Catalog A-Z Index
- Accounting (ACCT)
- Accounting, Testamur Major (T046)
- ACCT 0002 Accounting Fundamentals (WSTC)
- ACCT 0003 Fundamentals of Finance and Accounting
- ACCT 1001 Accounting Information for Managers
- ACCT 1003 Accounting Information for Managers (WSTC)
- ACCT 1005 Accounting in Context
- ACCT 1006 Accounting in Context (WSTC)
- ACCT 1007 Financial Accounting Applications
- ACCT 1008 Financial Accounting Applications (WSTC)
- ACCT 1010 Management Accounting Fundamentals
- ACCT 2001 Contemporary Management Accounting
- ACCT 2004 Intermediate Financial Accounting
- ACCT 2005 Techniques in Financial Accounting
- ACCT 3001 Accounting Information Systems
- ACCT 3003 Accounting Standards and Governance
- ACCT 3004 Advanced Accounting
- ACCT 3006 Auditing and Assurance Services
- ACCT 3007 Corporate Accounting Systems
- ACCT 3009 Incubator 4: Commercial and Financial Setting of Entrepreneurship
- ACCT 3011 The Accountant as a Consultant
- ACCT 3012 Incubator 4: Commercial and Financial Strategy for Entrepreneurs
- ACCT 7002 Accounting Professional Engagement
- ACCT 7005 Accounting Theory and Applications
- ACCT 7009 Auditing
- ACCT 7010 Company Accounting
- ACCT 7012 Corporate Finance
- ACCT 7013 Financial Decision Making
- ACCT 7015 Information for Decision Making
- ACCT 7016 Information Systems for Accountants
- ACCT 7018 Introductory Accounting
- ACCT 7019 Management Accounting
- ACCT 7026 Behavioural Finance (PG)
- ACCT 9001 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Accounting
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Administrative
- Advanced Business Research, Major (0361)
- Advanced Game Design, Minor (0090)
- Advanced Game Programming, Minor (0091)
- Advanced Manufacturing, Concentration (0282)
- Advanced Manufacturing, Testamur Major (T126)
- Advertising, Major (0159)
- Advertising, Minor (0159)
- Advertising Studies, Minor (0043)
- AGEN 1001 Water Quality Assessment and Management
- AGEN 1002 Water Quality Assessment and Management (WSTC)
- AGEN 1003 Water Quality Assessment and Management (UG Cert)
- AGEN 3001 Animal Behaviour
- AGEN 4001 Researching our Changing Environment
- AGEN 7001 Bushfire Behaviour
- AGEN 7002 Ecosystems in a Changing World
- AGEN 7004 Perspectives of Sustainable Development
- AGEN 7005 Research Protocol Design and Practice
- AGEN 7007 Water Planning, Policy and Governance
- AGEN 7008 Water Sustainability in Agriculture
- AGEN 7009 Water Sustainability in Catchments
- AGEN 7010 Sustainability through Transdisciplinary Approaches
- AGEN 9001 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment
- AGEN 9002 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Agriculture and Environment
- AGEN 9003 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Agriculture and Environment
- AGRI 1003 Animal Science
- AGRI 1004 Feeding the Planet
- AGRI 1005 Human Animal Interactions
- AGRI 1009 Wildlife Studies
- AGRI 1010 Protected Cropping Climate Control and Technology
- AGRI 1011 Introduction to Agrifood
- AGRI 2001 Agronomy
- AGRI 2003 Animal Health and Welfare
- AGRI 2004 Animal Reproduction
- AGRI 2005 Sustainable Food Production
- AGRI 2006 Agriculture, Food and Health
- AGRI 2007 Introduction to Agrifood
- AGRI 3001 Analysis of Agricultural Supply and Demand
- AGRI 3002 Animal Nutrition and Feeding
- AGRI 3005 Animal Production
- AGRI 3007 Water in the Landscape
- AGRI 3008 Animal Health, Ethics and Welfare
- AGRI 3009 Agricultural Technology
- AGRI 3010 Animal Health and Welfare
- AGRI 7001 Agricultural Biosecurity
- AGRI 7002 Agricultural Biotechnology
- AGRI 7003 Agricultural Technologies
- AGRI 7004 Livestock Production Systems
- AGRI 9001 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Agriculture
- Agriculture (AGRI)
- Agriculture, Testamur Major (T108)
- Agrifood, Testamur Major (T123)
- Anatomy and Physiology, Testamur Major (T084)
- Ancient History, Minor (0262)
- Animal Science, Testamur Major (T054)
- Anthropology, Major (0002)
- Anthropology, Minor (0002)
- Applied Finance, Testamur Major (T038)
- Applied Physics, Testamur Major (T078)
- Arabic, Major (0003)
- Arabic, Minor (0003)
- ARCH 1003 Graphic Communication and Design (WSTC)
- ARCH 1004 Drawing and CAD
- ARCH 1005 Drawing and CAD (WSTC)
- ARCH 2001 Architecture Studio - Fundamentals of Analogue Design
- ARCH 2002 Architecture Studio - Fundamentals of Digital Design
- ARCH 2003 Development Control
- ARCH 3002 Architecture Studio - Global Cities
- ARCH 3003 Architecture Studio - Rethinking Urbanism
- ARCH 3004 Architecture Studio - Rethinking the Sub-urban
- ARCH 3005 Architecture Studio - The Infrastructural
- ARCH 3006 Urban Design
- ARCH 4001 Architecture Studio: Urban Architecture
- ARCH 4002 Energy Efficiency in Buildings
- ARCH 5001 Urban Architecture Project
- ARCH 6001 Urban Transformation Research Project
- ARCH 7001 Developing Sustainable Places
- ARCH 7002 Heritage and Planning
- ARCH 7003 Managing Cities: History and Theory
- ARCH 7004 Planning and Development Control
- ARCH 7005 Urban Management Practice: Governance and Power in the City
- ARCH 7006 Urban Planning Placement Project
- ARCH 7007 Advanced Design Communication
- ARCH 7008 Integrated Building Technology
- ARCH 7012 Urban Transformation Thesis Studio 2
- ARCH 7014 Health, Wellbeing and Place
- ARCH 7015 Urban Transformation Studio Environments
- ARCH 7016 Practice Research Studio Housing
- ARCH 7017 Urban Transformation Studio Indigenous
- ARCH 7018 Architectural Professional Practice
- ARCH 7019 Urban Transformation Studio Global
- ARCH 7020 Cool Green Cities
- ARCH 7021 Architecture Studio Autumn Intensive
- ARCH 7022 Architecture Studio Spring Intensive
- ARCH 9001 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Urban Research Centre
- ARCH 9002 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Urban Design and Regional Planning
- Architecture and Urban Envir. (ARCH)
- Architecture, Major (0227)
- Archives
- Artificial Intelligence, Major (0031)
- Artificial Intelligence, Minor (0031)
- Artificial Intelligence, Testamur Major (T002)
- Associate Degree in Early Years Education (exit only) (1927)
- Associate Degree in Educational Studies (Secondary) (exit only) (1940)
- Associate Degree in Education (Primary) (exit only) (1877)
- Associate Degree in Engineering (7022)
- Associate Degree in Health Support (exit only) (4799)
- Associate Degree in Policing (exit only) (1930)
- Associate Degree in Social Science (exit only) (1918)
- Associate Degree in Youth Studies (exit only) (1934)
- Astroinformatics, Minor (0096)
- Australian Migration Law Studies, minor (0346)
- Automation, Concentration (0123)
- Automation, Minor (0123)
- Bachelor of Accounting (2783)
- Bachelor of Accounting/Bachelor of Laws (2785)
- Bachelor of Accounting/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (2839)
- Bachelor of Advanced Medical Science (3758)
- Bachelor of Advanced Science (3757)
- Bachelor of Applied Data Science (3770)
- Bachelor of Architectural Design (3753)
- Bachelor of Arts (1706)
- Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Business (1818)
- Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Creative Industries (1842)
- Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Laws (2537)
- Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (2830)
- Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Social Science (1808)
- Bachelor of Arts (Dean's Scholars) (1655)
- Bachelor of Arts (Interpreting and Translation) (1519)
- Bachelor of Arts (Interpreting and Translation) Dean's Scholars (1692)
- Bachelor of Arts (Interpreting and Translation Studies) (exit only) (1813)
- Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Birth - 5/Birth - 12) (1708)
- Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Early Childhood/Primary) (1929)
- Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Primary) (1651)
- Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Primary) Dean's Scholars (1822)
- Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Secondary) (1652)
- Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Secondary) Dean's Scholars (1823)
- Bachelor of Arts (Psychology)/Bachelor of Laws (2843)
- Bachelor of Arts (Psychology)/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (2844)
- Bachelor of Building Design Management (3727)
- Bachelor of Building Design Management (Honours) (3801)
- Bachelor of Business (2786)
- Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Laws (2788)
- Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (2840)
- Bachelor of Business (Pathway to Teaching Secondary) (2804)
- Bachelor of Clinical Science (Medicine) / Doctor of Medicine (MD) (4758)
- Bachelor of Clinical Science (Medicine) (exit only) (4759)
- Bachelor of Communication (1696)
- Bachelor of Communication/Bachelor of Business (1819)
- Bachelor of Communication/Bachelor of Creative Industries (1840)
- Bachelor of Communication/Bachelor of International Studies (1707)
- Bachelor of Communication / Bachelor of International Studies (1932)
- Bachelor of Communication/Bachelor of Laws (2752)
- Bachelor of Communication/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (2833)
- Bachelor of Communication (Dean's Scholars) (1736)
- Bachelor of Community Welfare (1665)
- Bachelor of Computer Science (3506)
- Bachelor of Computer Science (Advanced) (3634)
- Bachelor of Construction Management Advanced (Honours) (3782)
- Bachelor of Construction Management (Honours) (3762)
- Bachelor of Construction Management Studies/Bachelor of Laws (2769)
- Bachelor of Construction Management Studies/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (2838)
- Bachelor of Construction Management Studies (exit only) (3697)
- Bachelor of Construction Technology (3692)
- Bachelor of Creative Industries (1838)
- Bachelor of Creative Leadership (1943)
- Bachelor of Creative Leadership (8127)
- Bachelor of Criminal and Community Justice (1709)
- Bachelor of Criminal and Community Justice/Bachelor of Laws (2767)
- Bachelor of Criminal and Community Justice/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (2836)
- Bachelor of Criminal and Community Justice/Bachelor of Social Work (1713)
- Bachelor of Criminology (1710)
- Bachelor of Criminology/Bachelor of Laws (2766)
- Bachelor of Criminology/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (2835)
- Bachelor of Cyber Security and Behaviour (1837)
- Bachelor of Data Science (3769)
- Bachelor of Design and Technology (3729)
- Bachelor of Design/Bachelor of Creative Industries (1839)
- Bachelor of Design Studies (exit only) (1624)
- Bachelor of Design (Visual Communication) (1571)
- Bachelor of Design - Visual Communication (Dean's Scholars) (1737)
- Bachelor of Educational Studies (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education) (exit only) (1861)
- Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood) (1926)
- Bachelor of Education (Primary) (1876)
- Bachelor of Education (Primary) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education (1717)
- Bachelor of Education (Secondary) (1939)
- Bachelor of Engineering Advanced (Honours) (3771)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (3740)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Business (3728)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Business (3800)
- Bachelor of Engineering Science (3691)
- Bachelor of Entrepreneurship (3747)
- Bachelor of Entrepreneurship (Games Design and Simulation) (3746)
- Bachelor of Graphic Design (Pathway to Teaching Secondary) (1843)
- Bachelor of Health and Physical Education (4792)
- Bachelor of Health and Physical Education (Pathway to Teaching Secondary) (4791)
- Bachelor of Health Science (4656)
- Bachelor of Health Science (Clinical Sciences) (exit only) (4789)
- Bachelor of Health Science (Health and Physical Education) (4747)
- Bachelor of Health Science (Health and Physical Education)-Pathway to Teaching (Secondary) (4742)
- Bachelor of Health Science (Paramedicine) (4669)
- Bachelor of Health Science (Sport and Exercise Science) (4658)
- Bachelor of Humanitarian and Development Studies (1735)
- Bachelor of Industrial Design (3730)
- Bachelor of Industrial Design (Honours) (3731)
- Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology (3639)
- Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology (Advanced) (3684)
- Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology/Bachelor of Arts (3654)
- Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology/Bachelor of Business (3737)
- Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology/Bachelor of Business (Accounting) (3738)
- Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology/Bachelor of Laws (2768)
- Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (2837)
- Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology (Health Information Management) (3711)
- Bachelor of Information Systems (3687)
- Bachelor of Information Systems Advanced (3688)
- Bachelor of Information Systems Advanced/Bachelor of Business (3745)
- Bachelor of Information Systems Advanced/Bachelor of Laws (2801)
- Bachelor of Information Systems Advanced/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (2842)
- Bachelor of Information Systems/Bachelor of Business (3744)
- Bachelor of Information Systems/Bachelor of Laws (2800)
- Bachelor of Information Systems/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (2841)
- Bachelor of International Studies (1658)
- Bachelor of International Studies/Bachelor of Business (1820)
- Bachelor of International Studies/Bachelor of Laws (2758)
- Bachelor of International Studies/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (2834)
- Bachelor of International Studies/Bachelor of Social Science (1807)
- Bachelor of International Studies (Dean's Scholars) (1739)
- Bachelor of Languages and Linguistics (1810)
- Bachelor of Laws (Graduate Entry) (2501)
- Bachelor of Laws (Graduate Entry) (Honours) (2828)
- Bachelor of Laws (Non Graduate Entry) (2502)
- Bachelor of Laws (Non Graduate Entry) (Honours) (2829)
- Bachelor of Mathematics (3778)
- Bachelor of Medical Research (4647)
- Bachelor of Medical Science (3755)
- Bachelor of Medical Science (Forensic Mortuary Practice) (3733)
- Bachelor of Midwifery (4684)
- Bachelor of Midwifery (Honours) (4784)
- Bachelor of Music (1659)
- Bachelor of Music/Bachelor of Creative Industries (1841)
- Bachelor of Music (Dean's Scholars) (1738)
- Bachelor of Nursing (4691)
- Bachelor of Nursing (Honours) (4529)
- Bachelor of Nursing - WSU Online (4780)
- Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (4711)
- Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours) (4712)
- Bachelor of Paramedicine (4790)
- Bachelor of Physiotherapy (4706)
- Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours) (4733)
- Bachelor of Planning (Pathway to Master of Urban Management and Planning) (1732)
- Bachelor of Podiatric Medicine (4708)
- Bachelor of Podiatric Medicine (Honours) (4709)
- Bachelor of Policing (1844)
- Bachelor of Policing (Leadership Program) (1734)
- Bachelor of Psychological and Social Sciences (1910)
- Bachelor of Psychological Science and Criminology (1906)
- Bachelor of Psychological Science (exit only) (1904)
- Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours) (1905)
- Bachelor of Psychological Studies (exit only) (1835)
- Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) (1865)
- Bachelor of Research Studies (8083)
- Bachelor of Research Studies (exit only) (8087)
- Bachelor of Research Studies (Planning) (8119)
- Bachelor of Science (3754)
- Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Arts (3763)
- Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Business (4748)
- Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of International Studies (3764)
- Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Laws (2743)
- Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (2832)
- Bachelor of Science (Pathway to Teaching Primary/Secondary) (3756)
- Bachelor of Screen Media (Arts and Production) (1791)
- Bachelor of Social Science (1667)
- Bachelor of Social Science (Advanced) (1733)
- Bachelor of Social Science/Bachelor of Laws (2538)
- Bachelor of Social Science/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (2831)
- Bachelor of Social Work (1666)
- Bachelor of Speech Pathology (4763)
- Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours) (4788)
- Bachelor of Sport Development (4741)
- Bachelor of Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security (3726)
- Bachelor of Tourism and Event Management (1916)
- Bachelor of Tourism Management (1664)
- Bachelor of Traditional Chinese Medicine (4710)
- Bachelor of Youth Work (1933)
- Banking, Finance and Related (FINC)
- Behavioural Science (BEHV)
- BEHV 0001 Introduction to Human Behaviour (WSTC Prep)
- BEHV 0002 Introduction to Human Behaviour (WSTC)
- BEHV 0003 Social Sciences and Psychology Exchange Unit 1
- BEHV 0004 Social Sciences and Psychology Exchange Unit 2
- BEHV 0005 Social Sciences and Psychology Exchange Unit 3
- BEHV 0006 Social Sciences and Psychology Exchange Unit 4
- BEHV 0007 Social Sciences and Psychology Exchange Unit 5
- BEHV 0008 Psychological Foundations of Health (WSTC)
- BEHV 1001 Behaviour and Environment
- BEHV 1003 Introduction to Research Methods
- BEHV 1009 Living, Learning and Working on the Web
- BEHV 1010 Positive Psychology: The Science of Happiness, Resilience, and Wellbeing
- BEHV 1014 Psychology and Health
- BEHV 1015 Psychology and Health (WSTC)
- BEHV 1016 Psychology: Behavioural Science
- BEHV 1018 Psychology: Human Behaviour
- BEHV 1021 The Individual in Society
- BEHV 1023 The Individual in Society (WSTC)
- BEHV 1024 Applied Psychology
- BEHV 1025 Usable Design
- BEHV 1026 Cyber Behaviour
- BEHV 1027 The Individual in Society (UG Cert)
- BEHV 2002 Brain and Behaviour
- BEHV 2005 Human Learning
- BEHV 2008 Mental Health in the Community
- BEHV 2010 Perception
- BEHV 2015 Mental Health in the Community (WSTC)
- BEHV 2017 Mental Health in the Community (WSTC)
- BEHV 2018 Personality
- BEHV 2019 Citizenship and Community Engagement
- BEHV 2020 Introduction to Digital Mental Health
- BEHV 3002 Abnormal Psychology
- BEHV 3004 Advanced Research Methods
- BEHV 3007 Cognitive Processes
- BEHV 3009 Developmental Psychology
- BEHV 3010 Health Psychology
- BEHV 3011 History and Philosophy of Psychology
- BEHV 3013 Humanities Internship
- BEHV 3014 Motivation and Emotion
- BEHV 3015 Motor Control and Skill Acquisition
- BEHV 3017 Personality
- BEHV 3018 Psychology and the Online World
- BEHV 3019 Psychology of Language
- BEHV 3021 Psychology, Crime and Law
- BEHV 3023 Social Psychology
- BEHV 3025 Sport and Exercise Psychology
- BEHV 3026 Service Learning
- BEHV 4001 Advanced Topics in Psychology
- BEHV 4004 Psychology Research Thesis
- BEHV 4005 Theory and Practice of Psychological Assessment and Intervention
- BEHV 4006 Research Methods Seminar
- BEHV 4008 Psychology Honours Thesis
- BEHV 4009 Advanced Topics in Contemporary Psychology
- BEHV 5001 Career Assessment and Counselling
- BEHV 5002 Program Design and Ethical Conduct in Career Education
- BEHV 5003 Flexibility Economy
- BEHV 5004 Wellbeing Economy
- BEHV 7001 Advanced Therapeutic Modalities
- BEHV 7003 Assessment: Cognitive Functions
- BEHV 7004 Assessment: Psychological Practice
- BEHV 7005 Child Clinical Psychology
- BEHV 7006 Clinic Placement A
- BEHV 7008 Clinical Health Psychology
- BEHV 7009 Clinical Neuropsychology and Psychopharmacology
- BEHV 7010 Clinical Psychopathology 1
- BEHV 7011 Clinical Psychopathology 2
- BEHV 7012 Clinical Research Methods
- BEHV 7013 Cognitive Science: Research and Application
- BEHV 7014 Core Skills and Ethical Practice
- BEHV 7015 Core Therapeutic Modalities
- BEHV 7016 Digital Social Research in Action
- BEHV 7018 Integrated Practices 3: Emotions, Embodiment and Connection
- BEHV 7020 Learning and Processing Human Language
- BEHV 7021 Neuroscience Methods
- BEHV 7025 Professional Psychology Placement
- BEHV 7027 Psychological Interventions 1
- BEHV 7029 Psychopathology: Theory and Practice
- BEHV 7031 Applied Research Project
- BEHV 7032 Clinic Placement B
- BEHV 7033 Professional Placement 1
- BEHV 7034 Professional Placement 2
- BEHV 7035 Psychological Approaches to Disability: Theory and Practice
- BEHV 7036 Research Internship and Engagement
- BEHV 7037 Psychological Practice in Contemporary Contexts
- BEHV 7038 Assessment and Treatment of Complex Psychological Disorders
- BEHV 9001 Higher Degree Research Thesis - The MARCS Institute
- BEHV 9002 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Writing and Society Research Centre
- BEHV 9003 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Clinical Psychology
- BEHV 9004 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Psychology
- BEHV 9005 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Psychology
- BEHV 9006 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Psychology
- Big Data, Major (0144)
- Biological Sciences (BIOS)
- Biology, Testamur Major (T053)
- Biomedical Engineering, Concentration (0122)
- Biomedical Engineering, Minor (0122)
- Biomedical Science, Testamur Major (T086)
- Biomedical, Testamur Major (T055)
- BIOS 0001 Biology (WSTC)
- BIOS 0002 Focus on Biology (WSTC Prep)
- BIOS 0003 Focus on Biology (WSTC)
- BIOS 1001 Biodiversity
- BIOS 1003 Biodiversity (WSTC)
- BIOS 1010 Bioscience 1
- BIOS 1011 Bioscience 2
- BIOS 1012 Cell Biology
- BIOS 1014 Cell Biology (WSTC)
- BIOS 1022 Introduction to Human Biology
- BIOS 1023 Introduction to Human Biology (WSTC)
- BIOS 1027 Management of Aquatic Environments
- BIOS 1030 Resource Sustainability
- BIOS 1031 Resource Sustainability (WSTC)
- BIOS 1033 Concepts in Human Physiology
- BIOS 1034 Management of Aquatic Environments (WSTC)
- BIOS 1035 Anatomy and Physiology in Health
- BIOS 1036 Human Development and Disease across the lifespan
- BIOS 1037 Human Development and Disease across the Lifespan (WSTC)
- BIOS 1038 Anatomy and Physiology in Health (WSTC)
- BIOS 1039 Biodiversity (UG Cert)
- BIOS 1040 Natural Science (WSTC)
- BIOS 1041 Fundamentals of Biotechnology (WSTC)
- BIOS 2005 Botany
- BIOS 2006 Comparative Physiology
- BIOS 2008 Ecology
- BIOS 2011 Exercise Nutrition, Body Composition and Weight Control
- BIOS 2012 Exercise Physiology
- BIOS 2014 Functional Proteins and Genes
- BIOS 2016 General Microbiology
- BIOS 2018 Genetics
- BIOS 2021 Metabolism
- BIOS 2022 Microbiology 1
- BIOS 2024 Microbiology 2
- BIOS 2026 Molecular Biology
- BIOS 2032 Plant Physiology
- BIOS 2034 Principles of Evolution
- BIOS 2035 Principles of Zoology
- BIOS 2040 Invertebrate Zoology
- BIOS 2041 Vertebrate Zoology
- BIOS 2042 Biochemistry
- BIOS 3001 Advanced Cell Biology
- BIOS 3003 Advanced Sports Physiology
- BIOS 3004 Analytical Microbiology
- BIOS 3005 Applied Biomechanics
- BIOS 3007 Applied Biomechanics of Sport and Exercise
- BIOS 3012 Conservation Biology
- BIOS 3013 Ecosystem Carbon Accounting
- BIOS 3014 Genes, Genomics and Human Health
- BIOS 3017 Invertebrate Biology
- BIOS 3019 Marine and Aquatic Ecology
- BIOS 3021 Plant Health and Biosecurity
- BIOS 3023 Vertebrate Biodiversity
- BIOS 3026 Evolution and Genetics
- BIOS 3027 Molecular Biology of the Cell
- BIOS 3028 Pathological Basis of Human Disease
- BIOS 3029 Biotic interactions
- BIOS 3030 Global Change Ecology
- BIOS 3032 Plant Science
- BIOS 3033 Applied Bioinformatics
- BIOS 3034 Molecular Biotechnology
- BIOS 3035 Sustainable Environments
- BIOS 3036 Agricultural Biosecurity
- BIOS 3037 Climate change and biodiversity conservation
- BIOS 3038 Metabolism
- BIOS 3039 Ecology
- BIOS 4001 Science, Technology and Environment Honours Project
- BIOS 7001 Emerging Technologies for Biological Science
- BIOS 9001 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Animal Science
- BIOS 9002 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Biological Sciences
- BIOS 9003 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Microbiology
- BLDG 0001 Academic Skills for Construction Management (WSTC Prep)
- BLDG 0002 Building Calculations (WSTC Prep)
- BLDG 1006 Building 2 (WSTC)
- BLDG 1007 Construction Work Safety
- BLDG 1008 Construction Work Safety (WSTC)
- BLDG 1009 Environmental Building Design
- BLDG 1010 Environmental Building Design (WSTC)
- BLDG 1011 Property Building
- BLDG 1012 Property Development Controls
- BLDG 1013 Building Science
- BLDG 1014 Non-Residential Building
- BLDG 1015 Residential Building
- BLDG 1016 Building Science (WSTC)
- BLDG 1017 Non-Residential Building (WSTC)
- BLDG 1018 Residential Building (WSTC)
- BLDG 1019 Construction Site Administration (WSTC)
- BLDG 1020 Domestic Construction (WSTC)
- BLDG 1021 Commercial Construction (WSTC)
- BLDG 1022 Construction Site Safety (WSTC)
- BLDG 2001 Building Estimates and Tendering
- BLDG 2002 Building Measurement
- BLDG 2003 Building Regulations Studies
- BLDG 2004 Built Heritage
- BLDG 2011 Contract Administration
- BLDG 2012 Contract Administration (WSTC)
- BLDG 2013 Work-Integrated Learning in Advanced Digital Construction
- BLDG 2014 Work-Integrated Learning in Sustainable Construction
- BLDG 2015 Leading Teams in Construction
- BLDG 2025 Leading Teams in Const
- BLDG 3001 Building Design Process
- BLDG 3004 Construction Information Systems
- BLDG 3006 Construction in Practice 1
- BLDG 3007 Design Brief Formulation
- BLDG 3008 Negotiation in the Built Environment
- BLDG 3009 Quality and Value Management
- BLDG 3010 Building Cost Studies
- BLDG 3011 Construction Business Management
- BLDG 3012 Work-Integrated Learning in Construction Procurement Management
- BLDG 3013 Work-Integrated Learning in Global Construction
- BLDG 3014 Introduction to Building Fire Safety
- BLDG 3015 Contract Management
- BLDG 3016 Work-Integrated Learning in Advanced Digital Construction
- BLDG 3017 Building Certification Ethics
- BLDG 4001 Building Design Project 1
- BLDG 4002 Building Design Project 2
- BLDG 4003 Construction Economics
- BLDG 4004 Estimating 2
- BLDG 4005 Major Project in Construction
- BLDG 4006 Modern Construction Enterprises
- BLDG 4007 Modern Construction Projects
- BLDG 4008 Digital Construction
- BLDG 4009 Residential Building Project
- BLDG 4010 Construction Research Methods
- BLDG 4011 Construction Thesis
- BLDG 4012 Industry Based Learning
- BLDG 4013 Work-Integrated Learning in Construction Leadership
- BLDG 4014 Building Design Project (Development Application)
- BLDG 4015 Building Design Project (Construction Certificate)
- BLDG 4016 Work-Integrated Learning in Construction Procurement Management
- BLDG 4017 Advanced Digital Construction
- BLDG 5001 Construction Claims
- BLDG 7001 Advanced Contract Management
- BLDG 7002 Building Regulations
- BLDG 7003 Building Studies
- BLDG 7004 Building in Bushfire Prone Areas
- BLDG 7005 Egress and Risk Assessment
- BLDG 7006 Financing Cities in the Global Economy
- BLDG 7007 Interpreting Building Regulations (Residential Buildings)
- BLDG 7008 Professional Practice and Building Law
- BLDG 7009 Project Procurement Systems
- BLDG 7011 Work-Integrated Learning in Project Management A
- BLDG 7012 Work-Integrated Learning in Project Management B
- BLDG 7013 Project Procurement Systems
- BLDG 7014 Construction Industry Practice A
- BLDG 7015 Construction Industry Practice B
- BLDG 9001 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Building Science and Technology
- Building (BLDG)
- Building Surveying, Testamur Major (T088)
- Building, Testamur Major (T149)
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
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- Built Environment
- Built Environment
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- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
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- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
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- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Built Environment
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business
- Business Analytics, Major (0220)
- Business Analytics, Testamur Major (T130)
- Business and Management (BUSM)
- Business, Major (0104)
- Business, Minor (0299)
- Business Regulation, Governance and Compliance, Major (0165)
- Business Studies for Secondary Teaching, Minor (0139)
- Business Studies, Major (0127)
- BUSM 0001 Academic Skills for Business (WSTC Prep)
- BUSM 0002 Academic Skills for Business (WSTC)
- BUSM 0004 Business Ethics (WSTC Prep)
- BUSM 0005 Business Ethics (WSTC)
- BUSM 0006 Business Exchange Unit 1
- BUSM 0007 Business Exchange Unit 2
- BUSM 0008 Business Exchange Unit 3
- BUSM 0009 Business Exchange Unit 4
- BUSM 0010 Business Exchange Unit 5
- BUSM 0011 Business Studies (WSTC Prep)
- BUSM 0012 Business Studies (WSTC)
- BUSM 0013 Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability and Ethics (WSTC Prep)
- BUSM 0016 Foundations of Business (WSTC)
- BUSM 0021 PQP Extension
- BUSM 0023 Skills for Business (WSTC)
- BUSM 0027 Management Fundamentals
- BUSM 0028 Communications for Business
- BUSM 0029 Decision Making for Business (WSTC Prep)
- BUSM 1001 Business Academic Skills
- BUSM 1006 Enterprise Innovation and Markets
- BUSM 1007 Enterprise Innovation and Markets (WSTC)
- BUSM 1008 Enterprise Leadership
- BUSM 1009 Enterprise Leadership (WSTC)
- BUSM 1010 Financing Enterprises
- BUSM 1011 Financing Enterprises (WSTC)
- BUSM 1012 Foundations of Entrepreneurship
- BUSM 1015 Introduction to International Business
- BUSM 1019 Management Foundations
- BUSM 1023 Managing People at Work
- BUSM 1024 Managing People at Work (WSTC)
- BUSM 1026 Organisational Behaviour
- BUSM 1027 Organisational Behaviour (WSTC)
- BUSM 1030 The Business of Hospitality
- BUSM 1031 The World of Sport Business
- BUSM 1037 Health Administration and Management
- BUSM 1039 Health Administration and Management (UG Cert)
- BUSM 1040 Enterprise Leadership (Block)
- BUSM 1041 Organisational Behaviour (Block)
- BUSM 1042 Introduction to Business Analytics
- BUSM 1043 Managing People at Work (Block)
- BUSM 1044 Leadership in Complexity
- BUSM 1045 Creative Enterprises and Information Technologies (WSTC)
- BUSM 1046 Managing and Leading Enterprises (WSTC)
- BUSM 1047 The World of Sport Business (WSTC)
- BUSM 2004 Business, Society and Policy
- BUSM 2005 Cost Benefit Analysis
- BUSM 2014 Enterprise Industrial Relations
- BUSM 2016 Entrepreneurial Management and Innovation
- BUSM 2018 Food and Beverage Management
- BUSM 2020 Health Services Management
- BUSM 2021 Health Services Management (WSTC)
- BUSM 2022 Human Resource Development
- BUSM 2024 Incubator 2: Start-up Essentials
- BUSM 2030 Managing and Developing Careers
- BUSM 2031 Managing in the Global Environment
- BUSM 2037 Sport Entertainment
- BUSM 2039 The Accommodation Industry
- BUSM 2040 The Service Enterprise
- BUSM 2041 Working in Professions
- BUSM 2043 Project Management in Humanitarian and Development Studies
- BUSM 2044 Health Service Management
- BUSM 2045 Sport and Society
- BUSM 2046 Managing in the Global Environment (Block)
- BUSM 2047 Venture Makers Foundations
- BUSM 2048 Sports Marketing
- BUSM 2049 Creative and Innovative Thinkers
- BUSM 3001 Advanced Business Seminars
- BUSM 3002 Business Leadership
- BUSM 3004 Contemporary Management Issues
- BUSM 3005 Creating Change and Innovation
- BUSM 3006 Design Thinking for Creativity
- BUSM 3007 Destination Management
- BUSM 3008 Developing Sport Professionals
- BUSM 3009 Enterprise Internship
- BUSM 3010 Entrepreneurial Team
- BUSM 3011 Frontiers of Business Theory and Analysis
- BUSM 3012 Global Enterprise Resource Planning
- BUSM 3014 Health Services Financial Management
- BUSM 3015 Health Services Management Practice
- BUSM 3016 Health Services Quality Management
- BUSM 3017 Health Services Workforce Management
- BUSM 3019 Hospitality Management Applied Project
- BUSM 3021 Hospitality Places and Spaces
- BUSM 3022 Hospitality Profitability and Entrepreneurship
- BUSM 3023 Hospitality and Tourism in Practice
- BUSM 3024 Human Resource and Industrial Relations Strategy
- BUSM 3025 Incubator 5: Operational Aspects of Entrepreneurship
- BUSM 3027 Innovation and Professional Practice
- BUSM 3028 Innovation, Enterprise and Society
- BUSM 3029 International Business Finance
- BUSM 3030 International Business Project
- BUSM 3031 International Business Strategy
- BUSM 3032 International Human Resource Management
- BUSM 3033 International Management
- BUSM 3036 Leadership and Entrepreneurship
- BUSM 3042 Managing Diversity
- BUSM 3045 Managing Operations
- BUSM 3048 Negotiation, Bargaining and Advocacy
- BUSM 3052 Organisational Learning and Development
- BUSM 3053 Our Sporting Future
- BUSM 3054 People, Work and Society
- BUSM 3058 Practice Management for Health Professionals
- BUSM 3059 Processes and Evaluation in Employment Relations
- BUSM 3061 Project Management
- BUSM 3063 Reward and Performance Management
- BUSM 3064 Service Industry Analytics
- BUSM 3065 Special Event Management
- BUSM 3069 Strategic Management
- BUSM 3070 Strategic Sport Leadership
- BUSM 3072 Tourism Industry Professional Placement
- BUSM 3073 Tourism Policy and Planning
- BUSM 3074 Work Employment and the Labour Market
- BUSM 3077 Construction Project Management
- BUSM 3078 Business Report
- BUSM 3079 Travel in the Digital Age
- BUSM 3080 Health Care Systems and Organisation Culture
- BUSM 3081 Business Analytics Project
- BUSM 3082 Project Management in Humanitarian and Development Studies
- BUSM 3083 Global Sports Management
- BUSM 4001 Business Analysis Seminars
- BUSM 4002 Seminal Papers in Business
- BUSM 4006 Business and Commerce Honours Thesis A
- BUSM 4007 Business and Commerce Honours Thesis B
- BUSM 7001 Advanced Research Skills
- BUSM 7003 Applied Business Project
- BUSM 7004 Applied Project (Human Resources and Management)
- BUSM 7007 Business Communication Skills
- BUSM 7008 Business Internship
- BUSM 7011 Business Operations and Logistics
- BUSM 7012 Business Project
- BUSM 7013 Business, Society and the Environment
- BUSM 7014 Compliance Management
- BUSM 7016 Contemporary Organisation Behaviour
- BUSM 7018 Contemporary People Management
- BUSM 7019 Corporate Governance and the Global Environment
- BUSM 7020 Creating Sustainable Organisations
- BUSM 7021 Credit and Lending Decisions
- BUSM 7022 Derivatives
- BUSM 7023 Developing Business Expertise
- BUSM 7024 Developing Human Capital and Organisational Capability
- BUSM 7025 Diversity, Labour Markets and Workforce Planning
- BUSM 7026 Emerging Leaders
- BUSM 7027 Employment Relations Professional Practice
- BUSM 7028 Entrepreneurial Management Capabilities
- BUSM 7031 Financial Institution Management
- BUSM 7032 Financial Institutions and Markets (MAF)
- BUSM 7034 Foundations of Management
- BUSM 7035 Funds Management and Portfolio Selection
- BUSM 7036 Funds Management and Portfolio Selection (EO)
- BUSM 7040 Governance, Ethics and Social Entrepreneurship
- BUSM 7043 Industrial Relations and Workplace Change
- BUSM 7045 Innovation Through Digital Technology
- BUSM 7046 Innovation for New Markets
- BUSM 7047 Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship
- BUSM 7048 Innovation, Creativity and Foresight
- BUSM 7050 Integrated Business Experience
- BUSM 7051 Integrated Business Experience 2
- BUSM 7053 International Finance
- BUSM 7055 Internship
- BUSM 7058 Leading Contemporary Organisations
- BUSM 7059 Logistics Processes in Enterprise Resource Planning
- BUSM 7061 Managerial Economics
- BUSM 7062 Managerial Finance
- BUSM 7064 Managing Project Teams and Stakeholders
- BUSM 7065 Managing in the Global Context
- BUSM 7070 Masters Project
- BUSM 7071 Negotiation and Conflict Resolution Management
- BUSM 7072 New Venture Finance
- BUSM 7073 One Hundred Days
- BUSM 7075 Philosophical Foundations of Business Research
- BUSM 7076 Practice Management for Health Professionals (PG)
- BUSM 7078 Project Management
- BUSM 7079 Purchasing and Materials Management
- BUSM 7081 Reward Management
- BUSM 7082 Risk Management and Decision Making
- BUSM 7083 Security Analysis and Portfolio Theory
- BUSM 7084 Start-up
- BUSM 7086 Strategic Business Management
- BUSM 7087 Strategic Employment Relations
- BUSM 7088 Strategic Management
- BUSM 7090 Strategic Project Management
- BUSM 7092 Supply Chain Management
- BUSM 7093 The Business Environment
- BUSM 7094 The Contemporary Business Environment
- BUSM 7097 Time and Quality Management
- BUSM 7099 Understanding Contemporary Organisations
- BUSM 7105 Business Analytics in Practice
- BUSM 7106 Ethics and Professionalism in Financial Services
- BUSM 7109 Environmental Management: A Business Perspective
- BUSM 7110 Project Controls and Integration
- BUSM 7111 Project Management Frameworks and Methods
- BUSM 7113 Leading for Social Impact
- BUSM 7115 Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting
- BUSM 7116 Business Project A
- BUSM 7117 Business Project B
- BUSM 7118 Internship A
- BUSM 7119 Internship B
- BUSM 7120 Foundations of Business Research
- BUSM 7121 Research Methods in Business I
- BUSM 7122 Research Methods in Business II
- BUSM 7123 Business Research and Practice
- BUSM 7124 Applied Business Research Project I
- BUSM 9001 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Business Management
- BUSM 9002 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Management
- Cardiac Sonography, Testamur Major (T160)
- Career Education, Testamur Major (T150)
- CART 1009 Exploring the Creative Industries (WSTC)
- CART 3001 Modernism
- CART 3002 Communication, Creative Industries, and Screen Media Study Tours
- CART 6001 Writers at Work
- CART 6002 Reading and Writing Australia
- CART 6003 Research Methods in the Creative Arts
- CART 6004 Creative Writing Practice
- CART 6005 Creative Methods in Research
- CART 6006 Creative Non-Fiction
- CART 6007 Writing and Genre
- CART 7001 Applied Methods in Literary Studies and Creative Writing
- CART 7002 Applied Practice in Literary Studies and Creative Writing
- CART 7004 Art Therapy: Approaches and Applications
- CART 7005 Art Therapy: Histories, Theories, Groups
- CART 7007 Creativity: Theory and Practice
- CART 7010 Integrating Arts and Therapy
- CART 7013 Masters Project
- CART 7014 Research Methods in the Creative Arts
- CART 7018 Writing Practice and Tradition
- CART 7019 Writing Process
- CART 7020 Writing and Form
- CART 7021 Writing and Ideas
- CART 7022 Writing, Sounds, Images, Texts
- CART 9001 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Creative Arts
- CEDS 3001 Bridging the Gap: Re-engaging Indigenous Learners
- CEDS 7001 Education Policy, Practice and Global Knowledge Co-construction
- CEDS 7002 So, You Want to Be an Academic?
