Bachelor of Arts (Interpreting and Translation) Dean's Scholars (1692)

  • Approved Abbreviation: BA(I&T)DeansSchol
  • Western Sydney University Program Code: 1692
  • AQF Level: 7

CRICOS Code: 103545K

This program is suspended from Autumn session 2024, no new students will be admitted from this session.

This program applies to students who commenced in 2018 or later.

Students should follow the program structure for the session start date relevant to the year they commenced.

Commencement Year 2018 - 1692.6 Bachelor of Arts (Interpreting and Translation) Dean's Scholars

Commencement Year 2017 - 1692.5 Bachelor of Arts (Interpreting and Translation) Dean's Scholars

Commencement Year Spring 2015 to 2016 - 1692.4 Bachelor of Arts (Interpreting and Translation) Dean's Scholars

Commencement Year 2013 - Autumn 2015 - 1692.3 Bachelor of Arts (Interpreting and Translation) Dean's Scholars

Commencement Year 2012 - 1692.2 Bachelor of Arts (Interpreting and Translation) Dean's Scholars

Commencement Year 2011 - 1692.1 Bachelor of Arts (Interpreting and Translation) Dean's Scholars

This program is designed to provide exceptional students with appropriate training and theoretical background to equip them to work as professional interpreters or translators. The program consists of a key field of study in Interpreting or Translation and a major in language. Students complete a period of professional practical experience and sit for capstone examinations which qualify them to seek Certification by the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters [NAATI].

Students in Bachelor of Arts (Interpreting and Translation) Dean's Scholars may qualify for the alternate exit program Bachelor of Arts (Interpreting and Translation Studies).

Students in 1692 Bachelor of Arts (Interpreting and Translation) Dean's Scholars may qualify for the alternate exit course 1813 Bachelor of Arts (Interpreting and Translation Studies).

1813 Bachelor of Arts (Interpreting and Translation Studies)

  • Director of Academic Program - Dr Peter Mauch

Study Mode

Three years full-time or six years part-time.

Program Advice

Prospective students should visit the following websites for general enquiries about this program.

Enquire about this program| Local Admission | International Admission |


Campus Attendance Mode Advice
Parramatta City Campus-Macquarie Street Full Time Internal See above
Parramatta City Campus-Macquarie Street Part Time Internal See above


This program is an Endorsed Qualification for the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI) at the Certified Interpreter and Translator level (formerly Level 3). Students who wish to sit for NAATI Certification must pass the subject LANG 3067 Preparation for NAATI Certification (UG). Students who are unable to pass this subject will be able to graduate with the Bachelor of Arts (Interpreting and Translation Studies) as an alternative exit, provided they pass an alternative subject of 10 credit points.


From Autumn 2024, there will be no further admissions into this program. 

  • Any two units of English and a high level of proficiency (native or near-native level) in one of the languages offered in the program.
  • A minimum ATAR of 90.

Applications from Australian and New Zealand citizens and holders of permanent resident visas must be made via the Universities Admissions Centre (UAC).  Use the links below to apply via UAC or Western Sydney University.  Applications made directly to Western Sydney do not have an application fee.

Applicants who have undertaken studies overseas may have to provide proof of proficiency in English. Local and International applicants who are applying through the Universities Admissions Centre (UAC) will find details of minimum English proficiency requirements and acceptable proof on the UAC website. Local applicants applying directly to the University should also use the information provided on the UAC website.

Overseas qualifications must be deemed by the Australian Education International - National Office of Overseas Skills Recognition (AEI-NOOSR) to be equivalent to Australian qualifications in order to be considered by UAC and Western Sydney University.

Program Structure

Qualification for this award requires the successful completion of 240 credit points including the subjects listed in the recommended sequence below.

  • 90 credit points of core subjects including 40 credit points of the Bachelor of Arts core subjects
  • 60 credit points of Interpreting and Translation subjects
  • 40 credit points of Level 3 Language and English Consolidation Pool subjects
  • 30 credit points of Linguistics subjects
  • 20 credit points of Dean’s Scholars Pool subjects

Note: Students in Bachelor of Arts (Interpreting and Translation) Dean’s Scholars who do not complete subject LANG 3067 Preparation for NAATI Certification (UG) may qualify for the alternate exit program Bachelor of Arts (Interpreting and Translation Studies by completing any additional 10 credit point subject from the Linguistics or Language pool subjects or from any subject in Bachelor of Arts.

B Arts Core Subjects (40 credit points)

Subject Title Credit Points
HUMN 1052Australian Politics and Active Citizenship10
LANG 1030Thinking Critically About Texts and Society10
HUMN 1053Diversity, Language and Culture10
LANG 1029Foundations of Academic English10
Total Credit Points40

Equivalent Core Subjects

The core subjects listed below count towards completion of this program for students who passed these subjects in 2019 or earlier.

