Bachelor of International Studies/Bachelor of Social Science (1807)

  • Approved Abbreviation: BIntlSt/BSocSc
  • Western Sydney University Program Code: 1807
  • AQF Level: 7

CRICOS Code: 086124K

This program applies to students who commenced in 2020 or later.

Students should follow the program structure for the session start date relevant to the year they commenced.

Commencement Year 2015 to 2019 - 1807.1 Bachelor of International Studies/Bachelor of Social Science

Handbook Summary 2023

The Bachelor of International Studies/Bachelor of Social Science degree is a broadly based, inter-disciplinary four-year double degree offering flexibility and choice within a wide range of offerings in the social sciences, as well as studies of International Relations and Asian Studies and an Asian language. The degree seeks to equip all students with the interdisciplinary and specialist skills and knowledge that a new graduate would need on entering the workforce or on proceeding to advanced study. Students choose a major from the social sciences; a major in International Relations and Asian Studies, and a minor in an Asian language. The double degree provides a wide base for understanding issues in the complex, culturally diverse and ever-changing social and international environment of the 21st century both in Australia and Asia.

Students in this double degree also have the opportunity to complete a semester of study overseas and receive advanced standing towards their BA majors and minors subject to WSU limits on advanced standing. Students are encouraged to do so but must discuss this with a BA program advisor first.

  • Director of Academic Program - Dr Charles Barbour

Handbook Summary 2024

The Bachelor of International Studies/Bachelor of Social Science degree is a broadly based, inter-disciplinary four-year double degree offering flexibility and choice within a wide range of offerings in the Social Sciences, as well as studies of International Relations. The program seeks to equip all students with the interdisciplinary and specialist skills and knowledge that a new graduate would need on entering the workforce or on proceeding to advanced study. International Studies develops students’ capacity to appreciate the historical development of relations among nation states and to analyse contemporary political, commercial, diplomatic and strategic links and developments. Students complete a major in Global Politics and International Relations and choose a major from Social Science. The double degree provides a wide base for understanding issues in the complex, culturally diverse and ever-changing social and international environment of the 21st century.

Students in this double degree will also have opportunities to enhance their skills and knowledge through internships, volunteering, and international study and travel. 

  • Director of Academic Program - Dr Charles Barbour

Study Mode

Four years full-time or eight years part-time

Program Advice

  • Director of Academic Program - Dr Charles Barbour

Prospective students should visit the following websites for general enquiries about this program.

Enquire about this program| Local Admission | International Admission |


Campus Attendance Mode Advice
Bankstown City Campus Full Time Internal See above
Bankstown City Campus Part Time Internal See above
Parramatta Campus - Victoria Road Full Time Internal See above
Parramatta Campus - Victoria Road Part Time Internal See above

Work Integrated Learning

Western Sydney University seeks to enhance student learning experiences by enabling students to engage in the culture, expectations and practices of their profession or discipline.  This program includes a placement or other community-based unpaid practical experience.

There is an optional work component available in this program.  Please contact the Program Advisor listed above for information.

International students should be aware that if an elective is a requirement of the program but the work itself was not registered with CRICOS, students can still complete these electives but it would be counted towards the work limitation.  For more details, refer to the 'Work Integrated Learning (WIL) for international students' website.

Work Integrated Learning (WIL) for international students


Two units of HSC English OR IELTS (Academic) - 6.5 overall score with a minimum 6.0 in each subtest.

Applications from Australian and New Zealand citizens and holders of permanent resident visas may be made via the Universities Admissions Centre (UAC) or directly through the Western Portal. Use the links below to apply via UAC or Western Sydney University. Applications made directly to Western Sydney do not have an application fee.

Applicants who have undertaken studies overseas may have to provide proof of proficiency in English. Local applicants who are applying through the Universities Admissions Centre (UAC) will find details of minimum English proficiency requirements and acceptable proof on the UAC website. Local applicants applying directly to the University should also use the information provided on the UAC website.

International students currently completing an Australian Year 12 in or outside Australia, an International Baccalaureate in Australia or a New Zealand National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) level 3 must apply via UAC International.

All other International applicants must apply directly to the University via the International Office.  

International students applying to the University through the International Office can find details of minimum English proficiency requirements and acceptable proof on their website.

International Office

Overseas qualifications must be deemed by the Australian Education International - National Office of Overseas Skills Recognition (AEI-NOOSR) to be equivalent to Australian qualifications in order to be considered by UAC and Western Sydney University.

Program Structure Current

If you commenced in 2023  please refer to the Structure 2023 tab for details.

Qualification for this award requires the successful completion of 320 credit points as prescribed in the structure below. Students who complete this award will graduate with a Bachelor of International Studies and a Bachelor of Social Science.

Students will complete 160 credit points of Bachelor of International Studies subjects and 160 credit points of Bachelor of Social Science subjects

International Studies component

All students must enrol in and complete 80 credit points of Bachelor of International Studies Core subjects consisting of four subjects at Level 1, one subject at level 2 and three subjects at Level 3. 