- CEDS 7003 Research Methods in Education
- CEDS 9001 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Education Studies
- Cell and Molecular Biology, Major (0167)
- Centre For Health Research
- Centre For Health Research
- Centre For Health Research
- Centre For Health Research
- Centre For Health Research
- Centre For Health Research
- Centre For Health Research
- Centre For Health Research
- Centre For Health Research
- Centre For Health Research
- Centre For Health Research
- Centre For Health Research
- Centre For Health Research
- Centre For Health Research
- Centre For Health Research
- Centre For Health Research
- Centre For Health Research
- Centre For Health Research
- Centre For Health Research
- Centre For Health Research
- Centre For Health Research
- Centre For Health Research
- Centre For Health Research
- Centre For Health Research
- Centre For Health Research
- Centre For Health Research
- Centre For Health Research
- Centre For Health Research
- Centre For Health Research
- Centre For Health Research
- Centre For Health Research
- Centre For Health Research
- Centre For Health Research
- Centre For Health Research
- Centre For Health Research
- Centre For Health Research
- Centre For Health Research
- Centre For Health Research
- Centre For Health Research
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- Centre For Health Research
- Centre For Health Research
- Centre For Health Research
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- Centre For Health Research
- Centre For Health Research
- Centre For Health Research
- Centre For Health Research
- Centre For Res In Mathematics
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- Centre For Res In Mathematics
- CHEM 0001 Chemistry (WSTC Prep)
- CHEM 0002 Chemistry (WSTC)
- CHEM 1003 Essential Chemistry 1
- CHEM 1004 Essential Chemistry 1 (WSTC)
- CHEM 1005 Essential Chemistry 2
- CHEM 1006 Essential Chemistry 2 (WSTC)
- CHEM 1008 Introductory Chemistry
- CHEM 1009 Introductory Chemistry (WSTC)
- CHEM 1012 Essential Chemistry
- CHEM 1013 Essential Chemistry (WSTC)
- CHEM 2001 Analytical Chemistry
- CHEM 2006 Inorganic Chemistry
- CHEM 2008 Organic Chemistry
- CHEM 2010 Physical Chemistry
- CHEM 3001 Advanced Analytical Chemistry
- CHEM 3003 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
- CHEM 3004 Advanced Organic Chemistry
- CHEM 3005 Advanced Physical Chemistry
- CHEM 3008 Biodevices
- CHEM 3010 Forensic Chemistry
- CHEM 3012 Nanochemistry
- CHEM 3014 Pharmacological Chemistry
- CHEM 9001 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Functional Genomics
- CHEM 9002 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Nanotechnology
- CHEM 9003 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Chemical Sciences
- CHEM 9004 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Chemistry
- CHEM 9005 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Forensics
- Chemical Sciences (CHEM)
- Chemistry, Testamur Major (T026)
- Child and Community, Major (0045)
- Child and Community, Minor (0045)
- Childhood Studies, Major (0330)
- Childhood Studies, Minor (0330)
- Chinese, Major (0004)
- Chinese, Minor (0004)
- Civil and Environmental, Testamur Major (T111)
- Civil Engineering (CIVL)
- Civil Engineering, Testamur Major (T131)
- Civil, Testamur Major (T033)
- CIVL 1001 Surveying for Engineers
- CIVL 1003 Surveying for Engineers (WSTC AssocD)
- CIVL 2002 Environmental Engineering
- CIVL 2003 Fluid Mechanics
- CIVL 2004 Fluid Mechanics (WSTC AssocD)
- CIVL 2007 Introduction to Structural Engineering
- CIVL 2008 Introduction to Structural Engineering (WSTC AssocD)
- CIVL 2012 Soil Mechanics
- CIVL 2013 Soil Mechanics (WSTC AssocD)
- CIVL 2016 Civil and Substructure
- CIVL 2017 Sustainable Construction Materials
- CIVL 2018 Water Supply Systems Design
- CIVL 3002 Concrete Structures (UG)
- CIVL 3003 Construction Planning
- CIVL 3004 Construction Technology 3 (Concrete Construction)
- CIVL 3005 Construction Technology 4 (Steel Construction)
- CIVL 3007 Engineering Geomechanics
- CIVL 3010 Highway Infrastructure
- CIVL 3011 Hydraulics
- CIVL 3012 Steel Structures
- CIVL 3014 Structural Analysis
- CIVL 3016 Building Superstructure
- CIVL 3017 Construction Scheduling
- CIVL 3018 Hydrogeology
- CIVL 3019 Wastewater Systems Design
- CIVL 3020 Sustainable Waste Engineering
- CIVL 3021 Bridge Engineering Design
- CIVL 3022 Bridge Embankment Design
- CIVL 4001 Applied Mechanics
- CIVL 4002 Composite Structures
- CIVL 4003 Construction Technology 5 (Envelope)
- CIVL 4004 Construction Technology 6 (Services)
- CIVL 4005 Construction in Practice 3
- CIVL 4008 Pile Foundations
- CIVL 4009 Timber Structures (UG)
- CIVL 4010 Transportation Engineering
- CIVL 4011 Waste Management
- CIVL 4012 Water Resource Engineering
- CIVL 4014 Subject CIVL 4014 Not Found
- CIVL 4015 Complex Building Project
- CIVL 4016 Envelope and Services
- CIVL 4017 Surface Water Hydrology
- CIVL 4018 Building Design Project 1 (Honours)
- CIVL 4019 Building Design Project 2 (Honours)
- CIVL 4020 Construction Research Project
- CIVL 4021 Sustainable Waste Engineering
- CIVL 5001 Building Engineering
- CIVL 7001 Advanced Applied Mechanics
- CIVL 7002 Advanced Composite Structures
- CIVL 7003 Advanced Geotechnical Engineering
- CIVL 7004 Advanced Highway Infrastructure
- CIVL 7005 Advanced Numerical Methods in Engineering
- CIVL 7006 Advanced Structural Analysis
- CIVL 7007 Advanced Timber Structures
- CIVL 7008 Advanced Waste Management
- CIVL 7009 Advanced Water Engineering
- CIVL 7011 Building Engineering
- CIVL 7012 Building Fire Services
- CIVL 7013 Deep Foundations
- CIVL 7014 Sustainable Systems
- CIVL 7015 Water Resources Systems Analysis
- CIVL 7017 Wastewater Treatment and Recycling
- CIVL 7018 Water Treatment and Distribution
- CIVL 9001 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Engineering (Civil)
- Climate Justice, Minor (0315)
- Clinical Leadership, Testamur Major (T013)
- Clinical Sciences, Testamur Major (T109)
- Clinical Teaching, Testamur Major (T014)
- Cloud and Distributed Computing, Testamur Major (T121)
- Cloud Computing, Minor (0128)
- CMPL 1001 Traditional Chinese Medicine 1
- CMPL 1002 Traditional Chinese Medicine 2
- CMPL 2002 Channels and Points 1
- CMPL 2003 Channels and Points 2
- CMPL 2004 Chinese Materia Medica 1
- CMPL 2005 Chinese Materia Medica 2
- CMPL 2006 Traditional Chinese Medicine 3
- CMPL 3001 Acupuncture Techniques
- CMPL 3002 Chinese Medicinal Formulas
- CMPL 3003 Traditional Chinese Medicine Practice 1
- CMPL 3004 Traditional Chinese Medicine Practice 2
- CMPL 4001 Block Clinical Practicum
- CMPL 4002 Chinese Internal Medicine 1
- CMPL 4003 Chinese Internal Medicine 2
- CMPL 4004 Classical Texts in Chinese Medicine
- CMPL 4005 Specialities in Traditional Chinese Medicine 1
- CMPL 4006 Specialities in Traditional Chinese Medicine 2
- CMPL 4007 Traditional Chinese Medicine Practice 3
- CMPL 4008 Traditional Chinese Medicine Practice 4
- CMPL 7001 Advanced Acupuncture
- CMPL 7002 Block Clinical Practicum (PG)
- CMPL 7003 Chinese Internal Medicine 1 (PG)
- CMPL 7004 Chinese Internal Medicine 2 (PG)
- CMPL 7005 Chronic and Complex Disorders in Chinese Medicine
- CMPL 7006 Classical Texts in Chinese Medicine (PG)
- CMPL 7007 Clinical Application of Classical Chinese Herbal Medicine
- CMPL 7008 Clinical Applications of Classical Acupuncture
- CMPL 7009 Clinical Oncology and Chinese Medicine
- CMPL 7010 Clinical Placement
- CMPL 7011 Dermatology in Chinese Medicine 1
- CMPL 7012 Evidence Based Practice in Chinese Medicine
- CMPL 7013 Evidence Based Practice in Chinese Medicine 1
- CMPL 7014 Evidence Based Practice in Chinese Medicine 2
- CMPL 7015 Mental and Neurological Disorders and Chinese Medicine
- CMPL 7016 Musculoskeletal Health in Chinese Medicine
- CMPL 7019 Pharmacology of Chinese Medicines
- CMPL 7020 Research Project and Thesis
- CMPL 7021 Specialities in Traditional Chinese Medicine 1 (PG)
- CMPL 7022 Specialities in Traditional Chinese Medicine 2 (PG)
- CMPL 7023 Traditional Chinese Medicine Practice 3 (PG)
- CMPL 7024 Traditional Chinese Medicine Practice 4 (PG)
- CMPL 7025 Women's Health in Chinese Medicine
- CMPL 7026 Women's Health in Chinese Medicine 1
- CMPL 7027 Women's Health in Chinese Medicine 2
- CMPL 9001 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Centre for Complementary Medicine
- CMPL 9002 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Traditional Chinese Medicine
- COMM 0001 Academic Literacy (WSTC)
- COMM 0002 Academic Skills for Communication (WSTC Prep)
- COMM 0003 Academic Skills for Design (WSTC Prep)
- COMM 0004 Communication and Media (WSTC Prep)
- COMM 0005 Communication and Media (WSTC)
- COMM 0008 Developing Academic Language and Literacy
- COMM 0009 Grammar Workshop (WSTC)
- COMM 0010 Successful University Writing
- COMM 0011 Texts and Communication (WSTC Prep)
- COMM 0012 Texts and Communication (WSTC)
- COMM 0013 Unistep Academic Literacy
- COMM 0014 Graduate Research Literacy (WSTC)
- COMM 0015 Communication Practices (WSTC Prep)
- COMM 1001 Advanced Standing for Communication 140
- COMM 1004 Approaches to Text
- COMM 1007 Communication in Health
- COMM 1008 Communication in Health (WSTC)
- COMM 1009 Creative Writing: Practical Skills and Knowledge
- COMM 1010 Creative Writing: The Imaginative Life
- COMM 1011 Data, Mediation and Power (WSTC)
- COMM 1012 Data, Communication and Power
- COMM 1015 Foundations of Media Arts and Production
- COMM 1018 News and Media Today
- COMM 1019 Introduction to Journalism (WSTC)
- COMM 1020 Media Cultures and Industries
- COMM 1021 Media Cultures and Industries (WSTC)
- COMM 1026 Principles of Professional Communication 1
- COMM 1027 Principles of Professional Communication 1 (WSTC)
- COMM 1032 Writing Ecologies
- COMM 1033 Writing Ecologies (WSTC)
- COMM 1036 Introduction to the Creative Industries
- COMM 1037 Digital Narrative
- COMM 1038 Digital Narrative (WSTC)
- COMM 1039 Introduction to Screen Media
- COMM 1040 Introduction to Screen Media (WSTC)
- COMM 1041 Screen Media Fundamentals
- COMM 1042 Screen Media Fundamentals (WSTC)
- COMM 1043 Communication in Health (UG Cert)
- COMM 1044 Professional Communication
- COMM 1045 Foundations of the Communication Industry
- COMM 1046 Data Dynamics: Influence, Ethics, and Power (WSTC)
- COMM 2001 Account and Client Management
- COMM 2002 Advanced Standing for Creative Writing 210
- COMM 2003 Advanced Standing for Creative Writing 220
- COMM 2004 Advanced Standing for Film Studies 210
- COMM 2005 Advanced Standing for Film Studies 220
- COMM 2006 Advertising: Media
- COMM 2009 Cinema and Censorship
- COMM 2011 Communication Strategies
- COMM 2014 Editing and Publishing
- COMM 2015 Strategic Event Promotion
- COMM 2016 Experimental Writing and Electronic Publication
- COMM 2017 Feature Writing
- COMM 2019 Interactive Design: Games
- COMM 2020 Introduction to Film Studies
- COMM 2022 Journalism: Research and Investigation
- COMM 2024 Media Law and Ethics
- COMM 2026 New Media Contexts (WSTC)
- COMM 2027 News Reporting
- COMM 2029 Photo Journalism
- COMM 2032 Professional Writing and Editing
- COMM 2035 Screen and Sound Practices 1
- COMM 2036 Screen and Sound Practices 2
- COMM 2043 Writing Fiction
- COMM 2047 Pitch: Podcasting Essentials
- COMM 2048 Communicating for Sustainability
- COMM 2050 Multiliteracies
- COMM 2051 Animation and Visual Effects
- COMM 2052 Documentary: Factual Screen Media
- COMM 2053 Narrative: Fictional Screen Media
- COMM 2054 Animation and Visual Effects (WSTC)
- COMM 3001 Advanced Standing for Creative Writing 310
- COMM 3002 Advanced Standing for Creative Writing 320
- COMM 3003 Advanced Standing for Film Studies 310
- COMM 3005 Australian Textual Studies
- COMM 3006 Cinema and Experience
- COMM 3008 Communication Research Project
- COMM 3010 Creative Industries Professional Project or Internship
- COMM 3011 Creative TEAMS 1
- COMM 3012 Creative TEAMS 2
- COMM 3013 Creative Writing Project
- COMM 3014 Digital Communication
- COMM 3015 Digital Journalism Production
- COMM 3018 Internship
- COMM 3022 Media Memory
- COMM 3024 Modernity and Cinema
- COMM 3025 News Teams
- COMM 3035 TV Production 2
- COMM 3037 Transmedia Production
- COMM 3041 Writing For Performance
- COMM 3042 Writing Poetry
- COMM 3043 Writing Portfolio
- COMM 3045 Advertising: Campaigns
- COMM 3046 Personal Branding Strategies: Build and Manage Your Career Profile
- COMM 3047 Episodic Screen Media
- COMM 3048 Immersive Screen Technologies
- COMM 3049 Screen Media: Capstone Development
- COMM 3050 Screen Media: Capstone Production
- COMM 3052 Writing for our Digital Lives
- COMM 7001 Adaptive Leadership, Management and Team Work
- COMM 7002 Convergent Media Internship
- COMM 7003 Foundations of Media Arts Production (PG)
- COMM 7004 In the Realms of the Sensory: Ecologies of Word, Sound and Image
- COMM 7006 Media Project Production
- COMM 7008 Media Research Project
- COMM 7009 Mobile Media
- COMM 7010 New Genres in Research Writing
- COMM 7011 Researching Convergent Media
- COMM 7012 Strategic Communication
- COMM 7013 Ideate, Develop: Makerspace 1
- COMM 7014 Innovate: The Entrepreneurial Mindset
- COMM 7015 Key Concepts in Communication and Media Research
- COMM 9001 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Communication and Media Studies
- Communication and Media (COMM)
- COMP 0001 Introductory Programming (WSTC Prep)
- COMP 0002 Introductory Programming (WSTC)
- COMP 0003 Programming Design (WSTC Prep)
- COMP 0004 Programming Design (WSTC)
- COMP 1001 3D Modelling Fundamentals
- COMP 1002 Advanced Computer Science Activities 1
- COMP 1005 Programming Fundamentals
- COMP 1006 Programming Fundamentals (WSTC)
- COMP 1012 Programming Fundamentals (UG Cert)
- COMP 1013 Analytics Programming
- COMP 1014 Thinking About Data
- COMP 1015 Programming Fundamentals and Algorithmic Design (WSTC)
- COMP 1016 Foundations of Networking and Cyber Security (WSTC)
- COMP 2001 Advanced Computer Science Activities 2
- COMP 2004 Computer Networking
- COMP 2005 Computer Networking (Advanced)
- COMP 2006 Computer Networking (WSTC)
- COMP 2008 Computer Organisation
- COMP 2009 Data Structures and Algorithms
- COMP 2011 Games Technology
- COMP 2013 LAN Workshop
- COMP 2014 Object Oriented Programming
- COMP 2015 Programming Techniques
- COMP 2016 Programming Techniques (Advanced)
- COMP 2017 Programming Techniques (WSTC)
- COMP 2018 Simulation Fundamentals
- COMP 2019 Systems Programming 1
- COMP 2020 Technologies for Web Applications
- COMP 2021 Software Engineering Fundamentals
- COMP 2023 Mathematical Programming
- COMP 2024 Computer Networking (UG Cert)
- COMP 2025 Introduction to Data Science
- COMP 2026 Visual Analytics
- COMP 2027 Cyber Security
- COMP 2028 Cryptography, Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain
- COMP 2029 DevOps
- COMP 2030 Data Structures and Algorithms (Advanced)
- COMP 3001 Advanced Computer Science Activities 3
- COMP 3002 Applications of Big Data
- COMP 3003 Cloud Computing Architecture
- COMP 3006 Computer Graphics
- COMP 3007 Computer Networks and Internets
- COMP 3009 Distributed Systems and Programming
- COMP 3011 Internet Programming
- COMP 3012 Introduction to Cloud Computing
- COMP 3013 Mobile Applications Development
- COMP 3014 Networked Systems Design
- COMP 3015 Operating Systems Programming
- COMP 3016 Operating Systems Programming (Advanced)
- COMP 3018 Professional Experience
- COMP 3019 Professional Experience (Advanced)
- COMP 3020 Social Web Analytics
- COMP 3021 Special Effects Programming
- COMP 3022 Systems Administration Programming
- COMP 3023 Systems and Network Management
- COMP 3024 Video Games Development
- COMP 3025 Wireless and Mobile Networks
- COMP 3027 Robotic Programming
- COMP 3028 Software Construction
- COMP 3032 Machine Learning
- COMP 3033 Quantum Computing and Communication
- COMP 3034 Multimodal Interaction
- COMP 3035 Discovery Project
- COMP 3036 Full Stack Development
- COMP 3037 Cloud Security
- COMP 3038 Professional ICT Internship
- COMP 6001 Neuromorphic Algorithms and Computation
- COMP 6002 Neuromorphic Sensing
- COMP 6003 Computer Vision
- COMP 7001 Advanced Routing
- COMP 7002 Advanced Topics in Networking
- COMP 7003 Big Data
- COMP 7004 Cloud Computing
- COMP 7006 Data Science
- COMP 7007 Information Security Management
- COMP 7008 Internet of Things
- COMP 7009 Mobile Computing
- COMP 7011 Multimedia Communication Systems
- COMP 7012 Network Management
- COMP 7013 Network Technologies
- COMP 7014 Optimising Networks
- COMP 7015 Programming Proficiency
- COMP 7016 Visualisation
- COMP 7017 Wireless Networking
- COMP 7018 Advanced Cloud Computing
- COMP 7019 Applied Machine Learning
- COMP 7020 Artificial Intelligence Ethics and Organisations
- COMP 7021 Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
- COMP 7022 Natural Language Processing
- COMP 7023 Predictive Analytics
- COMP 7024 Programming for Data Science
- COMP 7025 Social Media Intelligence
- COMP 7026 Data Engineering Fundamentals
- COMP 7027 Advanced Data Engineering
- COMP 7028 Hands-on Quantum Computing
- COMP 9001 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Computing and Information Technology
- COMP 9002 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Computer Science
- COMP 9003 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Artificial Intelligence
- Complementary Therapies (CMPL)
- Composition, Minor (0067)
- Computational Mathematics, Testamur Major (T118)
- Computer Aided Design (Mechanical), Concentration (0124)
- Computer Aided Design (Mechatronics), Concentration (0125)
- Computer Aided Design (Mechatronics), Minor (0125)
- Computer, Data & Math Sciences
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- Computer Science (COMP)
- Conservation Science, Minor (0317)
- Construction Economics, Minor (0119)
- Construction Engineering, Testamur Major (T132)
- Construction, Testamur Major (T034)
- Creative and Visual Communication, Minor (0337)
- Creative Leadership, Minor (0286)
- Creative Living for Cultural Wellbeing, Minor (0334)
- Creative Writing, Major (0005)
- Creative Writing, Minor (0005)
- Criminology and Criminal Justice, Major (0006)
- Criminology and Criminal Justice, Minor (0006)
- Critical and Systems Thinking, Minor (0287)
- Ctr For Educational Research
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- Ctr For Educational Research
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- Ctr For Educational Research
- Ctr For Educational Research
- Ctr For Educational Research
- Ctr For Educational Research
- Ctr For Educational Research
- Ctr For Educational Research
- CULT 0001 Humanities and Communication Arts Exchange Unit 1
- CULT 0002 Humanities and Communication Arts Exchange Unit 2
- CULT 0003 Humanities and Communication Arts Exchange Unit 3
- CULT 0004 Humanities and Communication Arts Exchange Unit 4
- CULT 0005 Humanities and Communication Arts Exchange Unit 5
- CULT 0006 Key Concepts and Skills in the Social Sciences (WSTC Prep)
- CULT 1001 Asia in the World
- CULT 1005 Crime, Deviance and Society
- CULT 1006 Crime, Deviance and Society (WSTC)
- CULT 1007 Introduction to Crime and Criminal Justice
- CULT 1013 Policing, Justice and Society (WSTC)
- CULT 1017 Understanding Society
- CULT 1019 Understanding Society (WSTC)
- CULT 1020 Working with Communities
- CULT 1021 Working with Communities (WSTC)
- CULT 1022 Working with Cultural Differences
- CULT 1023 Working with Cultural Differences (WSTC)
- CULT 1024 Introduction to Criminal Justice
- CULT 1025 Introduction to Criminal Justice (WSTC)
- CULT 1026 Understanding Society (UG Cert)
- CULT 1027 Working with Communities (UG Cert)
- CULT 1028 Introduction to Criminology and Justice (WSTC)
- CULT 1029 The Individual in a Global Context: The Concepts and Ideas that Shape Us (WSTC)
- CULT 1030 Pancasila
- CULT 1031 Civic Education
- CULT 2004 Culture, Identity, Difference (Block Mode)
- CULT 2005 Ethics in the Social Sciences
- CULT 2007 International Politics of North Asia
- CULT 2011 Prisons, Punishment and Criminal Justice
- CULT 2016 Evidence and Investigation
- CULT 2017 Youth Justice and Practice
- CULT 2018 Crime Prevention and Drugs
- CULT 2019 First Peoples and Criminal Justice
- CULT 3001 Applied Social Research
- CULT 3002 Children's Culture
- CULT 3004 Consumer Culture
- CULT 3007 Contemporary Social Issues and Professional Practice
- CULT 3008 Crime Prevention and Community
- CULT 3010 Culture and Crime
- CULT 3011 Ethical Leadership
- CULT 3013 Gender, Crime and Violence
- CULT 3014 Heritage Interpretation
- CULT 3015 Heritage and Tourism
- CULT 3016 Indigenous Cultures: A Global Perspective
- CULT 3017 Legislation, Courts and Policing
- CULT 3018 Perspectives in Criminology
- CULT 3020 Representing Crime
- CULT 3021 Theories of Authority
- CULT 3023 Global Citizenship and Engagement
- CULT 3024 Crime, Media, Culture
- CULT 3025 Prisons, Punishment and Criminal Justice
- CULT 5001 Organised Crime and Criminal Organisations
- CULT 5002 Fundamentals of Cyber Crime and Security in a Global World
- CULT 6002 Gender Security and Violence
- CULT 7001 Economies and Ecologies
- CULT 7002 Engaging Discursive Fields
- CULT 7003 Environmental Humanities
- CULT 7004 Global Digital Futures
- CULT 7006 Rethinking Culture and Society
- CULT 7008 The Cutting Edge: Advanced Studies in Humanities and Communication Arts
- CULT 7010 Researching Post-Capitalist Possibilities (PhD Summer School)
- CULT 9001 Dissertation
- CULT 9002 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Under Examination
- CULT 9005 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Dual Award
- CULT 9006 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Institute for Culture and Society
- CULT 9007 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Humanities
- CULT 9008 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Research
- CULT 9009 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Society and Culture
- CULT 9010 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Society and Culture
- CULT 9011 Master of Research Thesis Examination
- Culture and Society, Major (0264)
- Culture and Society, Minor (0264)
- Curriculum and Ed. Studies (CEDS)
- Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking, Minor (0326)
- Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking, Testamur Major (T145)
- Cyber Security, Major (0066)
- Cybersecurity Management, Testamur Major (T153)
- Cybersecurity Networking, Minor (0274)
- Cybersecurity Systems, Minor (0277)
- Cybersecurity, Testamur Major (T003)
- Data Analytics, Testamur Major (T004)
- Data Science and Machine Learning, Minor (0322)
- Data Science, Testamur Major (T079)
- Design for Sustainability, Minor (0339)
- Design Management and Entrepreneurship, Major (0081)
- Design Practice, Major (0225)
- Design Practice, Minor (0225)
- DESN 0001 Design Practice (WSTC Prep)
- DESN 0002 The Design Process (WSTC Prep)
- DESN 0003 Critical Thought in Design (WSTC Prep)
- DESN 1003 Design Histories and Futures
- DESN 1004 Design Histories and Futures (WSTC)
- DESN 1007 Graphic Branding and Identity
- DESN 1008 Graphic Design: Process and Practice (WSTC)
- DESN 1009 Graphic Design: Understanding the Principles
- DESN 1010 Graphic Design: Understanding the Principles (WSTC)
- DESN 1011 Image Design
- DESN 1012 Image Design (WSTC)
- DESN 1018 Visual Storytelling
- DESN 1019 Visual Storytelling (WSTC)
- DESN 1021 Web and Time-based Design
- DESN 1022 Web and Time-based Design (WSTC)
- DESN 1023 Visual Media Design (WSTC)
- DESN 2001 Australian Design
- DESN 2005 Graphic Design: Interactive Digital Media
- DESN 2006 Graphic Design: The Professional Context
- DESN 2007 Illustrating Narrative
- DESN 2011 Motion Design
- DESN 2013 Photomedia: Photographic Practice
- DESN 2014 Researching the Visual
- DESN 2016 Creativity, Design Thinking and Visualisation
- DESN 3001 Contextual Design Studies
- DESN 3002 Data Visualisation
- DESN 3003 Design Research Project
- DESN 3006 Graphic Design: Developing a Personal Portfolio
- DESN 3007 Illustrating Popular Culture
- DESN 3008 Interactive Design: Apps
- DESN 3011 Public Memory and Commemoration
- DESN 3013 Social Design: Research and Practice
- DESN 3014 Design: Industry Engagement
- DESN 4005 Major Design Project
- DESN 4006 Professional Design Experience: The Individual Practitioner
- DESN 4007 Professional Design Experience: The Studio
- DESN 9001 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Graphic and Design Studies
- Digital Cultures, Major (0070)
- Digital Cultures, Minor (0070)
- Digital Futures, Testamur Major (T005)
- Digital Health, Testamur Major (T089)
- Digital Knowledge and Innovation, Major (0223)
- Diploma/Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology (6039)
- Diploma/Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology (Health Information Management) (6038)
- Diploma in Aerotropolis Industry 4.0 (Mechatronics Skills) (7178)
- Diploma in Aerotropolis Industry 4.0 (Mechatronics Skills)/Bachelor of Engineering Science (6046)
- Diploma in Arts (7049)
