Civil, Testamur Major (T033)
- Western Sydney University Major Code: T033
Previous Codes: KT3123.1, KT3154.1, KT3159.1, KT7000.1, ST3092.1
Available to students in other Western Sydney University programs? No
Civil engineering covers the fields of structural design, geotechnical engineering and water engineering, together with infrastructure design and environmental engineering. Graduates will work in the fields of design, construction and management of engineering structures. Projects may cover residential and commercial buildings, highways and airports, water supply and sewerage schemes, etc. You may be an engineer in private industry, government departments, or in city, municipal or shire councils.
Select the link for your program below for the locations of your major
Associate Degree in Engineering
Campus | Mode | Advice |
Online | Miriam Krakovska |
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)
Campus | Mode | Advice |
Parramatta Campus - Victoria Road | Internal | |
Penrith Campus | Internal | |
Sydney City Campus* | Internal | Dr Ankit Agarwal |
- *
Curriculum delivered through an agreement with another party
Bachelor of Engineering Science
Campus | Mode | Advice |
Parramatta Campus - Victoria Road | Internal | |
Penrith Campus | Internal | |
Sydney City Campus* | Internal | Peter Lendrum |
- *
Curriculum delivered through an agreement with another party
- Diploma in Aerotropolis Industry 4.0 (Mechatronics Skills)/Bachelor of Engineering Science
- Diploma in Engineering/Bachelor of Engineering Studies
Campus | Mode | Advice |
Parramatta Campus - Victoria Road | Internal | |
Penrith Campus | Internal | |
- Graduate Certificate in Engineering
- Graduate Diploma in Engineering (exit only)
- Master of Engineering
Campus | Mode | Advice |
Parramatta Campus - Victoria Road | Internal | |
Parramatta City Campus-Macquarie Street | Internal | |
Recommended Sequence
Select the link for your program below to see details of the major
Associate Degree in Engineering
Major Structure
This Civil testamur major applies to students who commenced in the Associate Degree in Engineering in Quarter 1, 2023 or later. If you commenced prior to 2023, please refer to the KT7000 Civil major in the legacy handbook for details.
Subject | Title | Credit Points |
Select three of the following: | 30 | |
Geometric Design of Roads (WSTC AssocD) | ||
Fluid Mechanics (WSTC AssocD) | ||
Introduction to Structural Engineering (WSTC AssocD) | ||
Mathematics for Engineers 2 (WSTC AssocD) | ||
Mechanics of Materials (WSTC AssocD) | ||
Pavement Materials and Design (WSTC AssocD) | ||
Soil Mechanics (WSTC AssocD) | ||
Surveying for Engineers (WSTC AssocD) | ||
Please note: Offerings of alternate units are dependent on there being sufficient student enrolment numbers. If enrolments are low, the College may cancel delivery of the alternate unit. | ||
Total Credit Points | 30 |
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)
Major Structure
Qualification for this award requires the successful completion of 320 credit points, which include the subjects listed in the recommended sequence below.
Full-time start-year intake
* All students undertaking the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) are required to enrol in MATH 1021 Mathematics for Engineers Preliminary and undertake a readiness test at the beginning of their study.
The readiness test will be conducted at the beginning of the first semester of enrolment and the result will be used to determine whether a student will remain in MATH 1021 Mathematics for Engineers Preliminary or be transferred by the School to MATH 1016 Mathematics for Engineers 1
Students remaining in MATH 1021 Mathematics for Engineers Preliminary will be required to complete MATH 1016 Mathematics for Engineers 1 during second semester and will be encouraged to complete MATH 1019 Mathematics for Engineers 2 during the Summer session.
