Bachelor of Education (Primary) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education (1717)

  • Approved Abbreviation: BEd(Prim)ATSIEd
  • Western Sydney University Program Code: 1717
  • AQF Level: 7

This program applies to students who commenced in 2020 or later.

For commencement year 2018 - 2019, please refer to: 1717.2- Bachelor of Education (Primary) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education

For commencement year 2015 - 2017, please refer to: 1717.1 - Bachelor of Education (Primary) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education

Handbook Summary 2020-2023

The Bachelor of Education (Primary) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education is a four year undergraduate program that gives students the skills and knowledge to teach effectively across the full curriculum range from Kindergarten to Year 6. This program is only available to Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander applicants. Students will extend their literacy and numeracy skills, as well as develop both curriculum and cultural knowledge and understandings to form a firm foundation for teaching in primary schools. Graduates meet the NSW Education Standards Authority Professional Teaching Standards for a Graduate Teacher. There are 2 early exit points, the Diploma in Educational Studies (Primary) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education and Bachelor of Educational Studies (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education) for students not seeking a professional teaching qualification.

Handbook Summary 2024

The Bachelor of Education (Primary) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education is a four-year undergraduate program that incorporates the core content which covers what every teacher should learn in Initial Teacher Education (ITE) to be prepared for the classroom and to best support students from Kindergarten to Year 6. The program is only available to Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander applicants. 

Applying core content students will develop the fundamental knowledge, skills, and attributes needed as they transition to teaching.  Students will extend their literacy and numeracy skills, as well as strengthen their curriculum and pedagogical content knowledge, develop understanding of classroom management, and evidence-based pedagogical practices.

Graduates meet the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers, required for registration with the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).  

Program Logic

The Program Logic is embedded throughout all Initial Teacher Education programs at Western Sydney University. It explains how each subject contributes to the journey to become a Graduate Teacher. The Program Logic includes three phases: Foundation, Development and Transition. In each of these phases, pre-service teachers develop essential knowledge and skills by learning about evidence-based pedagogies and practices, enabling their successful transition to teaching.

Foundation: Pre-service teachers will develop fundamental knowledge, skills, and attributes to support the beginning of their journey to become a teacher. 

Development: Pre-service teachers will strengthen their pedagogical content knowledge, understanding of classroom management, and evidence-based pedagogical practices.

Transition: Pre-service teachers will consolidate the knowledge, skills, and attributes required for success as a Graduate Teacher, using evidence to inform and strengthen pedagogical practice. 

Early Exits

Students may exit this program on completion of 80 credit points with a 1718 Diploma in Educational Studies (Primary) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education (exit only) or on completion of 240 credit points with a 1861 Bachelor of Educational Studies (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education) (exit only)

Study Mode

Four years full-time.

Program Advice

Maree Skillen

Prospective students should visit the following websites for general enquiries about this program.

Enquire about this program| Local Admission | International Admission |


Campus Attendance Mode Advice
Bankstown City Campus Full Time Internal See above


The Bachelor of Education (Primary) qualifies graduates to teach Kindergarten to Year 6 (K-6) in government and non-government primary schools in Australia, and most other countries. The program is professionally accredited with the NSW Education Standards Authority. Graduates will meet the Australian Professional Standards for Graduate Teachers.

Inherent Requirements

There are inherent requirements for this program that you must meet in order to complete your program and graduate. Make sure you read and understand the requirements for this program online.

Details of the Bachelor of Education (Primary) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Inherent Requirements are available at:

Work Integrated Learning

Western Sydney University seeks to enhance student learning experiences by enabling students to engage in the culture, expectations and practices of their profession or discipline.  This program includes a placement or other community-based unpaid practical experience.

There is a mandatory work component required for completion of this program.  Please contact the Program Advisor listed above for information.


Admission 2020-2023

This program is available only to Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander applicants.

Prospective Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students have direct admission into the program via the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Pathway Program. The Program includes assessment of literacy and numeracy skills and an interview for the non-academic capabilities assessment. Students will be required to demonstrate Confirmation of Aboriginality.

Students not entering via the Equity pathway are required to demonstrate

  • Confirmation of Aboriginality
  • An ATAR of 78 or greater
  • Completion of an English unit and/or mathematics unit in the NSW Higher School Certificate at band 5, or
  • Passed The College Foundation Studies Academic English subject and two other subjects at Credit grade level or higher.

Individual assessments of students wishing to make entry via program transfer

  • Confirmation of Aboriginality
  • has successfully undertaken a number of subjects previously at a university which have been assessed as having parity to subjects elsewhere in the program with a GPA of 5.0 or above.

Existing Entry Pathways

For more information visit

and apply to

Admission 2024

This program is available only to Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander applicants.

