Secondary Modern History Education, Major (0351)

  • Effective from: Spring 2024
  • Western Sydney University Major Code: 0351

Available to students in other Western Sydney University programs?  No

The Secondary Modern History Education Major will provide students with 60 credit points of Modern History discipline knowledge and 20 credit points of Modern History pedagogy and curriculum knowledge. Together with completion of subjects in the Bachelor of Education (Secondary), this Major will enable students to meet requirements to graduate from the Bachelor of Education (Secondary) with the Modern History teaching area. The Secondary Modern History Education Major will span the Foundation and Development phases of the Bachelor of Education (Secondary), enabling students to develop strong pedagogical content knowledge, an understanding of evidence-based pedagogies, and skills in using assessment and feedback to guide and enhance student learning.


Campus Mode Advice
Bankstown City Campus Internal
Penrith Campus Internal

Major Structure

  • Please note: Subjects that are part of the majors are subject to availability. Students may need to travel to different campuses to complete some of these subjects.

Students must successfully complete 80 credit points as follows.

Start-year intake

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Autumn sessionCredit Points
HUMN 1039 Modern European History and Politics 10
 Credit Points10
Spring session
Select one Alternate subject (from the pool of alternate subjects listed below) 10
 Credit Points10
Year 2
Autumn session
HUMN 2067 History of the Ancient World 10
 Credit Points10
Spring session
Select one Alternate subject (from the pool of alternate subjects listed below) 10
Select one Alternate subject (Level 3) (from the pool of alternate subjects listed below) 10
 Credit Points20
Year 3
Autumn session
HUMN 3104 Historical Methodologies 10
 Credit Points10
Spring session
TEAC 3055History Curriculum 7-10 10
 Credit Points10
Year 4
Spring session
TEAC 4021History Curriculum 11-12 10
 Credit Points10
 Total Credit Points80

Mid-year intake

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Spring sessionCredit Points
HUMN 1039 Modern European History and Politics 10
 Credit Points10
Autumn session
Select one Alternate subject (from the pool of alternate subjects listed below) 10
 Credit Points10
Year 2
Spring session
HUMN 2067 History of the Ancient World 10
Select one Alternate subject (from the pool of alternate subjects listed below) 10
 Credit Points20
Autumn session
Select one Alternate subject (Level 3) (from the pool of alternate subjects listed below) 10
 Credit Points10
Year 3
Spring session
TEAC 3055History Curriculum 7-10 10
 Credit Points10
Autumn session
HUMN 3104 Historical Methodologies 10
 Credit Points10
Year 4
Spring session
TEAC 4021Modern History Curriculum 11-12 10
 Credit Points10
 Total Credit Points80

Alternate Subjects

Students complete three of the following subjects, with at least one subject at Level 3:

Subject Title Credit Points
Level 1 Subject
HUMN 1054When Worlds Collide: European Empires and the World, c.1600-195010
Level 2 Subjects
HUMN 2034Keeping the Past10
HUMN 2001A History of Modern Global Buddhism10
HUMN 2074Origins of the Secular West10
Level 3 Subjects
HUMN 3013Australian Colonial History10
HUMN 3015Australian History Around Us10
HUMN 3017Australian Indigenous History from Federation to Reconciliation10
HUMN 3018Australian Indigenous History: From first contact to 'dying race'10
HUMN 3019Britain in the Age of Botany Bay, 1760-181510
HUMN 3024Comparative Nationalism10
HUMN 3026Convicts and Settlers - Australian History 1788 - 184010
HUMN 3032Dictators, Democrats and Dreamers: Indonesia 1942 to now10
HUMN 3035Enlightenment and Revolution10
HUMN 3040From Vindication to Liberation: A Comparative History of Feminism10
HUMN 3046History of Modern China to 194910
HUMN 3047History of Muslim Civilisations and Ideas10
HUMN 3111History of the People's Republic of China10
HUMN 3115Medieval Europe from the Fall of the Roman Empire to the Reformation10
HUMN 3060Modern Japanese History10
HUMN 3062Napoleon: the Making of a Legend10
HUMN 3076Sultans, Colonists and Nationalists: Indonesia C1200-194210
HUMN 3080The History of Southeast Asia10
HUMN 3081The International Relations of the Middle East Since 194510
HUMN 3087Twentieth Century Australia10
HUMN 3093War10
HUMN 3094War and Society in the Twentieth Century10
HUMN 3092WWII in Asia and the Pacific10