- Diploma in Arts (7195)
- Diploma in Arts/Bachelor of Arts (6005)
- Diploma in Arts/Bachelor of Arts (Interpreting and Translation) (6041)
- Diploma in Arts/Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Birth-5/Birth-12) (6017)
- Diploma in Arts/Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Early Childhood/Primary) (6048)
- Diploma in Arts/Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Primary) (6019)
- Diploma in Arts/Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Secondary) (6021)
- Diploma in Arts Extended - Arts (7161)
- Diploma in Arts Extended - Interpreting and Translation (7166)
- Diploma in Arts Extended - Pathway to Teaching Birth-5/Birth-12 (7146)
- Diploma in Arts Extended - Pathway to Teaching Early Childhood/Primary (7187)
- Diploma in Arts Extended - Pathway to Teaching Primary (7144)
- Diploma in Arts Extended - Pathway to Teaching Secondary (7145)
- Diploma in Building Design and Construction (7192)
- Diploma in Building Design Management (7108)
- Diploma in Building Design Management/Bachelor of Building Design Management (6031)
- Diploma in Building Design Management Extended (7183)
- Diploma in Business (7177)
- Diploma in Business (7190)
- Diploma in Business/Bachelor of Business (6037)
- Diploma in Business Extended (7102)
- Diploma in Business Fast Track (7100)
- Diploma in Communication/Bachelor of Communication (6007)
- Diploma in Communication/Bachelor of Creative Industries (6009)
- Diploma in Communication/Bachelor of Screen Media (Arts and Production) (6015)
- Diploma in Communication (exit only) (7043)
- Diploma in Communication Extended - Communication (7148)
- Diploma in Communication Extended - Creative Industries (7149)
- Diploma in Communication Extended - Screen Media (Arts and Production) (7150)
- Diploma in Construction Technology/ Bachelor of Construction Technology (6045)
- Diploma in Construction Technology (exit only) (7169)
- Diploma in Construction Technology Extended (7184)
- Diploma in Creative Industries and Communication (7194)
- Diploma in Criminal and Community Justice/Bachelor of Criminal and Community Justice (6025)
- Diploma in Criminal and Community Justice (exit only) (7032)
- Diploma in Criminal and Community Justice Extended (7154)
- Diploma in Culture, Society and Justice (7188)
- Diploma in Design/Bachelor of Design (Visual Communication) (6011)
- Diploma in Design/Bachelor of Graphic Design (Pathway to Teaching Secondary) (6013)
- Diploma in Design (exit only) (7044)
- Diploma in Design Extended - Graphic Design (Pathway to Teaching Secondary) (7153)
- Diploma in Design Extended - Visual Communication (7152)
- Diploma in Educational Studies (Primary) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education (exit only) (1718)
- Diploma in Educational Studies (Secondary) (exit only) (1941)
- Diploma in Education (Primary) (exit only) (1878)
- Diploma in Education Studies (7197)
- Diploma in Engineering (7034)
- Diploma in Engineering/Bachelor of Engineering Studies (6033)
- Diploma in Engineering Extended (7162)
- Diploma in Engineering Fast Track (7035)
- Diploma in Engineering Studies (7193)
- Diploma in General Science (exit only) (7185)
- Diploma in Health Science (7018)
- Diploma in Health Science (7189)
- Diploma in Health Science/Bachelor of Health Science (6000)
- Diploma in Health Science/Bachelor of Health Science (Health and Physical Education) (6001)
- Diploma in Health Science Extended (7142)
- Diploma in Health Science (Health and Physical Education) (7088)
- Diploma in Health Science (Health and Physical Education) Extended (7143)
- Diploma in Health Support (exit only) (4800)
- Diploma in Information and Communications Technology (7163)
- Diploma in Information and Communications Technology (7191)
- Diploma in Information and Communications Technology / Bachelor of Information Systems (6040)
- Diploma in Information and Communications Technology Extended - ICT (7138)
- Diploma in Information and Communications Technology Extended - Information Systems (7140)
- Diploma in Information and Communications Technology Fast Track (7004)
- Diploma in Information and Communications Technology (Health Information Management) (exit only) (7164)
- Diploma in Information and Communications Technology (Health Information Management) Extended (7141)
- Diploma in Laws (exit only) (2827)
- Diploma in Science (7196)
- Diploma in Science/Bachelor of Medical Science (6042)
- Diploma in Science/Bachelor of Science (6043)
- Diploma in Science (exit only) (7084)
- Diploma in Science Extended - Medical Science (7120)
- Diploma in Science Extended - Science (7122)
- Diploma in Science Fast Track (7009)
- Diploma in Social Science/Bachelor of Humanitarian and Development Studies (6027)
- Diploma in Social Science/Bachelor of Social Science (6023)
- Diploma in Social Science/Bachelor of Tourism and Event Management (6047)
- Diploma in Social Science/Bachelor of Tourism Management (6030)
- Diploma in Social Science (exit only) (7050)
- Diploma in Social Science Extended - Humanitarian and Development Studies (7156)
- Diploma in Social Science Extended - Social Science (7157)
- Diploma in Social Science Extended - Tourism and Event Management (7186)
- Diploma in Social Science Extended - Tourism Management (7159)
- Diploma in Social Science (Humanitarian and Development Studies) (exit only) (1917)
- Diploma in Social Science (Policing)/Bachelor of Policing (6044)
- Diploma in Social Science (Policing) (exit only) (7167)
- Diploma in Social Science (Policing) Extended (7168)
- Diploma in Social Sciences (7198)
- Diploma in Social Science Studies (exit only) (1919)
- Diploma in Youth and Communities (exit only) (1935)
- Disability Studies, Major (0252)
- Disability Studies, Minor (0252)
- Drama, Major (0380)
- Drama, Minor (0380)
- EART 1004 Soils
- EART 2001 Climate Change Science
- EART 2004 Soils and Substrates
- EART 2004 Soils and Substrates
- EART 3001 Biological Adaptation to Climate Change
- EART 3005 Statistical Hydrology
- EART 3006 Science of the Anthropocene
- EART 3007 Land Degradation and Contamination
- EART 7001 Advanced Hydrogeology
- EART 7002 Advanced Statistical Hydrology
- EART 9001 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Hydrology
- EART 9002 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Soil Science
- Earth Sciences (EART)
- ECON 0001 Economics (WSTC Prep)
- ECON 0002 Economics (WSTC)
- ECON 1002 Consumers, Firms and Markets (WSTC)
- ECON 1003 Financial Institutions and Markets
- ECON 1004 Financial Institutions and Markets (WSTC)
- ECON 1006 Introduction to Economic Methods
- ECON 1011 Principles of Economics
- ECON 1013 The Australian Macroeconomy
- ECON 1014 Consumers, Firms and Markets
- ECON 1015 Understanding the Economic Context of Enterprises (WSTC)
- ECON 2002 Corporate Financial Management
- ECON 2004 Globalisation and Trade
- ECON 2007 Macroeconomic Theory
- ECON 3001 Applied Econometrics
- ECON 3002 Corporations, Economic Power and Policy
- ECON 3003 Derivatives
- ECON 3005 Economic Theories, Controversies and Policies
- ECON 3006 Economic and Financial Modelling
- ECON 3007 Economics and Finance Engagement Project
- ECON 3008 Financial Institutions Lending
- ECON 3012 Growth, Cycles and Crises
- ECON 3013 Industry Economics and Markets
- ECON 3014 International Finance
- ECON 3017 Macroeconomic Measures and Models
- ECON 3019 Political Economy
- ECON 3021 The Superannuation Industry
- ECON 3022 Urban and Regional Economics
- ECON 4001 Advanced Analysis and Interpretation
- ECON 5001 Innovation Economy
- ECON 5002 Sustainability Economy
- ECON 7001 Economics
- ECON 9001 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Economics and Finance
- ECON 9002 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Property Economics
- Economics and Econometrics (ECON)
- Economics for Secondary Teaching, Minor (0141)
- Economics, Minor (0300)
- Economics, Testamur Major (T039)
- Economy and Markets, Major (0008)
- Economy and Society, Minor (0319)
- Eco-Socially Conscious Design and Manufacturing, Minor (0310)
- EDUC 0001 Diploma Plus
- EDUC 0002 EMP Growing Agriculture
- EDUC 0003 Education Exchange Unit 1
- EDUC 0004 Education Exchange Unit 2
- EDUC 0005 Education Exchange Unit 3
- EDUC 0006 Education Exchange Unit 4
- EDUC 0007 Education Exchange Unit 5
- EDUC 0008 Most Outstanding Year 11
- EDUC 0009 Short Term Study Program
- EDUC 1010 Educational Psychology (WSTC)
- EDUC 1012 Literacy and Numeracy for Educators (WSTC)
- EDUC 1013 Sociology for Educators(WSTC)
- EDUC 2015 Education for Sustainability (WSTC)
- EDUC 9001 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Centre for Educational Research
- EDUC 9002 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Education
- EDUC 9003 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Education
- Educational Leadership, Testamur Major (T134)
- Education Studies (Birth - 5/Birth - 12), Major (0156)
- Education Studies – Early Childhood/Primary Teaching, Minor (0331)
- Education Studies, Minor (0129)
- Education Studies - Primary English Teaching Specialisation, Major (0187)
- Education Studies - Primary Mathematics Teaching Specialisation, Major (0188)
- Education Studies - Primary Science Teaching Specialisation, Major (0189)
- Education Studies – Primary Teaching, Minor (0296)
- Education Studies - Secondary Teaching, Minor (0267)
- ELEC 1001 Digital Systems 1
- ELEC 1002 Digital Systems 1 (WSTC AssocD)
- ELEC 1003 Electrical Fundamentals
- ELEC 1004 Electrical Fundamentals (WSTC AssocD)
- ELEC 1005 Electrical Fundamentals (WSTC)
- ELEC 1006 Engineering Computing
- ELEC 1007 Engineering Computing (WSTC AssocD)
- ELEC 1008 Engineering Computing (WSTC)
- ELEC 1009 Electrical Circuit Fundamentals
- ELEC 1011 Engineering Computing (Block)
- ELEC 1012 Electrical Fundamentals (Block)
- ELEC 2001 Circuit Theory
- ELEC 2002 Circuit Theory (WSTC AssocD)
- ELEC 2004 Electronics
- ELEC 2005 Electronics (WSTC AssocD)
- ELEC 2006 Engineering Electromagnetics
- ELEC 2007 Engineering Visualization
- ELEC 2008 Microcontrollers and PLCs
- ELEC 2009 Microprocessor Systems
- ELEC 2011 Signals and Systems
- ELEC 2012 Signals and Systems (WSTC AssocD)
- ELEC 2013 Circuits and Signals
- ELEC 2016 Mathematics for Software Engineers
- ELEC 2017 Requirements and Design Workshop
- ELEC 2018 Systems Modelling and Design
- ELEC 2019 Workshop on Reasoning about Programs
- ELEC 3001 Communication Systems
- ELEC 3002 Data Communications
- ELEC 3003 Digital Signal Processing
- ELEC 3004 Digital Systems 2
- ELEC 3005 Electrical Drives
- ELEC 3006 Electrical Machines 1
- ELEC 3008 Instrumentation and Measurement
- ELEC 3009 Power Systems
- ELEC 3010 Renewable Energy Systems Design
- ELEC 3011 Power and Machines
- ELEC 4002 Power Electronics
- ELEC 4003 Power Quality
- ELEC 4004 Radio and Satellite Communication
- ELEC 4005 Smart Grids and Distributed Generation
- ELEC 4006 Sustainable Energy Systems
- ELEC 4007 Wireless Communications
- ELEC 4008 Electrical Drives
- ELEC 4009 Instrumentation and Measurement
- ELEC 6001 Applied Project in Neuromorphic Engineering
- ELEC 6002 Master Dissertation in Neuromorphic Engineering
- ELEC 6003 Neuromorphic Accelerators
- ELEC 6004 Neuromorphic Electronics Design
- ELEC 6005 Applied Project in Neuromorphic Engineering (Part-time)
- ELEC 7001 Advanced Control Systems
- ELEC 7002 Advanced Data Networks
- ELEC 7003 Advanced Electrical Machines and Drives
- ELEC 7004 Advanced Power Quality
- ELEC 7005 Advanced Signal Processing
- ELEC 7006 Advanced Smart Grids and Distributed Generation
- ELEC 7008 Instrumentation and Measurement (PG)
- ELEC 7009 Personal Communication Systems
- ELEC 7010 Power System Planning and Economics
- ELEC 9001 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Engineering (Computer)
- ELEC 9002 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Engineering (Electrical)
- ELEC 9003 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Engineering (Mechatronic)
- ELEC 9004 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Engineering (Telecommunications)
- Electrical and Biomedical, Testamur Major (T114)
- Electrical and Electronic Eng. (ELEC)
- Electrical and Telecommunication, Testamur Major (T113)
- Electrical Engineering, Testamur Major (T102)
- Electrical, Testamur Major (T035)
- Eng, Design & Built Env
- Eng, Design & Built Env
- Eng, Design & Built Env
- Eng, Design & Built Env
- Eng, Design & Built Env
- Eng, Design & Built Env
- Eng, Design & Built Env
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- Eng, Design & Built Env
- Eng, Design & Built Env
- Eng, Design & Built Env
- Eng, Design & Built Env
- Eng, Design & Built Env
- Eng, Design & Built Env
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering
- Engineering, Testamur Major (T012)
- English, Major (0009)
- English, Minor (0009)
- English Teaching Specialisation (Birth - 5/Birth -12), Minor (0158)
- ENGR 0001 Academic Skills for Engineering (WSTC Prep)
- ENGR 0002 Computing, Engineering and Mathematics Exchange Unit 1
- ENGR 0003 Computing, Engineering and Mathematics Exchange Unit 2
- ENGR 0004 Computing, Engineering and Mathematics Exchange Unit 3
- ENGR 0005 Computing, Engineering and Mathematics Exchange Unit 4
- ENGR 0006 Computing, Engineering and Mathematics Exchange Unit 5
- ENGR 1006 Design Studio 2: Form and Production
- ENGR 1008 Engineering Materials
- ENGR 1009 Engineering Materials (WSTC AssocD)
- ENGR 1010 Engineering Materials (WSTC)
- ENGR 1011 Engineering Physics
- ENGR 1012 Engineering Physics (WSTC AssocD)
- ENGR 1013 Engineering Physics (WSTC)
- ENGR 1018 Fundamentals of Mechanics
- ENGR 1019 Fundamentals of Mechanics (WSTC AssocD)
- ENGR 1020 Fundamentals of Mechanics (WSTC)
- ENGR 1023 Introduction to Engineering Business Management (WSTC AssocD)
- ENGR 1024 Introduction to Engineering Practice
- ENGR 1025 Introduction to Engineering Practice (WSTC AssocD)
- ENGR 1026 Introduction to Engineering Practice (WSTC)
- ENGR 1036 Construction Communication
- ENGR 1037 Construction Communication (WSTC)
- ENGR 1038 Design Graphics: Presenting Innovation
- ENGR 1039 Designing for Circular Economy
- ENGR 1040 Designing for People: Applied Ergonomics
- ENGR 1041 Designing for User Experience (UX)
- ENGR 1042 Sustainable Materials and Smart Manufacturing
- ENGR 1043 Co-Designing Change with Local Communities
- ENGR 1044 Drawing Skills for Design Thinking
- ENGR 1045 Engineering Programming Fundamentals
- ENGR 1046 Human Centred Design Research Methods
- ENGR 1047 Advanced Engineering Physics 1
- ENGR 1048 Engineering Materials (UG Cert)
- ENGR 1049 Introduction to Engineering (Block)Practice
- ENGR 1050 Sustainable Engineering Fundamentals
- ENGR 1051 Engineering Physics (Block)
- ENGR 1052 Fundamentals of Mechanics (Block)
- ENGR 1053 Applied Physics for Engineers (WSTC)
- ENGR 2001 Automated Manufacturing
- ENGR 2009 Engineering Management for Engineer Associates (WSTC AssocD)
- ENGR 2010 Engineering Project (WSTC AssocD)
- ENGR 2011 Graphics 2: Visual Simulation
- ENGR 2012 Graphics 3: 3D Engineering Specifications and Visualisation
- ENGR 2013 Graphics 4: Kinetic Narratives
- ENGR 2016 Pavement Materials and Design
- ENGR 2017 Pavement Materials and Design (WSTC AssocD)
- ENGR 2018 Professional Practice for Engineer Associates (WSTC AssocD)
- ENGR 2022 Design Practice: Sustainable Manufacturing
- ENGR 2023 Advanced Engineering Physics 2
- ENGR 2024 Design Graphics: Communication for Manufacture
- ENGR 2025 Design Graphics: Engineering Documentation
- ENGR 2026 Design Semantics: Exploring Product Form
- ENGR 2027 Engineering Design
- ENGR 2028 New Product Innovation with IoT Data
- ENGR 2029 Simulation in Virtual and Augmented Realities
- ENGR 2030 Industrial Experience (Associate Engineer) (WSTC AssocD)
- ENGR 2031 Management Practices for Engineer Associates (WSTC AssocD)
- ENGR 2032 Sustainability Analysis and Design
- ENGR 2033 Industrial Experience (Engineering Technologist)
- ENGR 2034 Geometric Design of Roads (WSTC AssocD)
- ENGR 2035 Modern Digital Design and Development
- ENGR 2036 Professional Development in Teams-based Projects
- ENGR 3001 Advanced Engineering Topic 1
- ENGR 3003 Biomedical Electronics
- ENGR 3004 Biomedical Signals and Data Analysis
- ENGR 3006 Control Systems
- ENGR 3010 Design Studio 4: Innovation through Systems Thinking
- ENGR 3013 Engineering Science Project 1
- ENGR 3014 Engineering Science Project 2
- ENGR 3017 Industrial Experience (Engineering)
- ENGR 3020 Numerical Methods in Engineering
- ENGR 3021 Professional Practice
- ENGR 3022 Special Technical Project
- ENGR 3023 Biomechanics in Product Innovation
- ENGR 3024 Design Research Methods (Advanced)
- ENGR 3025 Designing for Circular Economy (Advanced)
- ENGR 3026 Design Thinking for Successful Brands and Products
- ENGR 3027 Mentored Practice in Design Innovation
- ENGR 3028 Mentored Practice in Design Innovation
- ENGR 3029 Specialisation Workshop 1
- ENGR 3030 Specialisation Workshop 2
- ENGR 3031 Mentored Practice in Design (Industry)
- ENGR 3032 Humanitarian Design and Practice
- ENGR 3033 Digital Manufacturing and IIoT
- ENGR 4001 Advanced Engineering Topic 2
- ENGR 4004 Design Studio 6: Ambience, Place and Behaviour
- ENGR 4005 Engineering Project
- ENGR 4006 Engineering Project 1
- ENGR 4007 Engineering Project 2
- ENGR 4009 Major Project Commencement
- ENGR 4010 Major Project Completion
- ENGR 4011 Sustainability and Risk Engineering
- ENGR 4012 Industrial Design Major Project (Ideation)
- ENGR 4013 Creative Business Model Innovation
- ENGR 4014 Design Practice: Manufactured Product Lifecycle
- ENGR 4015 Design Practice: Self-Directed Specialised Mentor Project
- ENGR 4016 Design Practice: Sustainable Components
- ENGR 4017 Design Thinking for Competitive Advantage
- ENGR 4018 Industrial Design Major Project (Conclusion)
- ENGR 4019 Start-Up Product Launch
- ENGR 4021 Studio: Interdisciplinary Global
- ENGR 4022 Studio: Design Synthesis Capstone
- ENGR 4023 Advanced Engineering Thesis
- ENGR 4024 Construction Management Honours Thesis
- ENGR 4025 Final Year Project 1 (UG Engineering)
- ENGR 4026 Final Year Project 2 (UG Engineering)
- ENGR 4027 Industrial Design Applied Research Project (Honours)
- ENGR 4028 Industrial Design Project (Commencement)
- ENGR 4029 Industrial Design Project (Completion)
- ENGR 4030 Industrial Design Research Thesis (Honours)
- ENGR 4034 Climate Smart Engineering
- ENGR 4035 Smart and Liveable Cities
- ENGR 4036 Advanced Engineering Thesis 2: Detailed Investigations
- ENGR 4037 Advanced Engineering Thesis 1: Preliminary Investigations
- ENGR 4038 Biomedical Electronics
- ENGR 4039 Design for Advanced Manufacturing
- ENGR 4040 Industrial Design Major Project (Ideation & Studio Practice)
- ENGR 4041 Final Year Project 1 (UG Engineering)
- ENGR 4042 Final Year Project 2 (UG Engineering)
- ENGR 4043 Advanced Engineering Thesis 1: Preliminary Investigations
- ENGR 4044 Advanced Engineering Thesis 2: Detailed Investigations
- ENGR 5001 Fire Engineering 1 (Fire Dynamics)
- ENGR 6001 Bushfire Design and Climate Change
- ENGR 6002 Planning for Bushfire Prone Areas
- ENGR 6003 Fire Technology and Engineering Principles
- ENGR 7001 Advanced Engineering Project 1
- ENGR 7002 Advanced Engineering Project 2
- ENGR 7004 Bushfire Fighting
- ENGR 7005 Emergency Management for Bushfire Prone Areas
- ENGR 7006 Fire Engineering 1 (Fire Dynamics)
- ENGR 7007 Fire Engineering 2 (Fire Models)
- ENGR 7008 Fire Engineering Design and Assessment
- ENGR 7010 Fire Engineering Science
- ENGR 7012 Fire Technology and Engineering Principles
- ENGR 7013 Industrial Experience (PG)
- ENGR 7014 Master Project 1
- ENGR 7015 Master Project 2
- ENGR 7016 Planning for Bushfire Prone Areas
- ENGR 7017 Professional Practice and Communication
- ENGR 7019 Specialised Software Applications
- ENGR 7020 Sustainability and Risk Engineering (PG)
- ENGR 7023 Advanced Biomedical Data and Images
- ENGR 7024 Advanced Biomedical Electronics
- ENGR 7025 Human Physiology and Biomedical Technologies
- ENGR 7026 Performance Solutions for Bushfire Protection
- ENGR 7027 Spatial Tools and Mapping
- ENGR 7028 Engineering Project 1 (PG)
- ENGR 7029 Engineering Project 2 (PG)
- ENGR 7030 Bushfire Design and Climate Change
- ENGR 9001 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Engineering
- ENGR 9002 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Engineering
- ENGR 9003 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Engineering (Environmental)
- Enterprise Innovation, Major (0078)
- Enterprise Systems and Architectures, Testamur Major (T151)
- Entertainment Computing, Major (0145)
- Entertainment Computing, Minor (0145)
- Environmental Health, Minor (0208)
- Environmental Health, Testamur Major (T076)
- Environmental Humanities, Minor (0381)
- Environmental Studies (ENVL)
- Environmental, Testamur Major (T058)
- Environment and Sustainability, Major (0169)
- ENVL 1001 Understanding Landscape
- ENVL 1002 Environmental Issues and Solutions
- ENVL 1003 Environmental Issues and Solutions (WSTC)
- ENVL 1004 Introduction to Environmental Science
- ENVL 1005 Environmental Issues and Solutions (UG Cert)
- ENVL 1006 Environmental Health Issues and Solutions
- ENVL 1007 Environmental Health Issues and Solutions (WSTC)
- ENVL 1008 Sustainable and Ethical Industry Practices (WSTC)
- ENVL 2001 Analysis of Spatial Data
- ENVL 2002 Environmental Regulation and Policy
- ENVL 2003 Landuse and the Environment
- ENVL 2005 Internet of Things for the Environment
- ENVL 2006 Environmental Planning and Climate Change
- ENVL 2007 Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
- ENVL 2008 Australian Ecosystems: Threats and Solutions
- ENVL 2009 Ecosystem Restoration
- ENVL 2010 Conservation Priorities and Process
- ENVL 3003 Environmental Risk Management
- ENVL 3005 Planning the City: Development, Community and Systems
- ENVL 3006 Transport, Access and Equity
- ENVL 3007 Urban Environment
- ENVL 3009 Air Quality and Climate Change
- ENVL 3010 Environmental Planning, Policy & Regulation
- ENVL 7002 Planning and Environmental Regulation
- ENVL 7003 Urban Research Report
- ENVL 9001 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Environmental Studies
- Equitable Technologies, Minor (0312)
- Exercise Science, Minor (0279)
- Festival and Event Management, Major (0306)
- Festival and Event Management, Minor (0306)
- Finance and Investment, Major (0228)
- Finance and Tax Law, minor (0344)
- Finance, Major (0226)
- Financial Mathematics, Testamur Major (T096)
- Financial Planning and Taxation, Testamur Major (T024)
- Financial Planning, Testamur Major (T022)
- FINC 1001 Management Accounting Fundamentals
- FINC 1003 Professional Relationships and Communication in Business
- FINC 1004 Financial Concepts and the Language of Business (WSTC)
- FINC 2002 Personal Asset Management
- FINC 3001 Bank Management
- FINC 3002 Behavioural Finance
- FINC 3004 Financial Planning
- FINC 3006 Insurance Advising - Theory and Practice
- FINC 3007 International Property
- FINC 3008 Investment Management
- FINC 3009 Property Finance
- FINC 3011 Property Investment
- FINC 3013 Property Portfolio Management
- FINC 3014 Retirement and Succession Planning
- FINC 3015 Security Analysis and Business Valuation
- FINC 7001 Communication and Ethics for Financial Planners
- FINC 7002 Communication and Ethics for Financial Planners (EO)
- FINC 7004 Financial Adviser Communication Skills
- FINC 7005 Financial Adviser Communication Skills (EO)
- FINC 7006 Financial Modelling
- FINC 7007 Financial Planning Research Project
- FINC 7008 Financial Products and Markets
- FINC 7009 Financial Products and Markets (EO)
- FINC 7010 Insurance and Risk Management
- FINC 7011 Investment Planning
- FINC 7012 Investment Planning (EO)
- FINC 7013 Planning for Retirement
- FINC 7014 Planning for Retirement (EO)
- FINC 7015 Principles of Financial Planning
- FINC 7016 Principles of Financial Planning (EO)
- FINC 7017 Property Investment Analysis
- FINC 7019 Statement of Advice Research Project
- FINC 7020 Superannuation
- FINC 7021 Superannuation (EO)
- FINC 7022 Applied Project (Finance and Property)
- FINC 7023 Introduction to Finance
- Food and Hospitality (HOSP)
- Food Science, Testamur Major (T059)
- Forensic Science, Testamur Major (T049)
- Game Design, Testamur Major (T060)
- Game Programming, Testamur Major (T061)
- Games Development, Minor (0323)
- GEDU 0001 Tertiary Study Skills in Arts (WSTC Prep)
- GEDU 0002 Tertiary Study Skills in Business (WSTC Prep)
- GEDU 0005 Tertiary Study Skills in Construction Management (WSTC Prep)
- GEDU 0006 Tertiary Study Skills in Criminal and Community Justice (WSTC Prep)
- GEDU 0007 Tertiary Study Skills in Design (WSTC Prep)
- GEDU 0008 Tertiary Study Skills in Engineering (WSTC Prep)
- GEDU 0009 Tertiary Study Skills in Health Science (WSTC Prep)
- GEDU 0010 Tertiary Study Skills in Information and Communications Technology (WSTC Prep)
- GEDU 0011 Tertiary Study Skills in Islamic Studies (WSTC Prep)
- GEDU 0012 Tertiary Study Skills in Legal Studies (WSTC Prep)
