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TEAC 7030 Diverse Literacies
From 2020 students should note that core subjects are now taught in semesters rather than half yearly sessions. This subject increases students' understandings of the impact of globalisation, new technologies and the diversity of Australian languages and dialects on children's literacy practices. It provides opportunities for students to develop insights into the importance of languages and cultures in children's identity formation, particularly in relation to the importance of the home language and dialect for bilingual and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children. Contemporary social theories of diversity and difference and frameworks of literacy and languages learning will be introduced to students and the links between theory and practice will be applied. Students will have the opportunity to investigate the literacy practices in diverse family and community contexts and apply literacy-enriched play and pedagogies to extend languages learning and literacy for all children.
TEAC 7030 Diverse Literacies
TEAC 7030 Diverse Literacies 102101
Master of Interpreting and Translation (1777)
...subjects: TEAC 7005 Advanced Academic English Skills TEAC...unable to pass LANG 7030 Preparation for NAATI...