- Associate Degree in Early Years Education (exit only) (1927)
- Associate Degree in Educational Studies (Secondary) (exit only) (1940)
- Associate Degree in Engineering (7022)
- Associate Degree in Health Support (exit only) (4799)
- Associate Degree in Policing (exit only) (1930)
- Associate Degree in Social Science (exit only) (1918)
- Associate Degree in Youth Studies (exit only) (1934)
- Bachelor of Accounting (2783)
- Bachelor of Accounting/Bachelor of Laws (2785)
- Bachelor of Accounting/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (2839)
- Bachelor of Advanced Medical Science (3758)
- Bachelor of Advanced Science (3757)
- Bachelor of Architectural Design (3753)
- Bachelor of Arts (1706)
- Bachelor of Arts (Dean's Scholars) (1655)
- Bachelor of Arts (Interpreting and Translation Studies) (exit only) (1813)
- Bachelor of Arts (Interpreting and Translation) (1519)
- Bachelor of Arts (Interpreting and Translation) Dean's Scholars (1692)
- Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Birth - 5/Birth - 12) (1708)
- Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Early Childhood/Primary) (1929)
- Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Primary) (1651)
- Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Primary) Dean's Scholars (1822)
- Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Secondary) (1652)
- Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Secondary) Dean's Scholars (1823)
- Bachelor of Arts (Psychology)/Bachelor of Laws (2843)
- Bachelor of Arts (Psychology)/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (2844)
- Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Business (1818)
- Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Creative Industries (1842)
- Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Laws (2537)
- Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (2830)
- Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Social Science (1808)
- Bachelor of Building Design Management (3727)
- Bachelor of Building Design Management (Honours) (3801)
- Bachelor of Business (2786)
- Bachelor of Business (Pathway to Teaching Secondary) (2804)
- Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Laws (2788)
- Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (2840)
- Bachelor of Communication (1696)
- Bachelor of Communication (Dean's Scholars) (1736)
- Bachelor of Communication / Bachelor of International Studies (1932)
- Bachelor of Communication/Bachelor of Business (1819)
- Bachelor of Communication/Bachelor of Creative Industries (1840)
- Bachelor of Communication/Bachelor of International Studies (1707)
- Bachelor of Communication/Bachelor of Laws (2752)
- Bachelor of Community Welfare (1665)
- Bachelor of Computer Science (3506)
- Bachelor of Computer Science (Advanced) (3634)
- Bachelor of Construction Management (Honours) (3762)
- Bachelor of Construction Management Advanced (Honours) (3782)
- Bachelor of Construction Management Studies (exit only) (3697)
- Bachelor of Construction Management Studies/Bachelor of Laws (2769)
- Bachelor of Construction Management Studies/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (2838)
- Bachelor of Construction Technology (3692)
- Bachelor of Creative Industries (1838)
- Bachelor of Creative Leadership (1943)
- Bachelor of Creative Leadership (8127)
- Bachelor of Criminal and Community Justice (1709)
- Bachelor of Criminal and Community Justice/Bachelor of Laws (2767)
- Bachelor of Criminal and Community Justice/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (2836)
- Bachelor of Criminal and Community Justice/Bachelor of Social Work (1713)
- Bachelor of Criminology (1710)
- Bachelor of Criminology/Bachelor of Laws (2766)
- Bachelor of Criminology/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (2835)
- Bachelor of Cyber Security and Behaviour (1837)
- Bachelor of Data Science (3769)
- Bachelor of Design (Visual Communication) (1571)
- Bachelor of Design - Visual Communication (Dean's Scholars) (1737)
- Bachelor of Design and Technology (3729)
- Bachelor of Design Studies (exit only) (1624)
- Bachelor of Design/Bachelor of Creative Industries (1839)
- Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood) (1926)
- Bachelor of Education (Primary) (1876)
- Bachelor of Education (Primary) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education (1717)
- Bachelor of Education (Secondary) (1939)