Prospective Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants can be considered for this program via the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Pathway Program. The Program includes assessment of literacy and numeracy skills and an interview for the non-academic capabilities assessment. Applicants are required to:

  • Apply via UAC or Directly to the University;
  • Register and attend the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Pathway Program assessment days;
  • Demonstrate Confirmation of Aboriginality.

Applicants not applying via the Pathway Program are required to:

  • Apply via UAC or Directly to the University;
  • Demonstrate Confirmation of Aboriginality;
  • Meet the minimum ATAR or equivalent requirements.

Current university students wishing to transfer into the program should refer to the criteria for applicants not applying via the Pathway Program.

Applications may be made via the Universities Admissions Centre (UAC) or directly through the Western Portal. Use the links below to apply via UAC or Western Sydney University. Applications made directly to Western Sydney do not have an application fee.

Confirmation of Aboriginality form

Visit for more information on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Pathway Program.

Details of the Bachelor of Education (Primary) Inherent Requirements are available at:

QuEST - Non-Academic Capabilities Selection

Students with an offer to enrol in an accredited initial teacher education program are required to complete an online interview to assess your capabilities, in other words, your talents and personal attributes that are relevant to the teaching profession. Western Sydney University refer to this compulsory assessment as QuEST about which you will receive an email prior to the start of the teaching session.

Refer to the Australian Institute for Teaching and Leadership (AITSL) website for more information and the Selection Guidelines: Factsheet.

Special Requirements Prerequisites 2020-2022

Prior to enrolling, students in subjects TEAC 1029 Professional Experience 1: Introduction to Classrooms, TEAC 2049 Professional Experience 2: School-based Learning, TEAC 3040 Professional Experience 3, TEAC 3023 Professional Experience 4: Teaching in Country must:

Program Completion Prerequisites

Prior to graduating and prior to enrolment in subject TEAC 3023 Professional Experience 4: Teaching in Country, students must:

Special Requirements Prerequisites 2023 -2024

Prior to enrolling, students in subjects TEAC 2049 Professional Experience 2: School-based Learning, TEAC 3040 Professional Experience 3, TEAC 3023 Professional Experience 4: Teaching in Country, TEAC 2062 Teachers as Change Makers, TEAC 2048 Professional Experience 1: Working in Classrooms, TEAC 3020 Professional Experience 2: Working with Assessment Data for Instruction, TEAC 3021 Professional Experience 3: Engaging with Diverse Students and Communities, TEAC 4006 Professional Experience 4: Transition into the Profession must:

Program Completion Prerequisites

Prior to graduating and prior to enrolment in subject TEAC 3023 Professional Experience 4: Teaching in Country or TEAC 4006 Professional Experience 4: Transition into the Profession, students must:

• Satisfactorily complete the National Literacy and Numeracy TEST for initial teacher education students (LANTITE).
Link to National Literacy and Numeracy TEST

Credit for Prior Learning 

Articulation Agreement for BBI-TAITE Graduate Certificate in Religious Education

Students are eligible for admission to the Graduate Certificate in Religious Education at BBI-TAITE after completion of 200 credit points in 1717 Bachelor of Education (Primary) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education. This qualification delivered by an external provider enables graduates to teach religious education in Catholic schools. Students may be eligible for Credit for Prior Learning for subjects completed at BBI-TAITE towards electives in 1717 Bachelor of Education (Primary) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education.

Program Structure Current

Qualification for this award requires the successful completion of 320 credit points including the subjects listed in the Sequence tab.

Early exit point: Students can exit with the Diploma in Educational Studies (Primary) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education on completion of 80 credit points of study from the Bachelor of Education (Primary) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education subjects.

1718 - Diploma in Educational Studies (Primary) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education

National Literacy and Numeracy TEST

Students who do not sit or meet the standard of the National Literacy and Numeracy TEST will be eligible to graduate with the Bachelor of Educational Studies (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education) on completion of the first three years of the recommended sequence below.

1861 - Bachelor of Educational Studies (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education)

Recommended Sequence Current

This sequence applies to students who commenced in 2025 or later. If you commenced prior to 2025 please refer to the relevant tab for details.

Qualification for this award requires the successful completion of 320 credit points including the subjects listed below.

Students are required to complete 80 credit points of subjects for each academic year as outlined below. Students can enrol in these subjects during Quarters 1, 2, 3 and 4, based on the subject's availability. Students may undertake a maximum of 30 credit points per quarter. If a student wishes to enrol in more than 20 credit points within a single quarter, they must submit a rule waiver request for approval for the third subject.

Please note that some subjects may have enrolment restrictions, including pre-requisites or co-requisites. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure these requirements are fulfilled prior to enrolment. 

