Artificial Intelligence, Major (0031)

  • Western Sydney University Major Code: 0031

Previous Code: M3134.1

Available to students in other Western Sydney University programs?  No

Advanced development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics has resulted in increased AI applications in many industries as well as our everyday life. This major aims to introduce students to the foundations of AI as well as its modern practical applications. The major delivers solid knowledge, skills, techniques and practical applications in robotic programming, problem solving, expert systems, logic reasoning, knowledge representation, data visualization, data mining and machine learning. The objective of this major is to equip the students with AI capabilities that are in high demand in many aspects of modern industries and modern living.


Campus Mode Advice
Parramatta Campus - Victoria Road Internal A/Prof Yun Bai
Penrith Campus Internal A/Prof Yun Bai

Major Structure Current

This major structure applies to students who commenced in 2024 or later. If you commenced prior to 2024 please refer to the Structure 2022-23 tab for details.

This major is only available to students in Bachelor of Computer Science or Bachelor of Computer Science (Advanced).

Students must complete 80 credit points as follows.

Subject Title Credit Points
COMP 3027Robotic Programming10
COMP 3032Machine Learning10
COMP 2025Introduction to Data Science10
Select three of the following:30
Mobile Applications Development
Visual Analytics
Computer Graphics
Operating Systems Programming
Social Web Analytics
Introduction to Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing Architecture
Software Engineering Fundamentals
Software Construction
Quantum Computing and Communication
Select one of the following:10
Data Structures and Algorithms
Data Structures and Algorithms (Advanced)
Select one of the following:10
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence (Advanced)
Total Credit Points80

Major Structure 2022 - 2023

If you commenced in 2024 or later please refer to the Structure 2024 tab for details.

This major is only available to students in Bachelor of Computer Science or Bachelor of Computer Science (Advanced).

Students must complete 80 credit points as follows.

Subject Title Credit Points
COMP 2009Data Structures and Algorithms10
INFS 3003Artificial Intelligence10
COMP 3027Robotic Programming10
COMP 3032Machine Learning10
COMP 2025Introduction to Data Science10
Then select three of the following:30
Mobile Applications Development
Technologies for Web Applications
Visual Analytics
Computer Graphics
Operating Systems Programming
Social Web Analytics
Introduction to Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing Architecture
Total Credit Points80

 Equivalent Subjects

The subjects listed below count towards completion of this program for students who passed these subjects in 2021 or earlier.  

MATH 2009 Introduction to Data Science, replaced by COMP 2025 Introduction to Data Science

MATH 2014 Visual Analytics, replaced by  COMP 2026 Visual Analytics