Year 1 | ||
Autumn session | Credit Points | |
ELEC 1006 | Engineering Computing | 10 |
ENGR 1011 | Engineering Physics | 10 |
ENGR 1024 | Introduction to Engineering Practice | 10 |
Select one of the following: | 10 | |
Mathematics for Engineers Preliminary | ||
Mathematics for Engineers 1 | ||
Credit Points | 40 | |
Spring session | ||
MATH 1019 | Mathematics for Engineers 2 | 10 |
ENGR 1018 | Fundamentals of Mechanics | 10 |
PROC 1008 | Introduction to Materials Engineering | 10 |
Select one elective | 10 | |
Credit Points | 40 | |
Year 2 | ||
Autumn session | ||
CIVL 1001 | Surveying for Engineers | 10 |
MECH 2003 | Mechanics of Materials | 10 |
CIVL 2003 | Fluid Mechanics | 10 |
CIVL 2012 | Soil Mechanics | 10 |
Credit Points | 40 | |
Spring session | ||
ENGR 2016 | Pavement Materials and Design | 10 |
CIVL 2007 | Introduction to Structural Engineering | 10 |
CIVL 2002 | Environmental Engineering | 10 |
CIVL 3011 | Hydraulics | 10 |
Students may transfer to 3691 Bachelor of Engineering Science at the end of Year 2 of study. | ||
Credit Points | 40 | |
Year 3 | ||
Autumn session | ||
CIVL 3014 | Structural Analysis | 10 |
CIVL 4017 | Surface Water Hydrology | 10 |
CIVL 3002 | Concrete Structures (UG) | 10 |
Major Alternate subject | 10 | |
Credit Points | 40 | |
Spring session | ||
CIVL 3012 | Steel Structures | 10 |
CIVL 3007 | Engineering Geomechanics | 10 |
ENGR 3020 | Numerical Methods in Engineering | 10 |
Major Alternate Subject | 10 | |
Industrial Experience | ||
ENGR 3017 | Industrial Experience (Engineering) | 0 |
Credit Points | 40 | |
Year 4 | ||
Autumn session | ||
ENGR 4025 | Final Year Project 1 (UG Engineering) | 10 |
Major Alternate Subject | 10 | |
Select two electives | 20 | |
*Elective subjects must be level 2 or higher (an exception applies for students completing Mathematics for Engineers Preliminary subject) | ||
Credit Points | 40 | |
Spring session | ||
ENGR 4026 | Final Year Project 2 (UG Engineering) | 10 |
ENGR 4035 | Smart and Liveable Cities | 10 |
Major Alternate Subject | 10 | |
Select one elective | 10 | |
*Elective subjects must be level 2 or higher (an exception applies for students completing Mathematics for Engineers Preliminary subject) | ||
Credit Points | 40 | |
Total Credit Points | 320 |
Alternate Subjects
Alternate subjects may be used to complete one of the minors listed below.
Subject | Title | Credit Points |
CIVL 4001 | Applied Mechanics | 10 |
CIVL 3022 | Bridge Embankment Design | 10 |
CIVL 3021 | Bridge Engineering Design | 10 |
ENGR 4034 | Climate Smart Engineering | 10 |
CIVL 4002 | Composite Structures | 10 |
CIVL 3010 | Highway Infrastructure | 10 |
CIVL 3018 | Hydrogeology | 10 |
CIVL 4008 | Pile Foundations | 10 |
EART 3005 | Statistical Hydrology | 10 |
CIVL 4021 | Sustainable Waste Engineering | 10 |
CIVL 4009 | Timber Structures (UG) | 10 |
CIVL 4010 | Transportation Engineering | 10 |
CIVL 4011 | Waste Management | 10 |
CIVL 4012 | Water Resource Engineering | 10 |
CIVL 2018 | Water Supply Systems Design | 10 |
Replaced Subjects
The subjects listed below count towards completion of this major for students who passed these subjects in 2021 or earlier.
EART 4001 - Surface Water Hydrology (Core unit)
EART 3004 - Hydrogeology (Alternate unit)
CIVL 4014 - Water and Wastewater Treatment (Alternate unit)
Equivalent Subjects
The subjects listed below count towards completion of this program for students who passed these subjects in Autumn 2022 or earlier.
ENGR 1008 - Engineering Materials, replaced by PROC 1008 - Introduction to Materials Engineering
ENGR 4011 Sustainability and Risk Engineering , replaced by ENGR 4035 Smart and Liveable Cities
Bachelor of Engineering Science
Full-time start-year intake
Year 2 | ||
Autumn session | Credit Points | |
CIVL 1001 | Surveying for Engineers | 10 |
MECH 2003 | Mechanics of Materials | 10 |
CIVL 2003 | Fluid Mechanics | 10 |
CIVL 2012 | Soil Mechanics | 10 |
Credit Points | 40 | |
Spring session | ||
ENGR 2016 | Pavement Materials and Design | 10 |
CIVL 2007 | Introduction to Structural Engineering | 10 |
CIVL 2002 | Environmental Engineering | 10 |
CIVL 3011 | Hydraulics | 10 |
Industrial Experience | ||
ENGR 3017 | Industrial Experience (Engineering) | 0 |
Credit Points | 40 | |
Year 3 | ||
Autumn session | ||
CIVL 3014 | Structural Analysis | 10 |
CIVL 3002 | Concrete Structures (UG) | 10 |
ENGR 3013 | Engineering Science Project 1 | 10 |
CIVL 4017 | Surface Water Hydrology | 10 |
Credit Points | 40 | |
Spring session | ||
CIVL 3012 | Steel Structures | 10 |
ENGR 3014 | Engineering Science Project 2 | 10 |
Select two electives | 20 | |
*Elective subjects must be level 2 or higher | ||
Credit Points | 40 | |
Total Credit Points | 160 |
Optional Elective
The following subject is an optional elective subject offered to students who are engaged in a School approved project. This subject can be taken during the third year of this major, however, permission is required to enrol in the subject.