Bachelor of International Studies (BIS) core subjects

Subject Title Credit Points
Students must successfully complete:
HUMN 1052Australian Politics and Active Citizenship10
LANG 1029Foundations of Academic English10
HUMN 1013Contextualising Indigenous Australia (Day Mode)10
CULT 1001Asia in the World10
POLI 2008Transnational Diplomacy10
LANG 3045Intercultural Communication10
POLI 3016International Relations Project10
Engaged Learning Pool subjects
Select one of the following:10
Humanities Internship
Service Learning
Group Project
Study Tours
We Are The University: Students Co-creating Change
Total Credit Points80


0340 Global Politics and International Relations, Major

Social Science component

All students must enrol in and complete 80 credit points of Bachelor of Social Science Core subjects consisting of four subjects at Level 1, two subjects at level 2 and two subjects at Level 3. 

Bachelor of Social Science core subjects

Subject Title Credit Points
CULT 1017Understanding Society10
BEHV 1021The Individual in Society10
HUMN 1041People, Place and Social Difference10
HUMN 1060Introduction to Indigenous Australia: Peoples, Places and Philosophies10
HUMN 2066Investigating and Communicating Social Problems10
CULT 2005Ethics in the Social Sciences10
CULT 3001Applied Social Research10
CULT 3007Contemporary Social Issues and Professional Practice10
Total Credit Points80

 All students must enrol in and complete an 80 credit point Social Science Major 

Bachelor of Social Science Majors

Equivalent Subject

The subjects listed below count towards completion of this program for students who passed these subjects in 2023 or earlier. 
POLI 2006 Politics of Australia and Asia Relations , replaced by POLI 2008 Transnational Diplomacy 

Recommended Sequence Current

If you commenced in 2023  please refer to the Sequence 2023 tab for details.

Qualification for this award requires the successful completion of 320 credit points as per the recommended sequence below.  

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Autumn sessionCredit Points
LANG 1029 Foundations of Academic English 10
Select one BIS Core level 1 subject 10
POLI 1007 World Politics and International Relations 10
CULT 1017 Understanding Society 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
Select one BIS Core level 1 subject 10
Select one BIS Core level 1 subject 10
HUMN 1041 People, Place and Social Difference 10
Select one Social Science Major level 1 subject 10
 Credit Points40
Year 2
Autumn session
POLI 2008 Transnational Diplomacy 10
Select one BIS Major level 1/2 subject 10
HUMN 2066 Investigating and Communicating Social Problems 10
BEHV 1021 The Individual in Society 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
Select one BIS Major level 1/2 subject 10
Select one Social Science Major level 1 subject 10
HUMN 1060 Introduction to Indigenous Australia: Peoples, Places and Philosophies 10
CULT 2005 Ethics in the Social Sciences 10
 Credit Points40
Year 3
Autumn session
Select one BIS Major level 3 subject 10
LANG 3045 Intercultural Communication 10
Select one Social Science Major level 2/3 subject 10
Select one Social Science Major level 2/3 subject 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
HUMN 3079 The Asian Century 10
Select one BIS Major level 3 subject 10
Select one Social Science Major level 2/3 subject 10
Select one Social Science Major level 2/3 subject 10
 Credit Points40
Year 4
Autumn session
Select one BIS Engaged Learning subject 10
Select one BIS Major level 3 subject 10
Select one Social Science Major Level 2/3 subject 10
CULT 3001 Applied Social Research 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
POLI 3016 International Relations Project 10
Select one BIS Major level 3 subject 10
CULT 3007 Contemporary Social Issues and Professional Practice 10
Select one Social Science Major level 2/3 subject 10
 Credit Points40
 Total Credit Points320

Equivalent Subject

The subjects listed below count towards completion of this program for students who passed these subjects in 2023 or earlier. 
POLI 2006 Politics of Australia and Asia Relations , replaced by POLI 2008 Transnational Diplomacy 

Program Structure 2023

If you commenced in 2024 or later please refer to the Structure Current tab for details.

Qualification for this award requires the successful completion of 320 credit points as per the recommended sequence.

Students must also complete the International Relations and Asian Studies major, a minor in Arabic, Chinese, Immersion Language, Indonesian, International English or Japanese language and a Social Science major.

B Arts Core Subjects

Subject Title Credit Points
HUMN 1052Australian Politics and Active Citizenship10
LANG 1030Thinking Critically About Texts and Society10
HUMN 1053Diversity, Language and Culture10
LANG 1029Foundations of Academic English10
Total Credit Points40

B Social Science Core Subjects

Subject Title Credit Points
CULT 3001Applied Social Research10
CULT 2005Ethics in the Social Sciences10
CULT 3007Contemporary Social Issues and Professional Practice10
HUMN 1041People, Place and Social Difference10
HUMN 2066Investigating and Communicating Social Problems10
BEHV 1021The Individual in Society10
CULT 1017Understanding Society10
HUMN 1060Introduction to Indigenous Australia: Peoples, Places and Philosophies10
Total Credit Points80

Major - International Relations and Asian Studies (IRAS)


Note: The following minors have inherent requirements Chinese and Japanese. Please see the link below:

Inherent requirements

Students may complete the Immersion Language minor which covers languages that are not taught at Western Sydney University. Details of this minor are available via the link below:

Social Science majors

Students should seek academic program advice as the Social Science major subjects are all compulsory and only available in particular semesters.

