Bachelor of Education (Secondary) (1939)

  • Effective from: 2024
  • Approved Abbreviation: BEd(Sec)
  • Western Sydney University Program Code: 1939
  • AQF Level: 7

CRICOS Code: 114981K

This program applies to students who commenced in Spring 2024 or later.

The Bachelor of Education (Secondary) prepares graduates to teach across secondary schools nationally and internationally. The degree provides deep engagement in secondary education, focusing on innovative and evidence-based approaches to teaching and learning and the development of strong pedagogical content knowledge. It prepares students for their teaching career by emphasising pedagogical approaches and culturally responsive teaching practices that enable diverse learners to access learning experiences, effective classroom management practices, and using assessment and feedback to guide and enhance student learning. It provides opportunities to study two teaching majors across all Key Learning Areas in the secondary curriculum and includes 80 days of professional experience in schools. In addition to the secondary teaching areas, there are opportunities to specialise in EALD teaching and a pathway to postgraduate specialisation in inclusive education.

The Diploma in Educational Studies (Secondary) and Associate Degree in Educational Studies (Secondary) are exit points.

Program Logic

The Program Logic is embedded throughout all Initial Teacher Education programs at Western Sydney University. It explains how each subject contributes to the journey to become a Graduate Teacher. The Program Logic includes three phases: Foundation, Development and Transition. In each of these phases, pre-service teachers develop essential knowledge and skills by learning about evidence-based pedagogies and practices, enabling their successful transition to teaching.

Foundation: Pre-service teachers will develop fundamental knowledge, skills, and attributes to support the beginning of their journey to become a teacher. 

Development: Pre-service teachers will strengthen their pedagogical content knowledge, understanding of classroom management, and evidence-based pedagogical practices.

Transition: Pre-service teachers will consolidate the knowledge, skills, and attributes required for success as a Graduate Teacher, using evidence to inform and strengthen pedagogical practice. 

Early Exits

Students may exit this program on completion of 80 credit points with a 1941 Diploma in Educational Studies (Secondary) (exit only) or on completion of 160 credit points with a 1940 Associate Degree in Educational Studies (Secondary) (exit only). 

Study Mode

Four years full-time or eight years part-time. Subjects that are part of the majors and minor are subject to availability. Students may need to travel to different campuses to complete some of these subjects.

Program Advice 

Prospective students should visit the following websites for general enquiries about this program.

Enquire about this program| Local Admission | International Admission |


Campus Attendance Mode Advice
Bankstown City Campus Full time Internal See above
Bankstown City Campus Part time Internal See above
Parramatta Campus - Victoria Road Full time Internal See above
Parramatta Campus - Victoria Road Part time Internal See above
Penrith Campus Full time Internal See above
Penrith Campus Part time Internal See above

Accreditation Note

This program is being prepared for accreditation by the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) under the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers at the graduate level. 

Inherent Requirements

There are inherent requirements for this program that you must meet in order to complete your program and graduate. Make sure you read and understand the requirements for this program online.

Inherent Requirements

Work Integrated Learning

Western Sydney University seeks to enhance student learning experiences by enabling students to engage in the culture, expectations and practices of their profession or discipline.  This program includes a placement or other community-based unpaid practical experience.

There is a mandatory work component required for completion of this program.  Please contact the Program Advisor listed above for information.

International students should also refer to the link below for more information and a link to the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS).

Work Integrated Learning (WIL) for international students


Meets the minimum ATAR or equivalent requirements.

Applicants who accept their offer will need to satisfactorily complete the online non-academic capabilities interview (QuEST).

Applications from Australian and New Zealand citizens and holders of permanent resident visas may be made via the Universities Admissions Centre (UAC) or directly through the Western Portal. Use the links below to apply via UAC or Western Sydney University. Applications made directly to Western Sydney do not have an application fee.

Applicants who have undertaken studies overseas may have to provide proof of proficiency in English. Local applicants who are applying through the Universities Admissions Centre (UAC) will find details of minimum English proficiency requirements and acceptable proof on the UAC website. Local applicants applying directly to the University should also use the information provided on the UAC website.