- GEDU 0013 Tertiary Study Skills in Science (WSTC Prep)
- GEDU 0014 Tertiary Study Skills in Social Science (Policing) (WSTC Prep)
- GEDU 0015 Tertiary Study Skills in Social Science (WSTC Prep)
- GEDU 0016 Employability and Graduate Success (WSTC Prep)
- GEDU 0017 Transition Success (WSTC Prep)
- GEDU 1001 Introduction to University Life (WSTC)
- GEDU 1002 Core Foundations and Key Ideas (WSTC)
- Gender Studies, Minor (0295)
- General Education Programs (GEDU)
- Geography and Urban Studies, Major (0010)
- Geography and Urban Studies, Minor (0010)
- Geography for Secondary Teaching (0265)
- GEOM 2002 Quantity Surveying 2
- GEOM 3001 Advanced Building Measurement
- Geomatic Engineering (GEOM)
- Geotechnical, Concentration (0117)
- Geotechnical, Minor (0117)
- Global Business, Major (0011)
- Global Climate Change, Major (0168)
- Global Politics and International Relations, Major (0340)
- Global Sustainability, Minor (0196)
- Global Workplaces, Minor (0316)
- Graduate Certificate in Accounting (2790)
- Graduate Certificate in Acute and Critical Care Nursing (4749)
- Graduate Certificate in Advanced Imaging (MRI) (4769)
- Graduate Certificate in Aged Care Management (4756)
- Graduate Certificate in Ageing, Wellbeing and Sustainability (4783)
- Graduate Certificate in Allergic Diseases (4755)
- Graduate Certificate in Applied Finance (2760)
- Graduate Certificate in Artificial Intelligence (exit only) (3767)
- Graduate Certificate in Art Therapy (exit only) (1700)
- Graduate Certificate in Big Data (3785)
- Graduate Certificate in Building Surveying (3790)
- Graduate Certificate in Bushfire Protection (3794)
- Graduate Certificate in Business (2765)
- Graduate Certificate in Business Administration (2757)
- Graduate Certificate in Business Studies (exit only) (2751)
- Graduate Certificate in Child and Family Health (Karitane) (4715)
- Graduate Certificate in Child Health (exit only) (4794)
- Graduate Certificate in Chinese Medicine (exit only) (4718)
- Graduate Certificate in Counselling (1648)
- Graduate Certificate in Cross-cultural Relations (exit only) (1885)
- Graduate Certificate in Data Science (3751)
- Graduate Certificate in Education (1913)
- Graduate Certificate in Educational Studies (Secondary) (exit only) (1716)
- Graduate Certificate in Education (Leadership and Management) (exit only) (1851)
- Graduate Certificate in Engineering (3695)
- Graduate Certificate in Epidemiology (4740)
- Graduate Certificate in Financial Advising (2825)
- Graduate Certificate in Financial Planning (2795)
- Graduate Certificate in Fire Safety Engineering (3792)
- Graduate Certificate in Forensic Science (3743)
- Graduate Certificate in Global Security and Justice (exit only) (1925)
- Graduate Certificate in Health Science (4701)
- Graduate Certificate in Health Support (exit only) (4798)
- Graduate Certificate in Human and Business Performance (1942)
- Graduate Certificate in Humanitarian and Development Studies (1868)
- Graduate Certificate in Humanitarian and Development Studies (1897)
- Graduate Certificate in Inclusive Education (1721)
- Graduate Certificate in Information and Communications Technology (3701)
- Graduate Certificate in Information Governance (3774)
- Graduate Certificate in Interpreting and Translation (1602)
- Graduate Certificate in Literature and Creative Writing (exit only) (1833)
- Graduate Certificate in Machine Learning (3784)
- Graduate Certificate in Marketing (exit only) (2818)
- Graduate Certificate in Mental Health Nursing (4721)
- Graduate Certificate in Neuromorphic Engineering (exit only) (8126)
- Graduate Certificate in Nursing (4724)
- Graduate Certificate in Nursing (Professional Studies) (exit only) (4737)
- Graduate Certificate in Person-centred Diabetes Care and Education (4761)
- Graduate Certificate in Primary Mathematics Education (1830)
- Graduate Certificate in Primary STEM Education (1887)
- Graduate Certificate in Professional Practice (1912)
- Graduate Certificate in Project Management (3787)
- Graduate Certificate in Property Investment (2814)
- Graduate Certificate in Protected Cropping (3773)
- Graduate Certificate in Public Health (4705)
- Graduate Certificate in Researcher Engagement, Development and Impact (8111)
- Graduate Certificate in Science (exit only) (3776)
- Graduate Certificate in Secondary STEM Education (1882)
- Graduate Certificate in Secondary Teaching (1914)
- Graduate Certificate in Start Up Scale Up (2821)
- Graduate Certificate in Statistical Programming (3783)
- Graduate Certificate in Sustainable Tourism Futures (exit only) (1922)
- Graduate Certificate in Sustainable Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management (1938)
- Graduate Certificate in TESOL (1802)
- Graduate Certificate in Urban Management and Planning (1676)
- Graduate Certificate in Urban Management (Green Cities) (1898)
- Graduate Certificate in Urban Management (Healthy Places) (1899)
- Graduate Certificate in User Experience (3788)
- Graduate Diploma in Advanced Gynaecological Surgery (4766)
- Graduate Diploma in Advanced Imaging (MRI) (exit only) (4768)
- Graduate Diploma in Aged Care Management (4757)
- Graduate Diploma in Ageing, Wellbeing and Sustainability (4782)
- Graduate Diploma in Allergic Diseases (exit only) (4754)
- Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance (exit only) (2796)
- Graduate Diploma in Artificial Intelligence (exit only) (3766)
- Graduate Diploma in Art Therapy (exit only) (4596)
- Graduate Diploma in Australian Migration Law (2819)
- Graduate Diploma in Building Surveying (3789)
- Graduate Diploma in Bushfire Protection (3793)
- Graduate Diploma in Business Studies (exit only) (2750)
- Graduate Diploma in Cardiac Sonography (4743)
- Graduate Diploma in Child and Family Health (Karitane) (4714)
- Graduate Diploma in Child Health (4793)
- Graduate Diploma in Chinese Medicine (exit only) (4717)
- Graduate Diploma in Construction Law (exit only) (3796)
- Graduate Diploma in Counselling (1647)
- Graduate Diploma in Cross-cultural Relations (exit only) (1884)
- Graduate Diploma in Data Science (3750)
- Graduate Diploma in Digital Health (4778)
- Graduate Diploma in Educational Studies (Primary) (exit only) (1782)
- Graduate Diploma in Educational Studies (Secondary) (exit only) (1715)
- Graduate Diploma in Engineering (exit only) (3694)
- Graduate Diploma in Epidemiology (4739)
- Graduate Diploma in Financial Planning (2794)
- Graduate Diploma in Fire Safety Engineering (3791)
- Graduate Diploma in Forensic Science (3742)
- Graduate Diploma in Global Security and Justice (exit only) (1924)
- Graduate Diploma in Health Science (4700)
- Graduate Diploma in Health Service Management (4777)
- Graduate Diploma in Health Support (exit only) (4801)
- Graduate Diploma in Humanitarian and Development Studies (1867)
- Graduate Diploma in Humanitarian and Development Studies (1896)
- Graduate Diploma in Inclusive Education (exit only) (1722)
- Graduate Diploma in Information and Communications Technology (3700)
- Graduate Diploma in Information Governance (3775)
- Graduate Diploma in Interpreting (1775)
- Graduate Diploma in Interpreting Studies (exit only) (1778)
- Graduate Diploma in Laws (exit only) (2846)
- Graduate Diploma in Literature and Creative Writing (exit only) (1832)
- Graduate Diploma in Mental Health Nursing (4720)
- Graduate Diploma in Midwifery (4775)
- Graduate Diploma in Neuromorphic Engineering (exit only) (8125)
- Graduate Diploma in Nursing (4723)
- Graduate Diploma in Nursing Leadership (Mental Health) (exit only) (4746)
- Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Professional Studies) (exit only) (4736)
- Graduate Diploma in Obstetric and Gynecological Sonography (4802)
- Graduate Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety (4779)
- Graduate Diploma in Person-centred Diabetes Care and Education (4762)
- Graduate Diploma in Project Management (3786)
- Graduate Diploma in Protected Cropping (3772)
- Graduate Diploma in Psychology (1796)
- Graduate Diploma in Public Health (4704)
- Graduate Diploma in Science (exit only) (3777)
- Graduate Diploma in Start Up Scale Up (2820)
- Graduate Diploma in Sustainable Tourism Futures (exit only) (1921)
- Graduate Diploma in Sustainable Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management (exit only) (1937)
- Graduate Diploma in Teaching (Secondary) STEM (exit only) (1853)
- Graduate Diploma in TESOL (1801)
- Graduate Diploma in Translation (1776)
- Graduate Diploma in Translation Studies (exit only) (1779)
- Graduate Diploma in Vascular Sonography (4765)
- Graduate Diploma of Psychological Studies (1630)
- Graduate Research School
- Graduate Research School
- Graduate Research School
- Graduate Research School
- Graduate Research School
- Graduate Research School
- Graduate Research School
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- Graduate Research School
- Graduate Research School
- Graphic and Design (DESN)
- Graphic Design, Major (0073)
- Graphic Design, Minor (0073)
- Graphics and Visual Simulation, Minor (0324)
- Greenhouse Horticulture, Testamur Major (T107)
- Handbooks Archive
- Health and Recreation, Minor (0243)
- Health Informatics, Minor (0037)
- Health Informatics, Testamur Major (T007)
- Health Management, Major (0170)
- Health Management Studies, Major (0278)
- Health Practice Management, Minor (0240)
- Health Promotion, Major (0052)
- Health Promotion, Minor (0052)
- Health Promotion Studies, Major (0298)
- Health Promotion, Testamur Major (T018)
- Health Science Modelling and Research, Testamur Major (T141)
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Health Services Management, Major (0053)
- Health Services Management, Testamur Major (T019)
- Health, Testamur Major (T140)
- Heritage and Tourism, Major (0012)
- Heritage and Tourism, Minor (0012)
- History and Political Thought, Major (0013)
- History and Political Thought, Minor (0013)
- HLTH 0001 Health Care Environments (WSTC Prep)
- HLTH 0002 Health Care Environments (WSTC)
- HLTH 0003 Literacy in Health Science (WSTC Prep)
- HLTH 0004 Organisation for Tertiary Study (WSTC)
- HLTH 0005 The Health Science Professional (WSTC Prep)
- HLTH 1001 Foundations of Research and Evidence-Based Practice
- HLTH 1002 Foundations of Research and Evidence-Based Practice (WSTC)
- HLTH 1003 Introduction to Paramedicine
- HLTH 1006 Movement and Skill Development
- HLTH 1009 Paramedic Practice 1
- HLTH 1010 Professional Health Competencies
- HLTH 1011 Professional Health Competencies (WSTC)
- HLTH 1012 Evidence in Health
- HLTH 1013 Professional Competencies in Health
- HLTH 1014 Evidence in Health (WSTC)
- HLTH 1015 Professional Competencies in Health (WSTC)
- HLTH 1016 Professional Competencies in Health (UG Cert)
- HLTH 1018 Paramedicine Foundations 1
- HLTH 1019 Paramedicine Foundations 2
- HLTH 1020 Foundations of HPE
- HLTH 1021 Effective Communication in Health (WSTC)
- HLTH 1022 Evidence in Health Practice (WSTC)
- HLTH 1023 Diversity in Health (WSTC)
- HLTH 2001 A Field Study: Comparative Studies of Health Care Delivery
- HLTH 2003 Biomechanics
- HLTH 2004 Exercise Bioenergetics
- HLTH 2005 Exercise Prescription I
- HLTH 2006 Exercise Prescription for General Populations
- HLTH 2007 Fundamentals of Medical Concepts and Terminology
- HLTH 2009 Mental Health and Substance Abuse
- HLTH 2012 Nutrition and Health 1
- HLTH 2013 Nutrition and Health 2
- HLTH 2015 Out-of-hospital Medical Care 1
- HLTH 2017 Paramedic Practice 2
- HLTH 2018 Paramedic Practice 3
- HLTH 2021 Research Methods (Quantitative and Qualitative)
- HLTH 2022 Biostatistics in Health
- HLTH 2023 Introduction to Physical Cultural Studies
- HLTH 2024 Research Methods in Health
- HLTH 2025 Exercise Nutrition
- HLTH 2026 Paramedicine Care 1
- HLTH 2027 Paramedicine Care of Diverse Patients 1
- HLTH 2028 Paramedicine Care 2
- HLTH 2029 Paramedicine Care 3
- HLTH 2030 Paramedicine Care of Diverse Patients 2
- HLTH 2031 Motor Behaviour
- HLTH 3001 Applied Nutrition
- HLTH 3003 Clinical Leadership and Patient Safety
- HLTH 3004 Emergency Care for Special Populations
- HLTH 3005 Evidence-Based Practice
- HLTH 3007 Global Nutrition, Food and Community
- HLTH 3008 Gymnastics and Dance
- HLTH 3009 Major Incident Management
- HLTH 3011 Obstetrics and Paediatrics
- HLTH 3012 Out-of-hospital Medical Care 2
- HLTH 3014 Paramedic Practice 4
- HLTH 3015 Resistance Training and Physiology
- HLTH 3016 Strength and Conditioning
- HLTH 3017 Traumatic and Environmental Emergencies
- HLTH 3018 Ethical and Legal Issues in Health Care
- HLTH 3019 Nutrition, Health and Disease
- HLTH 3020 Global Nutrition and Food
- HLTH 3021 Paramedicine Care 4
- HLTH 3022 Paramedicine Leadership
- HLTH 3023 Integrated Paramedicine
- HLTH 3024 Safety and Quality in Paramedicine
- HLTH 3025 Paramedicine Trauma Care
- HLTH 3026 Movement and Skill Analysis
- HLTH 4001 Professional Reasoning
- HLTH 4002 Evidence-Based Practice (Advanced)
- HLTH 7001 A Global Perspective on Social Determinants of Health
- HLTH 7002 Building Organisational Capacity in Health Care
- HLTH 7003 Community and Public Health Nutrition
- HLTH 7004 Dissertation
- HLTH 7005 Health Financial Management
- HLTH 7006 Health Services and Facilities Planning
- HLTH 7007 Health Workforce Planning
- HLTH 7008 Introduction to Biostatistics
- HLTH 7009 Leadership and Change
- HLTH 7010 Nutrition Promotion
- HLTH 7011 Nutritional Assessment Methods
- HLTH 7013 Professional Reasoning
- HLTH 7014 Professional Topic
- HLTH 7015 Qualitative Research Methodology in Health
- HLTH 7016 Quality and Safety in Health Care
- HLTH 7020 Dissertation (Part Time)
- HLTH 7022 Advanced Health Service Management
- HLTH 7023 Advanced Sport and Exercise Science
- HLTH 7024 Health Services Financing
- HLTH 7025 Healthcare Data for Decision-Making
- HLTH 7026 Professional Internship in Health
- HLTH 7027 Professional Project in Health 1
- HLTH 7028 Professional Project in Health 2
- HLTH 7029 Quality and Safety
- HLTH 7030 Professional Internship in Health (Part-time)
- HLTH 9001 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Health
- HLTH 9002 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Health
- HLTH 9003 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Health
- HLTH 9004 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Nutrition and Dietetics
- HORT 1001 Crop Production
- HORT 1004 Horticultural Production Systems
- HORT 1006 Protected Cropping Biosecurity and Pollination
- HORT 1007 Protected Cropping Plant Nutrition
- HORT 2001 Greenhouse Technology for Food Sustainability
- HORT 2003 Plant Production
- HORT 3001 Postharvest
- HORT 3002 Protected Cropping Technology
- HORT 7001 Advanced Greenhouse Technology
- HORT 7002 Greenhouse Control Systems
- HORT 7003 Greenhouse Crop Production
- HORT 7004 Industry Project
- HORT 7005 Industry Project (Extended)
- HORT 7006 Plant-Climate Interactions in Controlled Environments
- HORT 9001 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Horticulture
- HORT 9002 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Viticulture
- Horticulture and Viticulture (HORT)
- HOSP 3001 Approved Industrial Experience (400 Hrs)
- Human-Computer Interaction, Minor (0084)
- Humanising Data, Minor (0335)
- Humanitarian Action in Practice, Minor (0327)
- Humanitarian and Development Studies, Major (0332)
- Humanitarian Preparedness and Response, Major (0094)
- Humanities & Comm Arts
- Humanities & Comm Arts
- Humanities & Comm Arts
- Humanities & Comm Arts
- Humanities & Comm Arts
- Humanities & Comm Arts
- Humanities & Comm Arts
- Humanities & Comm Arts
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- Humanities & Comm Arts
- Humanities & Comm Arts
- Humanities & Comm Arts
- Humanities & Comm Arts
- Humanities & Comm Arts
- Humanities & Comm Arts
- Human Nutrition, Testamur Major (T125)
- Human Resource Management, Major (0134)
- Human Resource Management, Minor (0301)
- Human Resource Management, Testamur Major (T041)
- Human Rights Law, minor (0347)
- Human Rights, Protection and Development, Major (0095)
- Human Welfare and Services (WELF)
- HUMN 0001 Academic Skills for Islamic Studies (WSTC Prep)
- HUMN 0002 Academic Skills for Policing (WSTC Prep)
- HUMN 0003 Academic Skills for the Social Sciences (WSTC Prep)
- HUMN 0006 Australian Studies (WSTC Prep)
- HUMN 0007 Australian Studies (WSTC)
- HUMN 0008 Comparative World Religions (WSTC Prep)
- HUMN 0009 Cultural Perspectives (WSTC Prep)
- HUMN 0010 Cultural Perspectives (WSTC)
- HUMN 0016 Key Ideas in Arts and Social Sciences (WSTC Prep)
- HUMN 0017 Key Ideas in Arts and Social Sciences (WSTC)
- HUMN 0018 Literacy for Tertiary Studies (WSTC)
- HUMN 0019 Studies of Society (WSTC)
- HUMN 0020 Understanding Academic Life (WSTC Prep)
- HUMN 0021 Understanding the Social Sciences (WSTC Prep)
- HUMN 1001 Advanced Standing for Ancient History 110
- HUMN 1007 Brave New World: Negotiating Social Change in the 21st Century
- HUMN 1008 Cities: Introduction to Urban Studies
- HUMN 1010 Contemporary Society (Advanced)
- HUMN 1013 Contextualising Indigenous Australia (Day Mode)
- HUMN 1015 Development and Sustainability
- HUMN 1016 Different Ways of Being in the World: Introduction to Social Anthropology
- HUMN 1017 Everyday Life
- HUMN 1018 Everyday Life (WSTC)
- HUMN 1026 Global Structures, Local Cultures
- HUMN 1028 Human Rights, Peace and Development
- HUMN 1029 Human Rights, Peace and Development (WSTC)
- HUMN 1039 Modern European History and Politics
- HUMN 1041 People, Place and Social Difference
- HUMN 1042 People, Place and Social Difference (WSTC)
- HUMN 1048 Understanding Islam and Muslim Societies (WSTC)
- HUMN 1049 Understanding Visual Culture
- HUMN 1051 Who do you think you are? (Day Mode)
- HUMN 1052 Australian Politics and Active Citizenship
- HUMN 1053 Diversity, Language and Culture
- HUMN 1054 When Worlds Collide: European Empires and the World, c.1600-1950
- HUMN 1055 Australian Politics and Active Citizenship (WSTC)
- HUMN 1056 Diversity, Language and Culture (WSTC)
- HUMN 1057 Doing Sociology
- HUMN 1058 Indigenous Landscapes
- HUMN 1059 When Worlds Collide: European Empires and the World, c.1600-1950 (WSTC)
- HUMN 1060 Introduction to Indigenous Australia: Peoples, Places and Philosophies
- HUMN 1061 Islam: Past, Present and Future
- HUMN 1062 Introduction to Indigenous Australia: Peoples, Places and Philosophies (WSTC)
- HUMN 1063 Critical and Systems Thinking
- HUMN 1064 Digital Identities
- HUMN 1065 Diversity, Language and Culture (Block)
- HUMN 1066 Introduction to Culture and Society
- HUMN 1067 Introduction to Culture and Society (WSTC)
- HUMN 1068 Intersectionality: Identity, Diversity and Difference (WSTC)
- HUMN 1069 Human Rights and Community Action (WSTC)
- HUMN 1070 Indigenous Australia: People, Places and Philosophies (WSTC)
- HUMN 1071 Images of Childhood
- HUMN 1072 The Human Experience: Fundamentals of Arts and Humanities (WSTC)
- HUMN 1073 Understanding Contemporary Australia (WSTC)
- HUMN 1074 The Entrepreneurial Self
- HUMN 2001 A History of Modern Global Buddhism
- HUMN 2003 Advanced Standing for Ancient History 210
- HUMN 2004 Advanced Standing for Ancient History 220
- HUMN 2005 Advanced Standing for Cultural and Social Analysis 210
- HUMN 2006 Advanced Standing for Cultural and Social Analysis 220
- HUMN 2007 Advanced Standing for Indigenous Australian Studies 210
- HUMN 2008 Advanced Standing for Indigenous Australian Studies 220
- HUMN 2009 Advanced Standing for Modern History 210
- HUMN 2010 Advanced Standing for Modern History 220
- HUMN 2011 Ancient Western Culture: Periclean Athens
- HUMN 2012 Anthropologies of the Everyday
- HUMN 2014 Civil Society in Contemporary China
- HUMN 2015 Community and Social Action
- HUMN 2017 Complex Emergencies and International Guidelines
- HUMN 2018 Cultural and Social Geographies
- HUMN 2020 Digital Humanities and Research Methods (UG)
- HUMN 2021 Doing Business in China
- HUMN 2022 Emergency Field Operations: Supply Management and Logistics
- HUMN 2024 Ethnographies of Southeast Asia and the Pacific
- HUMN 2025 Families and Intimate Life
- HUMN 2027 Health, Illness and Biomedicine: A Sociological Perspective
- HUMN 2028 Identity and Belonging
- HUMN 2030 Islam In the Modern World (WSTC)
- HUMN 2031 Islam in the Modern World
- HUMN 2032 Issues in World Development: Rich World, Poor World
- HUMN 2033 Issues in World Development: Rich World, Poor World (WSTC)
- HUMN 2034 Keeping the Past
- HUMN 2036 Mangamai'bangawarra: Indigenous Science
- HUMN 2037 Peace-Making and Peace-Building
- HUMN 2038 Pigments of the Imagination
- HUMN 2039 Political Terror
- HUMN 2040 Politics of Sex and Gender
- HUMN 2043 Religion and the Origins of Modern Science
- HUMN 2044 Representing Everyday Life in Literary and Visual Cultures
- HUMN 2046 Researching Culture
- HUMN 2048 Revaluing Indigenous Economics (Day Mode)
- HUMN 2050 Social Research Methods (Block Mode)
- HUMN 2053 The Economics of Cities and Regions
- HUMN 2056 The Racial State
- HUMN 2057 Tourism in Society
- HUMN 2058 Urban Life/Urban Culture
- HUMN 2061 Women with Muslim Identity
- HUMN 2062 Youth Cultures and Moral Panics
- HUMN 2064 (Poly)Crisis, Cross-cultural Responses & Resilience
- HUMN 2065 Self and Society
- HUMN 2066 Investigating and Communicating Social Problems
- HUMN 2067 History of the Ancient World
- HUMN 2068 Cultures of Southeast Asia and Oceania
- HUMN 2069 Society, Culture and Human Diversity
- HUMN 2070 First Peoples and Criminal Justice
- HUMN 2071 Knowledge Journeys
- HUMN 2072 Logic, Argumentation and Post-Truth
- HUMN 2073 Issues in Contemporary Heritage
- HUMN 2074 Origins of the Secular West
- HUMN 2075 Sports History in Global Perspective
- HUMN 2076 The Classical Tradition
- HUMN 3001 Advanced Standing for Ancient History 310
- HUMN 3002 Advanced Standing for Ancient History 320
- HUMN 3003 Advanced Standing for Cultural and Social Analysis 310
- HUMN 3004 Advanced Standing for Cultural and Social Analysis 320
- HUMN 3005 Advanced Standing for Indigenous Australian Studies 310
- HUMN 3006 Advanced Standing for Indigenous Australian Studies 320
- HUMN 3007 Advanced Standing for Modern History 310
- HUMN 3008 Advanced Standing for Modern History 320
- HUMN 3009 Alternatives to Violence
- HUMN 3011 An Introduction to Contemporary Aboriginal Australia
- HUMN 3012 Applied Indigenous Research Project
- HUMN 3013 Australian Colonial History
- HUMN 3015 Australian History Around Us
- HUMN 3016 Australian History Since 1920
- HUMN 3017 Australian Indigenous History from Federation to Reconciliation
- HUMN 3018 Australian Indigenous History: From first contact to 'dying race'
- HUMN 3019 Britain in the Age of Botany Bay, 1760-1815
- HUMN 3023 Climate Change and Culture
- HUMN 3024 Comparative Nationalism
- HUMN 3025 Conceptualising Islam
- HUMN 3026 Convicts and Settlers - Australian History 1788 - 1840
- HUMN 3029 Cultures of Crime and Punishment
- HUMN 3030 Cyber Justice (UG)
- HUMN 3031 Death and Culture
- HUMN 3032 Dictators, Democrats and Dreamers: Indonesia 1942 to now
- HUMN 3033 Digital Cultures
- HUMN 3034 Emotions, Culture and Community
- HUMN 3035 Enlightenment and Revolution
- HUMN 3036 Ethics in Historical Perspective
- HUMN 3039 Food: A Cultural History
- HUMN 3040 From Vindication to Liberation: A Comparative History of Feminism
- HUMN 3041 Geographies of Migration
- HUMN 3042 Global Politics
- HUMN 3043 Globalisation and Sustainability
- HUMN 3044 Healing and Culture
- HUMN 3046 History of Modern China to 1949
- HUMN 3047 History of Muslim Civilisations and Ideas
- HUMN 3048 History of Sexuality
- HUMN 3049 Home and Away: Ethnicity and Migration in Australia
- HUMN 3050 Housing Markets and Policy
- HUMN 3051 Human Rights and Culture
- HUMN 3054 Islam in Southeast Asia
- HUMN 3056 Islam in the West
- HUMN 3057 Islam, Media and Conflict
- HUMN 3058 Islamic Revivalism in the Globalised World
- HUMN 3060 Modern Japanese History
- HUMN 3061 Mystical Islam: The Emergence of Sufism in World History
- HUMN 3062 Napoleon: the Making of a Legend
- HUMN 3063 Peace & Development Project
- HUMN 3064 Politics, Power and Resistance
- HUMN 3065 Postcolonial Australian Cinema
- HUMN 3066 Power as a Cultural System
- HUMN 3067 Power, Politics and Knowledge
- HUMN 3068 Public Health Response in Complex Emergencies
- HUMN 3069 Queer Culture
- HUMN 3070 Rethinking Research with Indigenous Australians: Independent Study Project (Day Mode)
- HUMN 3075 Contemporary Religion
- HUMN 3076 Sultans, Colonists and Nationalists: Indonesia C1200-1942
- HUMN 3077 Sustainable Futures
- HUMN 3078 The Anthropologies of Gender and Sexualities
- HUMN 3079 The Asian Century
- HUMN 3080 The History of Southeast Asia
- HUMN 3081 The International Relations of the Middle East Since 1945
- HUMN 3082 The Making of the `Aborigines'
- HUMN 3084 Theories of Conflict and Violence
- HUMN 3087 Twentieth Century Australia
- HUMN 3088 Understanding Freedom
- HUMN 3090 Understanding Power
- HUMN 3091 Violence in Everyday Life
- HUMN 3092 WWII in Asia and the Pacific
- HUMN 3093 War
- HUMN 3094 War and Society in the Twentieth Century
- HUMN 3096 What is the Human?