Recommended Sequence 2023

If you commenced in 2024 or later please refer to the Sequence Current tab for details.

The recommended sequence below applies to students at Level 1 Language. Students should seek program advice in relation to the level 2/3 language sequences. 

Recommended Sequence - Bankstown Campus

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Autumn sessionCredit Points
HUMN 1052 Australian Politics and Active Citizenship 10
LANG 1029 Foundations of Academic English 10
CULT 1017 Understanding Society 10
BEHV 1021 The Individual in Society 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
HUMN 1041 People, Place and Social Difference 10
HUMN 1060 Introduction to Indigenous Australia: Peoples, Places and Philosophies 10
HUMN 1053 Diversity, Language and Culture 10
POLI 1007 World Politics and International Relations 10
 Credit Points40
Year 2
Autumn session
CULT 1001 Asia in the World 10
HUMN 2066 Investigating and Communicating Social Problems 10
LANG 1030 Thinking Critically About Texts and Society 10
Select one Level 1 Language subject 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
CULT 2005 Ethics in the Social Sciences 10
Select one Level 1 Language subject 10
Select one Level 1 Social Science Major subject 10
Select one Level 1 Social Science Major subject Or one Level 2/3 IRAS subject 10
 Credit Points40
Year 3
Autumn session
POLI 2006 Politics of Australia and Asia Relations 10
Select one Level 2 Language subject 10
Select one Level 2 Language subject 10
Select one Level 1 Social Science Major subject Or one Level 2/3 Social Science major subject 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
HUMN 3079 The Asian Century 10
Select one Level 2/3 IRAS subject 10
Select one Level 2/3 Social Science Major subject 10
Select one Level 2/3 Social Science Major subject Or one Level 2/3 IRAS subject 10
 Credit Points40
Year 4
Autumn session
CULT 3001 Applied Social Research 10
Select one Level 2/3 IRAS subject 10
Select one Level 2/3 Social Science Major subject 10
Select one Level 2/3 Social Science Major subject Or one Level 2/3 IRAS subject 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
CULT 3007 Contemporary Social Issues and Professional Practice 10
Select one Level 2/3 IRAS subject 10
Select one Level 2/3 Social Science Major subject 10
Select one Level 2/3 Social Science Major subject Or one Level 2/3 IRAS subject 10
 Credit Points40
 Total Credit Points320

Recommended Sequence - Parramatta Campus

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Autumn sessionCredit Points
HUMN 1053 Diversity, Language and Culture 10
LANG 1029 Foundations of Academic English 10
BEHV 1021 The Individual in Society 10
CULT 1017 Understanding Society 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
HUMN 1041 People, Place and Social Difference 10
HUMN 1060 Introduction to Indigenous Australia: Peoples, Places and Philosophies 10
LANG 1030 Thinking Critically About Texts and Society 10
HUMN 1052 Australian Politics and Active Citizenship 10
 Credit Points40
Year 2
Autumn session
CULT 1001 Asia in the World 10
HUMN 2066 Investigating and Communicating Social Problems 10
Select one Level 1 Language subject 10
Select one Level 1 Social Science Major subject 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
CULT 2005 Ethics in the Social Sciences 10
POLI 1007 World Politics and International Relations 10
Select one Level 1 Language subject 10
Select one Level 1 Social Science Major subject 10
 Credit Points40
Year 3
Autumn session
POLI 2006 Politics of Australia and Asia Relations 10
Select one Level 2 Language subject 10
Select one Level 2 Language subject 10
Select one Level 2/3 Social Science Major subject 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
HUMN 3079 The Asian Century 10
Select one Level 2/3 IRAS subject 10
Select one Level 2/3 Social Science Major subject 10
Select one Level 2/3 Social Science Major subject Or one Level 2/3 IRAS subject 10
 Credit Points40
Year 4
Autumn session
CULT 3001 Applied Social Research 10
Select one Level 2/3 IRAS subject 10
Select one Level 2/3 Social Science Major subject 10
Select one Level 2/3 Social Science Major subject Or one Level 2/3 IRAS subject 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
CULT 3007 Contemporary Social Issues and Professional Practice 10
Select one Level 2/3 IRAS subject 10
Select one Level 2/3 Social Science Major subject 10
Select one Level 2/3 Social Science Major subject Or one Level 2/3 IRAS subject 10
 Credit Points40
 Total Credit Points320

Equivalent Core Subjects

The Core subject listed below count towards completion of this program for students this subject in 2022 or earlier.

POLI 1002 Introduction to International Relations, replaced by POLI 1007 World Politics and International Relations

The Core subjects listed below count towards completion of this program for students who passed these units in 2020 or earlier.

CULT 1020 Working with Communities, replaced by HUMN 1060 Introduction to Indigenous Australia: Peoples, Places and Philosophies

HUMN 2049 Social Research Methods, replaced by HUMN 2066 Investigating and Communicating Social Problems