- Bachelor of Educational Studies (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education) (exit only) (1861)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (3740)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Business (3728)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Business (3800)
- Bachelor of Engineering Advanced (Honours) (3771)
- Bachelor of Engineering Science (3691)
- Bachelor of Entrepreneurship (3747)
- Bachelor of Entrepreneurship (Games Design and Simulation) (3746)
- Bachelor of Graphic Design (Pathway to Teaching Secondary) (1843)
- Bachelor of Health and Physical Education (4792)
- Bachelor of Health and Physical Education (Pathway to Teaching Secondary) (4791)
- Bachelor of Health Science (4656)
- Bachelor of Health Science (Clinical Sciences) (exit only) (4789)
- Bachelor of Health Science (Health and Physical Education) (4747)
- Bachelor of Health Science (Health and Physical Education)-Pathway to Teaching (Secondary) (4742)
- Bachelor of Health Science (Paramedicine) (4669)
- Bachelor of Health Science (Sport and Exercise Science) (4658)
- Bachelor of Humanitarian and Development Studies (1735)
- Bachelor of Industrial Design (3730)
- Bachelor of Industrial Design (Honours) (3731)
- Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology (3639)
- Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology (Advanced) (3684)
- Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology (Health Information Management) (3711)
- Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology/Bachelor of Arts (3654)
- Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology/Bachelor of Business (3737)
- Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology/Bachelor of Business (Accounting) (3738)
- Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology/Bachelor of Laws (2768)
- Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (2837)
- Bachelor of Information Systems (3687)
- Bachelor of Information Systems Advanced (3688)
- Bachelor of Information Systems Advanced/Bachelor of Business (3745)
- Bachelor of Information Systems Advanced/Bachelor of Laws (2801)
- Bachelor of Information Systems Advanced/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (2842)
- Bachelor of Information Systems/Bachelor of Business (3744)
- Bachelor of Information Systems/Bachelor of Laws (2800)
- Bachelor of Information Systems/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (2841)
- Bachelor of International Studies (1658)
- Bachelor of International Studies (Dean's Scholars) (1739)
- Bachelor of International Studies/Bachelor of Business (1820)
- Bachelor of International Studies/Bachelor of Laws (2758)
- Bachelor of International Studies/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (2834)
- Bachelor of International Studies/Bachelor of Social Science (1807)
- Bachelor of Languages and Linguistics (1810)
- Bachelor of Laws (Graduate Entry) (2501)
- Bachelor of Laws (Graduate Entry) (Honours) (2828)
- Bachelor of Laws (Non Graduate Entry) (2502)
- Bachelor of Laws (Non Graduate Entry) (Honours) (2829)
- Bachelor of Mathematics (3778)
- Bachelor of Medical Research (4647)
- Bachelor of Medical Science (3755)
- Bachelor of Medical Science (Forensic Mortuary Practice) (3733)
- Bachelor of Midwifery (4684)
- Bachelor of Music (1659)
- Bachelor of Music (Dean's Scholars) (1738)
- Bachelor of Music/Bachelor of Creative Industries (1841)
- Bachelor of Nursing (4691)
- Bachelor of Nursing (Honours) (4529)
- Bachelor of Nursing - WSU Online (4780)
- Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (4711)
- Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours) (4712)
- Bachelor of Paramedicine (4790)
- Bachelor of Physiotherapy (4706)
- Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours) (4733)
- Bachelor of Planning (Pathway to Master of Urban Management and Planning) (1732)
- Bachelor of Podiatric Medicine (4708)
- Bachelor of Podiatric Medicine (Honours) (4709)
- Bachelor of Policing (1844)
- Bachelor of Policing (Leadership Program) (1734)
- Bachelor of Psychological Science (exit only) (1904)
- Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours) (1905)
- Bachelor of Psychological Studies (exit only) (1835)
- Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) (1865)
- Bachelor of Research Studies (8083)
- Bachelor of Research Studies (exit only) (8087)
- Bachelor of Research Studies (Planning) (8119)
- Bachelor of Science (3754)