- HUMN 3098 Genders and sexualities: beyond the binary
- HUMN 3100 Social Sciences International Placement (1): Preparation for Placement
- HUMN 3101 Social Sciences International Placement (II): Placement
- HUMN 3102 Social Sciences International Placement (III): Post-placement Reflections
- HUMN 3103 Group Project
- HUMN 3104 Historical Methodologies
- HUMN 3105 History of Religion
- HUMN 3106 Study Tours
- HUMN 3107 Labour and Culture
- HUMN 3108 We Are The University: Students Co-creating Change
- HUMN 3109 Catastrophe: The Environmental History of the Ancient World
- HUMN 3111 History of the People's Republic of China
- HUMN 3112 Indigenous Methodologies
- HUMN 3113 Migration and Social Change
- HUMN 3114 Changemakers and Entrepreneurship
- HUMN 3115 Medieval Europe from the Fall of the Roman Empire to the Reformation
- HUMN 3116 Emergency and Disaster Management
- HUMN 3117 Place-Making for Tourism and the Cultural Economies
- HUMN 3118 Indigenous Cultures: A Global Perspective
- HUMN 3119 Emergency Field Operations: Supply Management and Logistics
- HUMN 3120 AI and Society
- HUMN 4001 Researcher Development 1: Reading ,Writing, and the Business of Research
- HUMN 4002 Researcher Development 2: Proposing and Justifying Research
- HUMN 4003 Writing Beyond the Academy: Knowledge Translation and Public Audience Communication
- HUMN 4006 Honours Thesis Part Time 2
- HUMN 4008 Honours Thesis Part Time 4
- HUMN 5001 Borders, Mobilities and Justice
- HUMN 6001 Transnational Crime and Human Security Threat
- HUMN 7001 Advanced Social Research Methods
- HUMN 7002 Applied Imagination
- HUMN 7003 Applied Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- HUMN 7004 Australian Cultural Policy and Practice
- HUMN 7005 Career and Personal Development
- HUMN 7006 China Culture Study
- HUMN 7007 Chinese Cultural Policy and Practice
- HUMN 7009 Critical and Creative Enquiry
- HUMN 7011 Cultural Diplomacy and Soft Power
- HUMN 7012 Cyber Justice (PG)
- HUMN 7013 Debates in Global Interactions
- HUMN 7015 Digital Humanities Research Methods (PG)
- HUMN 7017 Ecopedagogies
- HUMN 7018 Ecopsychology and Cultural Change
- HUMN 7019 International Disaster Management
- HUMN 7021 Fieldwork in Complex and Hostile Places
- HUMN 7022 Global Criminology and Human Rights
- HUMN 7023 Global Health, Migration and Development
- HUMN 7024 Humanitarian and Development Agendas and Progress
- HUMN 7026 Knowledge Translation
- HUMN 7027 Leading Change
- HUMN 7028 Management and Evaluation of Aid Programs
- HUMN 7029 Master of Social Science Thesis
- HUMN 7031 Political Economy of Development
- HUMN 7032 Public Health in Complex Emergencies
- HUMN 7034 Research Project in Cultural Exchange
- HUMN 7035 Research and Public Policy
- HUMN 7036 Introduction to Social Research
- HUMN 7037 Researcher Engagement and Impact
- HUMN 7038 Researcher Knowledge and Development
- HUMN 7040 Social Ecology
- HUMN 7041 Social Research in the Digital World
- HUMN 7044 Theories of Difference and Diversity
- HUMN 7045 Theories of the Social
- HUMN 7047 Transnational Crime
- HUMN 7048 Understanding Race
- HUMN 7049 Violence, Culture and Criminal Justice
- HUMN 7051 How to Write History
- HUMN 7054 Social Science Research Project
- HUMN 7055 Social Science Training Placement
- HUMN 7056 Grant Proposals and Applications
- HUMN 7057 Thirty-Day Research Placement
- HUMN 9001 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Centre for Health Research
- HUMN 9002 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Centre for Infrastructure Engineering
- HUMN 9006 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Religion and Society Research Centre
- HUMN 9007 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Translational Health Research Institute
- HUMN 9008 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Gender Specific Studies
- HUMN 9009 Higher Degree Research Thesis - History
- HUMN 9010 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Indigenous Studies
- HUMN 9011 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Social Ecology
- HUMN 9012 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Sociology
- HUMN 9013 Higher Degree Research Thesis PT - History
- HUMN 9014 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Writing and Society Research Centre
- Ideate. Strategise. Innovate., Minor (0336)
- Immersion Language, Minor (0014)
- Inclusive Education, Minor (0359)
- Indigenous Australian Studies, Major (0015)
- Indigenous Australian Studies, Minor (0015)
- Indigenous Studies, Minor (0263)
- Indonesian, Major (0309)
- Indonesian, Minor (0309)
- Industrial Manufacturing, Minor (0085)
- Infectious Diseases, Minor (0231)
- INFO 0001 Academic Skills for Information Communications Technology (WSTC Prep)
- INFO 0002 Academic Skills for Information Communications Technology (WSTC)
- INFO 0003 Advanced Computer Studies (WSTC Prep)
- INFO 0004 Advanced Computer Studies (WSTC)
- INFO 0005 Computer Competency (WSTC)
- INFO 0006 Computer Fundamentals (WSTC Prep)
- INFO 0007 Computer Literacy (WSTC)
- INFO 0008 Computer Studies (WSTC Prep)
- INFO 0009 Computer Studies (WSTC)
- INFO 0010 Information Technology in Business (WSTC Prep)
- INFO 1001 Introduction to Information Technology
- INFO 1002 PC Workshop
- INFO 1003 Professional Practice, Communication and Ethics
- INFO 1004 Data Analysis and Storytelling
- INFO 1005 Website Design(WSTC)
- INFO 2002 Tangible Interaction Design
- INFO 2003 Technologies for Mobile Applications
- INFO 2004 Cyber Crime and Social Engineering
- INFO 2005 Cyber Security and Behaviour Research Project
- INFO 2006 Usable Security
- INFO 2007 Cyber Crime and Social Engineering (Block)
- INFO 2008 Cyber Incident Response and Risk Management
- INFO 2009 Multiliteracies
- INFO 2010 AI and Society
- INFO 3001 Computer Security
- INFO 3002 Ethical Hacking Principles and Practice
- INFO 3003 Human-Computer Interaction
- INFO 3004 Human-Computer Interaction (Advanced)
- INFO 3005 I.T. Support Practicum
- INFO 3006 Information Security
- INFO 3007 Network Security
- INFO 3008 Professional Development
- INFO 3011 Social Computing
- INFO 3012 Cyber Security and Behaviour Placement 1
- INFO 3013 Cyber Security and Behaviour Placement 2
- INFO 3014 Digital Investigations and Forensics
- INFO 3015 Internet of Things and Smart Environments
- INFO 3016 Cyber Security and Behaviour Community Placement
- INFO 3017 Cyber Security and Behaviour Industry Placement
- INFO 3018 Computing Practicum
- INFO 3019 Project Management
- INFO 3020 Cyber Security and Behaviour Research Project
- INFO 3021 Information Security (Advanced)
- INFO 5001 Workflow Management for Business Solutions
- INFO 6001 IT Project Management
- INFO 6002 Postgraduate Capstone Project
- INFO 6003 Postgraduate Research Project
- INFO 7001 Advanced Machine Learning
- INFO 7002 Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence
- INFO 7003 Advanced Topics in User System Interaction
- INFO 7004 ICT Practicum
- INFO 7005 IT Project Management
- INFO 7008 Modern Software Architectures
- INFO 7009 Network Security
- INFO 7010 Research Project A
- INFO 7011 Research Project B
- INFO 7013 Web Engineering
- INFO 7014 Advanced Topics in Cybersecurity
- INFO 7015 Applied Cybersecurity
- INFO 7016 Postgraduate Project A
- INFO 7017 Postgraduate Project B
- INFO 7018 Cloud Systems Development
- INFO 7019 Smart Construction
- INFO 9001 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Information Technology
- INFO 9002 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Information Technology
- INFO 9003 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Mathematics Sciences
- Infonomics, Testamur Major (T158)
- Information and Communications Technology, Major (0232)
- Information Governance, Testamur Major (T122)
- Information Systems Analytics, Major (0166)
- Information Systems (INFS)
- Information Technology, Testamur Major (T011)
- INFS 1002 Information Systems in Context
- INFS 1003 Information Systems in Context (WSTC)
- INFS 1006 Systems Analysis and Design
- INFS 1007 Systems Analysis and Design (WSTC)
- INFS 1013 Information Systems in Context (UG Cert)
- INFS 1015 Systems Analysis and Design (Advanced)
- INFS 1017 Database Design and Management (WSTC)
- INFS 2001 Database Design and Development
- INFS 2002 Database Design and Development (Advanced)
- INFS 2003 Database Design and Development (WSTC)
- INFS 2004 Introduction to Health Informatics
- INFS 2005 Introduction to Health Informatics (WSTC)
- INFS 2006 Object Oriented Analysis
- INFS 2007 Object Oriented Analysis (Advanced)
- INFS 2009 Database Design and Development (UG Cert)
- INFS 2010 Work-Integrated Learning in Digital Construction
- INFS 2011 Object Oriented Analysis (WSTC)
- INFS 2013 Systems Analysis and Design
- INFS 2014 Systems Analysis and Design (Advanced)
- INFS 3001 Activity Based Funding/Casemix and Data Quality
- INFS 3002 Advanced Clinical Classification
- INFS 3003 Artificial Intelligence
- INFS 3005 Developing Web Applications with XML
- INFS 3006 Emerging Trends in Information Systems
- INFS 3007 Emerging Trends in Information Systems (Advanced)
- INFS 3008 Formal Software Engineering
- INFS 3010 Healthcare Data Environments
- INFS 3011 Healthcare Software and Systems
- INFS 3012 Information Systems Deployment and Management
- INFS 3017 Web Systems Development
- INFS 3018 Web Systems Development (Advanced)
- INFS 3020 Artificial Intelligence (Advanced)
- INFS 3021 Formal Software Engineering (Advanced)
- INFS 7001 Advanced Healthcare Data Environments
- INFS 7002 Advanced Healthcare Software and Systems
- INFS 7003 Advanced Topics in ICT
- INFS 7004 Content Management Systems and Web Analytics
- INFS 7005 Smart Construction
- INFS 7006 Software Testing and Automation
- INFS 7007 Systems Analysis and Database Management Systems
- INFS 7008 Systems and Network Security
- INFS 7009 Web Technologies
- INFS 9001 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Information Systems
- Innovating, Creating and Problem Solving, Minor (0283)
- Innovating For Humans, Minor (0288)
- Innovation and Change, Major (0017)
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Major (0038)
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Testamur Major (T008)
- Innovative Foods, Testamur Major (T124)
- Institute Culture & Society
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- Interactive Analytics, Major (0203)
- International Business, Minor (0290)
- International Business, Testamur Major (T042)
- International English, Major (0018)
- International English, Minor (0018)
- International Governance, Testamur Major (T127)
- International Relations and Asian Studies, Major (0019)
- International Relations and Asian Studies, Minor (0019)
- Islamic Studies, Major (0020)
- Islamic Studies, Minor (0020)
- Issues in Construction Law, minor (0345)
- IT Support, Minor (0205)
- LANG 0001 Academic Communication 1 (WSTC Prep)
- LANG 0002 Academic Communication 2 (WSTC Prep)
- LANG 0003 Academic English (WSTC Prep)
- LANG 0004 Academic English (WSTC Prep) Online
- LANG 0005 Academic English (WSTC)
- LANG 0006 Academic English 1 (WSTC)
- LANG 0007 Academic English 2 (WSTC)
- LANG 0009 Academic Skills for Arts (WSTC Prep)
- LANG 0010 Academic Skills for Arts (WSTC)
- LANG 0011 Academic Skills for Arts (WSTC) Online
- LANG 0012 Academic and Professional Communication (WSTC Prep)
- LANG 0013 Advanced Academic English Skills - A Reading and Writing Module
- LANG 0014 Advanced Academic English Skills - B Listening and Speaking Module
- LANG 0015 Communicating in English 1 - (CIE1)
- LANG 0016 Communicating in English 2 - (CIE2)
- LANG 0017 Communicating in English 4 - (CIE4)
- LANG 0018 Communicating in English 5 - (CIE5)
- LANG 0020 English Enhancement
- LANG 0021 English for Academic Purposes 1 - (EAP 1)
- LANG 0022 English for Academic Purposes 2 - (EAP 2)
- LANG 0023 English for Academic Purposes 3 - (EAP 3)
- LANG 0024 English for Academic Purposes 4 - (EAP 4)
- LANG 0025 English for Academic Purposes 5 - (EAP 5)
- LANG 0026 English for International Students 1 (WSTC Prep)
- LANG 0027 English for International Students 1 (WSTC)
- LANG 0028 English for International Students 2 (WSTC Prep)
- LANG 0029 English for International Students 2 (WSTC)
- LANG 0030 English for Tertiary Study 1 (WSTC Prep)
- LANG 0031 English for Tertiary Study 1 (WSTC)
- LANG 0032 English for Tertiary Study 2 (WSTC Prep)
- LANG 0033 English for Tertiary Study 2 (WSTC)
- LANG 0034 Essential Skills for Academic Success (WSTC Prep)
- LANG 0035 IELTS Preparation
- LANG 0036 Introduction to Academic Communication 1 (WSTC Prep)
- LANG 0037 Introduction to Academic Communication 1 (WSTC)
- LANG 0038 Introduction to Academic Communication 1 (WSTC) Online
- LANG 0039 Introduction to Academic Communication 2 (WSTC Prep)
- LANG 0040 Introduction to Academic Communication 2 (WSTC)
- LANG 0041 Master of Teaching Direct Entry English Program (MTDEEP)
- LANG 0042 Professional Communication Skills for Engineering (WSTC Prep)
- LANG 0043 Skills for Arts (WSTC)
- LANG 0044 Success in Tertiary Literacies (WSTC)
- LANG 0045 The Structure of English (WSTC)
- LANG 0046 Understanding the Arts (WSTC Prep)
- LANG 0047 Communicating in English (Nursing)
- LANG 0048 Bachelor of Nursing Direct Entry English Program
- LANG 0049 Essential Literacy for Construction Professionals I (WSTC Prep)
- LANG 0050 Essential Literacy for Construction Professionals II (WSTC Prep)
- LANG 0051 Communication Skills for Health Science 1 (WSTC)
- LANG 0052 Academic Communication for Policing and Justice (WSTC Prep)
- LANG 0053 Communication Skills for Health Science 2 (WSTC)
- LANG 0054 Professional Communication Skills for Policing and Justice (WSTC Prep)
- LANG 0055 Essential Communication for Social Science (WSTC Prep)
- LANG 0056 Advanced Communication for Social Science (WSTC Prep)
- LANG 0057 Communicating in English 3 - (CIE3)
- LANG 0058 Teacher Education Direct Entry English Program (TEDEEP)
- LANG 1002 Arabic 101
- LANG 1003 Arabic 102
- LANG 1005 Chinese 101
- LANG 1006 Chinese 102
- LANG 1008 Communicating in English 3 - (CIE3)
- LANG 1009 Immersion Language Beginner 101
- LANG 1010 Immersion Language Beginner 102
- LANG 1011 Indonesian 101
- LANG 1012 Indonesian 102
- LANG 1013 Introduction to Interpreting
- LANG 1014 Introduction to Linguistics
- LANG 1015 Introduction to Literary Studies
- LANG 1016 Introduction to Literary Studies (WSTC)
- LANG 1017 Introduction to Translation
- LANG 1020 Japanese 101
- LANG 1021 Japanese 102
- LANG 1028 The Sound of Language
- LANG 1029 Foundations of Academic English
- LANG 1030 Thinking Critically About Texts and Society
- LANG 1031 Foundations of Academic English (WSTC)
- LANG 1032 Thinking Critically About Texts and Society (WSTC)
- LANG 1033 Cultural Crossroads: Understanding the World Through Texts (WSTC)
- LANG 1034 Speaking Dharug and other Australian Indigenous Languages
- LANG 1035 Australian Indigenous Languages Revitalisation
- LANG 1036 Indonesian Language
- LANG 2001 Advanced Standing for Linguistics 210
- LANG 2002 Advanced Standing for Literature 210
- LANG 2003 Advanced Standing for Literature 220
- LANG 2004 Arabic 201
- LANG 2006 Arabic 202
- LANG 2007 Arabic 203
- LANG 2008 Arabic 204
- LANG 2009 Chinese 201
- LANG 2010 Chinese 202
- LANG 2011 Chinese 203
- LANG 2012 Chinese 204
- LANG 2013 Comedy and Tragedy
- LANG 2014 Community Translation (UG)
- LANG 2015 Cultural History of Books and Reading
- LANG 2019 Immersion Language Heritage Background 201
- LANG 2020 Immersion Language Heritage Background 202
- LANG 2021 Indonesian 201
- LANG 2022 Indonesian 202
- LANG 2023 Interpreting Skills
- LANG 2024 Japanese 201
- LANG 2025 Japanese 202 Speaking and Listening
- LANG 2026 Japanese 203
- LANG 2033 Literature and Decolonisation
- LANG 2034 Meaning in Language
- LANG 2035 Methods of Reading
- LANG 2036 Modern Australian Poetry and Poetics
- LANG 2037 Pragmatics
- LANG 2039 The Short Story: Nineteenth Century Women’s Writing
- LANG 2040 Spanish 201
- LANG 2041 Structure of Language
- LANG 2044 The Gothic
- LANG 2047 Translation Technologies
- LANG 2048 Working Grammar
- LANG 2050 Medieval and Early Modern Literature
- LANG 2051 Writing and Reading Sci-Fi and Fantasy
- LANG 2054 Japanese 204: Speaking and Listening
- LANG 2055 English Text
- LANG 2056 Writing Industries
- LANG 2057 Literature and Environment
- LANG 2058 Race in Literature
- LANG 3001 19th Century American Literature
- LANG 3002 20th Century American Literature
- LANG 3003 Accreditation Studies (UG)
- LANG 3004 Advanced Standing for Linguistics 310
- LANG 3005 Advanced Standing for Linguistics 320
- LANG 3006 Advanced Standing for Literature 310
- LANG 3007 Advanced Standing for Literature 320
- LANG 3009 Arabic 301
- LANG 3011 Arabic 302 - Arabic Advanced Language and Grammar
- LANG 3012 Arabic 303: Advanced Writing Skills
- LANG 3013 Arabic 304: Arabic Advanced Speaking
- LANG 3014 Arabic 306: Arabic Novel and Short Story
- LANG 3015 Arabic 308: Language Past and Present
- LANG 3016 Bilingualism and Biculturalism
- LANG 3018 Children's Literature: Image and Text
- LANG 3019 Children's and Young Adult Fiction
- LANG 3020 Chinese 301
- LANG 3021 Chinese 302
- LANG 3022 Chinese 303: Twentieth-Century Chinese Literature
- LANG 3023 Chinese 304: Chinese Classical Literature
- LANG 3024 Chinese 305: Chinese Cinema
- LANG 3025 Chinese 306: Traditional Chinese Thought
- LANG 3026 Chinese 307: The Cultural Context of China
- LANG 3027 Creative Non-Fiction
- LANG 3028 Crime Fiction
- LANG 3029 Culture, Discourse and Meaning
- LANG 3030 Discourse Analysis
- LANG 3031 Discovering language: Everything you've ever wanted to know but never asked
- LANG 3033 Film and Drama
- LANG 3034 Historical Linguistics
- LANG 3035 Immersion Language Native Speaker 301
- LANG 3036 Immersion Language Native Speaker 302
- LANG 3037 Immersion Society and Culture 301
- LANG 3038 Immersion Society and Culture 302
- LANG 3043 Indonesian 305: Past and Present of Indonesian
- LANG 3044 Indonesian 306: Indonesian Literature
- LANG 3045 Intercultural Communication
- LANG 3049 Interpreting and Translation Professional Practicum (UG)
- LANG 3050 Introduction to Stylistics
- LANG 3051 Japanese 301
- LANG 3052 Japanese 302
- LANG 3053 Japanese 303: Contemporary Culture and Society
- LANG 3054 Japanese 304: Discourse in Japanese
- LANG 3055 Japanese 305: Advanced Reading and Writing
- LANG 3056 Japanese 306: Japanese Popular Culture
- LANG 3057 Languages and Grammatical Concepts 3A: Arabic
- LANG 3058 Languages and Grammatical Concepts 3A: Chinese
- LANG 3059 Law, Literature and Culture
- LANG 3060 Legal Interpreting (UG)
- LANG 3061 Literary Animals
- LANG 3062 Literature and Philosophy
- LANG 3065 Medical Interpreting (UG)
- LANG 3066 Postcolonial Literatures
- LANG 3067 Preparation for NAATI Certification (UG)
- LANG 3068 Race in Literature
- LANG 3069 Contemporary Irish Writing
- LANG 3071 Second Language Acquisition
- LANG 3072 Short Fiction in the Americas
- LANG 3073 Sociolinguistics
- LANG 3074 Spanish 301
- LANG 3075 Spanish 302
- LANG 3076 Spanish 303: Advanced Writing Skills
- LANG 3077 Spanish 304: Advanced Speaking Skills
- LANG 3078 Spanish 305: Contemporary Literature
- LANG 3079 Spanish 306: Contemporary History
- LANG 3080 Spanish 307: Classical Literature
- LANG 3081 Spanish 308: Spanish Sociolinguistics
- LANG 3082 Special Study in Languages and Linguistics
- LANG 3083 Specialised Translation (UG)
- LANG 3084 Text Analysis for Translation (UG)
- LANG 3086 The Novel
- LANG 3087 Women's Writing
- LANG 3089 World Literature in Translation
- LANG 3091 Writing and Society
- LANG 3093 Advanced Standing for LOTE 320
- LANG 3094 The Value of Literature
- LANG 3095 Indonesian 301
- LANG 3096 Indonesian 302
- LANG 3097 Indonesian 303
- LANG 3098 Indonesian 304
- LANG 3099 English Talk
- LANG 3100 Comedy and Tragedy: Dramas of Death and Rebirth
- LANG 7001 Accreditation Studies
- LANG 7002 Advanced Standing for Interpreting and Translation 740 (PG)
- LANG 7003 Advanced Standing for Interpreting and Translation 760 (PG)
- LANG 7004 Audiovisual Translation: Subtitling and Captioning
- LANG 7005 Bilingualism and Education
- LANG 7006 Business Interpreting
- LANG 7007 Community and Social Services Translation (PG)
- LANG 7008 Conference Interpreting
- LANG 7009 Contexts of TESOL
- LANG 7010 Critical Literature Review
- LANG 7011 Formal and Functional Grammar
- LANG 7014 Gender and Genre
- LANG 7015 Intercultural Communication (PG)
- LANG 7016 Interpreting Skills (PG)
- LANG 7017 Interpreting and Translation Professional Practicum (PG)
- LANG 7020 Introduction to Interpreting PG
- LANG 7021 Introduction to Translation PG
- LANG 7022 Investigating Second Language Acquisition
- LANG 7023 Language and Linguistics Research Methods
- LANG 7025 Languages and Linguistics Special Project
- LANG 7026 Legal Interpreting
- LANG 7027 Literary Theory
- LANG 7028 Literary Translation
- LANG 7029 Medical Interpreting (PG)
- LANG 7030 Preparation for NAATI Certification (PG)
- LANG 7031 Second Language Assessment and Testing
- LANG 7032 Specialised Translation (PG)
- LANG 7033 TESOL Internship
- LANG 7034 TESOL Project
- LANG 7035 Text Analysis for Translation (PG)
- LANG 7036 Translation Technologies (PG)
- LANG 9001 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Languages and Linguistics
- Language and Literature (LANG)
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law
- Law and the Creative Industries, Major (0072)
- Law Enforcement Studies, Minor (0308)
- Law (LAWS)
- LAWS 0001 Law Exchange Unit 1
- LAWS 0002 Law Exchange Unit 2
- LAWS 0003 Law Exchange Unit 3
- LAWS 0004 Law Exchange Unit 4
- LAWS 0005 Law Exchange Unit 5
- LAWS 1001 Enterprise Law
- LAWS 1002 Enterprise Law (WSTC)
- LAWS 1003 Fundamentals of Australian Law
- LAWS 1007 Introduction to Law (WSTC)
- LAWS 1009 Legal Analysis and Critique
- LAWS 2001 Alternative Dispute Resolution
- LAWS 2003 Contracts
- LAWS 2004 Criminal Law
- LAWS 2005 Financial Services Law
- LAWS 2007 First Peoples and the Australian Legal System
- LAWS 2008 Government and Public Law
- LAWS 2010 Law of Business Organisations
- LAWS 2012 Regulatory Risk and Compliance
- LAWS 2013 Torts Law
- LAWS 2014 Bioethics
- LAWS 2015 Professional Responsibility and Legal Ethics
- LAWS 2016 Law of Commercial Obligations
- LAWS 2017 Indonesia: Law, Governance and Culture
- LAWS 3001 Advanced Family Law
- LAWS 3002 Advanced Torts and Civil Wrongs
- LAWS 3003 Advocacy
- LAWS 3004 Anti-Discrimination Law
- LAWS 3005 Australian Competition Law
- LAWS 3006 Australian Consumer Law
- LAWS 3007 Banking and Securities Law
- LAWS 3011 Comparative Law: Legal Systems of the World
- LAWS 3013 Conflict of Laws
- LAWS 3014 Corporate Governance
- LAWS 3015 Cyber Law and Justice
- LAWS 3016 Elder Law
- LAWS 3018 Equity & Trusts
- LAWS 3022 Family Dispute Resolution
- LAWS 3023 Family Law
- LAWS 3024 Foundations of Chinese Law
- LAWS 3025 Law, Culture and Entrepreneurial Innovation in India
- LAWS 3027 Human Rights Law
- LAWS 3028 Human Rights and the Asia Pacific
- LAWS 3029 Immigration Law
- LAWS 3030 Information and Data Governance Law and Regulation
- LAWS 3031 Insolvency Law and Policy
- LAWS 3032 Intellectual Property
- LAWS 3033 International Business Transactions Law
- LAWS 3034 International Criminal Law
- LAWS 3035 International Moot Court
- LAWS 3039 Islam, International Law and Human Rights
- LAWS 3040 Islamic Law in a Changing World
- LAWS 3042 Jurisprudence
- LAWS 3043 Land Transactions Law
- LAWS 3044 Law and Public Policy
- LAWS 3045 Law of Associations
- LAWS 3046 Law of Employment
- LAWS 3047 Law of International Organisations
- LAWS 3048 Law of the Sea
- LAWS 3049 Media Law
- LAWS 3050 Medical Law
- LAWS 3052 Mental Health Law
- LAWS 3053 Moot Court
- LAWS 3055 Planning and Environment Law
- LAWS 3061 Public Health Law
- LAWS 3063 Public International Law
- LAWS 3066 Revenue Law Industry Placement
- LAWS 3067 Self-Managed Superannuation and Trusts
- LAWS 3068 Space Law - Commercial Aspects
- LAWS 3069 State Taxes and GST
- LAWS 3070 Taxation Law
- LAWS 3071 Wills and Succession
- LAWS 3072 Work Health and Safety Law
- LAWS 3073 Elder Law Industry Placement
- LAWS 3074 Judicial Internship
- LAWS 3075 Law's Self-Understanding
- LAWS 3076 Technology, Innovation and the Law
- LAWS 3077 Legal Internship
- LAWS 3078 Legal, Economic and Social Transformation in Taiwan
- LAWS 3079 Law, Economics, Ethics and Change
- LAWS 3080 Street Law Clinic
- LAWS 3081 Administrative Law
- LAWS 3082 Property Law
- LAWS 3083 Gender and the Law
- LAWS 3084 Law and Literature
- LAWS 3085 Law of War
- LAWS 3086 Managing Legal Risk in Construction Law
- LAWS 3087 Sports Law
- LAWS 3088 Construction Law
- LAWS 3089 Children’s Rights: Local and International
- LAWS 3090 Animal Law
- LAWS 3091 Globalisation, Law, Governance and Culture
- LAWS 3096 Drug Policy and Law
- LAWS 3097 Refugee Law
- LAWS 4002 Advanced Constitutional Law
- LAWS 4003 Advanced Taxation Law
- LAWS 4004 Criminal Procedure and Evidence
- LAWS 4007 International Environmental Law
- LAWS 4008 Revenue Law
- LAWS 4009 Transactional Law
- LAWS 4010 Designing Law Apps for Access to Justice
- LAWS 4011 Law Honours Dissertation
- LAWS 4012 First Nations Peoples' Access to Justice Clinic
- LAWS 4013 LAWS 4013 Civil Procedure and Arbitration
- LAWS 4014 Remedies
- LAWS 4015 Constitutional Law
- LAWS 4016 Legal Research and Methodology
- LAWS 4017 Access to Justice Clinic
- LAWS 5001 Law of Employment
- LAWS 5002 Planning and Environment Law
- LAWS 5003 International Commercial Conflicts
- LAWS 5004 Work Health and Safety Law
- LAWS 5005 Construction Law
- LAWS 5006 Law and Literature
- LAWS 5007 Children’s Rights: Local and International
- LAWS 5008 Law and Public Policy
- LAWS 6001 Law of Construction Delay and Disruption
- LAWS 6002 Remedies in the Construction Context
- LAWS 6003 Managing Legal Risk in Construction Law
- LAWS 6004 Sports Law
- LAWS 6005 International Banking and Finance Law
- LAWS 6006 Medical Law
- LAWS 6008 Wills and Succession
- LAWS 7001 Advanced Clinical Legal Placement
- LAWS 7003 Australia's Visa System 1
- LAWS 7004 Australia's Visa System 2
- LAWS 7005 Australia's Visa System 3, Cancellation and Review
- LAWS 7007 Australian Migration Law
- LAWS 7008 Bioethics
- LAWS 7009 Commercial Law
- LAWS 7010 Company Law
- LAWS 7011 Contemporary Issues in Taxation
- LAWS 7014 Human Rights in Practice and Theory
- LAWS 7015 Information and Data Governance Law and Policy
- LAWS 7018 International Corporate Governance
- LAWS 7019 International Criminal Law and Justice
- LAWS 7020 International Environmental Law and Policy
- LAWS 7021 International Governance Dissertation
- LAWS 7022 International Human Rights Law
- LAWS 7025 International Law of Ocean Governance
- LAWS 7026 International Space Law - Commercial Aspects
- LAWS 7027 Legal Philosophy and Methodology
- LAWS 7029 Migration Practice 2
- LAWS 7030 Principles of International Law
- LAWS 7031 Principles of Taxation
- LAWS 7033 Intellectual Property
- LAWS 7035 International Criminology Project
- LAWS 7036 Migration Practice and Theory 1
- LAWS 7037 Migration Practice and Theory 2
- LAWS 7038 Visa Cancellation and Review
- LAWS 7040 Financial Advice (Regulatory and Legal Obligations)
- LAWS 7041 Administrative Law
- LAWS 7042 Advanced Legal Negotiation
- LAWS 7043 Advocacy
- LAWS 7044 Alternative Dispute Resolution
- LAWS 7045 Civil Procedure and Arbitration
- LAWS 7046 Constitutional Law
- LAWS 7047 Contracts
- LAWS 7048 Criminal Law
- LAWS 7049 Criminal Procedure and Evidence
- LAWS 7050 Designing Law Apps for Access to Justice
- LAWS 7051 Elder Law
- LAWS 7053 Equity & Trusts
- LAWS 7056 Fundamentals of Australian Law
- LAWS 7057 Government and Public Law
- LAWS 7058 Introduction to Law
- LAWS 7059 Judicial Internship
- LAWS 7060 Law of Associations
- LAWS 7061 Legal Analysis and Critique
- LAWS 7062 Legal Research Dissertation
- LAWS 7063 Legal Research Project 1
- LAWS 7064 Legal Research Project 2
- LAWS 7065 Moot Court
- LAWS 7066 Professional Responsibility and Legal Ethics
- LAWS 7067 Property Law
- LAWS 7068 Remedies
- LAWS 7069 Revenue Law
- LAWS 7071 Technology, Innovation and the Law
