Software Engineering, Testamur Major (T105)

  • Western Sydney University Major Code: T105

Previous Code: KT3175.1

Available to students in other Western Sydney University programs?  No

A major in Software Engineering provides a solid foundation in theoretical knowledge on computer software systems with practical acquisition of relevant industry skills. The program examines the processes of software design, development and maintenance. It also covers software specification, analysis, design, testing, implementation and maintenance. 
This major is designed in response to the growing demand for innovative, reliable and efficient software systems which are utilised in a broad field of industries. The program is offered inside an industry hub which provides students with direct access and firsthand experience with these industries.


Campus Mode Advice
Parramatta Campus - Victoria Road Internal Program Advice

Testamur Major Structure

This Major is  delivered at Engineering Innovation Hub – Hassall St, Parramatta City.

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Autumn sessionCredit Points
MATH 1034 Mathematics for Engineers 1 (Advanced) 10
ENGR 1024 Introduction to Engineering Practice 10
MATH 1006 Discrete Mathematics 10
ENGR 1045 Engineering Programming Fundamentals 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
COMP 2021 Software Engineering Fundamentals 10
MATH 1035 Mathematics for Engineers 2 (Advanced) 10
COMP 2014 Object Oriented Programming 10
COMP 2008 Computer Organisation 10
 Credit Points40
Year 2
Autumn session
ELEC 2016 Mathematics for Software Engineers 10
ELEC 2018 Systems Modelling and Design 10
ELEC 2017 Requirements and Design Workshop 10
INFS 2001 Database Design and Development 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
ELEC 2019 Workshop on Reasoning about Programs 10
COMP 3028 Software Construction 10
COMP 2004 Computer Networking 10
ELEC 1003 Electrical Fundamentals 10
 Credit Points40
Year 3
Autumn session
COMP 2009 Data Structures and Algorithms 10
COMP 3029Software Engineering Industry Project 10
ELEC 1001 Digital Systems 1 10
ELEC 2001 Circuit Theory 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
INFS 3008 Formal Software Engineering 10
Select one Alternate subject 10
Select two electives 20
Industrial Experience  
ENGR 3017 Industrial Experience (Engineering) 0
 Credit Points40
Year 4
Autumn session
ELEC 2004 Electronics 10
ENGR 4037 Advanced Engineering Thesis 1: Preliminary Investigations 10
Select two electives 20
 Credit Points40
Spring session
ENGR 4036 Advanced Engineering Thesis 2: Detailed Investigations 10
Select three Alternate subjects 30
 Credit Points40
 Total Credit Points320

Alternate Subjects

Subject Title Credit Points
HLTH 2003Biomechanics10
ENGR 4038Biomedical Electronics10
ELEC 3004Digital Systems 210
BIOS 1022Introduction to Human Biology10
BIOS 1035Anatomy and Physiology in Health10
ELEC 4003Power Quality10
ELEC 4006Sustainable Energy Systems10

Optional Electives

The following subject is an optional elective subject offered to students who are engaged in a School approved project. This subject can be taken during the third year of this program, however, permission is required to enrol in the subject.

Subject Title Credit Points
ENGR 3022Special Technical Project10

Equivalent Subjects

The subjects listed below count towards completion of this program for students who passed these subjects in 2021 or earlier. 

MECH 4005 Advanced Engineering Thesis 1: Preliminary Investigations replaced by ENGR 4037 Advanced Engineering Thesis 1: Preliminary Investigations

MECH 4006 Advanced Engineering Thesis 2: Detailed Investigations replaced by ENGR 4036 Advanced Engineering Thesis 2: Detailed Investigations

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