HUMN 1002 - Analytical Reading and Writing, replaced by  LANG 1029 Foundations of Academic English 
HUMN 1005 - Australia and the World, replaced by HUMN 1052 Australian Politics and Active Citizenship 
HUMN 1009 - Contemporary Society, replaced by HUMN 1053 Diversity, Language and Culture 
LANG 1026 - Texts and Traditions, replaced by LANG 1030 Thinking Critically About Texts and Society

Interpreting and Translation Pool

Students must complete 60 credit points from the Interpreting and Translation pool

Subject Title Credit Points
Select 60 credit points of the following:60
Community Translation (UG)
Interpreting Skills
Legal Interpreting (UG)
Medical Interpreting (UG)
Specialised Translation (UG)
Text Analysis for Translation (UG)
Translation Technologies
Total Credit Points60

Linguistics Pool

Students must complete 30 credit points of Linguistics pool subjects from the Bachelor of Arts

Linguistics, Major

Dean's Scholars Pool Subjects

Students in the Bachelor of Arts (Interpreting and Translation) Dean’s Scholars not undertaking the Bachelor of Applied Leadership and Critical Thinking (BALCT) must complete at least 20 credit points from the following Dean’s Scholars pool subjects

Subject Title Credit Points
Select at least 20 credit points of the following:20
Creativity, Design Thinking and Visualisation
Ethical Leadership
Changemakers and Entrepreneurship
International Special Study
Citizenship and Community Engagement
Critical and Systems Thinking
Leadership in Complexity
Logic, Argumentation and Post-Truth
Knowledge Journeys
Total Credit Points20

Equivalent Subjects

The subjects listed below count towards completion of the 20 credit points from the above pool for students who passed these subjects in 2021 or earlier.

BEHV 2007 - Internship and Community Engagement, replaced by BEHV 2019 Citizenship and Community Engagement
DESN 2002 - Creativity, Innovation and Design Thinking, replaced by DESN 2016 Creativity, Design Thinking and Visualisation
HUMN 1036 - Introduction to Critical Thinking, replaced by HUMN 1063 Critical and Systems Thinking
HUMN 2045 - Research Stories, replaced by HUMN 2071 Knowledge Journeys
HUMN 2035 - Logic, Rhetoric and Argumentation, replaced by HUMN 2072 Logic, Argumentation and Post-Truth
BUSM 1016 - Leadership in a Complex World, replaced by BUSM 1044 Leadership in Complexity
HUMN 3052 - Innovation Lab, replaced by HUMN 3114 Changemakers and Entrepreneurship

Students in the Bachelor of Arts (Interpreting and Translation) Dean’s Scholars also undertaking the Bachelor of Applied Leadership and Critical Thinking (BALCT) must complete 20 credit points from the following pool:

Subject Title Credit Points
Select 20 credit points of the following:20
Humanities Internship
International Special Study
Study Tours
Note: HUMN 3053 International Study Tours is equivalent to HUMN 3106 Study Tours for students who passed this subject in 2019 or earlier.
Total Credit Points20

Languages and English Consolidation Pool

Students must complete 40 credit points from this pool (any combination of Level 3 language subjects and English subjects listed below)

Language subject must be completed at Level 3 – Arabic, Chinese, Japanese or Spanish.

English Consolidation

Subject Title Credit Points
TEAC 1012English as an International Language10
TEAC 2025English Language Analysis10
LANG 2055English Text10
INFO 2009Multiliteracies10

Equivalent Subjects 

The subjects listed below count towards completion of the 60 credit points from this pool for students who passed these subjects in 2020 or earlier.

LANG 2048 Working Grammar 
TEAC 3008 English Language Linguistics, replaced by LANG 2055 English Text 

The subject listed below counts towards completion of the 60 credit points from this pool for students who passed this subject in 2021 or earlier.

COMM 2050 Multiliteracies, replaced by INFO 2009 Multiliteracies

Click the link below to refer to the Level 3 Arabic language pool from the Bachelor of Arts

Click the link below to refer to the Level 3 Chinese language pool from the Bachelor of Arts

Click the link below to refer to the Level 3 Japanese language pool from the Bachelor of Arts


Some subjects below need to be completed cross-institutionally as they are no longer available at Western Sydney University

Subject Title Credit Points
LANG 3074Spanish 30110
LANG 3075Spanish 30210
LANG 3076Spanish 303: Advanced Writing Skills10
LANG 3077Spanish 304: Advanced Speaking Skills10
LANG 3078Spanish 305: Contemporary Literature10
LANG 3079Spanish 306: Contemporary History10
LANG 3080Spanish 307: Classical Literature10
LANG 3081Spanish 308: Spanish Sociolinguistics10
LANG 3045Intercultural Communication10
LANG 3082Special Study in Languages and Linguistics10
LANG 3072Short Fiction in the Americas10

Recommended Sequence


Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Autumn sessionCredit Points
LANG 1017 Introduction to Translation 10
LANG 1014 Introduction to Linguistics 10
LANG 1029 Foundations of Academic English 10
Select one subject from the Language and English Consolidation pool (Language subjects must be Level 3) 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
LANG 1013 Introduction to Interpreting 10
LANG 1030 Thinking Critically About Texts and Society 10
HUMN 1052 Australian Politics and Active Citizenship 10
Select one subject from the Language and English Consolidation pool (Language subjects must be Level 3) 10
 Credit Points40
Year 2
Autumn session
HUMN 1053 Diversity, Language and Culture 10
Select two Interpreting and Translation pool subjects 20
Select one Dean’s Scholars Pool subject 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
Select two Interpreting and Translation pool subjects 20
Select one Linguistics pool subject 10
Select one Dean’s Scholars Pool subject 10
 Credit Points40
Year 3
Autumn session
Select one Interpreting and Translation pool subject 10
Select two Linguistics pool subjects 20
Select one subject from the Language and English Consolidation pool (Language subjects must be Level 3) 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
LANG 3067 Preparation for NAATI Certification (UG) 10
LANG 3049 Interpreting and Translation Professional Practicum (UG) 10
Select one Interpeting and Translation pool subject 10
Select one subject from the Language and English Consolidation pool (Language subjects must be Level 3) 10
 Credit Points40
 Total Credit Points240