- LAWS 7072 Torts Law
- LAWS 7073 Animal Law
- LAWS 7074 Family Law
- LAWS 7075 Mediation
- LAWS 7076 Media Law
- LAWS 7077 Self-Managed Superannuation and Trusts
- LAWS 7078 Principles of Private Law
- LAWS 9001 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Law
- Leadership and Management, Testamur Major (T139)
- Leadership, Testamur Major (T136)
- Learner Wellbeing, Testamur Major (T137)
- Legacy College
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- Legacy College
- Legal Studies, Minor (0266)
- Leisure for Diverse Groups, Minor (0253)
- Linguistics, Major (0022)
- Linguistics, Minor (0022)
- Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Major (0235)
- Macroeconomics, Minor (0293)
- Majors and Minors
- Management, Major (0136)
- Management, Minor (0292)
- Management, Testamur Major (T043)
- MANU 2001 Design and Manufacturing
- MANU 3003 Creative Digital: Robots and Avatars
- Manufacturing Eng. (MANU)
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- Marketing, Major (0137)
- Marketing, Minor (0291)
- Marketing, Testamur Major (T044)
- Master of Advanced Imaging (MRI) (4767)
- Master of Ageing, Wellbeing and Sustainability (4781)
- Master of Applied Finance (2759)
- Master of Applied Neuromorphic Engineering (8124)
- Master of Architecture (Urban Transformation) (3761)
- Master of Artificial Intelligence (3765)
- Master of Artificial Intelligence (Research) (8128)
- Master of Arts in Literature and Creative Writing (1831)
- Master of Arts in TESOL (1800)
- Master of Arts Translation and Interpreting Studies (1780)
- Master of Art Therapy (4595)
- Master of Building Surveying (3703)
- Master of Bushfire Protection (3708)
- Master of Business Administration (2761)
- Master of Business Administration/Master of Applied Finance (2782)
- Master of Business Analytics (2816)
- Master of Business (Operations Management) (2624)
- Master of Business Research Studies (exit only) (2749)
- Master of Cardiac Sonography (4751)
- Master of Child and Family Health (Karitane) (4713)
- Master of Chinese Medicine (4716)
- Master of Chinese Medicine (4795)
- Master of Clinical Psychology (1812)
- Master of Construction Law (3795)
- Master of Creative Music Therapy (1650)
- Master of Cross-cultural Relations (1883)
- Master of Data Engineering (3802)
- Master of Data Science (3735)
- Master of Education (1911)
- Master of Educational Studies (exit only) (1859)
- Master of Engineering (3693)
- Master of Epidemiology (4738)
- Master of Finance (2705)
- Master of Financial Planning (2793)
- Master of Fire Safety Engineering (3705)
- Master of Forensic Science (3741)
- Master of Global Security and Justice (1923)
- Master of Health (Research Studies)/PhD (4681)
- Master of Health Science (4698)
- Master of Humanitarian and Development Studies (1866)
- Master of Humanitarian and Development Studies (1895)
- Master of Human Resource Management (2798)
- Master of Inclusive Education (1720)
- Master of Information and Communications Technology (3699)
- Master of Information and Communications Technology (Advanced) (3698)
- Master of Information and Communications Technology/Master of Data Science (3780)
- Master of Information and Communications Technology (Research) (8112)
- Master of Information Governance (3779)
- Master of Interpreting and Translation (1777)
- Master of Laws (2824)
- Master of Management (2797)
- Master of Marketing (2817)
- Master of Medicine (Allergic Diseases) (4753)
- Master of Medicine (Child Health) (4804)
- Master of Medicine (Pathology) (4750)
- Master of Mental Health Nursing (4719)
- Master of Neuromorphic Engineering (8123)
- Master of Nurse Practitioner (Mental Health) (4745)
- Master of Nursing (4722)
- Master of Nursing Practice (Preregistration) (4785)
- Master of Nursing (Professional Studies) (4735)
- Master of Planning (1712)
- Master of Primary Health Care (4694)
- Master of Professional Accounting (2689)
- Master of Professional Accounting (Advanced) (2815)
- Master of Professional Psychology (1814)
- Master of Project Management (3752)
- Master of Property Investment and Development (2813)
- Master of Psychotherapy and Counselling (1817)
- Master of Public Health (4702)
- Master of Research (8086)
- Master of Science (3749)
- Master of Social Work (Qualifying) (1792)
- Master of Sonography (4806)
- Master of Surgery (Advanced Gynaecological Surgery) (4770)
- Master of Sustainable Tourism and Heritage (1920)
- Master of Sustainable Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management (1936)
- Master of Teaching (Birth - 5 Years) (1784)
- Master of Teaching (Birth - 5 Years/Birth - 12 Years) (1783)
- Master of Teaching (Early Childhood) (1774)
- Master of Teaching (Early Childhood and Primary) (1773)
- Master of Teaching (Primary) (1781)
- Master of Teaching (Secondary) (1714)
- Master of Teaching (Secondary) STEM (1848)
- Master of Translation and TESOL (1816)
- Master of Urban Management and Planning (1873)
- Masters Qualifying Program with Business English (2845)
- Masters Qualifying Program with Concurrent English (2812)
- Materials Engineering, Concentration (0280)
- Materials Engineering, Testamur Major (T128)
- MATH 0002 Foundations of Mathematics (WSTC)
- MATH 0003 Introductory Business Mathematics (WSTC)
- MATH 0004 Mathematics (WSTC Prep)
- MATH 0005 Mathematics (WSTC)
- MATH 0006 Mathematics 1 (WSTC Prep)
- MATH 0007 Mathematics 1 (WSTC)
- MATH 0008 Mathematics 2 (WSTC Prep)
- MATH 0009 Mathematics 2 (WSTC)
- MATH 0010 Mathematics 3 (WSTC Prep)
- MATH 0011 Mathematics 3 (WSTC)
- MATH 0012 Mathematics B (WSTC Prep)
- MATH 0013 Mathematics B (WSTC)
- MATH 0014 Mathematics C (WSTC Prep)
- MATH 0015 Mathematics Extension (WSTC)
- MATH 0017 Mathematics for Health Science (WSTC)
- MATH 0018 Maths Start Algebra 1
- MATH 0019 Maths Start Algebra 2
- MATH 0020 Maths Start Calculus
- MATH 0021 Maths Start Preparation for Calculus
- MATH 0022 Maths Start Statistics
- MATH 0023 Maths Start Trigonometry
- MATH 0024 Maths Start for Engineering
- MATH 0025 Nursing Numeracy
- MATH 0026 Practical Mathematics (WSTC)
- MATH 0027 Scientific Methods for Construction Management (WSTC Prep)
- MATH 0028 Statistics for Academic Purposes (WSTC Prep)
- MATH 0029 Statistics for Academic Purposes (WSTC)
- MATH 0030 Introduction to Building Calculations (WSTC Prep)
- MATH 1001 Analysis of Change
- MATH 1002 Analytics Programming
- MATH 1003 Biometry
- MATH 1004 Biometry (WSTC)
- MATH 1006 Discrete Mathematics
- MATH 1010 Fundamentals for Engineering Studies (WSTC AssocD)
- MATH 1012 Management Analytics
- MATH 1014 Mathematics 1A
- MATH 1015 Mathematics 1B
- MATH 1016 Mathematics for Engineers 1
- MATH 1017 Mathematics for Engineers 1 (WSTC AssocD)
- MATH 1018 Mathematics for Engineers 1 (WSTC)
- MATH 1019 Mathematics for Engineers 2
- MATH 1020 Mathematics for Engineers 2 (WSTC AssocD)
- MATH 1021 Mathematics for Engineers Preliminary
- MATH 1022 Mathematics for Engineers Preliminary (WSTC AssocD)
- MATH 1023 Mathematics for Engineers Preliminary (WSTC)
- MATH 1026 Quantitative Thinking
- MATH 1027 Quantitative Thinking (WSTC)
- MATH 1028 Statistical Decision Making
- MATH 1029 Statistical Decision Making (WSTC)
- MATH 1030 Statistics for Business
- MATH 1031 Statistics for Business (WSTC)
- MATH 1034 Mathematics for Engineers 1 (Advanced)
- MATH 1035 Mathematics for Engineers 2 (Advanced)
- MATH 1036 Mathematics for Engineers Preliminary (UG Cert)
- MATH 1038 Mathematics for Computing
- MATH 1039 Engineering Mathematics and Statistics (WSTC)
- MATH 1040 Engineering Mathematics and Computing (WSTC)
- MATH 1042 Mathematics for the Digital World (WSTC)
- MATH 2001 Advanced Calculus
- MATH 2003 Differential Equations
- MATH 2006 Experimental Design and Analysis
- MATH 2009 Introduction to Data Science
- MATH 2010 Linear Algebra
- MATH 2011 Making Sense of Data
- MATH 2013 Object Oriented Analysis (WSTC)
- MATH 3001 Abstract Algebra
- MATH 3003 Analysis
- MATH 3004 Discovery Project
- MATH 3005 Environmental Informatics
- MATH 3006 Mathematical Modelling
- MATH 3007 Predictive Modelling
- MATH 3008 Quantitative Project
- MATH 3011 Probabilistic Models and Inference
- MATH 3012 Combinatorics
- MATH 3013 Fields and Equations
- MATH 3014 Financial Mathematics
- MATH 3015 Groups and Symmetry
- MATH 3016 Mathematics Project
- MATH 3017 Data Analysis and Visualisation for Social Policy
- MATH 4001 Mathematics Honours Thesis
- MATH 7001 Advanced Mathematical Investigations
- MATH 7002 Advanced Statistical Methods
- MATH 7003 Applied Business Statistics
- MATH 7008 Mathematical Investigations
- MATH 7009 Mathematical Proof and Reasoning
- MATH 7011 Predictive Analytics
- MATH 7012 Programming for Data Science
- MATH 7014 Social Media Intelligence
- MATH 7016 The Nature of Data
- MATH 7017 Probabilistic Graphical Models
- MATH 7018 Scientific Informatics
- MATH 7019 Mathematics of Signal Processing
- MATH 9001 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Centre for Research in Mathematics
- MATH 9002 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Quantitative Methods and Mathematical Sciences
- Mathematics Education, Testamur Major (T138)
- Mathematics, Major (0059)
- Mathematics (MATH)
- Mathematics, Minor (0059)
- Mathematics Teaching Specialisation (Birth - 5/Birth -12), Minor (0157)
- MECH 2001 Kinematics and Kinetics of Machines
- MECH 2002 Kinematics and Kinetics of Machines (WSTC AssocD)
- MECH 2003 Mechanics of Materials
- MECH 2004 Mechanics of Materials (WSTC AssocD)
- MECH 2005 Mathematics for Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineers
- MECH 3001 Advanced Dynamics
- MECH 3002 Advanced Mechanics of Materials
- MECH 3004 Dynamics of Mechanical Systems
- MECH 3005 Mechanical Design
- MECH 3006 Mechatronic Design
- MECH 3007 Thermal and Fluid Engineering
- MECH 3008 Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer
- MECH 3009 Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer (WSTC AssocD)
- MECH 4001 Computational Fluid Dynamics
- MECH 4002 Computer Aided Engineering
- MECH 4003 Mobile Robotics
- MECH 4004 Robotics
- MECH 4005 Advanced Engineering Thesis 1: Preliminary Investigations
- MECH 4006 Advanced Engineering Thesis 2: Detailed Investigations
- MECH 5001 Vertical Transportation Technology
- MECH 5002 Fundamentals of Vertical Transportation Systems
- MECH 5003 Vertical Transportation Operations and Management
- MECH 7001 Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics
- MECH 7002 Advanced Computer Aided Engineering
- MECH 7003 Advanced Dynamic Systems
- MECH 7004 Advanced Mobile Robotics
- MECH 7005 Advanced Robotics
- MECH 7006 Advanced Thermal and Fluid Engineering
- MECH 7007 Mechanical System Design
- MECH 7008 Mechatronic System Design
- MECH 9001 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Engineering (Industrial Design)
- MECH 9002 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Engineering (Mechanical)
- Mechanical and Industrial Eng. (MECH)
- Mechanical and Mechatronic, Testamur Major (T112)
- Mechanical Engineering, Testamur Major (T103)
- Mechanical, Testamur Major (T036)
- Mechatronic and Biomedical, Testamur Major (T116)
- Mechatronic, Testamur Major (T063)
- MEDI 0001 Medicine Exchange Unit 1
- MEDI 0002 Medicine Exchange Unit 2
- MEDI 0003 Medicine Exchange Unit 3
- MEDI 0004 Medicine Exchange Unit 4
- MEDI 0005 Medicine Exchange Unit 5
- MEDI 1002 Foundations of Medicine 1
- MEDI 1004 Clinical Sciences 1
- MEDI 2001 Clinical Sciences 2
- MEDI 2002 Foundations of Medicine 2
- MEDI 2003 Clinical Sciences 2
- MEDI 3001 Applied Clinical Sciences 1
- MEDI 3002 Clinical Assessment Methods
- MEDI 3003 Integrated Clinical Rotations 1
- MEDI 3004 Medical Research Project
- MEDI 3005 Professional Portfolio 2
- MEDI 3006 Applied Clinical Sciences 1
- MEDI 3007 Professional Health Placement
- MEDI 3008 Mortuary Practice
- MEDI 3009 Foundational Diagnostic Imaging
- MEDI 4001 Integrated Clinical Rotations 2
- MEDI 4002 Integrated Clinical Rotations 3
- MEDI 4003 Integrated Clinical Rotations 4
- MEDI 4004 Integrated Clinical Rotations General (ICR General)
- MEDI 4005 Professional Portfolio 3
- MEDI 4006 Honours Project (Medicine)
- MEDI 5001 Newborn and Infant Development
- MEDI 5002 Behaviour, development and disability
- MEDI 5003 Adolescent, mental health and health inequity
- MEDI 5004 Emergency and acute care
- MEDI 6001 Cardiorespiratory, ENT and Allergy
- MEDI 6002 Gastroenterology, Urology and other specialties
- MEDI 6003 Infectious Disease and Autoimmune conditions
- MEDI 6004 Neurology, Musculoskeletal and Surgical problems
- MEDI 7002 Allergic Sciences 1
- MEDI 7003 Allergic Sciences 2
- MEDI 7004 Applications of Magnetic Resonance from Cancer to Neuroanatomy
- MEDI 7006 Applied Clinical Sciences 2
- MEDI 7007 Applied Clinical Sciences 3
- MEDI 7008 Chronic Disease Management in Rural Practice
- MEDI 7009 Clinical Allergy
- MEDI 7011 Clinical Minimally Invasive Gynaecological Surgery 2
- MEDI 7012 Critical Care: Skills and Practice
- MEDI 7013 Cytopathology and Small Biopsy Pathology 1
- MEDI 7014 Cytopathology and Small Biopsy Pathology 2
- MEDI 7015 Diversity in Generalist Practice
- MEDI 7016 Endometriosis
- MEDI 7017 Gynaecological Surgery Ergonomics
- MEDI 7020 Medicine in Practice
- MEDI 7021 Mental Health Aspects of Allergic Diseases
- MEDI 7022 Nutritional Aspects of Allergic Diseases
- MEDI 7023 Pelvic Anatomy
- MEDI 7025 Port Entry
- MEDI 7026 Power Modalities
- MEDI 7027 Professional Portfolio 4
- MEDI 7028 Professional Portfolio 5
- MEDI 7029 Reflective Clinical Allergy Practice
- MEDI 7030 Research Project in Rural Generalist Medicine
- MEDI 7031 Rural and Remote Medicine: The Generalist Approach
- MEDI 7032 Surgical Pathology 1
- MEDI 7033 Surgical Pathology 2
- MEDI 7034 Surgical Pathology 3
- MEDI 7035 Surgical Pathology 4
- MEDI 7036 Surgical Pathology 5
- MEDI 7037 Surgical Pathology 6
- MEDI 7038 Telehealth and Rural Communities
- MEDI 7039 Clinical Practice in Diabetes 1
- MEDI 7040 Clinical Practice in Diabetes 2
- MEDI 7041 Diabetes Self-Management Support 1: Individuals
- MEDI 7042 Diabetes Self-Management Support II: Systems and Organisations
- MEDI 7043 Diabetes in Paediatrics, Transition and Pregnancy
- MEDI 7044 Diabetes in Primary Care
- MEDI 7045 Diabetes in the Hospital
- MEDI 7046 Advanced Gynaecological Surgery 1
- MEDI 7047 Advanced Gynaecological Surgery 2
- MEDI 7048 Advanced Imaging Research Project
- MEDI 7049 Advanced MR Theory
- MEDI 7050 Advanced Practice in Gynaecological Surgery
- MEDI 7051 Evidence Based Imaging and Clinical Pathways
- MEDI 7052 MR Angiography and Cardiac
- MEDI 7053 MR Body and Pelvis Imaging
- MEDI 7054 MR Musculoskeletal Imaging (MSK)
- MEDI 7055 MR Neurology - Head, Neck and Spinal Imaging
- MEDI 7056 MR Screening
- MEDI 7057 MRI Physics
- MEDI 7058 Multi-sectional and 3D Human Anatomy
- MEDI 7059 Radiobiology
- MEDI 7060 Adnexal Surgery
- MEDI 7061 Hysterectomy
- MEDI 7062 Pelvic Floor Surgery
- MEDI 7063 Applied Clinical Sciences 2
- MEDI 7064 Applied Clinical Sciences 3
- MEDI 7065 Medicine in Practice
- MEDI 7066 Medical Research Project (PG)
- MEDI 7067 Cytopathology, Small Biopsy and Breast Pathology
- MEDI 7068 Cytopathology, Small Biopsy and Cardiorespiratory Pathology
- MEDI 7069 General Surgical Pathology and Gastrointestinal Pathology
- MEDI 7070 General Surgical and Central Nervous System Pathology
- MEDI 7071 Surgical Pathology of Skin, Bone and Soft Tissue
- MEDI 7072 Surgical Pathology of the Female Genital Tract
- MEDI 7073 Surgical Pathology of the Genito-urinary Tract, Salivary Gland and Endocrine System
- MEDI 7074 Surgical Pathology of the Head and Neck, Haematopathology and Paediatric Pathology
- MEDI 7075 Advanced Imaging Clinical Practice and Research
- Medical Studies (MEDI)
- Medicine
- Medicine
- Medicine
- Medicine
- Medicine
- Medicine
- Medicine
- Medicine
- Medicine
- Medicine
- Medicine
- Medicine
- Medicine
- Medicine
- Medicine
- Medicine
- Medicine
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- Medicine
- Medicine
- Medicine
- Medicine
- Medicine
- Medicine
- Medicine
- Medicine
- Medicine
- Medicine
- Medicine
- Medicine
- Medicine
- Medicine
- Medicine
- Medicine
- Medicine
- Medicine
- Medicine
- Medicine
- Medicine
- Medicine
- Medicine
- Medicine
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- Medicine
- Medicine
- Medicine
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- Medicine
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- Medicine
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- MGMT 1001 Introduction to Property
- MGMT 1002 Principles of Valuation
- MGMT 2001 Commercial Valuation
- MGMT 3001 Property Project
- MGMT 3002 Rural Valuation
- MGMT 3003 Specialised Valuation
- MGMT 3004 Statutory Valuation
- MGMT 7003 Financial Management of Projects
- MGMT 9001 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Management and Commerce
- MGMT 9002 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Management and Commerce
- Microbiology, Minor (0105)
- Migration and Global Change, Minor (0314)
- MKTG 0001 Marketing Skills
- MKTG 1001 Advertising: An Introduction
- MKTG 1002 Advertising: An Introduction (WSTC)
- MKTG 1003 Consumer Behaviour
- MKTG 1006 Marketing Principles
- MKTG 1008 Marketing Principles (WSTC)
- MKTG 1009 Public Relations Theory and Practice
- MKTG 1010 Public Relations Theory and Practice (WSTC)
- MKTG 1011 Fundamentals of Marketing Analytics
- MKTG 1012 Fundamentals of Marketing Analytics (WSTC)
- MKTG 1013 Marketing Enterprises (WSTC)
- MKTG 2001 Advertising: Creative
- MKTG 2002 Incubator 1: Innovation and Creativity for Entrepreneurship
- MKTG 2003 Incubator 3: Product Development
- MKTG 2004 International Marketing Research
- MKTG 2005 Issues, Risk and Crisis Communication
- MKTG 2006 Marketing Communications
- MKTG 2007 Marketing Research
- MKTG 2010 Customer Experience Fundamentals
- MKTG 2011 Customer Insights
- MKTG 2012 Public Relations: Strategies and Tactics
- MKTG 2013 Advertising: Strategy
- MKTG 3002 Business to Business Marketing
- MKTG 3003 Commercial Property Management
- MKTG 3004 Export Strategy and Applications
- MKTG 3005 Incubator 6: Funding and Start-up
- MKTG 3006 Incubator 7: Growth and Exit Strategies
- MKTG 3007 International Marketing
- MKTG 3009 Marketing Planning Project
- MKTG 3011 Marketing of Services
- MKTG 3013 Property Development 2
- MKTG 3014 Property Development Process
- MKTG 3016 Strategic Marketing Management
- MKTG 3017 The Markets of Asia
- MKTG 3018 Public Relations: Campaigns
- MKTG 3019 Marketing and Digital Communications
- MKTG 3020 Omnichannel Marketing
- MKTG 3021 Strategic Brand Management
- MKTG 3023 Incubator 6: Funding a Start-up
- MKTG 7003 Applied Project (Finance and Property)
- MKTG 7006 Contemporary Issues in Marketing
- MKTG 7007 Corporate Asset and Property Management
- MKTG 7010 Customer Value Management
- MKTG 7011 Feasibility Modelling
- MKTG 7012 International Marketing
- MKTG 7014 International Property Finance
- MKTG 7015 Investment Property Valuation
- MKTG 7017 Marketing Management
- MKTG 7019 Marketing Systems
- MKTG 7020 Multicultural Marketing
- MKTG 7022 Property Feasibility Study
- MKTG 7023 Property Investment and Risk Management
- MKTG 7024 Property Portfolio Analysis
- MKTG 7026 Statutory Valuation and Property Law
- MKTG 7028 Strategic Property Market Analysis
- MKTG 7030 Sustainable Property Development
- MKTG 7032 Valuation of Special Premises
- MKTG 7033 Customer Experience
- MKTG 7034 Digital Marketing
- MKTG 7035 Frontiers of Branding
- MKTG 7036 MarketingMe
- MKTG 7037 Multichannel Marketing
- MKTG 7038 Social Marketing
- MKTG 9001 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Marketing and International Business
- Mobile Application Development (for Non-Computing Students only), Minor (0207)
- Mobile Computing, Major (0146)
- Mobile Computing, Minor (0146)
- Modern History, Major (0130)
- Modern History, Minor (0130)
- Multimedia Computing, Minor (0328)
- Multimedia Computing, Testamur Major (T147)
- Music for Primary Teaching, Minor (0210)
- Music for Secondary Teaching, Major (0140)
- Music, Major (0209)
- Musicology, Major (0025)
- Musicology, Minor (0025)
- Music Performance, Major (0023)
- Music Performance, Minor (0023)
- Music Performance Studies, Minor (0024)
- Music Production, Minor (0079)
- Music Studies, Major (0343)
- NATS 0001 Academic Skills for Health Science (WSTC Prep)
- NATS 0002 Academic Skills for Health Science (WSTC)
- NATS 0003 Academic Skills for Science (WSTC Prep)
- NATS 0004 Academic Skills for Science (WSTC)
- NATS 0005 Foundations of Science (WSTC)
- NATS 0006 Fundamentals of Health Science (WSTC Prep)
- NATS 0007 Fundamentals of Science (WSTC Prep)
- NATS 0008 Fundamentals of Science (WSTC)
- NATS 0009 Health Communication (WSTC)
- NATS 0010 Interpreting Data In Science (WSTC Prep)
- NATS 0011 Science and Health Exchange Unit 1
- NATS 0012 Science and Health Exchange Unit 2
- NATS 0013 Science and Health Exchange Unit 3
- NATS 0014 Science and Health Exchange Unit 4
- NATS 0015 Science and Health Exchange Unit 5
- NATS 0016 Science for Health Professionals (WSTC)
- NATS 0018 Science for Health Science (WSTC Prep)
- NATS 0019 Scientific Method (WSTC)
- NATS 0020 Skills for Health Science (WSTC)
- NATS 0021 Skills for Science (WSTC)
- NATS 1001 Concepts in Human Anatomy
- NATS 1002 Concepts in Human Anatomy (WSTC)
- NATS 1003 Digital Forensic Photography
- NATS 1004 Drugs on Line
- NATS 1008 Forensic Science
- NATS 1009 Human Anatomy and Physiology 1
- NATS 1010 Human Anatomy and Physiology 2
- NATS 1019 Scientific Literacy
- NATS 1020 Scientific Literacy (WSTC)
- NATS 1021 Concepts in Human Physiology (WSTC)
- NATS 1022 Functional Anatomy
- NATS 1023 Introduction to Physiology
- NATS 1024 Introduction to Physiology (WSTC)
- NATS 1025 Management of Aquatic Environments (UG Cert)
- NATS 1026 Digital Forensic Photography (WSTC)
- NATS 1027 Forensic Science (WSTC)
- NATS 1028 Scientific Literacy (BLOCK)
- NATS 1029 Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 (WSTC)
- NATS 1030 Human Anatomy and Physiology 2 (WSTC)
- NATS 1032 Introduction to Applied Science and Technology (WSTC)
- NATS 2001 Advanced Science Project A
- NATS 2002 Advanced Science Project B
- NATS 2004 Anatomy of the Thorax and Abdomen
- NATS 2005 Appendicular Skeleton
- NATS 2006 Approved Industrial Experience
- NATS 2008 Clinical Pharmacology
- NATS 2010 Crime Scene Investigation
- NATS 2015 Evidence and Crime Scene Management
- NATS 2019 Forensic and Environmental Analysis
- NATS 2021 Imaging Science
- NATS 2023 Integrated Science
- NATS 2024 Integrated Science (WSTC)
- NATS 2025 Natural Science Research Methods
- NATS 2027 Pharmacology
- NATS 2031 Toxicology
- NATS 2032 Work Integrated Learning in Science
- NATS 2033 Cell Form and Function
- NATS 2034 Human Systems Physiology 1
- NATS 2035 Human Systems Physiology 2
- NATS 2036 Immunology
- NATS 2037 Pathological Basis of Disease
- NATS 2038 Pathophysiology 1
- NATS 2039 Pathophysiology 2
- NATS 2040 Physical Activity, Nutrition and Health
- NATS 2041 Functionality of Food Ingredients
- NATS 2042 Science Research Methods
- NATS 2045 Introduction to Pharmacology
- NATS 3001 Advanced Immunology
- NATS 3002 Advanced Medicinal Chemistry
- NATS 3003 Advanced Mortuary Practice
- NATS 3004 Advanced Science Project C
- NATS 3006 Anatomy of the Head and Neck
- NATS 3008 Complex Forensic Studies
- NATS 3009 Consumer Issues in Nutrition
- NATS 3010 Culinary Science
- NATS 3012 Environmental Forensic Investigations
- NATS 3014 Experimental Foods
- NATS 3015 Field Project 1
- NATS 3017 Field Project 2
- NATS 3020 Food Microbiology and Safety
- NATS 3023 Forensic Anthropology
- NATS 3026 Forensic Biology
- NATS 3027 Laboratory Quality Management
- NATS 3030 Medical Microbiology
- NATS 3032 Medical Science Project
- NATS 3034 Molecular Medicine
- NATS 3035 Molecular Pharmacokinetics
- NATS 3037 Neuroanatomy
- NATS 3038 Quality Assurance and Food Analysis
- NATS 3039 Science Research Project
- NATS 3040 Topics in Medical Science
- NATS 3041 Topics in Physiology
- NATS 3043 Advanced Science Research Project C
- NATS 3044 Complex Case Studies in Science
- NATS 3045 Work Internship for Science Professionals
- NATS 3046 Advanced Physiology
- NATS 3047 Applied Physiology
- NATS 3048 Food Formulations
- NATS 3051 Innovation in Design and Delivery
- NATS 3053 Crime Scene Investigation
- NATS 3054 Human Systems Physiology 2
- NATS 3055 Practicum 1
- NATS 3056 Practicum 2
- NATS 3057 Topics in Pharmacology
- NATS 3058 Pharmacological Chemistry
- NATS 5001 Crime Scene Investigation (PG)
- NATS 6001 Introduction to Neuroscience
- NATS 7001 Advanced Criminalistics
- NATS 7002 Biological Agents 1
- NATS 7003 Biological Agents 2
- NATS 7004 Blood Distribution and Spatter
- NATS 7005 Chinese Medicine Specialities 1
- NATS 7006 Crime Scene Investigation (PG)
- NATS 7007 Drug Biotransformation and Molecular Mechanisms of Toxicity
- NATS 7008 Environmental Forensics 1
- NATS 7009 Environmental Forensics 2
- NATS 7011 Experimental Design and Analysis PG A
- NATS 7012 Experimental Design and Analysis PG B
- NATS 7013 Explosives
- NATS 7014 Fingerprint Detection and Identification
- NATS 7015 Food Evaluation
- NATS 7016 Food Preservation and Packaging Technologies
- NATS 7017 Food Product Design
- NATS 7018 Food Quality Management
- NATS 7019 Forensic Analysis of DNA
- NATS 7020 Forensic Anthropology (PG)
- NATS 7022 Forensic Genetics
- NATS 7023 Forensic Immunology
- NATS 7024 Forensic Medicine I
- NATS 7025 Forensic Medicine II
- NATS 7026 Forensic Research 1
- NATS 7027 Forensic Research 2
- NATS 7028 Forensic Toxicology I
- NATS 7029 Forensic Toxicology II
- NATS 7030 General Toxicology
- NATS 7032 MSc Major Research Project
- NATS 7033 MSc Research Project
- NATS 7034 Managing for Sustainability
- NATS 7035 Medicinal Chemistry of Drugs of Abuse
- NATS 7037 Natural Medicinal Products
- NATS 7039 Pharmaceutical Analysis
- NATS 7040 Research Skills in Science
- NATS 7044 Science and Health Research Project PG
- NATS 7045 Special Issues in Science - PG
- NATS 7046 Strategic Management in the Sciences A
- NATS 7047 Synthetic Medicinal Chemistry
- NATS 7048 Toxic Substances
- NATS 7049 Toxicology of Chemical Weapons
- NATS 7050 Transferable Research Skills
- NATS 7051 Applied research with marginalised populations and sensitive health topics
- NATS 7053 MSc Research Project (extended)
- NATS 7054 Professional Topic
- NATS 7055 Experiment Design and Project Management
- NATS 7056 Clinical Research in Health Science
- NATS 7057 Research Preparation in Post Graduate Studies
- NATS 7058 Forensic Analysis of DNA 2
- NATS 7059 Forensic Digital Imaging
- NATS 9001 Higher Degree Research Thesis - NICM Health Research Institute
- NATS 9002 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Food Science and Biotechnology
- NATS 9003 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Medicine
- NATS 9004 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Natural and Physical Sciences
- NATS 9005 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Natural and Physical Sciences
- NATS 9006 Higher Degree Research Thesis FT - Medical Science
- NATS 9007 Higher Degree Research Thesis PT - Medical Science
- Natural Science, Major (0213)
- Networked Systems, Major (0065)
- Networking and Cloud Computing, Testamur Major (T146)
- Networking, Major (0040)
- Networking, Minor (0040)
- Networking, Testamur Major (T009)
- Network Management, Testamur Major (T159)
- NICM Health Research Institute
- NICM Health Research Institute
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- NOAW 0002 WSUIC Unit for Service Access
- NOAW 0003 WSUIC Unit for Service Access (FS)
- NOAW 0004 Academic Integrity Module
- NOAW 3001 Biomedical and Health Science Internship
- NOAW 3003 Computing and Mathematics Internship
- NOAW 3004 Education Internship
- NOAW 3005 Engineering Internship
- NOAW 3006 Humanities and Languages Internship
- NOAW 3007 Law Internship
- NOAW 3008 Medicine Clerkship
- NOAW 3009 Natural Sciences Internship
- NOAW 3010 Nursing and Midwifery Internship
- NOAW 9001 Research Internship
- NOAW 9002 Industry Research Internship
- Non Award (NOAW)
