Environment and Sustainability, Major (0169)

  • Western Sydney University Major Code: 0169

Previous Code: M4009.1

Available to students in other Western Sydney University programs?  No

The need to achieve sustainability for human societies is a goal recognised globally. Getting this to happen in practice is the challenge facing all sectors of our society; business, government, academia, and private citizens. This major covers the essentials of sustainability as an academic discipline, giving students knowledge and skills in the scientific, social, legislative and planning frameworks so that evidence-based sustainability can be implemented across our society.


Campus Mode Advice
Hawkesbury Campus Internal Assoc Prof Charles Morris

Major Structure

Students must complete 8 subjects as follows.

Level 1

Subject Title Credit Points
Select two of the following:20
BIOS 1027Management of Aquatic Environments10
BIOS 103010
ENVL 100110
Total Credit Points50

Level 2

Subject Title Credit Points
ENVL 200210
ENVL 200610
HUMN 1058Indigenous Landscapes10
Total Credit Points30

Level 3

Subject Title Credit Points
ENVL 300310
ENVL 300710
AGRI 3007Water in the Landscape10
Total Credit Points30

Equivalent Subjects

The subjects listed below count towards completion of this major for students who passed these subjects in 2020 or earlier.

BIOS 1020 Indigenous Landscapes, replaced by HUMN 1058 Indigenous Landscapes

PUBH 2007 Environmental Planning and Climate Change, replaced by ENVL 2006