Additionally, the program includes four electives, with three electives that can be completed in any quarters in year 2 & 3 and one elective in year 4.

Full-time start-year intake

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1Credit Points
TEAC 1008 Curriculum and Aboriginal Perspectives 10
TEAC 1037 Exploring Patterns and Relationships in Mathematics 10
TEAC 1031 Sociology for Educators 10
TEAC 1038 Literacy and Numeracy for Educators 10
TEAC 1011 Educational Psychology 10
TEAC 1017 Identity and Voice in Multimodal Texts 10
TEAC 2011 Contemporary Issues in Aboriginal Education 10
TEAC 2062 Teachers as Change Makers 10
Students may exit with a Diploma in Educational Studies (Primary) - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education at this point. 1  
 Credit Points80
Year 2
TEAC 2043 Numeracy and Mathematics in the Early Years 10
TEAC 3016 Language and Literacy in the Early Years 10
TEAC 2004 Being a Teacher 10
TEAC 2048 Professional Experience 1: Working in Classrooms 10
TEAC 2033 Indigenous Landscapes and Sustainability 10
TEAC 2053 Science and Technology in the Primary Years 10
TEAC 2063 History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship in the Primary Years 10
Select one elective 10
 Credit Points80
Year 3
TEAC 3019 Numeracy and Mathematics in Years 3-6 10
TEAC 3015 Language and Literacy in Years 3-6 10
TEAC 3046 Engaging Pedagogies 10
TEAC 3020 Professional Experience 2: Working with Assessment Data for Instruction 10
TEAC 3004 Creative Arts in the Primary Years 10
TEAC 3010 Health and Physical Education in the Primary Years 10
Select two electives 20
National Literacy and Numeracy TEST 2  
Note: Students who do not sit or meet the standard of the National Literacy and Numeracy TEST can exit at this point with a Bachelor of Education Studies (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education) 2  
 Credit Points80
Year 4
TEAC 3003 Community Responsive Pedagogies and Leadership 10
TEAC 3013 Inclusive Practices 10
TEAC 3043 Reading Children's Literature and Digital Texts 10
TEAC 3021 Professional Experience 3: Engaging with Diverse Students and Communities 10
TEAC 2060 Developing Aboriginal Languages K-6 10
TEAC 4010 Researching Professional Practice 10
TEAC 4006 Professional Experience 4: Transition into the Profession 10
Select one elective 10
 Credit Points80
 Total Credit Points320

1718 - Diploma in Educational Studies (Primary) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education


1861 - Bachelor of Educational Studies (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education)

Recommended Electives 

Subject Title Credit Points
Electives may be selected from the following subjects
TEAC 2009Contemporary Childhoods10
TEAC 2065Digital Childhoods10
TEAC 2017Education and Transformation10
TEAC 2018Education for Sustainability10
TEAC 2037Learning and Creativity10
TEAC 3006Education in a Cosmopolitan Society10
TEAC 3009Ethical Futures10
TEAC 3031The Brain and Learning10
TEAC 3051Creativity and Cultural Wellbeing for Communities10
TEAC 3052Connecting with Regional, Rural and Remote Communities and Schools10

Recommended Sequence 2023-2024

This sequence applies to students who commenced in 2023 to 2024. If you commenced in 2020-2022 or 2025 or later, please refer to the relevant tab for details.

Qualification for this award requires the successful completion of 320 credit points including the subjects listed in the recommended sequence below.

Full-time start-year intake

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Autumn sessionCredit Points
TEAC 1008 Curriculum and Aboriginal Perspectives 10
TEAC 1031 Sociology for Educators 10
TEAC 1038 Literacy and Numeracy for Educators 10
TEAC 1037 Exploring Patterns and Relationships in Mathematics 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
TEAC 1017 Identity and Voice in Multimodal Texts 10
TEAC 2011 Contemporary Issues in Aboriginal Education 10
TEAC 1011 Educational Psychology 10
TEAC 2062 Teachers as Change Makers 10
Students may exit with a Diploma in Educational Studies (Primary) - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education at this point. 1  
 Credit Points40
Year 2
Autumn session
TEAC 2043 Numeracy and Mathematics in the Early Years 10
TEAC 3016 Language and Literacy in the Early Years 10
TEAC 2004 Being a Teacher 10
TEAC 2048 Professional Experience 1: Working in Classrooms 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
TEAC 2033 Indigenous Landscapes and Sustainability 10
TEAC 2053 Science and Technology in the Primary Years 10
TEAC 2063 History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship in the Primary Years 10
Select one elective 10
 Credit Points40
Year 3
Autumn session
TEAC 3019 Numeracy and Mathematics in Years 3-6 10
TEAC 3015 Language and Literacy in Years 3-6 10
TEAC 3046 Engaging Pedagogies 10
TEAC 3020 Professional Experience 2: Working with Assessment Data for Instruction 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
TEAC 3004 Creative Arts in the Primary Years 10
TEAC 3010 Health and Physical Education in the Primary Years 10
Select two electives 20
National Literacy and Numeracy TEST 2  
Note: Students who do not sit or meet the standard of the National Literacy and Numeracy TEST can exit at this point with a Bachelor of Education Studies (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education) 2  
 Credit Points40
Year 4
Autumn session
TEAC 3003 Community Responsive Pedagogies and Leadership 10
TEAC 3013 Inclusive Practices 10
TEAC 3043 Reading Children's Literature and Digital Texts 10
TEAC 3021 Professional Experience 3: Engaging with Diverse Students and Communities 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
TEAC 2060 Developing Aboriginal Languages K-6 10
TEAC 4010 Researching Professional Practice 10
TEAC 4006 Professional Experience 4: Transition into the Profession 10
Select one elective 10
 Credit Points40
 Total Credit Points320