International students currently completing an Australian Year 12 in or outside Australia, an International Baccalaureate in Australia or a New Zealand National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) level 3 must apply via UAC International.

All other International applicants must apply directly to the University via the International Office.  

International students applying to the University through the International Office can find details of minimum English proficiency requirements and acceptable proof on their website.

International Office

Overseas qualifications must be deemed by the Australian Education International - National Office of Overseas Skills Recognition (AEI-NOOSR) to be equivalent to Australian qualifications in order to be considered by UAC and Western Sydney University.

Special Requirements

Prior to enrolling in the Professional Experience subjects, students must:

Credit for Prior Learning

Articulation Agreement for BBI-TAITE Graduate Certificate in Religious Education

Students are eligible for admission to the Graduate Certificate in Religious Education at BBI-TAITE after completion of 200 credit points in 1939 Bachelor of Education (Secondary). This qualification delivered by an external provider enables graduates to teach religious education in Catholic schools. Students may be eligible for Credit for Prior Learning for subjects completed at BBI-TAITE towards electives in 1939 Bachelor of Education (Secondary).

Program Structure Current

This structure applies to students who commenced in 2025 or later. If you commenced prior to 2025, please refer to the relevant Structure tab for details.

Qualification for this award requires the successful completion of 320 credit points (cp) which includes the subjects listed in the recommended sequence.


The Bachelor of Education (Secondary) has the following components:

  • Core subjects (80cp)
  • Secondary Education Major A (80, 100 or 120cp)
  • Secondary Education Major B (80, 100 or 120cp)
    Note: Some Secondary Education Majors will need to use elective space in the program:
             * 100cp majors use 20cps of elective space
             * 120cp majors use 40cps of elective space
  • Professional Experience subjects (40cp)
  • Elective subjects, or an additional teaching area minor (details listed below) or the Inclusive Education Minor (40cp)

Secondary Education Majors comprise:

  • Curriculum Subjects (minimum 20cp)
  • Discipline Subjects (minimum 60cp)

Secondary Education Majors

Students must complete two Secondary Education Majors chosen from the list below. Students can specialise in teaching subjects from one or two key learning areas (KLAs).

Please note: Students who complete the 120 credit point Secondary Mathematics/Physics Education, Major (0365) will not be able to complete a Language major (100cp), and will need to complete an 80 credit point major as the second major.

Western Sydney University is a multi-campus institution with world-class research and education facilities at locations across Western Sydney. Subjects that are part of the majors are offered at the campuses where relevant facilities and resources are located. Students may need to travel to different campuses to complete subjects in their chosen majors. Consult the handbook entries for each major and subject for campus offerings.


Creative & Performing Arts (CAPA)

Human Society & Its Environment (HSIE)



Personal Development, Health & Physical Education (PDHPE)


Technological & Applied Studies (TAS)

Additional Teaching Area Minors

The following minors may be used to attain an additional teaching area in place of the elective subjects. The minor must be combined with the specified Secondary Education Major to be recognised as an additional teaching area.

0262 Ancient History, Minor (40cp) - must be combined with 0351 Secondary Modern History Education, Major

0330 Childhood Studies, Minor (40cp) - must be combined with 0356 Secondary PDHPE Education, Major

0264 Culture and Society, Minor (40cp) - must be combined with 0368 Secondary Aboriginal Studies Education, Major

0141 Economics for Secondary Teaching, Minor (40cp) - must be combined with 0353 Secondary Business Studies Education, Major

0015 Indigenous Australian Studies, Minor (40cp) - must be combined with 0370 Secondary Society & Culture Education, Major

0266 Legal Studies, Minor (40cp) - must be combined with 0353 Secondary Business Studies Education, Major

0130 Modern History, Minor (40cp) - must be combined with 0352 Secondary Ancient History Education, Major

0200 Studies of Religion, Minor (40cp) - must be combined with 0370 Secondary Society & Culture Education, Major OR 0368 Secondary Aboriginal Studies Education, Major

Specialised Teaching Roles

0363 Secondary EALD Education, Major (80cp) - Students who complete the 0363 Secondary EALD Education major will graduate from the Bachelor of Education (Secondary) as a specialist teacher of English as an Additional Language/Dialect (EALD).