- Bachelor of Science (Pathway to Teaching Primary/Secondary) (3756)
- Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Arts (3763)
- Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Business (4748)
- Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of International Studies (3764)
- Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Laws (2743)
- Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (2832)
- Bachelor of Screen Media (Arts and Production) (1791)
- Bachelor of Social Science (1667)
- Bachelor of Social Science (Advanced) (1733)
- Bachelor of Social Science/Bachelor of Laws (2538)
- Bachelor of Social Work (1666)
- Bachelor of Speech Pathology (4763)
- Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours) (4788)
- Bachelor of Sport Development (4741)
- Bachelor of Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security (3726)
- Bachelor of Tourism and Event Management (1916)
- Bachelor of Tourism Management (1664)
- Bachelor of Traditional Chinese Medicine (4710)
- Bachelor of Youth Work (1933)
- Diploma in Arts (7049)
- Diploma in Arts (7195)
- Diploma in Arts Extended - Arts (7161)
- Diploma in Arts Extended - Interpreting and Translation (7166)
- Diploma in Arts Extended - Pathway to Teaching Birth-5/Birth-12 (7146)
- Diploma in Arts Extended - Pathway to Teaching Early Childhood/Primary (7187)
- Diploma in Arts Extended - Pathway to Teaching Primary (7144)
- Diploma in Arts Extended - Pathway to Teaching Secondary (7145)
- Diploma in Arts/Bachelor of Arts (6005)
- Diploma in Arts/Bachelor of Arts (Interpreting and Translation) (6041)
- Diploma in Arts/Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Birth-5/Birth-12) (6017)
- Diploma in Arts/Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Early Childhood/Primary) (6048)
- Diploma in Arts/Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Primary) (6019)
- Diploma in Arts/Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Secondary) (6021)
- Diploma in Building Design and Construction (7192)
- Diploma in Building Design Management (7108)
- Diploma in Building Design Management Extended (7183)
- Diploma in Building Design Management/Bachelor of Building Design Management (6031)
- Diploma in Business (7177)
- Diploma in Business (7190)
- Diploma in Business Extended (7102)
- Diploma in Business Fast Track (7100)
- Diploma in Business/Bachelor of Business (6037)
- Diploma in Communication Extended - Communication (7148)
- Diploma in Communication Extended - Creative Industries (7149)
- Diploma in Communication Extended - Screen Media (Arts and Production) (7150)
- Diploma in Communication/Bachelor of Communication (6007)
- Diploma in Communication/Bachelor of Creative Industries (6009)
- Diploma in Communication/Bachelor of Screen Media (Arts and Production) (6015)
- Diploma in Construction Technology (exit only) (7169)
- Diploma in Construction Technology Extended (7184)
- Diploma in Construction Technology/ Bachelor of Construction Technology (6045)
- Diploma in Creative Industries and Communication (7194)
- Diploma in Criminal and Community Justice (exit only) (7032)
- Diploma in Criminal and Community Justice Extended (7154)
- Diploma in Criminal and Community Justice/Bachelor of Criminal and Community Justice (6025)
- Diploma in Culture, Society and Justice (7188)
- Diploma in Design (exit only) (7044)
- Diploma in Design Extended - Graphic Design (Pathway to Teaching Secondary) (7153)
- Diploma in Design Extended - Visual Communication (7152)
- Diploma in Design/Bachelor of Design (Visual Communication) (6011)
- Diploma in Design/Bachelor of Graphic Design (Pathway to Teaching Secondary) (6013)
- Diploma in Education Studies (7197)
- Diploma in Educational Studies (Primary) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education (exit only) (1718)
- Diploma in Educational Studies (Secondary) (exit only) (1941)
- Diploma in Engineering (7034)
- Diploma in Engineering Extended (7162)
- Diploma in Engineering Fast Track (7035)
- Diploma in Engineering Studies (7193)
- Diploma in Engineering/Bachelor of Engineering Studies (6033)
- Diploma in Health Science (7018)
- Diploma in Health Science (7189)
- Diploma in Health Science (Health and Physical Education) (7088)
- Diploma in Health Science (Health and Physical Education) Extended (7143)
- Diploma in Health Science Extended (7142)
- Diploma in Health Science/Bachelor of Health Science (6000)