- NURS 0001 Nursing and Midwifery Exchange Unit 1
- NURS 0002 Nursing and Midwifery Exchange Unit 2
- NURS 0003 Nursing and Midwifery Exchange Unit 3
- NURS 0004 Nursing and Midwifery Exchange Unit 4
- NURS 0005 Nursing and Midwifery Exchange Unit 5
- NURS 1001 Approaches to Professional Nursing Practice
- NURS 1004 Bioscience for Midwifery
- NURS 1005 Foundations for Nursing Practice
- NURS 1006 Human Relationships and Life Transitions
- NURS 1009 Midwifery Knowledge 1
- NURS 1010 Midwifery Knowledge 2
- NURS 1012 Midwifery Professional Practice 1
- NURS 1013 Midwifery Professional Practice 2
- NURS 1017 Primary Health Care in Action
- NURS 1019 Professional Communication in Nursing
- NURS 1020 Professional Practice Experience 1
- NURS 1021 Professional Practice Experience 2
- NURS 1022 Becoming a Professional Nurse
- NURS 1023 Bioscience 1
- NURS 1024 Bioscience 2
- NURS 1025 Person-centred Care Across the Lifespan
- NURS 2001 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health
- NURS 2004 Complex Care 1
- NURS 2008 Graduate Entry Practice Experience
- NURS 2010 Health Variations 1 - Perioperative
- NURS 2013 Health Variations 2 - Chronic Illness and Disability
- NURS 2014 Health Variations 2 Advanced - Chronic Illness and Disability
- NURS 2016 Health Variations 3 - Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Conditions
- NURS 2018 Legal and Ethical Issues in Midwifery
- NURS 2022 Midwifery Knowledge 3
- NURS 2025 Midwifery Professional Practice 3
- NURS 2026 Midwifery Professional Practice 4
- NURS 2028 Professional Practice Experience 3
- NURS 2029 Professional Practice Experience 4
- NURS 2031 Promoting Mental Health and Wellbeing 1
- NURS 2034 Research for Nursing (Advanced)
- NURS 2035 Research for Nursing and Midwifery
- NURS 2036 Evidence-Based Practice for Nursing and Midwifery
- NURS 2037 Health Variations 1 - Introduction to Alterations in Health
- NURS 2038 Health Variations 2 - Chronic Conditions and Disability
- NURS 2039 Indigenous Australian Health, Wellness and Culture
- NURS 2040 Pharmacology in Nursing
- NURS 2041 Promoting Mental Health and Wellbeing
- NURS 2042 Psychosocial Issues in the Perinatal Period
- NURS 2043 Pharmacology and Microbiology for Midwifery
- NURS 3001 Being a Professional Nurse (Advanced)
- NURS 3002 Being a Professional Nurse or Midwife
- NURS 3003 Clinical Leadership and Professional Relationships
- NURS 3004 Clinical Leadership in Nursing (Advanced)
- NURS 3005 Collaborative Care
- NURS 3006 Complex Care 2
- NURS 3007 Contemporary Issues in Child and Adolescent Health
- NURS 3014 Health Variations 4 (Advanced) - Acute Life Threatening Conditions
- NURS 3015 Health Variations 4 - Acute Life Threatening Conditions
- NURS 3017 Health Variations 5 - Palliative and End of Life Care
- NURS 3022 Maintaining Clinical Currency
- NURS 3023 Maternal and Infant Health Care
- NURS 3025 Midwifery Practice - Global Maternal Health
- NURS 3030 Midwifery Professional Practice 5
- NURS 3031 Midwifery Professional Practice 6
- NURS 3032 Professional Practice Experience 5
- NURS 3033 Professional Practice Experience 6
- NURS 3034 Promoting Mental Health and Wellbeing 2
- NURS 3035 Promoting Mental Health and Wellbeing 2 (Advanced)
- NURS 3036 Psychosocial Issues in the Perinatal Period
- NURS 3037 Risk Mitigation and Ethics for Australian Health Professionals
- NURS 3039 Professional Experience Placement
- NURS 3040 Foundations of Nursing Practice
- NURS 3041 Indigenous Australian Health, Wellness and Culture
- NURS 3043 Midwife as a Facilitator of Learning
- NURS 3044 Professional Experience Placement (PEP) Currency (UG)
- NURS 3045 Cultural Immersion Experience (UG)
- NURS 4001 Methods and Methodologies in Midwifery Research
- NURS 4002 Midwifery Honours Thesis (Part-Time)
- NURS 4003 Midwifery Honours Thesis A (Full-time)
- NURS 4004 Midwifery Honours Thesis B (Full-time)
- NURS 4005 Midwifery Research
- NURS 4006 Nursing Honours Thesis (Part-time)
- NURS 4007 Nursing Honours Thesis A (Full-time)
- NURS 4008 Nursing Honours Thesis B (Full-time)
- NURS 4009 Readings and Methodology
- NURS 4010 Research in Nursing Practice
- NURS 5001 Child and Family Health Practice: Supporting Growth and Development
- NURS 5002 Clinical Practice: Infant and Child Nutrition and Feeding
- NURS 5003 Perinatal, Infant and Child Mental Health
- NURS 5004 Contemporary Issues in Child and Adolescent Health
- NURS 5005 Waluwin: Health across the lifespan for Mob
- NURS 5006 Maternal and Infant Health Care
- NURS 6001 Clinical Supervision in Health Care
- NURS 7001 Advanced Clinical Practice in Mental Health Nursing
- NURS 7002 Advanced practice: Infant and Child feeding and Nutrition
- NURS 7003 Applied Clinical Practice using Simulation
- NURS 7004 Applied Research in Health Care
- NURS 7005 Assessment for Advanced Practice Mental Health Nurses
- NURS 7006 Biological Considerations in Mental Health and Mental Illness for Advanced Practice
- NURS 7007 Bioscience for Midwifery Practice
- NURS 7009 Child and Family Health Practice: Supporting Growth and Development
- NURS 7010 Child and Family Health: Professional Practice and Frameworks
- NURS 7011 Childbirth in the Australian Context
- NURS 7012 Clinical Practice: Infant and Child Nutrition and Feeding
- NURS 7013 Clinical Supervision in Health Care
- NURS 7014 Clinical Teaching and Professional Development
- NURS 7015 Clinical Teaching for Learning
- NURS 7016 Collaborative Inquiry for Primary Health Care Action
- NURS 7017 Complex Care
- NURS 7018 Contemporary Professional Practice in Mental Health Nursing
- NURS 7019 Cultural and Social Diversity in Health Care
- NURS 7020 Essentials in Vascular Access
- NURS 7021 Essentials of Best Practice in Midwifery
- NURS 7022 Ethics in Health Research
- NURS 7023 Evidence Based Health Care
- NURS 7025 Health Promotion and the Nurse
- NURS 7026 Healthy Families and Communities
- NURS 7027 Infant Mental Health
- NURS 7028 Leadership in Clinical Practice
- NURS 7029 Mental Health Assessment and Application
- NURS 7030 Mental Health Nursing Practice 1
- NURS 7031 Mental Health Nursing Practice 2
- NURS 7032 Mental Health for Communities
- NURS 7034 Midwifery Practice 1
- NURS 7035 Midwifery Practice 2
- NURS 7036 Midwifery Practice 3
- NURS 7037 Midwifery as a Profession
- NURS 7038 Partnership in Practice
- NURS 7040 Perspectives on Nursing
- NURS 7041 Psychopharmacology for Advanced Practice Mental Health Nurses
- NURS 7042 Research Project in Health Care
- NURS 7043 Scholarship for Practice Change in Health Care
- NURS 7045 Writing for Publication
- NURS 7048 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Maternal and Newborn Health
- NURS 7049 Care of People with Tuberculosis (TB)
- NURS 7050 Clinical Management of Tuberculosis (TB)
- NURS 7051 Complex Midwifery Care
- NURS 7052 Complex Midwifery Practice
- NURS 7053 Foundations of Antenatal and Birth Care
- NURS 7054 Foundations of Postnatal and Newborn Care
- NURS 7055 Perinatal, Infant and Child Mental Health
- NURS 7056 Preparation for Midwifery Practice
- NURS 7057 Professional Foundations of Midwifery
- NURS 7058 Public Health Management of Tuberculosis (TB)
- NURS 7059 Ageing in Place: Wellbeing and Sustainability
- NURS 7060 Optimising Contribution of Older People
- NURS 7061 Professional Focus: Age-Friendly Future
- NURS 7062 Project Management in Healthcare
- NURS 7064 Clinical Teaching and Workplace Learning for Competent Practice
- NURS 7065 Capstone Experience in Health Care
- NURS 7066 Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Conditions
- NURS 7067 Acute Life-Threatening Conditions
- NURS 7068 Chronic Conditions and Disability
- NURS 7069 Foundations of Nursing Practice
- NURS 7070 Health, Culture and Wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
- NURS 7071 Introduction to Alterations in Health
- NURS 7072 Mental Health Nursing Practice
- NURS 7073 Nursing Practice 1
- NURS 7074 Nursing Practice 2
- NURS 7075 Nursing Practice 3
- NURS 7076 Palliative and End of Life Care
- NURS 7077 Pharmacology Knowledge for Nursing Practice
- NURS 7078 Professional Nursing Practice
- NURS 7079 Transition to Professional Nursing
- NURS 7080 Waluwin: Health across the lifespan for Mob
- NURS 7081 Tuberculosis (TB) Screening and Immunisation
- NURS 7082 Legal and Ethical Requirements to Support Decision Making in Health Care
- NURS 7088 Cultural Immersion Experience (PG)
- NURS 7089 Planetary Health and Environmental Design
- NURS 7090 Professional Experience Placement (PEP) Currency (PG)
- NURS 9001 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Aged Care Nursing
- NURS 9002 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Midwifery
- NURS 9003 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Nursing
- Nursing & Midwifery
- Nursing & Midwifery
- Nursing & Midwifery
- Nursing & Midwifery
- Nursing & Midwifery
- Nursing & Midwifery
- Nursing & Midwifery
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- Nursing & Midwifery
- Nursing (NURS)
- PATH 1080 UG Pathway Credit
- PATH 7010 Level 7 Pathway Credit
- PATH 7020 Level 7 Pathway Credit
- PATH 7030 Level 7 Pathway Credit
- PATH 7040 Level 7 Pathway Credit
- PATH 7050 Level 7 Pathway Credit
- PATH 7060 Level 7 Pathway Credit
- PATH 7070 Level 7 Pathway Credit
- PATH 7080 Level 7 Pathway Credit
- Peace and Development Studies, Major (0027)
- Peace and Development Studies, Minor (0027)
- PERF 1010 Music Performance 1
- PERF 1012 Music Performance 2
- PERF 1014 Music Production
- PERF 1015 Music Theory Fundamentals
- PERF 1016 Popular Music Histories
- PERF 1023 Western Art Music History
- PERF 1024 Music Theory and Songwriting
- PERF 1025 Sound Design
- PERF 2001 Arranging Music
- PERF 2004 Composition and Creativity
- PERF 2011 From Corroborees to Curtain Raisers (Day Mode)
- PERF 2016 Music Group Performance
- PERF 2017 Music and Wellbeing
- PERF 2018 Music, Culture and Discourse
- PERF 2023 The Composer-Performer
- PERF 2026 Advanced Production
- PERF 2027 Electronic Music Production
- PERF 2028 World Music
- PERF 2029 Music Multimedia Project
- PERF 2030 Musicology as a Professional Practice
- PERF 2031 The Music Industry
- PERF 2032 Music-making applications for education and therapy
- PERF 2033 Recording Studio Practices
- PERF 3009 Music Research Methods
- PERF 3013 Music and Analysis
- PERF 3014 Music and Critical Thought
- PERF 3021 Repertoire and Identity in Performance
- PERF 3022 Screen Media Composition
- PERF 3023 Songwriting and Composer Collaborations
- PERF 3026 Applied Professional Music Contexts
- PERF 3027 Interactive Electronic Media and Performance
- PERF 3028 Expanded Performance
- PERF 3029 Intercultural Music Project
- PERF 3030 Performing as a Professional Musician
- PERF 3031 Arranging Music
- PERF 3032 Music and Cultural Frameworks
- PERF 6001 Music Therapy Foundations & Approaches
- PERF 6002 Music Therapy Theory & Practice 1
- PERF 6003 Music Therapy Skills & Practice A
- PERF 6004 Music Therapy Skills & Practice B
- PERF 6005 Music Therapy Skills & Practice C
- PERF 6006 Music Therapy Skills & Practice D
- PERF 7003 Music Therapy Method
- PERF 7004 Music Therapy Professional Practice & Research
- PERF 7007 Music Therapy Theory and Practice 1
- PERF 7008 Music Therapy Theory & Practice 2
- PERF 7009 Music Therapy Skills & Practice A
- PERF 7010 Music Therapy Skills & Practice B
- PERF 7011 Music Therapy Skills & Practice C
- PERF 7012 Music Therapy Skills & Practice D
- PERF 9001 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Music
- PERF 9002 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Performing Arts
- PERF 9003 Higher Degree Research Thesis PT - Music
- Performing Arts (PERF)
- Personal Innovation, Minor (0284)
- PHAR 9001 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- Pharmacology, Minor ( 0341)
- Pharmacy (PHAR)
- PHIL 1001 Ethics and Philosophy
- PHIL 1002 Hadith: The Prophetic Tradition
- PHIL 1003 Hadith: The Prophetic Tradition (WSTC)
- PHIL 1004 Introduction to Logical Thinking
- PHIL 1006 Introduction to Philosophy
- PHIL 1007 Advanced Standing for Studies of Religion 110
- PHIL 1009 Humanity, Technology and Existence
- PHIL 2001 Advanced Standing for Islamic Studies 210
- PHIL 2002 Advanced Standing for Islamic Studies 220
- PHIL 2003 Advanced Standing for Philosophy 210
- PHIL 2004 Advanced Standing for Philosophy 220
- PHIL 2008 Philosophy and the Good Life
- PHIL 2010 The Ethical Life
- PHIL 2011 The Qur'an: An Introduction
- PHIL 2012 The Qur'an: An Introduction (WSTC)
- PHIL 2014 Thinkers That Changed the World
- PHIL 2015 Thinking Cinema
- PHIL 2016 Truth and Knowledge
- PHIL 2017 Western Political Philosophy
- PHIL 2018 Advanced Standing for Studies of Religion 210
- PHIL 3001 Advanced Standing for Islamic Studies 310
- PHIL 3002 Advanced Standing for Islamic Studies 320
- PHIL 3003 Advanced Standing for Philosophy 310
- PHIL 3004 Advanced Standing for Philosophy 320
- PHIL 3005 Aesthetics
- PHIL 3006 Books that Changed how we Think
- PHIL 3008 Classics of Modern Philosophy
- PHIL 3009 Ethical Traditions in Islam
- PHIL 3010 Philosophies of Love and Death
- PHIL 3012 Philosophy and Environment
- PHIL 3015 Philosophy of History
- PHIL 3016 Philosophy of Religion
- PHIL 3017 The Body in Culture
- PHIL 3018 Philosophy of Race and Racism
- PHIL 3019 Thought and Action in Greece and Rome
- PHIL 3020 Advanced Standing for Studies of Religion 310
- PHIL 3021 Humanity, Technology and Existence (Advanced)
- PHIL 7001 Advanced Research Project in Philosophy
- PHIL 7002 Ethics
- PHIL 7003 History of Ideas
- PHIL 7004 Masters Project in Philosophy
- PHIL 7005 Philosophical Aesthetics
- PHIL 7006 Philosophy and Literature
- PHIL 7007 Philosophy of History and Politics
- PHIL 7008 Philosophy of Nature
- PHIL 7009 Philosophy, History and Interpretation
- PHIL 7010 Political Philosophy
- PHIL 7011 Practical Philosophy
- PHIL 7012 Research Project in Philosophy
- PHIL 7013 Special Topics in Philosophy
- PHIL 7014 The Image of Thought: Art, Film and Philosophy
- PHIL 7015 Theoretical Philosophy
- PHIL 7016 Topics in the History of Philosophy
- PHIL 7017 What is Islam?
- Philosophy and Religious (PHIL)
- Philosophy, Major (0028)
- Philosophy, Minor (0028)
- PHYS 0001 Foundation Physics 1 (WSTC Prep)
- PHYS 0002 Foundation Physics 1 (WSTC)
- PHYS 0003 Foundation Physics 2 (WSTC Prep)
- PHYS 0004 Foundation Physics 2 (WSTC)
- PHYS 0006 Physics (WSTC Prep)
- PHYS 1002 Physics 1
- PHYS 1004 Physics 1 (WSTC)
- PHYS 1006 Physics 2
- PHYS 2004 The Cosmos in Perspective: Information and Life
- PHYS 2005 Classical Physics and Advanced Technologies
- PHYS 3001 Astroinformatics
- PHYS 3006 Classical Physics
- PHYS 3007 Quantum Physics
- PHYS 3008 Biomedical Physics
- PHYS 7001 A Cosmic Perspective
- PHYS 7002 Space Instrumentation, Technology and Communication
- PHYS 7003 Space Science, Planetary Science and Meteorology
- PHYS 9001 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Physics
- Physical Activity and Health, Minor (0257)
- Physics and Astronomy (PHYS)
- Place Management and Planning, Major (0304)
- Planning and Place Making, Major (0321)
- POLI 1001 Australian Politics
- POLI 1002 Introduction to International Relations
- POLI 1003 Introduction to International Relations (WSTC)
- POLI 1007 World Politics and International Relations
- POLI 1008 World Politics and International Relations (WSTC)
- POLI 2001 Advanced Standing for International Relations and Asian Studies 210
- POLI 2002 Advanced Standing for International Relations and Asian Studies 220
- POLI 2003 Advanced Standing for Politics 210
- POLI 2004 Advanced Standing for Politics 220
- POLI 2006 Politics of Australia and Asia Relations
- POLI 2008 Transnational Diplomacy
- POLI 3001 Activism, Engagement and Social Change
- POLI 3002 Advanced Standing for International Relations and Asian Studies 310
- POLI 3003 Advanced Standing for International Relations and Asian Studies 320
- POLI 3004 American Foreign Policy Since 1945
- POLI 3005 Democracy in Asia
- POLI 3006 International Organisations and Global Governance
- POLI 3007 International Relations of Southeast Asia
- POLI 3008 International Special Study
- POLI 3009 Looking at Global Politics Through Film
- POLI 3010 Politics of Post-War Japan
- POLI 3012 The Politics of Civilisation
- POLI 3014 War and Peace
- POLI 3016 International Relations Project
- POLI 7001 Development and Security
- POLI 7002 Translation from Theory and Research to Policy
- POLI 9001 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Political Science and Policy Studies
- Policing, Public Safety and Security, Testamur Major (T066)
- Political Science and Policy (POLI)
- Postgraduate Bridging Program (Architecture) (3768)
- Postgraduate Bridging Program (Social Work) (1874)
- Postgraduate Nursing, Major (0046)
- Power Engineering, Concentration (0121)
- PROC 1002 Food Science 1
- PROC 1003 Food Science 1 (WSTC)
- PROC 1005 Introduction to Food Science and Nutrition
- PROC 1006 Materials Engineering Fundamentals
- PROC 1007 Introduction to Food Science (WSTC)
- PROC 1008 Introduction to Materials Engineering
- PROC 1009 Materials Science in Engineering (WSTC)
- PROC 2001 Food Science 2
- PROC 2002 Innovative Foods
- PROC 2003 Materials Selection and Design
- PROC 3002 Advanced Food Science and Technology
- PROC 3003 Food Product Development
- PROC 3007 Food Innovation and Processing Technologies
- PROC 3008 Materials Processing and Applications
- PROC 4001 Advanced Materials Topics
- PROC 4002 Engineering Materials from Waste
- Process and Resources Eng. (PROC)
- Programs
- Project Management (Generic Program), Major (0063)
- Property, Major (0172)
- Property, Minor (0289)
- Property, Testamur Major (T047)
- Psychological Studies, Major (0029)
- Psychological Studies, Minor (0029)
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
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- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
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- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology Extension, Minor (0186)
- Psychology, Major (0001)
- Psychology, Testamur Major (T133)
- PUBH 0001 Empowering Individual Health (WSTC Prep)
- PUBH 1005 Foundations of Wellbeing
- PUBH 1006 Population Health and Society
- PUBH 1007 Population Health and Society (WSTC)
- PUBH 1008 Professional Pathways in Health Science
- PUBH 1009 Professional Pathways in Health Science (WSTC)
- PUBH 1010 Health Promotion Theory and Approaches
- PUBH 1011 Promoting Health Collaboratively in Communities
- PUBH 1012 Public Health
- PUBH 1013 Health Promotion Theory and Approaches (UG Cert)
- PUBH 1014 Public Health (UG Cert)
- PUBH 1015 People, Health and Society (WSTC)
- PUBH 2001 Approaches to Health Promotion
- PUBH 2002 Approaches to Health Promotion (WSTC)
- PUBH 2003 Bugs and Drugs
- PUBH 2004 Clinical Classification and Coding
- PUBH 2005 Culture, Diversity and Health
- PUBH 2006 Culture, Diversity and Health (WSTC)
- PUBH 2010 Epidemiology
- PUBH 2012 Health Care Systems
- PUBH 2015 Mental Health in the Community (Block Mode)
- PUBH 2016 Public Health
- PUBH 2018 Culture Diversity and Health (UG Cert)
- PUBH 2020 Epidemiology for Public Health
- PUBH 3003 Contemporary Issues in Public Health
- PUBH 3005 Disaster and Emergency Management
- PUBH 3007 Disease Prevention and Control
- PUBH 3008 Drugs in Sport
- PUBH 3010 Health Planning Project
- PUBH 3011 Health Politics, Policy and Planning
- PUBH 3012 Health Promotion Practice 1
- PUBH 3013 Health Promotion Practice 2
- PUBH 3014 Injury Prevention
- PUBH 3017 Occupational Health and Safety
- PUBH 3018 Professional Transition Project
- PUBH 3019 Public Health Practice
- PUBH 3020 Work Health and Safety
- PUBH 3021 Air Pollution & Control
- PUBH 3022 Advances and Challenges in Health Promotion
- PUBH 3023 Evidence in Professional Reasoning
- PUBH 3024 Harm Minimisation and Prevention
- PUBH 3025 Health Policy and Advocacy
- PUBH 3026 Health Promotion Planning and Implementation
- PUBH 3027 Public Health in a Changing World
- PUBH 3028 Transforming Health
- PUBH 4001 Evidence in Professional Reasoning (Honours)
- PUBH 4002 Honours Thesis in Health Science (F/T)
- PUBH 4003 Honours Thesis in Health Science (P/T Year 1)
- PUBH 4004 Honours Thesis in Health Science (P/T Year 2)
- PUBH 5001 Infectious Diseases and Outbreak Response
- PUBH 6001 Epidemiology of Climate Change
- PUBH 6002 Systems Science and Population Health
- PUBH 6003 Applied Clinical Epidemiology
- PUBH 6004 Applied Epidemiology Research Design
- PUBH 6005 Applied Epidemiology Project
- PUBH 7001 Advanced Health Classifications and Coding
- PUBH 7002 Analytic Approaches in Epidemiology
- PUBH 7003 Approaches to Epidemiology
- PUBH 7005 Controversies in Epidemiology
- PUBH 7006 Data Management and Programming for Epidemiology
- PUBH 7007 Disaster and Emergency Management (PG)
- PUBH 7008 Environmental Epidemiology
- PUBH 7009 Epidemiology and Quantitative Methods
- PUBH 7010 Epidemiology of Non-Communicable Diseases
- PUBH 7011 Health Advancement and Health Promotion
- PUBH 7012 Health Economics and Comparative Health Systems
- PUBH 7013 Health Promotion: A Primary Health Care Approach
- PUBH 7014 Health and Socio-political Issues in Aged Care
- PUBH 7015 Introduction to Clinical Epidemiology
- PUBH 7016 Introduction to Epidemiology
- PUBH 7017 Leadership and the Development of Organisational Capacity
- PUBH 7018 Leadership for Quality and Safety in Health Care
- PUBH 7019 Occupational Health Management
- PUBH 7020 Policy, Power and Politics in Health Care Provision
- PUBH 7021 Primary Health Care and its Applications
- PUBH 7022 Public Health, Policy and Society
- PUBH 7023 Safe and Sustainable Construction
- PUBH 7024 Safety and Risk Management
- PUBH 7025 Statistical Methods in Epidemiology
- PUBH 7026 Supporting Aged Communities
- PUBH 7027 Supporting Individuals and Communities in Crisis
- PUBH 7028 Surveillance and Disaster Planning
- PUBH 7029 Digital Health Management
- PUBH 7030 Health Systems Planning and Evaluation
- PUBH 7031 Health Systems and Policy
- PUBH 7032 Patient-centred digital healthcare
- PUBH 7033 The Social Determinants of Health
- PUBH 7034 Workplace Safety and Risk Management
- PUBH 9001 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Community Health
- PUBH 9002 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Public Health
- Public Health, Major (0055)
- Public Health, Minor (0055)
- Public Health Nutrition, Testamur Major (T068)
- Public Health (PUBH)
- Public Health Studies, Major (0297)
- Public Health, Testamur Major (T021)
- Public Relations, Major (0160)
- Public Relations, Minor (0160)
- RADI 5001 Physics for Diagnostic Ultrasound
- RADI 6001 Pathophysiology in Diagnostic Ultrasound
- RADI 6002 Research Foundations for Sonography
- RADI 7001 Advanced Principles and Practice of Sonography
- RADI 7002 Practice of Cardiac Sonography 1
- RADI 7003 Practice of Cardiac Sonography 2
- RADI 7004 Practice of Cardiac Sonography 3
- RADI 7005 Practice of Cardiac Sonography 4
- RADI 7006 Principles of Cardiac Sonography 1
- RADI 7007 Principles of Cardiac Sonography 2
- RADI 7008 Principles of Cardiac Sonography 3
- RADI 7009 Principles of Cardiac Sonography 4
- RADI 7010 Research Project in Cardiac Sonography
- RADI 7011 Practice of Vascular Sonography 1
- RADI 7012 Practice of Vascular Sonography 2
- RADI 7013 Practice of Vascular Sonography 3
- RADI 7014 Practice of Vascular Sonography 4
- RADI 7015 Principles of Vascular Sonography 1
- RADI 7016 Principles of Vascular Sonography 2
- RADI 7017 Principles of Vascular Sonography 3
- RADI 7018 Principles of Vascular Sonography 4
- RADI 7019 Practice of Obstetric and Gynecological (O&G) Sonography 1
- RADI 7020 Practice of Obstetric and Gynecological (O&G) Sonography 2
- RADI 7021 Practice of Obstetric and Gynecological (O&G) Sonography 3
- RADI 7022 Practice of Obstetric and Gynecological (O&G) Sonography 4
- RADI 7023 Applied Obstetric and Gynecological (O&G) Sonography
- RADI 7024 Applied Vascular Sonography
- RADI 7025 Applied Cardiac Sonography
- Radiography (RADI)
- Recreational Therapy, Testamur Major (T110)
- REHA 1001 Introduction to Occupational Therapy
- REHA 1002 Introduction to Physiotherapy Practice
- REHA 1003 Introduction to Podiatry
- REHA 1004 Occupational Therapy Practice 1
- REHA 1005 Introduction to Speech Pathology Practice
- REHA 1006 Communication and Mealtime Foundations
- REHA 1007 Foundations of Recreational Therapy
- REHA 1008 Introduction to Leisure and Recreation Theory
- REHA 1009 Introduction to Leisure and Recreation Theory (UG Cert)
- REHA 2001 Core Competencies in Physiotherapy Practice
- REHA 2002 Introduction to Leisure and Recreation Theory
- REHA 2003 Musculoskeletal Disorders and Imaging
- REHA 2004 Occupational Therapy Practice 2
- REHA 2005 Pathomechanics and Podiatric Medicine
- REHA 2006 People, Environment and Occupations
- REHA 2007 Podiatry Pre-Clinical
- REHA 2009 Workplace Learning 1 (Therapeutic Recreation)
- REHA 2010 Adult Speech and Language
- REHA 2012 Speech Impairments in Children
- REHA 2013 Speech and Hearing Across the Lifespan
- REHA 2014 Recreational Therapy Assessment and Documentation
- REHA 2015 Recreational Therapy Process and Planning
- REHA 2016 Hearing, Speech and Swallowing Science
- REHA 2017 Communication Changes Across the Lifespan
- REHA 2018 Elements of Language: Analysis and Application
- REHA 2019 Optimising Communication for Adults
- REHA 2020 Optimising Communication for Children
- REHA 3001 Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy
- REHA 3002 Child and Adolescent Occupations
- REHA 3003 Clinical Education (General)
- REHA 3004 Clinical Education A (Acute Care)
- REHA 3005 Clinical Exercise Physiology 1
- REHA 3006 Ergonomics and Work Occupations
- REHA 3007 Exercise Prescription II
- REHA 3009 Exercise Rehabilitation
- REHA 3010 Exercise for Health and Disease Prevention
- REHA 3012 Exercise in Musculo-Skeletal Rehabilitation
- REHA 3013 Intersections of Health, Leisure and Wellbeing
- REHA 3014 Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy
- REHA 3015 Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy A
- REHA 3016 Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy B
- REHA 3017 Neurological Physiotherapy
- REHA 3018 Neurological Rehabilitation
- REHA 3019 Occupation and Ageing
- REHA 3020 Occupation and Mental Health
- REHA 3021 Occupation and Neurology
- REHA 3022 Occupation and the Environment
- REHA 3023 Occupational Therapy Clinical Practice 3b
- REHA 3024 Occupational Therapy Practice 3
- REHA 3025 Occupational Therapy Process
- REHA 3027 Pharmacology for Podiatrists
- REHA 3028 Podiatric Practice 1
- REHA 3029 Podiatric Practice 2
- REHA 3030 Podiatric Surgery
- REHA 3031 Podiatric Techniques 1A
- REHA 3032 Podiatric Techniques 1B
- REHA 3033 Podiatric Techniques 2A
- REHA 3034 Podiatric Techniques 2B
- REHA 3035 Therapeutic Recreation Professional Project
- REHA 3036 Workplace Learning 2 (Community Placement)
- REHA 3037 Clinical Practice 1
- REHA 3038 Clinical Practice 2
- REHA 3039 Fluency and Voice
- REHA 3040 Swallowing Assessment and Management
- REHA 3041 Facilitation in Recreational Therapy
- REHA 3042 Health Practice Management
- REHA 3043 Recreational Therapy Internship
- REHA 3044 Shaping the Future of Recreational Therapy
- REHA 3045 Communication Access in Communities
- REHA 3046 Optimising Mealtimes Across the Lifespan
- REHA 3047 Speech Pathologists Working with Adults, Families and Communities
- REHA 3048 Speech Pathologists Working with Children, Families and Communities
- REHA 3049 Speech Pathology Practice 1
- REHA 3050 Speech Pathology Practice 2
- REHA 3051 Leisure Education Programming and Mental Health (UG Cert)
- REHA 4001 Clinical Education B (Rehabilitation)
- REHA 4002 Clinical Education C (Ambulatory Care)
- REHA 4003 Clinical Education D (Paediatrics)
- REHA 4004 Clinical Education E (Advanced Care)
- REHA 4005 Clinical and Professional Practice (Honours)
- REHA 4006 Complex Cases and Professional Issues
- REHA 4007 Dermatology and Gerontology
- REHA 4008 Integrating Research into Physiotherapy Practice
- REHA 4009 Occupational Justice
- REHA 4010 Occupational Therapy Practice 4A