0359 Inclusive Education, Minor (40cp) - Students who complete the the 0359 Inclusive Education minor may be eligible for 40cp transfer credit into a postgraduate degree, such as 1720 Master of Inclusive Education, enabling specialisation as an Inclusive Education teacher.

Recommended Elective Subjects

Subject Title Credit Points
TEAC 2009Contemporary Childhoods10
TEAC 2065Digital Childhoods10
TEAC 2017Education and Transformation10
TEAC 2062Teachers as Change Makers10
TEAC 2037Learning and Creativity10
TEAC 2018Education for Sustainability10
TEAC 2054Scientific Discovery and Invention10
TEAC 3052Connecting with Regional, Rural and Remote Communities and Schools10
TEAC 3006Education in a Cosmopolitan Society10
TEAC 3009Ethical Futures10
TEAC 3031The Brain and Learning10
TEAC 3051Creativity and Cultural Wellbeing for Communities10

Program Structure Spring 2024

This structure applies to students who commenced in Spring 2024. If you commenced in 2025 or later, please refer to the relevant Structure tab for details.

Qualification for this award requires the successful completion of 320 credit points which includes the subjects listed in the recommended sequence.


The Bachelor of Education (Secondary) has the following components:

  • Core subjects (80cp)
  • Secondary Education Major A (80cp)
  • Secondary Education Major B (80cp)
  • Professional Experience subjects (40cp)
  • Elective subjects or an additional teaching area minor (details listed below) or the Inclusive Education Minor (40cp)

Majors comprise:

  • Curriculum Subjects (20cp)
  • Discipline Subjects (60cp)

Students who complete the 0359 Inclusive Education Minor would be eligible for 40cp transfer credit into the Graduate Diploma of Inclusive Education, enabling specialisation as an Inclusive Education teacher.

Secondary Education Majors

Please note: Subjects that are part of the majors and minor are subject to availability. Students may need to travel to different campuses to complete some of these subjects.

Additional Teaching Area Minors

The following minors may be used to attain an additional teaching area in place of the elective subjects. The minor must be combined with the specified Secondary Education Major to be recognised as an additional teaching area.

0262 Ancient History, Minor (must be combined with 0351 Secondary Modern History Education, Major)

0141 Economics for Secondary Teaching, Minor (must be combined with 0353 Secondary Business Studies Education, Major)

0266 Legal Studies, Minor (must be combined with 0353 Secondary Business Studies Education, Major)

0130 Modern History, Minor (must be combined with 0352 Secondary Ancient History Education, Major)

Recommended Elective Subjects

Subject Title Credit Points
TEAC 2009Contemporary Childhoods10
TEAC 2065Digital Childhoods10
TEAC 2017Education and Transformation10
TEAC 2062Teachers as Change Makers10
TEAC 2037Learning and Creativity10
TEAC 2018Education for Sustainability10
TEAC 2054Scientific Discovery and Invention10
TEAC 3052Connecting with Regional, Rural and Remote Communities and Schools10
TEAC 3006Education in a Cosmopolitan Society10
TEAC 3009Ethical Futures10
TEAC 3031The Brain and Learning10
TEAC 3051Creativity and Cultural Wellbeing for Communities10

Program Sequence Current

Qualification for this award requires the successful completion of 320 credit points which includes the subjects listed in the recommended sequence below.