- Diploma in Health Support (exit only) (4800)
- Diploma in Information and Communications Technology (7163)
- Diploma in Information and Communications Technology (7191)
- Diploma in Information and Communications Technology (Health Information Management) (exit only) (7164)
- Diploma in Information and Communications Technology (Health Information Management) Extended (7141)
- Diploma in Information and Communications Technology / Bachelor of Information Systems (6040)
- Diploma in Information and Communications Technology Extended - ICT (7138)
- Diploma in Information and Communications Technology Extended - Information Systems (7140)
- Diploma in Information and Communications Technology Fast Track (7004)
- Diploma in Science (7196)
- Diploma in Science (exit only) (7084)
- Diploma in Science Extended - Medical Science (7120)
- Diploma in Science Extended - Science (7122)
- Diploma in Science Fast Track (7009)
- Diploma in Science/Bachelor of Medical Science (6042)
- Diploma in Science/Bachelor of Science (6043)
- Diploma in Social Science (exit only) (7050)
- Diploma in Social Science (Humanitarian and Development Studies) (exit only) (1917)
- Diploma in Social Science (Policing) Extended (7168)
- Diploma in Social Science (Policing)/Bachelor of Policing (6044)
- Diploma in Social Science Extended - Humanitarian and Development Studies (7156)
- Diploma in Social Science Extended - Social Science (7157)
- Diploma in Social Science Extended - Tourism and Event Management (7186)
- Diploma in Social Science Extended - Tourism Management (7159)
- Diploma in Social Science Studies (exit only) (1919)
- Diploma in Social Science/Bachelor of Humanitarian and Development Studies (6027)
- Diploma in Social Science/Bachelor of Social Science (6023)
- Diploma in Social Science/Bachelor of Tourism and Event Management (6047)
- Diploma in Social Science/Bachelor of Tourism Management (6030)
- Diploma in Social Sciences (7198)
- Diploma in Youth and Communities (exit only) (1935)
- Diploma/Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology (6039)
- Diploma/Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology (Health Information Management) (6038)
- Graduate Diploma in Laws (exit only) (2846)
- Bachelor of Communication/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (2833)
- Bachelor of Social Science/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (2831)
- Bachelor of Clinical Science (Medicine) / Doctor of Medicine (MD) (4758)
- Graduate Certificate in Accounting (2790)
- Graduate Certificate in Acute and Critical Care Nursing (4749)
- Graduate Certificate in Advanced Imaging (MRI) (4769)
- Graduate Certificate in Aged Care Management (4756)
- Graduate Certificate in Ageing, Wellbeing and Sustainability (4783)
- Graduate Certificate in Allergic Diseases (4755)
- Graduate Certificate in Applied Finance (2760)
- Graduate Certificate in Art Therapy (exit only) (1700)
- Graduate Certificate in Artificial Intelligence (exit only) (3767)
- Graduate Certificate in Building Surveying (3790)
- Graduate Certificate in Bushfire Protection (3794)
- Graduate Certificate in Business (2765)
- Graduate Certificate in Business Administration (2757)
- Graduate Certificate in Business Studies (exit only) (2751)
- Graduate Certificate in Child and Family Health (Karitane) (4715)
- Graduate Certificate in Child Health (exit only) (4794)
- Graduate Certificate in Chinese Medicine (exit only) (4718)
- Graduate Certificate in Counselling (1648)
- Graduate Certificate in Cross-cultural Relations (exit only) (1885)
- Graduate Certificate in Data Science (3751)
- Graduate Certificate in Education (1913)
- Graduate Certificate in Education (Leadership and Management) (exit only) (1851)
- Graduate Certificate in Educational Studies (Secondary) (exit only) (1716)
- Graduate Certificate in Engineering (3695)
- Graduate Certificate in Epidemiology (4740)
- Graduate Certificate in Financial Advising (2825)
- Graduate Certificate in Financial Planning (2795)
- Graduate Certificate in Fire Safety Engineering (3792)
- Graduate Certificate in Forensic Science (3743)
- Graduate Certificate in Global Security and Justice (exit only) (1925)
- Graduate Certificate in Health Science (4701)
- Graduate Certificate in Health Support (exit only) (4798)
- Graduate Certificate in Human and Business Performance (1942)
- Graduate Certificate in Humanitarian and Development Studies (1897)
