Biology, Testamur Major (T053)

  • Western Sydney University Major Code: T053

Previous Code: MT3042

Available to students in other Western Sydney University programs?  No

This major is available as an elective in Bachelor of Science 3754 , and an elective major option in Bachelor of Medical Science 3755. See the related programs tab for more information.

Please note, the BSc Major Environmental Health T076, BSc Adv 3757, Bachelor of Science (Pathway to Teaching Primary/Secondary) 3756 & BMedSc Adv 3758, do not have sufficient Flexible space to accommodate a second/elective Major.

This major applies to students who commenced in Spring 2022 or later.

For Commencement Year 2021 to Autumn 2022 - Please refer to MT3042 Biology

For Commencement Year 2020 - Please refer to MT3016 Biology

Students should follow the major structure for the session start date relevant to the year they commenced.

Biology is underpinned by cells, the fundamental units necessary for organisms to grow, reproduce and interact with each other and the environment. Cells are also the basis of emerging computer models and bio-technology innovations. Biologists integrate principles from many disciplines, including chemistry, bio-physics, genetics, biochemistry, physiology and bioinformatics, for a more complete understanding of animal, plant and microbial cell function. Understanding these processes and the principles that govern the organization and function of cells are a necessary framework for creating the next advances in developmental biology and disease mitigation. At WSU, the strong emphasis on hands-on experience gives biology graduates an excellent foundation for careers in: teaching, academia, research, biotechnology, industry, law and administration. The flexibility of the major also enables students to combine their interest with other disciplines including ecology, environment, zoology and agriculture and environmental health..


Campus Mode Advice
Campbelltown Campus Internal
Hawkesbury Campus Internal
Parramatta Campus - Victoria Road Internal

Recommended Sequence Current

Select the link for your program below to see details of the major

Bachelor of Science

Qualification for the award of Bachelor of Science with a major in Biology requires the successful completion of 240 credit points as per the recommended sequence below.


Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Autumn sessionCredit Points
NATS 1019 Scientific Literacy 10
BIOS 1001 Biodiversity 10
CHEM 1008 Introductory Chemistry 10
Choose one elective 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
CHEM 1005 10
Note: This has now been replaced by CHEM 1012  
BIOS 1012 Cell Biology 10
Choose one of 10
Quantitative Thinking  
Mathematics 1A  
Choose one elective 10
 Credit Points40
Year 2
Autumn session
BIOS 2042 Biochemistry 10
BIOS 2022 Microbiology 1 10
BIOS 2018 Genetics 10
Choose one elective 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
BIOS 3027 Molecular Biology of the Cell 10
BIOS 2006 Comparative Physiology 10
Choose one of 10
Complex Case Studies in Science  
Work Internship for Science Professionals  
Choose one elective 10
 Credit Points40
Year 3
Autumn session
BIOS 3032 Plant Science 10
Choose two electives 20
 Credit Points30
Spring session
BIOS 3033 Applied Bioinformatics 10
BIOS 3034 Molecular Biotechnology 10
Choose two electives 20
 Credit Points40
1H session
NATS 3055 Practicum 1 10
 Credit Points10
 Total Credit Points240

Bachelor of Science (Pathway to Teaching Primary/Secondary)

Qualification for the Bachelor of Science (Pathway to Teaching Primary/Secondary) with a major in Biology requires the successful completion of 240 credit points as per the recommended sequence for the Bachelor of Science with a major in Biology, given above

In addition, all students must complete a mandatory 40 credit point minor in Education Studies. Students must choose one of:

Education Studies – Primary Teaching, Minor (0296)


Education Studies - Secondary Teaching, Minor (0267)

Students must meet this requirement by choosing subjects from the selected Education Studies minor as electives within their Bachelor of Science program.

Bachelor of Advanced Science

Qualification for the award of Bachelor of Advanced Science with a major in Biology requires the successful completion of 240 credit points as per the recommended sequence below.


Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Autumn sessionCredit Points
NATS 1019 Scientific Literacy 10
BIOS 1001 Biodiversity 10
CHEM 1008 Introductory Chemistry 10
Choose one elective 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
CHEM 1005 10
Note: This has now been replaced by CHEM 1012  
BIOS 1012 Cell Biology 10
Choose one of 10
Quantitative Thinking  
Mathematics 1A  
Choose one elective 10
 Credit Points40
Year 2
Autumn session
BIOS 2042 Biochemistry 10
BIOS 2022 Microbiology 1 10
BIOS 2018 Genetics 10
NATS 2001 Advanced Science Project A 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
BIOS 3027 Molecular Biology of the Cell 10
NATS 2002 Advanced Science Project B 10
BIOS 2006 Comparative Physiology 10
Choose one of 10
Complex Case Studies in Science  
Work Internship for Science Professionals  
 Credit Points40
Year 3
Autumn session
BIOS 3032 Plant Science 10
NATS 3043 Advanced Science Research Project C 10
Choose one elective 10
 Credit Points30
Spring session
BIOS 3033 Applied Bioinformatics 10
BIOS 3034 Molecular Biotechnology 10
NATS 3043 Advanced Science Research Project C 10
Choose one elective 10
 Credit Points40
1H session
NATS 3055 Practicum 1 10
 Credit Points10
 Total Credit Points240

Diploma in Science/Bachelor of Science

Qualification for this award requires the successful completion of 250 credit points which include the subjects listed in the recommended sequence below.


Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Year 1: College Subjects  
Standard 3 term year  
Preparatory Subject:  
CHEM 0001 Chemistry (WSTC Prep) 10
Eight University Level Subjects:  
BIOS 1014 Cell Biology (WSTC) 10
CHEM 1013 Essential Chemistry (WSTC) 10
NATS 1020 Scientific Literacy (WSTC) 10
CHEM 1009 Introductory Chemistry (WSTC) 10
BIOS 1003 Biodiversity (WSTC) 10
MATH 1027 Quantitative Thinking (WSTC) 10
BIOS 1034 Management of Aquatic Environments (WSTC) 10
NATS 1030 Human Anatomy and Physiology 2 (WSTC) 10
 Credit Points90
Year 2
Autumn sessionCredit Points
BIOS 2042 Biochemistry 10
BIOS 2022 Microbiology 1 10
BIOS 2018 Genetics 10
Choose one elective 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
BIOS 3027 Molecular Biology of the Cell 10
BIOS 2006 Comparative Physiology 10
Choose one of 10
Complex Case Studies in Science  
Work Internship for Science Professionals  
Choose one elective 10
 Credit Points40
Year 3
Autumn session
BIOS 3032 Plant Science 10
Choose two electives 20
 Credit Points30
Spring session
BIOS 3033 Applied Bioinformatics 10
BIOS 3034 Molecular Biotechnology 10
Choose two electives 20
 Credit Points40
1H session
NATS 3055 Practicum 1 10
 Credit Points10
 Total Credit Points250

Recommended Sequence 2023

Select the link for your program below to see details of the major

Bachelor of Science

Qualification for the award of Bachelor of Science with a major in Biology requires the successful completion of 240 credit points as per the recommended sequence below.


Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Autumn sessionCredit Points
NATS 1019 Scientific Literacy 10
BIOS 1001 Biodiversity 10
CHEM 1008 Introductory Chemistry 10
Choose one elective 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
CHEM 1005 10
Note: This has now been replaced by CHEM 1012  
BIOS 1012 Cell Biology 10
Choose one of 10
Quantitative Thinking  
Mathematics 1A  
Choose one elective 10
 Credit Points40
Year 2
Autumn session
BIOS 2042 Biochemistry 10
BIOS 2022 Microbiology 1 10
BIOS 2018 Genetics 10
Choose one elective 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
BIOS 3027 Molecular Biology of the Cell 10
BIOS 2006 Comparative Physiology 10
Choose one of 10
Complex Case Studies in Science  
Work Internship for Science Professionals  
Choose one elective 10
 Credit Points40
Year 3
Autumn session
BIOS 3032 Plant Science 10
BIOS 3033 Applied Bioinformatics 10
Choose two electives 20
 Credit Points40
Spring session
BIOS 3034 Molecular Biotechnology 10
BIOS 3012 Conservation Biology 10
Choose two electives 20
 Credit Points40
 Total Credit Points240