Full-time start-year intake

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Autumn sessionCredit Points
TEAC 1031 Sociology for Educators 10
TEAC 1042 Developing Literacy and Numeracy 10
Select one Secondary Education Major A Discipline Subject 1 10
Select one Secondary Education Major B Discipline Subject 1 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
TEAC 1011 Educational Psychology 10
TEAC 1043 Information and Communications Technologies for Teaching and Learning 10
Select one Secondary Education Major A Discipline Subject 2 10
Select one Secondary Education Major B Discipline Subject 2 10
Student may exit at this point with a Diploma in Educational Studies (Secondary) qualification on successful completion of 80 credit points of year 1 subjects.  
 Credit Points40
Year 2
Autumn session
TEAC 2004 Being a Teacher 10
TEAC 2048 Professional Experience 1: Working in Classrooms 10
Select one Secondary Education Major A Discipline Subject 3 10
Select one Secondary Education Major B Discipline Subject 3 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
TEAC 2046 Pedagogy and Praxis in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education 10
Select one Secondary Education Major A Discipline Subject 4 10
Select one Secondary Education Major B Discipline Subject 4 10
Select one Secondary Education Major A Discipline Subject 5 10
Student may exit at this point with the Associate Degree in Educational Studies (Secondary) qualification on successful completion of 160 credit points of year 1 and 2 subjects.  
 Credit Points40
Year 3
Autumn session
TEAC 3046 Engaging Pedagogies 10
Select one Secondary Education Major B Discipline Subject 5 10
Select one Secondary Education Major A Discipline Subject 6 10
Select one Secondary Education Major B Discipline Subject 6 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
TEAC 3020 Professional Experience 2: Working with Assessment Data for Instruction 10
TEAC 3013 Inclusive Practices 10
Select one Secondary Education Major A Curriculum Subject 1 (Level 3) 10
Select one Secondary Education Major B Curriculum Subject 1 (Level 3) 10
 Credit Points40
Year 4
Autumn session
TEAC 3021 Professional Experience 3: Engaging with Diverse Students and Communities 10
Select one Secondary Education Major A Curriculum Subject 2 (Level 4) 10
Select one Secondary Education Major B Curriculum Subject 2 (Level 4) 10
Elective subject 1 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
TEAC 4006 Professional Experience 4: Transition into the Profession 10
Elective Subject 2 10
Elective Subject 3 10
Elective Subject 4 10
 Credit Points40
 Total Credit Points320

Full-time mid-year intake 

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Spring sessionCredit Points
TEAC 1011 Educational Psychology 10
TEAC 1043 Information and Communications Technologies for Teaching and Learning 10
Select one Secondary Education Major A Discipline Subject 1 10
Select one Secondary Education Major B Discipline Subject 1 10
 Credit Points40
Autumn session
TEAC 1031 Sociology for Educators 10
TEAC 1042 Developing Literacy and Numeracy 10
Select one Secondary Education Major A Discipline Subject 2 10
Select one Secondary Education Major B Discipline Subject 2 10
Student may exit at this point with a Diploma in Educational Studies (Secondary) qualification on successful completion of 80 credit points of year 1 subjects.  
 Credit Points40
Year 2
Spring session
TEAC 2046 Pedagogy and Praxis in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education 10
Select one Secondary Education Major A Discipline Subject 3 10
Select one Secondary Education Major B Discipline Subject 3 10
Select one Secondary Education Major A Discipline Subject 4 10
 Credit Points40
Autumn session
TEAC 2004 Being a Teacher 10
TEAC 2048 Professional Experience 1: Working in Classrooms 10
Select one Secondary Education Major B Discipline Subject 4 10
Select one Secondary Education Major A Discipline Subject 5 10
Student may exit at this point with the Associate Degree in Educational Studies (Secondary) qualification on successful completion of 160 credit points of year 1 & 2 subjects  
 Credit Points40
Year 3
Spring session
TEAC 3020 Professional Experience 2: Working with Assessment Data for Instruction 10
TEAC 3013 Inclusive Practices 10
Select one Secondary Education Major A Curriculum Subject 1 (Level 3) 10
Select one Secondary Education Major B Curriculum Subject 1 (Level 3) 10
 Credit Points40
Autumn session
TEAC 3046 Engaging Pedagogies 10
Select one Secondary Education Major B Discipline Subject 5 10
Select one Secondary Education Major A Discipline Subject 6 10
Select one Secondary Education Major B Discipline Subject 6 10
 Credit Points40
Year 4
Spring session
TEAC 3021 Professional Experience 3: Engaging with Diverse Students and Communities 10
Elective Subject 1 10
Elective Subject 2 10
Elective Subject 3 10
 Credit Points40
Autumn session
TEAC 4006 Professional Experience 4: Transition into the Profession 10
Select one Secondary Education Major A Curriculum Subject 2 (Level 4) 10
Select one Secondary Education Major B Curriculum Subject 2 (Level 4) 10
Elective subject 4 10
 Credit Points40
 Total Credit Points320