ENGR 3022 Special Technical Project
Replaced Subjects
The subjects listed below count towards completion of this major for students who passed these subjects in 2019 or earlier.
EART 4001 - Surface Water Hydrology
- Diploma in Aerotropolis Industry 4.0 (Mechatronics Skills)/Bachelor of Engineering Science
- Diploma in Engineering/Bachelor of Engineering Studies
Full-time start-year intake
Year 2 | ||
Autumn session | Credit Points | |
CIVL 1001 | Surveying for Engineers | 10 |
MECH 2003 | Mechanics of Materials | 10 |
CIVL 2003 | Fluid Mechanics | 10 |
CIVL 2012 | Soil Mechanics | 10 |
Credit Points | 40 | |
Spring session | ||
ENGR 2016 | Pavement Materials and Design | 10 |
CIVL 2007 | Introduction to Structural Engineering | 10 |
CIVL 2002 | Environmental Engineering | 10 |
CIVL 3011 | Hydraulics | 10 |
Industrial Experience | ||
ENGR 3017 | Industrial Experience (Engineering) | 0 |
Credit Points | 40 | |
Year 3 | ||
Autumn session | ||
CIVL 3014 | Structural Analysis | 10 |
CIVL 3002 | Concrete Structures (UG) | 10 |
ENGR 3013 | Engineering Science Project 1 | 10 |
CIVL 4017 | Surface Water Hydrology | 10 |
Credit Points | 40 | |
Spring session | ||
CIVL 3012 | Steel Structures | 10 |
ENGR 3014 | Engineering Science Project 2 | 10 |
MATH 1019 | Mathematics for Engineers 2 | 10 |
Select one elective | 10 | |
*Elective subjects must be level 2 or higher | ||
Credit Points | 40 | |
Total Credit Points | 160 |
Optional Elective
The following subject is an optional elective subject offered to students who are engaged in a School approved project. This subject can be taken during the third year of this major, however, permission is required to enrol in the subject.
ENGR 3022 Special Technical Project
Replaced Subjects
The subjects listed below count towards completion of this major for students who passed these subjects in 2019 or earlier.
EART 4001 - Surface Water Hydrology
- Graduate Certificate in Engineering
- Graduate Diploma in Engineering (exit only)
- Master of Engineering
Postgraduate Major Structure
To complete some of the components within the subjects in this major, students may be required to travel to other Western Sydney University campuses.
Civil Major Alternate Subjects
Specialist alternate subject offerings are subject to sufficient student demand and may not be offered annually.
Students enrolled in 3693 Master of Engineering choose seven major subjects from the list below
Students exiting with 3694 Graduate Diploma in Engineering (exit only) choose six major alternate subjects
Students enrolled in 3695 Graduate Certificate in Engineering choose four major alternate subjects
Subject | Title | Credit Points |
CIVL 7001 | Advanced Applied Mechanics | 10 |
CIVL 7002 | Advanced Composite Structures | 10 |
CIVL 7003 | Advanced Geotechnical Engineering | 10 |
CIVL 7004 | Advanced Highway Infrastructure | 10 |
EART 7001 | Advanced Hydrogeology | 10 |
CIVL 7005 | Advanced Numerical Methods in Engineering | 10 |
EART 7002 | Advanced Statistical Hydrology | 10 |
CIVL 7006 | Advanced Structural Analysis | 10 |
CIVL 7007 | Advanced Timber Structures | 10 |
CIVL 7008 | Advanced Waste Management | 10 |
CIVL 7009 | Advanced Water Engineering | 10 |
CIVL 7013 | Deep Foundations | 10 |
ENGR 7020 | Sustainability and Risk Engineering (PG) | 10 |
CIVL 7015 | Water Resources Systems Analysis | 10 |
CIVL 7017 | Wastewater Treatment and Recycling | 10 |
CIVL 7018 | Water Treatment and Distribution | 10 |