Information Technology, Testamur Major (T011)

  • Western Sydney University Major Code: T011

Previous Code:  ST3059.1

Available to students in other Western Sydney University programs?  No


Campus Mode Advice
Parramatta City Campus - Macquarie Street Internal Xiaohua (Sean) Jin

Major Structure to 2024

Students must complete three 10 credit point Management alternate subjects and three 10 credit point Information Technology alternate subjects.

Subject Title Credit Points
Management subjects - offered in Quarter 2 and Quarter 4 sessions
Select three of the following:30
Contemporary People Management
Financial Reports for Decision Making
Governance, Ethics and Social Entrepreneurship
Managing in the Global Context
Strategic Business Management
Supply Chain Management
Information Technology subjects - offered in Autumn and Spring sessions
Select three of the following:30
Advanced Cloud Computing
Advanced Health Classifications and Coding
Advanced Healthcare Data Environments
Advanced Healthcare Software and Systems
Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence
Advanced Topics in Networking
Big Data
Cloud Computing
Content Management Systems and Web Analytics
Cloud Systems Development
Data Science
Information Security Management
Internet of Things
IT Project Management
Multimedia Communication Systems
Predictive Analytics
Social Media Intelligence
Programming for Data Science
Software Testing and Automation
Systems and Network Security
Web Engineering
Wireless Networking
Total Credit Points60

 Replaced Subject

The subject listed below counts towards completion of this major for students who passed this subject in Autumn 2021 or earlier.

INFO 7008 - Modern Software Architectures, replaced by INFO 7018 Cloud Systems Development

The subjects listed below count towards completion of this program for students who passed these subjects in 2021 or earlier.  

MATH 7011 Predictive Analytics, replaced by  COMP 7023 Predictive Analytics

Major Structure 2025

A​lternate subjects

Students in the Master of Project Management should complete the required number of credit points from the following subject list, as noted in their Pathway structure.

Students in the Graduate Diploma in Project Management should complete 50 credit points from the following list (40cps to complete the major plus an extra 10cps selected from the pool to complete the program).

Subject Title Credit Points
COMP 7018Advanced Cloud Computing10
PUBH 7001Advanced Health Classifications and Coding10
INFS 7001Advanced Healthcare Data Environments10
INFS 7002Advanced Healthcare Software and Systems10
INFO 7002Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence10
COMP 7002Advanced Topics in Networking10
COMP 7003Big Data10
COMP 7004Cloud Computing10
INFS 7004Content Management Systems and Web Analytics10
INFO 7018Cloud Systems Development10
COMP 7006Data Science10
COMP 7007Information Security Management10
COMP 7008Internet of Things10
INFO 7005IT Project Management10
COMP 7011Multimedia Communication Systems10
COMP 7023Predictive Analytics10
COMP 7025Social Media Intelligence10
COMP 7024Programming for Data Science10
INFS 7006Software Testing and Automation10
INFS 7008Systems and Network Security10
INFO 7013Web Engineering10
COMP 7017Wireless Networking10