Business, Major (0104)

  • Western Sydney University Major Code: 0104

Previous Code: M4018.1


Campus Mode Advice
Hawkesbury Campus Internal

Recommended Sequence

Full-time start-year intake

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Autumn sessionCredit Points
AGRI 1004 10
NATS 1019 Scientific Literacy 10
BIOS 1001 Biodiversity 10
CHEM 1008 Introductory Chemistry 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
EART 1004 10
MATH 1026 Quantitative Thinking 10
PROC 1002 10
HORT 1004 Horticultural Production Systems 10
 Credit Points40
Year 2
Autumn session
HORT 2001 10
ENVL 2006 10
MKTG 1006 Marketing Principles 10
ECON 1011 Principles of Economics 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
AGRI 2005 10
AGRI 2006 10
NATS 2025 10
MKTG 1003 Consumer Behaviour 10
 Credit Points40
Year 3
Autumn session
NATS 3015 Field Project 1 10
AGRI 3001 10
MKTG 3021 Strategic Brand Management 10
BUSM 3005 Creating Change and Innovation 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
NATS 3017 Field Project 2 10
HUMN 3043 Globalisation and Sustainability 10
BUSM 2004 Business, Society and Policy 10
Select one of the following: 10
International Marketing  
Marketing Communications  
Strategic Marketing Management  
 Credit Points40
 Total Credit Points240

Full-time mid-year intake

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Spring sessionCredit Points
PROC 1002 10
HORT 1004 Horticultural Production Systems 10
NATS 1019 Scientific Literacy 10
MKTG 1003 Consumer Behaviour 10
 Credit Points40
Autumn session
AGRI 1004 10
MATH 1026 Quantitative Thinking 10
BIOS 1001 Biodiversity 10
CHEM 1008 Introductory Chemistry 10
 Credit Points40
Year 2
Spring session
AGRI 2005 10
AGRI 2006 10
NATS 2025 10
EART 1004 10
 Credit Points40
Autumn session
NATS 3015 Field Project 1 10
HORT 2001 10
MKTG 1006 Marketing Principles 10
ECON 1011 Principles of Economics 10
 Credit Points40
Year 3
Spring session
NATS 3017 Field Project 2 10
HUMN 3043 Globalisation and Sustainability 10
BUSM 2004 Business, Society and Policy 10
Select one of the following: 10
International Marketing  
Strategic Marketing Management  
Marketing Communications  
 Credit Points40
Autumn session
ENVL 2006 10
AGRI 3001 10
BUSM 3005 Creating Change and Innovation 10
MKTG 3021 Strategic Brand Management 10
 Credit Points40
 Total Credit Points240

Equivalent Subjects

The subjects listed below count towards completion of this program for students who passed these subjects in 2020 or earlier.

HLTH 2002 Agriculture, Food and Health, replaced by AGRI 2006

PUBH 2007 Environmental Planning and Climate Change, replaced by ENVL 2006

The subjects listed below count towards completion of this program for students who passed these subjects in 2022 or earlier.

BUSM 3001 Brand and Product Management , replaced by MKTG 3021 Strategic Brand Management