Bachelor of Science (Pathway to Teaching Primary/Secondary)

Qualification for the Bachelor of Science (Pathway to Teaching Primary/Secondary) with a major in Biology requires the successful completion of 240 credit points as per the recommended sequence for the Bachelor of Science with a major in Biology, given above

In addition, all students must complete a mandatory 40 credit point minor in Education Studies. Students must choose one of:

Education Studies – Primary Teaching, Minor (0296)


Education Studies - Secondary Teaching, Minor (0267)

Students must meet this requirement by choosing subjects from the selected Education Studies minor as electives within their Bachelor of Science program.

Bachelor of Advanced Science

Qualification for the award of Bachelor of Advanced Science with a major in Biology requires the successful completion of 240 credit points as per the recommended sequence below.


Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Autumn sessionCredit Points
NATS 1019 Scientific Literacy 10
BIOS 1001 Biodiversity 10
CHEM 1008 Introductory Chemistry 10
Choose one elective 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
CHEM 1005 10
Note: This has now been replaced by CHEM 1012  
BIOS 1012 Cell Biology 10
Choose one of 10
Quantitative Thinking  
Mathematics 1A  
Choose one elective 10
 Credit Points40
Year 2
Autumn session
BIOS 2042 Biochemistry 10
BIOS 2022 Microbiology 1 10
BIOS 2018 Genetics 10
NATS 2001 Advanced Science Project A 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
BIOS 3027 Molecular Biology of the Cell 10
NATS 2002 Advanced Science Project B 10
BIOS 2006 Comparative Physiology 10
Choose one of 10
Complex Case Studies in Science  
Work Internship for Science Professionals  
 Credit Points40
Year 3
Autumn session
BIOS 3032 Plant Science 10
NATS 3043 Advanced Science Research Project C 10
BIOS 3033 Applied Bioinformatics 10
Choose one elective 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
BIOS 3034 Molecular Biotechnology 10
BIOS 3012 Conservation Biology 10
NATS 3043 Advanced Science Research Project C 10
Choose one elective 10
 Credit Points40
 Total Credit Points240

Diploma in Science/Bachelor of Science

Qualification for this award requires the successful completion of 250 credit points which include the subjects listed in the recommended sequence below.


Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Year 1: College Subjects  
Standard 3 term year  
Preparatory Subject:  
CHEM 0001 Chemistry (WSTC Prep) 10
Eight University Level Subjects:  
BIOS 1014 Cell Biology (WSTC) 10
CHEM 1013 Essential Chemistry (WSTC) 10
NATS 1020 Scientific Literacy (WSTC) 10
CHEM 1009 Introductory Chemistry (WSTC) 10
BIOS 1003 Biodiversity (WSTC) 10
MATH 1027 Quantitative Thinking (WSTC) 10
BIOS 1034 Management of Aquatic Environments (WSTC) 10
NATS 1030 Human Anatomy and Physiology 2 (WSTC) 10
 Credit Points90
Year 2
Autumn sessionCredit Points
BIOS 2042 Biochemistry 10
BIOS 2022 Microbiology 1 10
BIOS 2018 Genetics 10
Choose one elective 10
 Credit Points40
Spring session
BIOS 3027 Molecular Biology of the Cell 10
BIOS 2006 Comparative Physiology 10
Choose one of 10
Complex Case Studies in Science  
Work Internship for Science Professionals  
Choose one elective 10
 Credit Points40
Year 3
Autumn session
BIOS 3032 Plant Science 10
BIOS 3033 Applied Bioinformatics 10
Choose two electives 20
 Credit Points40
Spring session
BIOS 3034 Molecular Biotechnology 10
BIOS 3012 Conservation Biology 10
Choose two electives 20
 Credit Points40
 Total Credit Points250