- Graduate Certificate in Humanitarian and Development Studies (1868)
- Graduate Certificate in Inclusive Education (1721)
- Graduate Certificate in Information and Communications Technology (3701)
- Graduate Certificate in Interpreting and Translation (1602)
- Graduate Certificate in Literature and Creative Writing (exit only) (1833)
- Graduate Certificate in Marketing (exit only) (2818)
- Graduate Certificate in Mental Health Nursing (4721)
- Graduate Certificate in Nursing (4724)
- Graduate Certificate in Nursing (Professional Studies) (exit only) (4737)
- Graduate Certificate in Person-centred Diabetes Care and Education (4761)
- Graduate Certificate in Primary Mathematics Education (1830)
- Graduate Certificate in Professional Practice (1912)
- Graduate Certificate in Project Management (3787)
- Graduate Certificate in Property Investment (2814)
- Graduate Certificate in Public Health (4705)
- Graduate Certificate in Researcher Engagement, Development and Impact (8111)
- Graduate Certificate in Secondary STEM Education (1882)
- Graduate Certificate in Secondary Teaching (1914)
- Graduate Certificate in Start Up Scale Up (2821)
- Graduate Certificate in Sustainable Tourism Futures (exit only) (1922)
- Graduate Certificate in Sustainable Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management (1938)
- Graduate Certificate in TESOL (1802)
- Graduate Certificate in Urban Management (Green Cities) (1898)
- Graduate Certificate in Urban Management (Healthy Places) (1899)
- Graduate Diploma in Advanced Gynaecological Surgery (4766)
- Graduate Diploma in Advanced Imaging (MRI) (exit only) (4768)
- Graduate Diploma in Aged Care Management (4757)
- Graduate Diploma in Ageing, Wellbeing and Sustainability (4782)
- Graduate Diploma in Allergic Diseases (exit only) (4754)
- Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance (exit only) (2796)
- Graduate Diploma in Art Therapy (exit only) (4596)
- Graduate Diploma in Artificial Intelligence (exit only) (3766)
- Graduate Diploma in Australian Migration Law (2819)
- Graduate Diploma in Building Surveying (3789)
- Graduate Diploma in Bushfire Protection (3793)
- Graduate Diploma in Business Studies (exit only) (2750)
- Graduate Diploma in Cardiac Sonography (4743)
- Graduate Diploma in Child and Family Health (Karitane) (4714)
- Graduate Diploma in Child Health (4793)
- Graduate Diploma in Chinese Medicine (exit only) (4717)
- Graduate Diploma in Construction Law (exit only) (3796)
- Graduate Diploma in Counselling (1647)
- Graduate Diploma in Cross-cultural Relations (exit only) (1884)
- Graduate Diploma in Data Science (3750)
- Graduate Diploma in Digital Health (4778)
- Graduate Diploma in Educational Studies (Primary) (exit only) (1782)
- Graduate Diploma in Educational Studies (Secondary) (exit only) (1715)
- Graduate Diploma in Engineering (exit only) (3694)
- Graduate Diploma in Epidemiology (4739)
- Graduate Diploma in Financial Planning (2794)
- Graduate Diploma in Fire Safety Engineering (3791)
- Graduate Diploma in Forensic Science (3742)
- Graduate Diploma in Global Security and Justice (exit only) (1924)
- Graduate Diploma in Health Science (4700)
- Graduate Diploma in Health Service Management (4777)
- Graduate Diploma in Health Support (exit only) (4801)
- Graduate Diploma in Humanitarian and Development Studies (1867)
- Graduate Diploma in Humanitarian and Development Studies (1896)
- Graduate Diploma in Inclusive Education (exit only) (1722)
- Graduate Diploma in Information and Communications Technology (3700)
- Graduate Diploma in Interpreting (1775)
- Graduate Diploma in Interpreting Studies (exit only) (1778)
- Graduate Diploma in Literature and Creative Writing (exit only) (1832)
- Graduate Diploma in Mental Health Nursing (4720)
- Graduate Diploma in Midwifery (4775)
- Graduate Diploma in Nursing (4723)
- Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Professional Studies) (exit only) (4736)
- Graduate Diploma in Nursing Leadership (Mental Health) (exit only) (4746)
- Graduate Diploma in Obstetric and Gynecological Sonography (4802)
- Graduate Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety (4779)
- Graduate Diploma in Person-centred Diabetes Care and Education (4762)
- Graduate Diploma in Project Management (3786)
- Graduate Diploma in Psychology (1796)
- Graduate Diploma in Public Health (4704)
- Graduate Diploma in Start Up Scale Up (2820)
