 3034Molecular Medicine10
NATS 3012Environmental Forensic Investigations10
NATS 3003Advanced Mortuary Practice10
EART 3006Science of the Anthropocene10
BIOS 3027Molecular Biology of the Cell10
BIOS 3026Evolution and Genetics10
BIOS 3028Pathological Basis of Human Disease10
PHYS 3006Classical Physics10
BIOS 3032Plant Science10
EART 3007Land Degradation and Contamination10
PUBH 3021Air Pollution & Control10
NATS 3046Advanced Physiology10
PHYS 3007Quantum Physics10
MEDI 3008Mortuary Practice10
ENVL 3010Environmental Planning, Policy & Regulation10
BIOS 3034Molecular Biotechnology10
BIOS 3033Applied Bioinformatics10
BIOS 3035Sustainable Environments10
HORT 3002Protected Cropping Technology10
AGRI 3009Agricultural Technology10
BIOS 3036Agricultural Biosecurity10
NATS 3048Food Formulations10
PROC 3007Food Innovation and Processing Technologies10
AGRI 3010Animal Health and Welfare10
HLTH 3019Nutrition, Health and Disease10
HLTH 3020Global Nutrition and Food10
PHYS 3008Biomedical Physics10
NATS 3026Forensic Biology10
NATS 3023Forensic Anthropology10
BIOS 3038Metabolism10
NATS 3053Crime Scene Investigation10
BIOS 3039Ecology10
NATS 3054Human Systems Physiology 210
NATS 3056Practicum 210