- REHA 4011 Occupational Therapy Practice 4B
- REHA 4012 Occupational Therapy Project
- REHA 4013 Occupational Therapy Specialties
- REHA 4014 Paediatric Physiotherapy
- REHA 4015 Physiotherapy for Chronic Illness and Disease
- REHA 4016 Podiatric Clinical Block
- REHA 4017 Podiatric Paediatrics and Sports Medicine
- REHA 4018 Podiatric Practice 3
- REHA 4019 Podiatric Practice 4
- REHA 4020 Podiatric Professional Practice Studies
- REHA 4021 The High Risk Foot
- REHA 4022 Alternative and Augmentative Communication Systems
- REHA 4023 Clinical Practice 3
- REHA 4024 Clinical Practice 4
- REHA 4025 Complex Communication Needs
- REHA 4026 Professional Issues
- REHA 4027 Innovative Speech Pathology Practice
- REHA 4028 Speech Pathology Practice 3
- REHA 4029 Speech Pathology Practice 4
- REHA 4030 Speech Pathology Professional Issues
- REHA 4031 Honours Research 1
- REHA 4032 Honours Research 2
- REHA 4033 Honours Research 2 (Podiatric Medicine)
- REHA 4034 Occupational Therapy Clinical Practice 4
- REHA 4035 Occupational Therapy Practice 4 (Honours)
- REHA 7001 Clinical Education B (Rehabilitation)
- REHA 7002 Clinical Education C (Ambulatory Care)
- REHA 7003 Clinical Education D (Paediatrics)
- REHA 7004 Clinical Education E (Advanced Care)
- REHA 7005 Complex Cases and Professional Issues
- REHA 7007 Integrating Research into Physiotherapy Practice
- REHA 7008 Introduction to Podiatry and Clinical Education
- REHA 7009 Neurological Physiotherapy Practice
- REHA 7010 Occupational Justice
- REHA 7011 Occupational Therapy Practice 4
- REHA 7012 Occupational Therapy Practice 4 (Honours)
- REHA 7013 Occupational Therapy Practice 4 Workshop
- REHA 7014 Occupational Therapy Project
- REHA 7015 Occupational Therapy Specialties
- REHA 7016 Occupational Therapy Theory and Practice
- REHA 7017 Paediatric Physiotherapy
- REHA 7018 Physiotherapy for Chronic Illness and Disease
- REHA 7019 Podiatric Clinical Block
- REHA 7020 Podiatric Clinical Block for Honours Students
- REHA 7023 Podiatric Professional Practice Studies
- REHA 7024 Podiatric Techniques 3A
- REHA 7025 Podiatric Techniques 3B
- REHA 7026 Podiatric Techniques 3C
- REHA 7027 Research into Practice: bridging the clinician-researcher divide in applied and creative therapies
- REHA 9001 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Art Therapy
- REHA 9002 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Chiropractic and Osteopathy
- REHA 9003 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Occupational Therapy
- REHA 9004 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Physiotherapy
- REHA 9005 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Podiatry
- REHA 9006 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Rehabilitation Therapies
- Rehabilitation Therapies (REHA)
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- Responsible Design and Sustainability, Minor (0087)
- Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering, Testamur Major (T104)
- Robotics and Mechatronics, Testamur Major (T037)
- Robotics, Minor (0275)
- Sales and Marketing (MKTG)
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Science
- Screen Media Design, Minor (0204)
- Screen Media, Major (0268)
- Screen Media, Minor (0268)
- Search Subjects
- Secondary Aboriginal Studies Education, Major (0368)
- Secondary Agriculture Education, Major (0362)
- Secondary Ancient History Education, Major (0352)
- Secondary Arabic Education, Major (0371)
- Secondary Biology Education, Major (0348)
- Secondary Business Studies Education, Major (0353)
- Secondary Chemistry Education, Major (0349)
- Secondary Chinese Education, Major (0372)
- Secondary Design & Technology Education, Major (0374)
- Secondary EALD Education, Major (0363)
- Secondary Earth & Environmental Science Education, Major (0375)
- Secondary Education, Major (0272)
- Secondary English Education (Further Studies), Major (0369)
- Secondary English Education, Major (0354)
- Secondary Enterprise Computing Education, Major (0376)
- Secondary Food Technology Education, Major (0364)
- Secondary Geography Education, Major (0355)
- Secondary Industrial Technology (Graphics & Multimedia) Education, Major (0377)
- Secondary Industrial Technology (Metal & Timber) Education, Major (0379)
- Secondary Japanese Education, Major (0373)
- Secondary Mathematics Education, Major (0350)
- Secondary Mathematics/Physics Education, Major (0365)
- Secondary Modern History Education, Major (0351)
- Secondary Music Education (Further Studies), Major (0367)
- Secondary Music Education, Major (0366)
- Secondary PDHPE Education (Further Studies), Major (0357)
- Secondary PDHPE Education, Major (0356)
- Secondary Society & Culture Education, Major (0370)
- Secondary Software Engineering Education, Major (0378)
- Secondary Teaching, Major (0164)
- Secondary Teaching, Testamur Major (T119)
- Social Ecology, Minor (0215)
- Social Media Analytics, Minor (0147)
- Social Research, Minor (0259)
- Social Science International Placement, Minor (0333)
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
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- Social Sciences
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- Social Sciences
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- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
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- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences, Major (0216)
- Sociology, Major (0030)
- Sociology, Minor (0030)
- Software Development, Minor (0329)
- Software Development, Testamur Major (T148)
- Software Engineering, Testamur Major (T105)
- Sound Production, Minor (0242)
- Space Science, Testamur Major (T030)
- Split Teaching Responsibility
- Split Teaching Responsibility
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- Split Teaching Responsibility
- Split Teaching Responsibility
- Sport and Recreation (SPRT)
- Sport Development, Minor (0254)
- Sport, Events and Tourism, Major (0303)
- Sport Management, Testamur Major (T045)
- SPRT 1001 Fundamentals of Exercise Science
- SPRT 1002 Fundamentals of Exercise Science (WSTC)
- SPRT 1005 Outdoor Recreation
- SPRT 1006 Outdoor Recreation (WSTC)
- SPRT 1008 Sport for Social Development
- SPRT 1009 Exercise Performance and Health
- SPRT 1010 Sport for Social Development (WSTC)
- SPRT 2002 Exercise Testing and Measurement
- SPRT 2007 PDHPE: Games for Diverse Groups
- SPRT 2009 Professional Development and Work Experience
- SPRT 2011 Sustainability, Tourism and Place
- SPRT 2012 Community Sport Development
- SPRT 2013 Leading Games and Sports
- SPRT 3001 Applied Exercise Science for Personal Trainers and Coaches
- SPRT 3002 Aquatic Sports
- SPRT 3003 Coaching Sport and Recreation Activities
- SPRT 3005 Contemporary Youth Health Issues
- SPRT 3008 Exercise Physiology Across the Lifespan
- SPRT 3011 Sport Development Applied Project
- SPRT 3012 Sport Development Internship B
- SPRT 3014 Sport Management Applied Project
- SPRT 3017 Work Experience in Sport and Exercise Science
- SPRT 3020 Applied Research Project
- SPRT 3021 Sport Development Internship A
- SPRT 3022 Outdoor Education, Sustainability and Health
- SPRT 3023 Meaningful Movement in PE
- SPRT 3024 Contemporary Youth Health
- SPRT 9001 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Sport and Recreation
- Statistics, Minor (0148)
- STEM, Testamur Major (T135)
- Structures, Concentration (0116)
- Structures, Minor (0116)
- Student Learning Unit
- Student Learning Unit
- Student Learning Unit
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- Student Learning Unit
- Studies in Human Society (HUMN)
- Studies of Religion, Minor (0200)
- Subject Descriptions
- Subject Details
- Sustainability Engineering, Concentration (0281)
- Sustainability Engineering, Minor (0281)
- Sustainability Engineering, Testamur Major (T129)
- Sustainability, Tourism and Environment, Major (0305)
- Sustainable Business, Major (0249)
- Sustainable Development, Major (0163)
- Sustainable Environmental Futures, Testamur Major (T120)
- Sustainable Futures, Minor (0035)
- Sustainable Tourism and Visitor Economies, Major (0320)
- Sustainable Tourism Futures (Pathway to Master of Sustainable Tourism and Heritage), Minor (0307)
- Sustainable Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management (Pathway to Master of Sustainable Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management), Minor (0360)
- Sustainable Water Futures, Testamur Major (T152)
- Systems Administration, Minor (0149)
- Systems Programming, Major (0064)
- Systems Security, Minor (0150)
- Taxation, Testamur Major (T023)
- TEAC 0001 English for Academic Purposes (EAP) - UWSCollege
- TEAC 1001 Advanced Standing for Learning in Context 110
- TEAC 1002 Advanced Standing for Learning in Context 120
- TEAC 1005 Children's Digital Worlds
- TEAC 1006 Children's Literature and Digital Texts
- TEAC 1007 Creative Arts for Early Learning
- TEAC 1008 Curriculum and Aboriginal Perspectives
- TEAC 1010 Early Primary Mathematics
- TEAC 1011 Educational Psychology
- TEAC 1012 English as an International Language
- TEAC 1013 Everyday Childhoods
- TEAC 1014 Experience-based Outdoor Education
- TEAC 1015 Exploring Patterns and Relationships in Mathematics 1
- TEAC 1016 Exploring Patterns and Relationships in Mathematics 2
- TEAC 1017 Identity and Voice in Multimodal Texts
- TEAC 1018 Infant and Early Development
- TEAC 1020 Language and Literacy 1
- TEAC 1021 Learning, Teaching and Technologies
- TEAC 1022 Literacy Skills for Teacher Education
- TEAC 1023 Literacy for Educators
- TEAC 1024 Mathematical Patterns and Relationships
- TEAC 1025 Mathematical Patterns and Relationships (WSTC)
- TEAC 1027 Numeracy for Educators
- TEAC 1028 Numeracy for Teaching
- TEAC 1029 Professional Experience 1: Introduction to Classrooms
- TEAC 1030 Science and Engineering in Early Childhood
- TEAC 1031 Sociology for Educators
- TEAC 1032 The Developing Child
- TEAC 1033 The Developing Child (WSTC)
- TEAC 1034 Ways with Words and Images
- TEAC 1035 Advanced Standing for English Teaching Specialisation 110
- TEAC 1036 Advanced Standing for English Teaching Specialisation 120
- TEAC 1037 Exploring Patterns and Relationships in Mathematics
- TEAC 1038 Literacy and Numeracy for Educators
- TEAC 1039 Scientist, Artist, Teacher
- TEAC 1040 Mathematical Patterns and Relationships (Block)
- TEAC 1041 The Developing Child (Block)
- TEAC 1042 Developing Literacy and Numeracy
- TEAC 1043 Information and Communications Technologies for Teaching and Learning
- TEAC 2001 Active and Healthy Childhoods
- TEAC 2002 Advanced Standing for Learning in Context 1 (210)
- TEAC 2003 Advanced Standing for Learning in Context 2 (220)
- TEAC 2004 Being a Teacher
- TEAC 2005 Learning Through Play
- TEAC 2008 Connecting Schools and Communities
- TEAC 2009 Contemporary Childhoods
- TEAC 2010 Contemporary Childhoods (WSTC)
- TEAC 2011 Contemporary Issues in Aboriginal Education
- TEAC 2013 Creative Arts
- TEAC 2014 Cultural Diversity, Society and Learning
- TEAC 2015 Diversity and Difference
- TEAC 2017 Education and Transformation
- TEAC 2018 Education for Sustainability
- TEAC 2020 Educational Psychology for Teaching Children
- TEAC 2021 Early Childhood Curriculum and Pedagogy
- TEAC 2023 Engaging in Early Childhood Education
- TEAC 2024 Engaging with Children, Families, Colleagues and Communities
- TEAC 2025 English Language Analysis
- TEAC 2026 Ethical Practice
- TEAC 2029 Fundamentals for Working Mathematically
- TEAC 2030 Health and Physical Education
- TEAC 2031 History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship
- TEAC 2032 Inclusive Education Practices
- TEAC 2033 Indigenous Landscapes and Sustainability
- TEAC 2034 Language Assessment and Testing
- TEAC 2036 Learning Futures and Curriculum Integration
- TEAC 2037 Learning and Creativity
- TEAC 2038 Learning in Community Contexts
- TEAC 2043 Numeracy and Mathematics in the Early Years
- TEAC 2044 Outdoor Learning and Sustainability in the Primary Years
- TEAC 2046 Pedagogy and Praxis in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education
- TEAC 2048 Professional Experience 1: Working in Classrooms
- TEAC 2049 Professional Experience 2: School-based Learning
- TEAC 2052 Science and Technology
- TEAC 2053 Science and Technology in the Primary Years
- TEAC 2054 Scientific Discovery and Invention
- TEAC 2055 TESOL Teaching Methodology
- TEAC 2056 Teaching Art in the Early Years
- TEAC 2057 Teaching English as an Additional Language in Primary Schools
- TEAC 2058 Wellbeing and Promoting Positive Learning Environments
- TEAC 2060 Developing Aboriginal Languages K-6
- TEAC 2061 Teaching K-6: Pedagogies, Priorities and Capabilities
- TEAC 2062 Teachers as Change Makers
- TEAC 2063 History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship in the Primary Years
- TEAC 2064 Contemporary Childhoods (Block)
- TEAC 2065 Digital Childhoods
- TEAC 2067 Being a Teacher (WSTC)
- TEAC 3002 Classroom Inquiry and improving professional practice
- TEAC 3003 Community Responsive Pedagogies and Leadership
- TEAC 3004 Creative Arts in the Primary Years
- TEAC 3005 Critical Literacies
- TEAC 3006 Education in a Cosmopolitan Society
- TEAC 3008 English Language Linguistics
- TEAC 3009 Ethical Futures
- TEAC 3010 Health and Physical Education in the Primary Years
- TEAC 3012 Global and Community Citizenship in Early Childhood
- TEAC 3013 Inclusive Practices
- TEAC 3014 Language and Literacy 2
- TEAC 3015 Language and Literacy in Years 3-6
- TEAC 3016 Language and Literacy in the Early Years
- TEAC 3017 Learning Environments
- TEAC 3019 Numeracy and Mathematics in Years 3-6
- TEAC 3020 Professional Experience 2: Working with Assessment Data for Instruction
- TEAC 3021 Professional Experience 3: Engaging with Diverse Students and Communities
- TEAC 3023 Professional Experience 4: Teaching in Country
- TEAC 3025 Researching Practice
- TEAC 3026 Responsive Pedagogies
- TEAC 3028 Fostering Positive Behaviour in the Early Years
- TEAC 3029 TESOL Curriculum Design
- TEAC 3030 TESOL Placement
- TEAC 3031 The Brain and Learning
- TEAC 3032 Understanding and Teaching in Context
- TEAC 3033 Working and Teaching with Diverse Communities
- TEAC 3036 Data and Assessment in the Primary classroom
- TEAC 3037 Engaging in the Profession
- TEAC 3038 Health and Physical Education 2
- TEAC 3039 Mathematics 1: Geometry, Number and Algebra Years K-6
- TEAC 3040 Professional Experience 3
- TEAC 3041 Science and Technology 2
- TEAC 3043 Reading Children's Literature and Digital Texts
- TEAC 3044 STEM Principles and Practices in the Primary Years
- TEAC 3046 Engaging Pedagogies
- TEAC 3047 Pedagogical Leadership
- TEAC 3048 Creative Arts 2
- TEAC 3049 Mathematics in Early Childhood
- TEAC 3050 Professional Practice Birth - 3 Years
- TEAC 3051 Creativity and Cultural Wellbeing for Communities
- TEAC 3052 Connecting with Regional, Rural and Remote Communities and Schools
- TEAC 4001 Connecting to the Profession
- TEAC 4002 Developing Primary Mathematics
- TEAC 4003 Early Literacies
- TEAC 4004 Leadership, Research and Practice
- TEAC 4006 Professional Experience 4: Transition into the Profession
- TEAC 4007 Primary Professional Experience 4b: Transition into the Profession 2
- TEAC 4009 Professional Practice 3-5 years
- TEAC 4010 Researching Professional Practice
- TEAC 4011 Inclusion in the Early years
- TEAC 4012 Teaching EAL/D Students in the Primary Years
- TEAC 4018 Management and Administration in Early Childhood Settings
- TEAC 5001 Aboriginal Studies Curriculum 1
- TEAC 5002 Aboriginal and Society Studies Curriculum 2
- TEAC 5003 Business Studies/Commerce Curriculum 1
- TEAC 5004 Business Studies/Legal Studies/Economics Curriculum 2
- TEAC 5005 English Curriculum 1
- TEAC 5006 English Curriculum 2
- TEAC 5007 EALD Curriculum 1
- TEAC 5008 EALD Curriculum 2
- TEAC 5009 Geography Curriculum 1
- TEAC 5010 Geography Curriculum 2
- TEAC 5011 HSIE Curriculum 1
- TEAC 5012 HSIE Curriculum 2
- TEAC 5013 History Curriculum 1
- TEAC 5014 History Curriculum 2
- TEAC 5015 Languages Curriculum 1
- TEAC 5016 Languages Curriculum 2
- TEAC 5017 Languages Curriculum 3
- TEAC 5018 Languages Curriculum 4
- TEAC 5019 Mathematics Curriculum 1
- TEAC 5020 Mathematics Curriculum 2
- TEAC 5021 Mathematics Curriculum 3
- TEAC 5022 Mathematics Curriculum 4
- TEAC 5023 Mental Health in Educational Contexts
- TEAC 5024 Music Curriculum 1
- TEAC 5025 Music Curriculum 2
- TEAC 5026 Music Curriculum 3
- TEAC 5027 Music Curriculum 4
- TEAC 5028 PDHPE Curriculum 1
- TEAC 5029 PDHPE Curriculum 2
- TEAC 5030 PDHPE Curriculum 3
- TEAC 5031 PDHPE Curriculum 4
- TEAC 5032 Science Curriculum 1
- TEAC 5033 Science Curriculum 2
- TEAC 5034 Science Curriculum 3
- TEAC 5035 Science Curriculum 4
- TEAC 5036 Technology Curriculum 1
- TEAC 5037 Technology Curriculum 2
- TEAC 5038 Technology Curriculum 3
- TEAC 5039 Technology Curriculum 4
- TEAC 5040 Digital Literacies in Education
- TEAC 5041 Career Education Practice
- TEAC 5042 Supporting Career and Education Aspirations
- TEAC 7001 Aboriginal & Culturally Responsive Pedagogies
- TEAC 7002 Addressing Diversity in Mathematics Teaching and Learning
- TEAC 7003 Addressing Diversity in Science Teaching and Learning
- TEAC 7004 Adolescent Development and Teaching
- TEAC 7005 Advanced Academic English Skills
- TEAC 7007 Advanced Standing for TESOL 740 (PG)
- TEAC 7008 Advanced Standing for TESOL 760 (PG)
- TEAC 7010 Assessing to Support Learning
- TEAC 7011 Assessment and Intervention for Mathematics and Numeracy Learning
- TEAC 7012 Assessment and Intervention for Science Learning
- TEAC 7013 At the cultural interface - learning two ways
- TEAC 7015 Children, Families, Communities
- TEAC 7018 Computational Thinking across the STEM Curriculum
- TEAC 7020 Contemporary Teacher Leadership
- TEAC 7022 Creative Teaching and Learning
- TEAC 7023 Culture, Subjectivities and Schooling
- TEAC 7025 Curriculum for Under Threes
- TEAC 7026 Designing Curriculum Futures
- TEAC 7027 Designing Teaching and Learning
- TEAC 7029 Disability in Context
- TEAC 7030 Diverse Literacies
- TEAC 7032 Diversity, Social Justice and Schooling
- TEAC 7037 Early Learning Environments
- TEAC 7038 Working Mathematically 1: Exploring Connections
- TEAC 7041 Effective Working Relationships
- TEAC 7043 Engaging Communities
- TEAC 7044 English Linguistics for TESOL
- TEAC 7051 Inclusive Environments
- TEAC 7057 Becoming an Exemplary Teacher
- TEAC 7061 Leadership and Management
- TEAC 7063 Leadership, Mentoring and Professional Growth
- TEAC 7065 Leading Mathematics in the Primary School
- TEAC 7067 Leading Science in the Primary School
- TEAC 7068 Learning and Teaching in Challenging Contexts
- TEAC 7071 Literacy Connections 1: Understanding and Creating
- TEAC 7072 Managing Challenging and Diverse Behaviour
- TEAC 7074 Mathematics for Contemporary Learners
- TEAC 7076 Multicultural Nonverbal Communication
- TEAC 7082 Pedagogy for Positive Learning Environments
- TEAC 7083 People, Place and Pedagogy
- TEAC 7084 Person-Centred Practice
- TEAC 7087 Pedagogical Leadership: Critically Reflective Practice
- TEAC 7088 Primary Creative Arts
- TEAC 7089 Primary English and Literacy 1
- TEAC 7090 Primary English and Literacy 2
- TEAC 7091 Primary Health and Physical Education
- TEAC 7092 Primary Human Society and its Environment
- TEAC 7093 Primary Mathematics and Numeracy 1
- TEAC 7094 Primary Mathematics and Numeracy 2
- TEAC 7099 Primary Science & Technology
- TEAC 7100 Principles and Practices of Evaluation
- TEAC 7101 Professional Experience (Additional Needs)
- TEAC 7103 Professional Experience 3 - 5 Years
- TEAC 7104 Professional Experience Birth - 2 Years
- TEAC 7106 Professional Experience K - 6
- TEAC 7108 Professional Practice Community Engagement
- TEAC 7111 Professional Project
- TEAC 7112 Prosocial Learning Environments
- TEAC 7114 Research and Professional Practice
- TEAC 7115 Researching Practice
- TEAC 7116 Researching STEM Education for Future Leadership
- TEAC 7119 Researching and Developing Engaging Pedagogies
- TEAC 7120 STEM Pedagogies in Practice
- TEAC 7121 STEM foundations
- TEAC 7122 Science for Contemporary Learners
- TEAC 7140 TESOL Methodology and Curricula
- TEAC 7141 Teaching and Learning in Classrooms
- TEAC 7142 Teaching and Learning with Adults
- TEAC 7144 Technology Assisting Learning
- TEAC 7147 Play, Health and Wellbeing
- TEAC 7148 Transformative Learning
- TEAC 7149 Understanding and Teaching Children
- TEAC 7150 Universal Design for Learning
- TEAC 7151 Applied Mathematics and Science in Secondary STEM Education
- TEAC 7152 Applied Robotics and Programming in Secondary STEM Education
- TEAC 7153 Creating Inclusive Classrooms: Perspectives on Theory, Policy, and Practice
- TEAC 7154 Professional Experience 1 and Pedagogy
- TEAC 7155 Professional Experience 2
- TEAC 7156 Aboriginal Education: Past, Present and Future
- TEAC 7157 Action Research in Teaching
- TEAC 7158 Researching Teaching and Learning
- TEAC 7160 Literacy and Numeracy for Secondary Teaching
- TEAC 7161 Educational Psychology for Learning and Teaching
- TEAC 7162 Children’s Learning and Development
- TEAC 7163 Investigations: Sustainability, Science and Technology
- TEAC 7164 Literacy Connections 2: Communicating, Reading and Writing
- TEAC 7165 Working Mathematically 2: Strengthening Connections
- TEAC 7166 Inclusive Pedagogies
- TEAC 7167 Primary English and Literacy 3
- TEAC 9001 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Teacher Education: Early Childhood
- TEAC 9002 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Teacher Education: Primary
- TEAC 9003 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Teacher Education: Secondary
- Teacher Education (TEAC)
- Technology Entrepreneurship, Major (0261)
- Telecommunication and Biomedical, Testamur Major (T115)
- Telecommunications, Concentration (0120)
- Telecommunications Engineering, Minor (0338)
- Telecommunication, Testamur Major (T075)
- The Academy at WSU
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- The Academy at WSU
- Thermal and Fluid Systems, Concentration (0126)
- Thermal and Fluid Systems, Minor (0126)
- TOUR 1002 Tourism and Global Trends
- TOUR 1003 Global Trends in Tourism and Events
- TOUR 2001 Issues in Contemporary Heritage
- TOUR 2003 Managing Sustainable Places
- TOUR 2004 Tourism and Festivals in Society
- TOUR 3001 Tourism, Events and Technology
- TOUR 3002 Cultural Tourism and Events
- TOUR 3003 Visitor Economy Professional Placement
- TOUR 3004 Destination Management
- TOUR 3005 Tourism Policy and Planning
- TOUR 3006 Festivals and Events
- TOUR 5001 Sustainable Tourism and Heritage
- TOUR 5002 Frontiers in Sustainable Tourism Practice and Places
- TOUR 6001 Tourism, Heritage and Events Policy and Governance
- TOUR 6002 Critical Issues for Heritage and Tourism Futures: Assessed Seminars
- TOUR 6003 Sustainable Visitor Economies
- TOUR 6004 Data Capture and Creative Communication
- TOUR 7001 Sustainable Tourism, Hospitality and Events
- TOUR 7002 Tourism, Hospitality and Event Futures
- TOUR 7003 Sustainable Visitor Economies
- TOUR 7004 Tourism, Hospitality and Events Insights
- TOUR 7005 Tourism, Hospitality and Events Policy and Governance
- TOUR 7006 Contemporary Issues for Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management
- TOUR 7007 Visitor Economy Professional Placement (Postgraduate)
- TOUR 9001 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Tourism
- Tourism, Major (0161)
- Tourism Management, Major (0302)
- Tourism Management, Minor (0302)
- Tourism (TOUR)
- Translational Health Research
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- Translational Health Research
- Tuberculosis Management, Testamur Major (T093)
- Water and Environment, Concentration (0118)
- Water and Environment, Minor (0118)
- Water for Life, Minor (0311)
- Web and Mobile Computing, Testamur Major (T010)
- Web Application Development (for Computing Students), Minor (0151)
- WELF 1002 Context of Human Services
- WELF 1003 Human Services Intervention Strategies
- WELF 1004 Human Services Intervention Strategies (WSTC)
- WELF 1007 Mental Health Workforce Training
- WELF 1009 Welfare Field Education 1 (Block Mode)
- WELF 1010 Human Services Intervention Strategies (UG Cert)
- WELF 1011 Introduction to Social Work in Australia
- WELF 1012 Understanding Disability: Historical and Contemporary Frameworks
- WELF 1013 Counselling Foundations (Block)
- WELF 1014 Introduction to Youth Work: History, Theories & Approaches
- WELF 1015 Practicum 1: Foundations in Practice
- WELF 2001 Community Management and Organisations
- WELF 2002 Community Work & Development
- WELF 2003 Community Work and Community Development (Block Mode)
- WELF 2006 Fields of Practice 1
- WELF 2007 Group Work in Social Work
- WELF 2008 Human Rights, Human Services and the Law
- WELF 2009 Human Rights, Human Services and the Law (WSTC)
- WELF 2010 Lifespan Development and the Human Services
- WELF 2011 Management and Community Organisations (Block Mode)
- WELF 2017 Working with Individuals and Families
- WELF 2018 Working with Individuals and Families (Block Mode)
- WELF 3001 Child Abuse as a Social Issue
- WELF 3002 Child Abuse as a Social Issue (Block Mode)
- WELF 3003 Community Engaged Learning
- WELF 3005 Families and Sustainable Communities (Block Mode)
- WELF 3006 Family Violence: Policy and Practice
- WELF 3007 Leadership, Alliances, Sustainability (Block Mode)
- WELF 3008 Learning through Indigenous Australian Community Service (Day Mode)
- WELF 3009 Managing Offenders in the Community
- WELF 3011 Professional Practice in Aged Care and Disability
- WELF 3013 Social Work and Health
- WELF 3014 Social Work and Social Policy
- WELF 3016 Theory and Critique of Welfare Practice (Block Mode)
- WELF 3017 Understanding needs within Indigenous Australian Communities
- WELF 3019 Welfare Field Education 2 (Block Mode)
- WELF 3020 Field Education 1
- WELF 3021 Disability Rights, Policy and Governance
- WELF 3022 Disability and Sexuality
- WELF 3023 Indigenous Disability and Inclusion
- WELF 3024 Professional Practice in Aged Care and Disability (UG Cert)
- WELF 4001 Contemporary Social Work Practice
- WELF 4002 Counselling and Consultation
- WELF 4005 Field Education 2
- WELF 4006 Ideologies of Practice in Social Work
- WELF 4007 Practice skills for social work
- WELF 4008 Professional Decision Making in Social Work
- WELF 6001 Ethics and Diversity in Counselling
- WELF 7001 Clinical Studies (Art Therapy)
- WELF 7002 Clinical Studies in Psychotherapy and Counselling
- WELF 7003 Contextualised Practice
- WELF 7006 Counselling and Psychotherapy Practice
- WELF 7007 Critical Social Work Practice
- WELF 7008 Ethics and Diversity in Research and Therapy
- WELF 7009 Foundations of Psychotherapy and Counselling 1
- WELF 7010 Foundations of Psychotherapy and Counselling 2
- WELF 7011 Further Clinical Studies (Art Therapy)
- WELF 7012 Further Clinical Studies in Psychotherapy and Counselling
- WELF 7013 Integrated Practice 1: Self and Story
- WELF 7014 Integrated Practices 2: Affliction and Recovery
- WELF 7016 Integrated Practices 4: Self and Relationships
- WELF 7017 Integrated Project
- WELF 7018 Leadership in Organisations
- WELF 7019 Power and Marginalisation
- WELF 7020 Practising Research and Researching Practice
- WELF 7021 Social Work (Qualifying) Field Education 1
- WELF 7022 Social Work (Qualifying) Field Education 2
- WELF 7023 Social Work Practice Methods 1
- WELF 7024 Social Work Practice Methods 2
- WELF 7029 Indigenous Australia: History, Knowledge and Professional Practice
- WELF 7030 Research for Social Work Practice
- WELF 7031 Theories and Knowledges for Social Work
- WELF 7032 Counselling Skills for the Allied Professions
- WELF 9001 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Care for the Disabled
- WELF 9002 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Care for the Aged
- WELF 9003 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Human Welfare Studies and Services
- WELF 9004 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Social Work
- WELF 9005 Higher Degree Research Thesis - Youth Work
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