- Graduate Diploma in Sustainable Tourism Futures (exit only) (1921)
- Graduate Diploma in Sustainable Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management (exit only) (1937)
- Graduate Diploma in Teaching (Secondary) STEM (exit only) (1853)
- Graduate Diploma in TESOL (1801)
- Graduate Diploma in Translation (1776)
- Graduate Diploma in Translation Studies (exit only) (1779)
- Graduate Diploma in Vascular Sonography (4765)
- Graduate Diploma of Psychological Studies (1630)
- Juris Doctor (2826)
- Master of Advanced Imaging (MRI) (4767)
- Master of Ageing, Wellbeing and Sustainability (4781)
- Master of Applied Finance (2759)
- Master of Applied Neuromorphic Engineering (8124)
- Master of Architecture (Urban Transformation) (3761)
- Master of Art Therapy (4595)
- Master of Artificial Intelligence (3765)
- Master of Artificial Intelligence (Research) (8128)
- Master of Arts in Literature and Creative Writing (1831)
- Master of Arts in TESOL (1800)
- Master of Arts Translation and Interpreting Studies (1780)
- Master of Building Surveying (3703)
- Master of Bushfire Protection (3708)
- Master of Business (Operations Management) (2624)
- Master of Business Administration (2761)
- Master of Business Administration/Master of Applied Finance (2782)
- Master of Business Analytics (2816)
- Master of Business Research Studies (exit only) (2749)
- Master of Cardiac Sonography (4751)
- Master of Child and Family Health (Karitane) (4713)
- Master of Chinese Medicine (4716)
- Master of Chinese Medicine (4795)
- Master of Clinical Psychology (1812)
- Master of Construction Law (3795)
- Master of Creative Music Therapy (1650)
- Master of Cross-cultural Relations (1883)
- Master of Data Engineering (3802)
- Master of Data Science (3735)
- Master of Education (1911)
- Master of Educational Studies (exit only) (1859)
- Master of Engineering (3693)
- Master of Epidemiology (4738)
- Master of Finance (2705)
- Master of Financial Planning (2793)
- Master of Fire Safety Engineering (3705)
- Master of Forensic Science (3741)
- Master of Global Security and Justice (1923)
- Master of Health (Research Studies)/PhD (4681)
- Master of Health Science (4698)
- Master of Human Resource Management (2798)
- Master of Humanitarian and Development Studies (1866)
- Master of Humanitarian and Development Studies (1895)
- Master of Inclusive Education (1720)
- Master of Information and Communications Technology (3699)
- Master of Information and Communications Technology (Advanced) (3698)
- Master of Information and Communications Technology (Research) (8112)
- Master of Interpreting and Translation (1777)
- Master of Laws (2824)
- Master of Management (2797)
- Master of Marketing (2817)
- Master of Medicine (Allergic Diseases) (4753)
- Master of Medicine (Child Health) (4804)
- Master of Medicine (Pathology) (4750)
- Master of Mental Health Nursing (4719)
- Master of Neuromorphic Engineering (8123)
- Master of Nurse Practitioner (Mental Health) (4745)
- Master of Nursing (4722)
- Master of Nursing (Professional Studies) (4735)
- Master of Nursing Practice (Preregistration) (4785)
- Master of Planning (1712)
- Master of Primary Health Care (4694)
- Master of Professional Accounting (2689)
- Master of Professional Accounting (Advanced) (2815)
- Master of Professional Psychology (1814)
- Master of Project Management (3752)
- Master of Property Investment and Development (2813)
- Master of Psychotherapy and Counselling (1817)
- Master of Public Health (4702)
- Master of Research (8086)
- Master of Science (3749)
- Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (1792)
- Master of Sonography (4806)
- Master of Surgery (Advanced Gynaecological Surgery) (4770)
- Master of Sustainable Tourism and Heritage (1920)
- Master of Sustainable Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management (1936)
- Master of Teaching (Birth - 5 Years) (1784)
- Master of Teaching (Birth - 5 Years/Birth - 12 Years) (1783)
- Master of Teaching (Early Childhood and Primary) (1773)
- Master of Teaching (Early Childhood) (1774)
- Master of Teaching (Primary) (1781)
- Master of Teaching (Secondary) (1714)
- Master of Teaching (Secondary) STEM (1848)
- Master of Translation and TESOL (1816)
- Master of Urban Management and Planning (1873)
- Masters Qualifying Program with Business English (2845)
- Masters Qualifying Program with Concurrent English (2812)
- Postgraduate Bridging Program (Social Work) (1874)