Diploma in Business (7177)

  • Approved Abbreviation: DipBus
  • Western Sydney University Program Code: 7177
  • AQF Level: 5

CRICOS Code: 089388F

This program is suspended from Term 1, 2025, no new students will be admitted from this session.

This program applies to students who commenced in Term 1, 2022 or later.

Students should follow the program structure for the session start date relevant to the year they commenced.

For Commencement Year 2021, please refer to: 7177.1 Diploma in Business

For Commencement Year 2016 to 2020, please refer to: 7098.1 Diploma in Business

This program is delivered by Western Sydney University, The College as an agent of Western Sydney University.

To succeed in business, individuals must possess both the knowledge and know-how to create opportunities for professional advancement and the development of original and exciting initiatives. This program aims to harness students’ energy and passion for success by focusing on career and the future of enterprises in a range of contexts. Whether students wish to start their own business or pursue a corporate role in a global enterprise, this program provides the necessary skills.

This program consists of five core subjects: Enterprise Law, Enterprise Leadership, Enterprise Innovation and Markets, Financing Enterprises and Statistics for Business, providing students with an understanding of the key areas of Business, before choosing a major area of study and three elective units.

Students who successfully complete the Diploma in Business will articulate into the Bachelor of Business at Western Sydney University with up to one year (80 credit points) equivalent of advanced standing.

Study Mode

One year full-time (three terms), two years part-time (six terms).

Program Advice

College Program Enquiries

Prospective students should visit the following websites for general enquiries about this program.

Enquire about this program| Local Admission | International Admission |


Campus Attendance Mode Advice
Bankstown City Campus* Full Time Internal See above
Parramatta City Campus - Macquarie Street* Full time Internal See above
Sydney Olympic Park Campus* Full Time Internal See above

Programs delivered through an agreement with another party


The aim of these programs is to prepare students for tertiary study in Business. These programs are accredited by the University, as principal, to enable its agent, Western Sydney University, The College, to produce students who are fully prepared for study beyond the first year of a tertiary award.

Local students are required to have

  • Completed an English subject in the NSW Higher School Certificate, Or
  • Competency in English at IELTS 6.0 (minimum 5.5 in each sub band) or meet equivalent minimum English Proficiency requirements Or
  • Passed the English test test with 70% or higher Or
  • Passed The College Foundation Studies Academic English unit at C grade level or higher for which advanced standing can be applied for.

Assumed knowledge in Mathematics, equivalent to a two unit subject, in the NSW Higher School Certificate.

Met other entry requirements such as:

  • An ATAR (or equivalent) identified prior to the offer of a place (the ATAR will be set each year at a level below that for admission for the Bachelor of Business, Or
  • Completed The College Foundation Studies program with a Grade Point Average of 5.5 or higher.

International students must satisfy one of the following language requirements

  • IELTS 6.0 with a minimum 5.5 in each sub band, Or
  • Completed The College EAP 4 course with a 50% pass, Or
  • Passed The College English test with 70% or higher Or
  • Passed The College Foundation Studies Academic English unit at C grade level or higher for which advanced standing can be applied for.

Students are also assumed to have completed a subject in Mathematics, equivalent to a two unit subject in the NSW Higher School Certificate.

Academic Entry Requirements vary according to country of origin. However, in general:

  • Completion of Year 12 or its equivalent is the minimum entry requirement, Or
  • Completed The College Foundation Studies program with a Grade Point Average of 5.5 or higher.

Program Structure Current

Qualification for this award requires the successful completion of 110 credit points as per the recommended sequence below.

Students must pass the following preparatory subjects for which no advanced standing will be granted in the Western Sydney University degree program.

Subject Title Credit Points
First Term of Study
LANG 0039Introduction to Academic Communication 2 (WSTC Prep)10
JUST 0003Introduction to the Australian Legal System (WSTC Prep)10
BUSM 0029Decision Making for Business (WSTC Prep)10
BUSM 1007Enterprise Innovation and Markets (WSTC)10
Second Term of Study
BUSM 1009Enterprise Leadership (WSTC)10
BUSM 1011Financing Enterprises (WSTC)10
Choose one of:10
Accounting in Context (WSTC)
Marketing Principles (WSTC)
Organisational Behaviour (WSTC)
Consumers, Firms and Markets (WSTC)
The World of Sport Business (WSTC)
Third Term of Study
LAWS 1002Enterprise Law (WSTC)10
MATH 1031Statistics for Business (WSTC)10
Choose two of:20
Fundamentals of Marketing Analytics (WSTC)
Financial Accounting Applications (WSTC)
Financial Institutions and Markets (WSTC)
Managing People at Work (WSTC)
Sport for Social Development (WSTC)
Total Credit Points110

Program Structure 2022-2023

Qualification for this award requires the successful completion of 110 credit points as per the recommended sequence below.

Students must pass the following preparatory subjects for which no advanced standing will be granted in the Western Sydney University degree program.

Subject Title Credit Points
First Term of Study
LANG 0039Introduction to Academic Communication 2 (WSTC Prep)10
JUST 0003Introduction to the Australian Legal System (WSTC Prep)10
BUSM 0029Decision Making for Business (WSTC Prep)10
BUSM 1007Enterprise Innovation and Markets (WSTC)10
Second Term of Study
BUSM 1009Enterprise Leadership (WSTC)10
BUSM 1011Financing Enterprises (WSTC)10
Select one of the following:10
Accounting in Context (WSTC)
Marketing Principles (WSTC)
Organisational Behaviour (WSTC)
Consumers, Firms and Markets (WSTC)
Third Term of Study
LAWS 1002Enterprise Law (WSTC)10
MATH 1031Statistics for Business (WSTC)10
Select two of the following:20
Fundamentals of Marketing Analytics (WSTC)
Financial Accounting Applications (WSTC)
Financial Institutions and Markets (WSTC)
Managing People at Work (WSTC)
Total Credit Points110