1718 - Diploma in Educational Studies (Primary) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education


1861 - Bachelor of Educational Studies (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education)

Recommended Electives 

Subject Title Credit Points
Electives may be selected from the following subjects
TEAC 2009Contemporary Childhoods10
TEAC 2065Digital Childhoods10
TEAC 2017Education and Transformation10
TEAC 2018Education for Sustainability10
TEAC 2037Learning and Creativity10
TEAC 3006Education in a Cosmopolitan Society10
TEAC 3009Ethical Futures10
TEAC 3031The Brain and Learning10
TEAC 3051Creativity and Cultural Wellbeing for Communities10
TEAC 3052Connecting with Regional, Rural and Remote Communities and Schools10

Recommended Sequence 2020-2022

This sequence applies to students who commenced in 2020 to 2022. If you commenced in 2023 or later please refer to the relevant tab for details.

Qualification for this award requires the successful completion of 320 credit points including the subjects listed in the recommended sequence below.

Full-time start-year intake

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Autumn sessionCredit Points
TEAC 1008 Curriculum and Aboriginal Perspectives 10
TEAC 1020 Language and Literacy 1 10
TEAC 1022 Literacy Skills for Teacher Education 10
TEAC 1028 Numeracy for Teaching 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
TEAC 2020 Educational Psychology for Teaching Children 10
TEAC 2031 History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship 10
TEAC 1017 Identity and Voice in Multimodal Texts 10
TEAC 1029 Professional Experience 1: Introduction to Classrooms 10
Students may exit with a Diploma in Educational Studies (Primary) - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education at this point. 1  
 Credit Points40
Year 2
Autumn session
TEAC 2011 Contemporary Issues in Aboriginal Education 10
TEAC 2014 Cultural Diversity, Society and Learning 10
TEAC 1010 Early Primary Mathematics 10
TEAC 2058 Wellbeing and Promoting Positive Learning Environments 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
TEAC 2030 Health and Physical Education 10
TEAC 2032 Inclusive Education Practices 10
TEAC 2049 Professional Experience 2: School-based Learning 10
TEAC 2052 Science and Technology 10
 Credit Points40
Year 3
Autumn session
TEAC 2013 Creative Arts 10
TEAC 2060 Developing Aboriginal Languages K-6 10
TEAC 4002 Developing Primary Mathematics 10
TEAC 3014 Language and Literacy 2 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
TEAC 3036 Data and Assessment in the Primary classroom 10
TEAC 2033 Indigenous Landscapes and Sustainability 10
TEAC 3040 Professional Experience 3 10
TEAC 3032 Understanding and Teaching in Context 10
National Literacy and Numeracy TEST 2  
Note: Students who do not sit or meet the standard of the National Literacy and Numeracy TEST can exit at this point with a Bachelor of Education Studies (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education) 2  
 Credit Points40
Year 4
Autumn session
TEAC 3003 Community Responsive Pedagogies and Leadership 10
TEAC 3038 Health and Physical Education 2 10
TEAC 3039 Mathematics 1: Geometry, Number and Algebra Years K-6 10
TEAC 2061 Teaching K-6: Pedagogies, Priorities and Capabilities 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
TEAC 3048 Creative Arts 2 10
TEAC 3037 Engaging in the Profession 10
TEAC 3023 Professional Experience 4: Teaching in Country 10
TEAC 3041 Science and Technology 2 10
 Credit Points40
 Total Credit Points320

1718 - Diploma in Educational Studies (Primary) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education


1861 - Bachelor of Educational Studies (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education)

Replaced subjects

The subject listed below count towards completion of this course for students who passed these units in 2020 or earlier.

TEAC 2059 - Creative Arts 2, replaced by TEAC 3048 Creative Arts 2